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Connect to the glasses and retrieve device status


The device_connect example shows how to connect to your Project Aria device using the Client SDK and retrieve:

  • Device status, such as such as battery level, Wi-Fi SSID or Wi-Fi IP address
  • Device information, such as the device serial number or device model

Running the sample

In your terminal, from the samples directory, run:

python -m device_connect

You should then see:

[AriaSdk:DeviceControllerImpl][INFO]: Connecting to device <serial_number> using ADB
[AriaSdk:DeviceClientImpl][INFO]: Connection established with device <serial_number>
Aria Device Status: battery level 100, wifi ssid <xxxxxxxx> , wifi ip <192.168.xx.xx>, mode DeviceMode.Partner
Aria Device Info: model Aria, serial <serial_number>
Aria Device Connected, disconnecting

Code walkthrough

1. Create and configure a Device Client

DeviceClient allow you to connect to Project Aria glasses over Wi-Fi or USB.

device_client = aria.DeviceClient()

By default, DeviceClient connects to Aria glasses over USB. To connect to glasses over Wi-Fi, configure the DeviceClient by creating a DeviceClientConfig, setting ip_v4_address and setting the config.

client_config = aria.DeviceClientConfig()
if args.ip_address:
client_config.ip_v4_address = args.ip_address

Get your Aria glasses' IP address from the Mobile Companion App by tapping Wi-Fi on the Dashboard.

2. Connect to a Device

Connect to the Aria glasses and retrieve a Device instance. An Exception will be thrown if the connection is not successful.

device = device_client.connect()

3. Fetch device status and information

We can then obtain the device status and information:

status = device.status
"Aria Device Status: battery level {0}, wifi ssid {1}, wifi ip {2}, mode {3}".format(

Check out the full status list.

info =
"Aria Device Info: model {}, serial {}, manufacturer {}".format(
info.model, info.serial, info.manufacturer

Check out the full information list.

4. Disconnect

Once all operations have been completed, you can disconnect from your glasses to release any held resources.
