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Ocean::Rendering::Utilities Class Reference

This class implements utility functions for the rendering library. More...

#include <Utilities.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static TransformRef createBox (const EngineRef &engine, const Vector3 &dimension, BoxRef *box=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible box, no material is applied.
static TransformRef createBox (const EngineRef &engine, const Vector3 &dimension, const RGBAColor &color, BoxRef *box=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, MaterialRef *material=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible box, further a material is applied.
static TransformRef createBox (const EngineRef &engine, const Vector3 &dimension, const Media::FrameMediumRef textureMedium, MediaTexture2DRef *texture=nullptr, const bool createMipmaps=true, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr, const RGBAColor *color=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible box, further a texture is applied.
static TransformRef createBox (const EngineRef &engine, const Vector3 &dimension, Frame &&frame, FrameTexture2DRef *texture=nullptr, const bool createMipmaps=true, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr, const RGBAColor *color=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible box, further a texture is applied.
static TransformRef createSphere (const EngineRef &engine, const Scalar radius, SphereRef *sphere=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible sphere, no material is applied.
static TransformRef createSphere (const EngineRef &engine, const Scalar radius, const RGBAColor &color, SphereRef *sphere=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, MaterialRef *material=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible sphere, further a material is applied.
static TransformRef createSphere (const EngineRef &engine, const Scalar radius, Frame &&frame, FrameTexture2DRef *texture=nullptr, const bool createMipmaps=true, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr, const RGBAColor *color=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible sphere, further a texture is applied.
static TransformRef createCylinder (const EngineRef &engine, const Scalar radius, const Scalar height, const RGBAColor &color, CylinderRef *cylinder=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, MaterialRef *material=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible cylinder, further a material is applied.
static TransformRef createCone (const EngineRef &engine, const Scalar radius, const Scalar height, const RGBAColor &color, ConeRef *cone=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, MaterialRef *material=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible cone, further a material is applied.
static TransformRef createCoordinateSystem (const EngineRef &engine, const Scalar length, const Scalar topLength, const Scalar radius)
 Returns a Transform object holding a visible coordinate system rendered as cylinders with cones.
static TransformRef createCoordinateSystems (const Engine &engine, const HomogenousMatrices4 &world_T_coordinateSystems, const Scalar length, VertexSetRef *vertexSet=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform object holding several individual visible coordinate system rendered as thin lines.
static TransformRef createArrow (const EngineRef &engine, const Scalar length, const Scalar topLength, const Scalar radius, const RGBAColor &color)
 Returns an arrow with specified length and radius.
static TransformRef createMesh (const EngineRef &engine, const Vectors3 &vertices, const TriangleFaces &triangleFaces, const RGBAColor &color, const Normals &normals=Normals(), const TextureCoordinates &textureCoordinates=TextureCoordinates(), Frame &&textureFrame=Frame(), const Media::FrameMediumRef &textureMedium=Media::FrameMediumRef(), AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr, VertexSetRef *vertexSet=nullptr, Texture2DRef *texture=nullptr)
 Returns a mesh by a given set of vertices and their corresponding triangulation.
static TransformRef createTexturedPlane (const EngineRef &engine, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const Media::FrameMediumRef textureMedium, MediaTexture2DRef *texture=nullptr, const bool createMipmaps=true, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, GeometryRef *geometry=nullptr)
 Returns a textured plane with z-axis a normal.
static TransformRef createText (const Engine &engine, const std::string &textString, const RGBAColor &foregroundColor, const RGBAColor &backgroundColor, const bool shaded, const Scalar fixedWidth, const Scalar fixedHeight, const Scalar fixedLineHeight, const Text::AlignmentMode alignmentMode=Text::AM_LEFT, const Text::HorizontalAnchor horizontalAnchor=Text::HA_LEFT, const Text::VerticalAnchor verticalAnchor=Text::VA_TOP, const std::string &fontFamily=std::string(), const std::string &styleName=std::string(), TextRef *text=nullptr, MaterialRef *foregroundMaterial=nullptr, MaterialRef *backgroundMaterial=nullptr)
 Returns a planar text within the x,y plane.
static TransformRef createPoints (const Engine &engine, const Vectors3 &vertices, const RGBAColor &emissiveColor, const Scalar pointSize=Scalar(5), const RGBAColors &colorsPerVertex=RGBAColors(), MaterialRef *material=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, PointsRef *points=nullptr, VertexSetRef *vertexSet=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform holding a geometry with points.
static TransformRef createLines (const Engine &engine, const Vectors3 &vertices, const VertexIndexGroups &lineIndexGroups, const RGBAColor &emissiveColor, const Scalar lineWidth=Scalar(1), const RGBAColors &colorsPerVertex=RGBAColors(), MaterialRef *material=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, LineStripsRef *lineStrips=nullptr, VertexSetRef *vertexSet=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform holding a geometry with lines.
static TransformRef createLines (const Engine &engine, const Vectors3 &vertices, const TriangleFaces &triangleFaces, const RGBAColor &emissiveColor, const Scalar lineWidth=Scalar(1), const RGBAColors &colorsPerVertex=RGBAColors(), MaterialRef *material=nullptr, AttributeSetRef *attributeSet=nullptr, LinesRef *lines=nullptr, VertexSetRef *vertexSet=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform holding a geometry with lines (a wireframe of a mesh).
static TransformRef createLines (const Engine &engine, const Vector3 *points, const Vector3 *normals, const size_t size, const Scalar scale, const RGBAColor &emissiveColor, const Scalar lineWidth=Scalar(1), MaterialRef *material=nullptr, VertexSetRef *vertexSet=nullptr)
 Returns a Transform holding a geometry with lines (normals for given points).
static AttributeSetRef findAttributeSet (const NodeRef &node)
 Returns the first attribute set object that is located in a given node tree.

Static Protected Member Functions

static uint64_t makeSortedIndex64 (const uint32_t indexA, const uint32_t indexB)
 Returns a 64-bit index based on two 32-bit indices.

Detailed Description

This class implements utility functions for the rendering library.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createArrow()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createArrow ( const EngineRef engine,
const Scalar  length,
const Scalar  topLength,
const Scalar  radius,
const RGBAColor color 

Returns an arrow with specified length and radius.

engineRendering engine to be used
lengthThe length of the arrow, with range [0, infinity)
topLengthLength of the arrow top, with range [0, infinity)
radiusof the arrow, with range [0, infinity)
colorThe color to be applied, must be valid
Transform node holding a visible arrow

◆ createBox() [1/4]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createBox ( const EngineRef engine,
const Vector3 dimension,
BoxRef box = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible box, no material is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
dimensionThe dimension of the box in x, y and z direction, with range [0, infinity)x[0, infinity)x[0, infinity)
boxOptional resulting box object which is attached with the geometry
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object

◆ createBox() [2/4]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createBox ( const EngineRef engine,
const Vector3 dimension,
const Media::FrameMediumRef  textureMedium,
MediaTexture2DRef texture = nullptr,
const bool  createMipmaps = true,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr,
const RGBAColor color = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible box, further a texture is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
dimensionThe dimension of the box in x, y and z direction
textureMediumThe frame medium which is used for the texture
textureOptional resulting texture object which is attached with the resulting box
createMipmapsTrue, to create a texture with mipmaps; False, to create a texture without mipmaps
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object
colorOptional color to be used, nullptr to create a box without material

◆ createBox() [3/4]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createBox ( const EngineRef engine,
const Vector3 dimension,
const RGBAColor color,
BoxRef box = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
MaterialRef material = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible box, further a material is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
dimensionThe dimension of the box in x, y and z direction
colorDiffuse color to be used
boxOptional resulting box object which is attached with the geometry
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
materialOptional resulting material object which is attached with the resulting box
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object

◆ createBox() [4/4]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createBox ( const EngineRef engine,
const Vector3 dimension,
Frame &&  frame,
FrameTexture2DRef texture = nullptr,
const bool  createMipmaps = true,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr,
const RGBAColor color = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible box, further a texture is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
dimensionThe dimension of the box in x, y and z direction
frameThe frame which is used for the texture, must own the image memory, must be valid
textureOptional resulting texture object which is attached with the resulting box
createMipmapsTrue, to create a texture with mipmaps; False, to create a texture without mipmaps
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object
colorOptional color to be used, nullptr to create a box without material

◆ createCone()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createCone ( const EngineRef engine,
const Scalar  radius,
const Scalar  height,
const RGBAColor color,
ConeRef cone = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
MaterialRef material = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible cone, further a material is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
radiusThe radius of the cone, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the cone, with range (0, infinity)
colorDiffuse color to be used
coneOptional resulting cone object which is attached with the geometry
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
materialOptional resulting material object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object

◆ createCoordinateSystem()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createCoordinateSystem ( const EngineRef engine,
const Scalar  length,
const Scalar  topLength,
const Scalar  radius 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible coordinate system rendered as cylinders with cones.

engineRendering engine to be used
lengthThe length of the arrow, with range (0, infinity)
topLengthLength of the arrow top, with range (0, infinity)
radiusof the arrow, with range (0, infinity)
Transform node

◆ createCoordinateSystems()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createCoordinateSystems ( const Engine engine,
const HomogenousMatrices4 world_T_coordinateSystems,
const Scalar  length,
VertexSetRef vertexSet = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding several individual visible coordinate system rendered as thin lines.

engineRendering engine to be used
world_T_coordinateSystemsThe individual coordinate systems, at least one
lengthThe length of each axis, with range (0, infinity)
vertexSetOptional result vertex set object which holds the vertices of the 3D object, six vertices for each coordinate system, with order (origin, x-axis, origin, y-axis, origin, z-axis)
The Transform node holding the coordinate system

◆ createCylinder()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createCylinder ( const EngineRef engine,
const Scalar  radius,
const Scalar  height,
const RGBAColor color,
CylinderRef cylinder = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
MaterialRef material = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible cylinder, further a material is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
radiusThe radius of the cylinder, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the cylinder, with range (0, infinity)
colorDiffuse color to be used
cylinderOptional resulting cylinder object which is attached with the geometry
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
materialOptional resulting material object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object

◆ createLines() [1/3]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createLines ( const Engine engine,
const Vector3 points,
const Vector3 normals,
const size_t  size,
const Scalar  scale,
const RGBAColor emissiveColor,
const Scalar  lineWidth = Scalar(1),
MaterialRef material = nullptr,
VertexSetRef vertexSet = nullptr 

Returns a Transform holding a geometry with lines (normals for given points).

engineRendering engine to be used
pointsThe starting points where the normals will start, at least one
normalsThe normal vectors, one for each point
sizeThe number of points (and normals), with range [1, infinity)
scaleThe scale which will be applied to each normal (allowing to control the length of the normals), with range (-infinity, infinity)
emissiveColorThe emissiveColor of all normals, can be transparent
lineWidthThe width of the lines in pixels, with range [1, infinity)
materialOptional resulting Material node
vertexSetOptional result vertex set object which holds the vertices of the 3D normals, two vertices for each normal
The Transform node holding the normals

◆ createLines() [2/3]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createLines ( const Engine engine,
const Vectors3 vertices,
const TriangleFaces triangleFaces,
const RGBAColor emissiveColor,
const Scalar  lineWidth = Scalar(1),
const RGBAColors colorsPerVertex = RGBAColors(),
MaterialRef material = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
LinesRef lines = nullptr,
VertexSetRef vertexSet = nullptr 

Returns a Transform holding a geometry with lines (a wireframe of a mesh).

engineThe rendering engine to be used
verticesThe vertices of all points to be rendered, at least one
triangleFacesThe indices of triangle vertices for which lines will be created, at least one
emissiveColorThe emissiveColor of all vertices in case 'colorsPerVertex' is empty, can be transparent
lineWidthThe width of the lines in pixels, with range [1, infinity)
colorsPerVertexThe optional colors of the individual vertices, one for each vertex or empty to use the 'emissiveColor'
materialOptional resulting Material node; will be invalid if colorPerVertex is not empty
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet node
linesOptional resulting Lines node
vertexSetOptional resulting VertexSet node
The resulting transform node holding the geometry node

◆ createLines() [3/3]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createLines ( const Engine engine,
const Vectors3 vertices,
const VertexIndexGroups lineIndexGroups,
const RGBAColor emissiveColor,
const Scalar  lineWidth = Scalar(1),
const RGBAColors colorsPerVertex = RGBAColors(),
MaterialRef material = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
LineStripsRef lineStrips = nullptr,
VertexSetRef vertexSet = nullptr 

Returns a Transform holding a geometry with lines.

engineThe rendering engine to be used
verticesThe vertices of all points to be rendered, at least one
lineIndexGroupsThe group of vertex indices defining several individual lines, at least one
emissiveColorThe emissiveColor of all vertices in case 'colorsPerVertex' is empty, can be transparent
lineWidthThe width of the lines in pixels, with range [1, infinity)
colorsPerVertexThe optional colors of the individual vertices, one for each vertex or empty to use the 'emissiveColor'
materialOptional resulting Material node; will be invalid if colorPerVertex is not empty
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet node
lineStripsOptional resulting LineStrips node
vertexSetOptional resulting VertexSet node
The resulting transform node holding the geometry node

◆ createMesh()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createMesh ( const EngineRef engine,
const Vectors3 vertices,
const TriangleFaces triangleFaces,
const RGBAColor color,
const Normals normals = Normals(),
const TextureCoordinates textureCoordinates = TextureCoordinates(),
Frame &&  textureFrame = Frame(),
const Media::FrameMediumRef textureMedium = Media::FrameMediumRef(),
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr,
VertexSetRef vertexSet = nullptr,
Texture2DRef texture = nullptr 

Returns a mesh by a given set of vertices and their corresponding triangulation.

engineRendering engine to be used
verticesThe vertices defining the mesh
triangleFacesTriangulation defining the topology
colorThe color to be applied to the entire mesh, invalid to create an unlit mesh
normalsOptional normals of each vertex
textureCoordinatesOptional texture coordinates, one for each given vertex
textureFrameOptional frame to be used as texture, most be owner of the memory if provided, invalid to use no texture or to use the textureMedium instead
textureMediumOptional texture medium, invalid to use no texture or to use the textureFrame instead
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object
vertexSetOptional result vertex set object which holds the vertices of the 3D object
textureOptional resulting texture object
Transform node holding the mesh object

◆ createPoints()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createPoints ( const Engine engine,
const Vectors3 vertices,
const RGBAColor emissiveColor,
const Scalar  pointSize = Scalar(5),
const RGBAColors colorsPerVertex = RGBAColors(),
MaterialRef material = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
PointsRef points = nullptr,
VertexSetRef vertexSet = nullptr 

Returns a Transform holding a geometry with points.

engineThe rendering engine to be used
verticesThe vertices of all points to be rendered, at least one
emissiveColorThe emissiveColor of all vertices in case 'colorsPerVertex' is empty, can be transparent
pointSizeThe size of the points, with range [1, infinity)
colorsPerVertexThe optional colors of the individual vertices, one for each vertex or empty to use the 'emissiveColor'
materialOptional resulting Material node; will be invalid if colorPerVertex is not empty
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet node
pointsOptional resulting Points node
vertexSetOptional resulting VertexSet node
The resulting transform node holding the geometry node

◆ createSphere() [1/3]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createSphere ( const EngineRef engine,
const Scalar  radius,
const RGBAColor color,
SphereRef sphere = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
MaterialRef material = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible sphere, further a material is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
radiusThe radius of the sphere, with range [0, infinity)
colorDiffuse color to be used
sphereOptional resulting sphere object which is attached with the geometry
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
materialOptional resulting material object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object

◆ createSphere() [2/3]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createSphere ( const EngineRef engine,
const Scalar  radius,
Frame &&  frame,
FrameTexture2DRef texture = nullptr,
const bool  createMipmaps = true,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr,
const RGBAColor color = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible sphere, further a texture is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
radiusThe radius of the sphere, with range [0, infinity)
frameThe frame which is used for the texture, must own the image memory, must be valid
textureOptional resulting texture object which is attached with the resulting sphere
createMipmapsTrue, to create a texture with mipmaps; False, to create a texture without mipmaps
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object
colorOptional color to be used, nullptr to create a sphere without material

◆ createSphere() [3/3]

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createSphere ( const EngineRef engine,
const Scalar  radius,
SphereRef sphere = nullptr,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr 

Returns a Transform object holding a visible sphere, no material is applied.

engineRendering engine to be used
radiusThe radius of the sphere, with range [0, infinity)
sphereOptional resulting sphere object which is attached with the geometry
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object

◆ createText()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createText ( const Engine engine,
const std::string &  textString,
const RGBAColor foregroundColor,
const RGBAColor backgroundColor,
const bool  shaded,
const Scalar  fixedWidth,
const Scalar  fixedHeight,
const Scalar  fixedLineHeight,
const Text::AlignmentMode  alignmentMode = Text::AM_LEFT,
const Text::HorizontalAnchor  horizontalAnchor = Text::HA_LEFT,
const Text::VerticalAnchor  verticalAnchor = Text::VA_TOP,
const std::string &  fontFamily = std::string(),
const std::string &  styleName = std::string(),
TextRef text = nullptr,
MaterialRef foregroundMaterial = nullptr,
MaterialRef backgroundMaterial = nullptr 

Returns a planar text within the x,y plane.

engineThe rendering engine to be used
textStringThe actual text to show
foregroundColorThe foreground color to be used
backgroundColorThe background color to be used, a transparent color to create a text without background
shadedTrue, to create a text with shading/lighting; False, to create a text constant color
fixedWidthThe optional fixed width, with range [0, infinity)
fixedHeightThe optional fixed height, with range [0, infinity)
fixedLineHeightThe optional fixed line height, with range [0, infinity)
alignmentModeThe text's alignment mode
horizontalAnchorThe text's horizontal anchor
verticalAnchorThe text's vertical anchor
fontFamilyThe font family to be used, empty to use a default font family
styleNameThe font style to be used, empty to use the default font style
textOptional resulting text node which will be part of the resulting Transform node, nullptr of not of interest
foregroundMaterialOptional resulting foreground material of the new text, nullptr if not of interest
backgroundMaterialOptional resulting background material of the new text, nullptr if not of interest

◆ createTexturedPlane()

static TransformRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::createTexturedPlane ( const EngineRef engine,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const Media::FrameMediumRef  textureMedium,
MediaTexture2DRef texture = nullptr,
const bool  createMipmaps = true,
AttributeSetRef attributeSet = nullptr,
GeometryRef geometry = nullptr 

Returns a textured plane with z-axis a normal.

engineRendering engine to be used, must be valid
widthThe width of the plane in object domain (the size of the plane in x-direction), with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the plane in object domain (the size of the plane, in y-direction), with range (0, infinity)
textureMediumThe frame medium which is used for the texture
textureOptional resulting texture object which is attached with the resulting box
createMipmapsTrue, to create a texture with mipmaps; False, to create a texture without mipmaps
attributeSetOptional resulting AttributeSet object which is attached with the geometry
geometryOptional resulting geometry object which is encapsulating the 3D object
Transform node holding the plane

◆ findAttributeSet()

static AttributeSetRef Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::findAttributeSet ( const NodeRef node)

Returns the first attribute set object that is located in a given node tree.

nodeThe node defining the root of the tree in that the attribute set is located
First attribute set object that can be found

◆ makeSortedIndex64()

uint64_t Ocean::Rendering::Utilities::makeSortedIndex64 ( const uint32_t  indexA,
const uint32_t  indexB 

Returns a 64-bit index based on two 32-bit indices.

indexAThe first 32-bit index
indexBThe second 32-bit index
The resulting 64-bit index

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