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Ocean::Rendering Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Rendering library. More...


namespace  GLESceneGraph
 Namespace of the Rendering GLESceneGraph library.
namespace  GlobalIllumination
 Namespace of the Rendering Global Illumination library.

Data Structures

class  AbsoluteTransform
 This class is the base class for all absolute transform nodes. More...
class  Attribute
 This class is the base class for all rendering attribute objects. More...
class  AttributeSet
 This class is the base class for all attribute set objects. More...
class  Background
 This class is the base class for all backgrounds. More...
class  Billboard
 This class is the base class for all billboard objects. More...
class  BitmapFramebuffer
 This class is the base class for all bitmap framebuffers. More...
class  BlendAttribute
 This class is the base class for all blend attributes. More...
class  Box
 This class is the base class for all boxes. More...
class  Cone
 This class is the base class for all cones. More...
class  Cylinder
 This class is the base class for all cylinders. More...
class  DepthAttribute
 This class implements a depth attribute specifying the depth buffer behavior for associated objects. More...
class  DirectionalLight
 This class is the base class for all directional lights. More...
class  DynamicObject
 This class is the base class for all dynamic scene graph objects. More...
class  Engine
 This class is the base class for all rendering engines like. More...
class  Factory
 This class implements a node and object factory. More...
class  Framebuffer
 This class is the base class for all rendering framebuffers. More...
class  FrameTexture2D
 This class is the base class for all 2D textures receiving their image content from a frame or a buffer. More...
class  Geometry
 This class is the base class for all rendering geometry nodes. More...
class  Group
 This is the base class for all rendering groups. More...
class  IndependentPrimitive
 This class is the base class for all independent primitive objects. More...
class  LightSource
 This is the base class for all lights. More...
class  Lines
 This class is the base for all lines objects. More...
class  LineStrips
 This class is the base for all rendering line strips. More...
class  LOD
 This class is the base class for all level-of-detail nodes. More...
class  Manager
 This class manages all scene graphs. More...
class  Material
 This class is the base class for all materials. More...
class  MediaTexture2D
 This class is the base class for all 2D textures receiving their image content from Media objects. More...
class  Node
 This is the base class for all rendering nodes. More...
class  Object
 This class is the base class for all rendering objects. More...
class  ObjectRefManager
 This class implements a rendering object reference manager. More...
class  ParallelView
 This class is the base class for all parallel views. More...
class  PerspectiveView
 This class is the base class for all perspective views. More...
class  PhantomAttribute
 This class is the base class for all phantom attributes. More...
class  PointLight
 This class is the base class for all point lights. More...
class  Points
 This class is the base for all points objects. More...
class  Primitive
 This class is the base class for all primitive objects. More...
class  PrimitiveAttribute
 This class implements an attribute specifying face and culling properties of primitives. More...
class  QuadFace
 Definition of a quad face with four vertex indices. More...
class  Quads
 This class is the base class for all rendering quads. More...
class  QuadStrips
 This class is the base class for all stripped quad objects. More...
class  Renderable
 This class is the base class for all renderable objects. More...
class  Scene
 This is the base class for all rendering scenes. More...
class  ShaderProgram
 This class implements a shader program attribute. More...
class  Shape
 This class is the base class for all geometries. More...
class  SkyBackground
 This class is the base class for all sky backgrounds. More...
class  SmartObjectRef
 This class implements a smart rendering object reference. More...
class  Sphere
 This class is the base class for all spheres. More...
class  SpotLight
 This class is the base class for all spot lights. More...
class  StereoAttribute
 This class implements a stereo attribute specifying the stereo behavior for associated objects. More...
class  StereoView
 This class is the base class for all stereo views. More...
class  StripPrimitive
 This class is the base class for all primitive with strip organization. More...
class  Switch
 This class is the base class for all switch nodes. More...
class  Text
 This class is the base class for all texts. More...
class  Texture
 This class is the base class for all textures. More...
class  Texture2D
 This class is the base class for all 2D textures. More...
class  TextureFramebuffer
 This class is the base class for all textures based on a framebuffer. More...
class  Textures
 This class is the base class for all textures objects. More...
class  Transform
 This class is the base class for all transform nodes. More...
class  TriangleFace
 Definition of a triangle face with three vertex indices. More...
class  TriangleFans
 This class is the base class for all triangle fan objects. More...
class  Triangles
 This class is the base for all triangles objects. More...
class  TriangleStrips
 This class is the base for all rendering triangle strips. More...
class  UndistortedBackground
 This class is the base class for all undistorted backgrounds. More...
class  Utilities
 This class implements utility functions for the rendering library. More...
class  VertexSet
 This class is the base class for all rendering vertex sets. More...
class  View
 This class is the base class for all rendering views. More...
class  WindowFramebuffer
 This class is the base class for all window framebuffers. More...


typedef SmartObjectRef< AbsoluteTransformAbsoluteTransformRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a transform node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< AttributeAttributeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding an attribute.
typedef SmartObjectRef< AttributeSetAttributeSetRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding an attribute set.
typedef SmartObjectRef< BackgroundBackgroundRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a background.
typedef SmartObjectRef< BillboardBillboardRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a billboard.
typedef SmartObjectRef< BitmapFramebufferBitmapFramebufferRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a bitmap framebuffer node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< BlendAttributeBlendAttributeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a blend attribute.
typedef SmartObjectRef< BoxBoxRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a box.
typedef SmartObjectRef< ConeConeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a cone.
typedef SmartObjectRef< CylinderCylinderRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a cylinder.
typedef SmartObjectRef< DepthAttributeDepthAttributeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a depth attribute.
typedef SmartObjectRef< DirectionalLightDirectionalLightRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a directional light.
typedef SmartObjectRef< DynamicObjectDynamicObjectRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a dynamic object.
typedef Ocean::ObjectRef< EngineEngineRef
 Definition of an engine reference object.
typedef SmartObjectRef< FramebufferFramebufferRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a framebuffer.
typedef SmartObjectRef< FrameTexture2DFrameTexture2DRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a 2D frame texture.
typedef SmartObjectRef< GeometryGeometryRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a geometry.
typedef SmartObjectRef< GroupGroupRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a group.
typedef SmartObjectRef< LightSourceLightSourceRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a light source object.
typedef SmartObjectRef< LinesLinesRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a lines node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< LineStripsLineStripsRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a line strips node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< LODLODRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a LOD node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< MaterialMaterialRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a material.
typedef SmartObjectRef< MediaTexture2DMediaTexture2DRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a 2D texture.
typedef SmartObjectRef< NodeNodeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a node.
typedef std::vector< NodeRefNodeRefs
 Definition of a vector holding node references.
typedef Ocean::ObjectRef< ObjectObjectRef
 Definition of a rendering object reference with an internal reference counter.
typedef std::vector< ObjectRefObjectRefs
 Definition of a vector holding rendering object references.
typedef std::set< ObjectRefObjectRefSet
 Definition of a vector holding rendering object references.
typedef SmartObjectRef< ParallelViewParallelViewRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a parallel view node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< PerspectiveViewPerspectiveViewRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a perspective view node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< PhantomAttributePhantomAttributeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a phantom attribute.
typedef SmartObjectRef< PointLightPointLightRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a point light.
typedef SmartObjectRef< PointsPointsRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a points node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< PrimitivePrimitiveRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a primitive.
typedef SmartObjectRef< PrimitiveAttributePrimitiveAttributeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a primitive attribute.
typedef std::vector< QuadFaceQuadFaces
 Definition of a vector holding quad faces.
typedef SmartObjectRef< QuadsQuadsRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a quads object.
typedef SmartObjectRef< QuadStripsQuadStripsRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a quad strips object.
typedef SmartObjectRef< RenderableRenderableRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a renderable node.
typedef size_t ObjectId
 Definition of a object id.
typedef unsigned int VertexIndex
 Definition of a vertex index.
typedef Vector3 Normal
 Definition of a 3D normal.
typedef Vector2 TextureCoordinate
 Definition of a 2D texture coordinate.
typedef Vector3 Vertex
 Definition of a 3D vertex.
typedef std::vector< VertexIndexVertexIndices
 Definition of a vector holding vertex indices.
typedef std::vector< NormalNormals
 Definition of a vector holding normals.
typedef std::vector< TextureCoordinateTextureCoordinates
 Definition of a vector holding texture coordinates.
typedef std::vector< VertexVertices
 Definition of a vector holding vertices.
typedef std::vector< VertexIndicesVertexIndexGroups
 Definition of a vector holding vertex indices.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SceneSceneRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a scene node.
typedef std::vector< SceneRefScenes
 Definition of a vector holding scenes.
typedef SmartObjectRef< ShaderProgramShaderProgramRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a shader program object.
typedef SmartObjectRef< ShapeShapeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a shape.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SkyBackgroundSkyBackgroundRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a sky background.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SphereSphereRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a sphere.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SpotLightSpotLightRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a spot light.
typedef SmartObjectRef< StereoAttributeStereoAttributeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a stereo attribute.
typedef SmartObjectRef< StereoViewStereoViewRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a stereo view node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< StripPrimitiveStripPrimitiveRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a strip primitive.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SwitchSwitchRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a switch.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TextTextRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a text.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TextureTextureRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a texture.
typedef SmartObjectRef< Texture2DTexture2DRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a 2D texture.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TextureFramebufferTextureFramebufferRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a texture framebuffer.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TexturesTexturesRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a textures.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TransformTransformRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a transform node.
typedef std::vector< TransformRefTransformRefs
 Definition of a vector of references holding transform nods.
typedef std::vector< TriangleFaceTriangleFaces
 Definition of a vector holding triangle faces.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TriangleFansTriangleFansRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a triangle fans node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TrianglesTrianglesRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a triangles node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TriangleStripsTriangleStripsRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a triangle strips node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< UndistortedBackgroundUndistortedBackgroundRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding an undistorted background node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< VertexSetVertexSetRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a vertex set node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< ViewViewRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a view node.
typedef SmartObjectRef< WindowFramebufferWindowFramebufferRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a window framebuffer node.


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const Object &object)
 Write the descriptive information of an object to a stream.
template<bool tActive>
MessageObject< tActive > & operator<< (MessageObject< tActive > &messageObject, const Object &object)
 Write the descriptive information of an object to a message object.
template<bool tActive>
MessageObject< tActive > & operator<< (MessageObject< tActive > &&messageObject, const Object &object)
 Write the descriptive information of an object to a message object.


const ObjectId invalidObjectId = ObjectId(-1)
 Definition of an invalid object id.
constexpr VertexIndex invalidIndex = VertexIndex(-1)
 Definition of an invalid vertex index.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Rendering library.

The Namespace Ocean::Rendering is used in the entire Ocean Rendering Library.