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Project Aria Open Datasets

This section provides information about how to use Project Aria's open data.

  • Aria Dataset Explorer - a centralized hub for Project Aria public datasets that helps users efficiently find, preview and download Aria data
  • Aria Everyday Activities Dataset - multiple activity sequences where 1-2 users wearing Project Aria glasses participate in everyday activities to capture time synchronized data in a shared world location
  • Aria Digital Twin Dataset - raw and synthesized sensor data from Project Aria glasses, combined with ground truth data generated using a motion capture system including depth images, device trajectories, object trajectories and bounding boxes, and human tracking
  • Aria Synthetic Environments Dataset - a large scale dataset of 100K unique procedurally-generated scenes of interior layouts of apartments filled with 3D objects, and simulated with the sensor characteristics of Aria glasses
  • Ego-Exo4D Dataset - more than 800 participants from 13 cities worldwide performed these activities in 131 different natural scene contexts, yielding long-form captures from 1 to 42 minutes each and 1,422 hours of video combined
  • HOT3D Dataset - a new benchmark dataset for vision-based understanding of 3D hand-object interactions
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