Ocean Math Library

The Ocean Math Library provides basic numerical and algebraic functionalities. More...

Data Structures

class  Ocean::AnyCameraT< T >
 This class implements the abstract base class for all AnyCamera objects. More...
class  Ocean::AnyCameraWrappingT< T, TCameraWrapper >
 This class implements a specialized AnyCamera object wrapping the actual camera model. More...
class  Ocean::CameraWrapperT< T, TCameraWrapperBase >
 This class implements a wrapper for an actual camera object. More...
class  Ocean::CameraWrapperBasePinholeT< T >
 This class implements the base wrapper around Ocean's pinhole camera profile. More...
class  Ocean::CameraWrapperBaseFisheyeT< T >
 This class implements the base wrapper around Ocean's fisheye camera profile. More...
class  Ocean::InvalidCameraT< T >
 This class implements invalid camera profiles, e.g. More...
class  Ocean::CameraWrapperBaseInvalidT< T >
 This class implements the base wrapper around an invalid camera profile. More...
class  Ocean::Approximation
 This class implements several numeric function with approximated results but with fast performances. More...
class  Ocean::AutomaticDifferentiationT< T, TNumeric >
 This class implements an automatic differentiation functionality. More...
class  Ocean::BoundingBox
 This class implements a 3D bounding box. More...
class  Ocean::BoundingSphere
 This class implements a bounding sphere. More...
class  Ocean::BoxT2< T >
 This class implements an axis aligned 2D box object. More...
class  Ocean::BoxT3< T >
 This class implements an axis aligned 3D bounding box. More...
class  Ocean::CameraT< T >
 This class implements the base class for all cameras. More...
class  Ocean::Clustering< tUseIndices >
 This class implements the base class for all classes providing clustering algorithms. More...
class  Ocean::ClusteringKMeans< T, tDimension, TSum, TSquareDistance, tUseIndices >
 This class implements a k-means clustering algorithm. More...
class  Ocean::ClusteringSpectral
 This class implements spectral clustering. More...
class  Ocean::ConeT3< T >
 This class implements a (possibly truncated) 3D cone. More...
class  Ocean::CylinderT3< T >
 This class implements a 3D cylinder defined by its origin, axis, radius, and (signed) starting and stopping points along its axis. More...
class  Ocean::DiscreteCosineTransform
 This class implements discrete cosine transform functions. More...
class  Ocean::EquationT< T >
 This class provides several functions to solve equations with different degree using floating point values with the precission specified by type T. More...
class  Ocean::EulerT< T >
 This class implements an euler rotation with angles: yaw, pitch and roll. More...
class  Ocean::ExponentialMapT< T >
 This class implements an exponential map defining a rotation by three parameters. More...
class  Ocean::FiniteLineT2< T >
 This class implements an finite line in 2D space. More...
class  Ocean::FiniteLineT3< T >
 This class implements an finite line in 3D space. More...
class  Ocean::FisheyeCameraT< T >
 Class representing a fisheye camera. More...
class  Ocean::FourierTransformation
 This class implements Fourier transformation functions. More...
class  Ocean::FrustumT< T >
 This class implements a viewing frustum. More...
class  Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >
 This class implements a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix using floating point values with the precision specified by type T. More...
class  Ocean::HSVAColor
 This class implements a color defined by hue, saturation, value and alpha parameters. More...
class  Ocean::Interpolation
 This class implements data interpolation functions. More...
class  Ocean::InterpolationMap< TKey, TValue, TFactor >
 This class implements an interpolation map allowing to determine an interplated value between several individual key values. More...
class  Ocean::LineT2< T >
 This class implements an infinite line in 2D space. More...
class  Ocean::LineT3< T >
 This class implements an infinite line in 3D space. More...
class  Ocean::Lookup2< T, TScalar >
 This class implements a 2D lookup object allowing to separate a two dimensional lookup area into individual bins. More...
class  Ocean::LookupCenter2< T, TScalar >
 This class implements a 2D lookup object with values at the bins' center positions defining the individual lookup values. More...
class  Ocean::AdvancedLookupCenter2< T, TScalar >
 This class implements an advanced 2D lookup object with values at the bins' center positions defining the individual lookup values. More...
class  Ocean::LookupCorner2< T, TScalar >
 This class implements a 2D lookup object with values at the bins' corners defining the individual lookup values. More...
class  Ocean::MathUtilities
 This class implements utility functions for the math library. More...
class  Ocean::MatrixT< T >
 This class implements a matrix with arbitrary size. More...
class  Ocean::NumericT< T >
 This class provides basic numeric functionalities. More...
class  Ocean::PinholeCameraT< T >
 Definition of a pinhole camera model. More...
class  Ocean::PlaneT3< T >
 This class implements a plane in 3D space. More...
class  Ocean::PoseT< T >
 This class implements a camera pose with six degrees of freedom (6-DOF). More...
class  Ocean::QuaternionT< T >
 This class implements a unit quaternion rotation. More...
class  Ocean::RandomT< T >
 This class provides several random functions for different data types using a floating point type for its elements that is specified by T. More...
class  Ocean::RateCalculator
 This class implements a calculate for rates like frame rates. More...
class  Ocean::RGBAColor
 This class implements a color defined by red, green, blue and alpha parameters. More...
class  Ocean::RotationT< T >
 This class implements a axis-angle rotation using floating point values. More...
class  Ocean::SampleMap< T >
 This class stores samples of e.g., sensor or tracking data in a map. More...
class  Ocean::SophusUtilities
 This class implements utilitiy functions for Sophus. More...
class  Ocean::SparseMatrixT< T >
 This class implements a sparse matrix using a float type for its elements that is specified by T. More...
class  Ocean::SphereT3< T >
 This class implements a 3D sphere. More...
class  Ocean::SphericalExponentialMap
 This class implements an exponential map representing a 2-DOF rotation. More...
class  Ocean::SquareMatrixT2< T >
 This class implements a 2x2 square matrix. More...
class  Ocean::SquareMatrixT3< T >
 This class implements a 3x3 square matrix. More...
class  Ocean::SquareMatrixT4< T >
 This class implements a 4x4 square matrix. More...
class  Ocean::StaticMatrix< T, tRows, tColumns >
 This class implements a matrix with static dimensions. More...
class  Ocean::SuccessionSubset< T, tDimensions >
 This class implements a data container for abstract data objects with several dimensions. More...
class  Ocean::ToonUtilities
 This class implements utilitiy functions for TooN. More...
class  Ocean::TriangleT< T >
 This class implements a base class for all triangle classes. More...
class  Ocean::TriangleT2< T >
 This class implements a 2D triangle with Cartesian coordinates. More...
class  Ocean::TriangleT3< T >
 This class implements a 3D triangle. More...
class  Ocean::VarianceT< T >
 This class allows to determine the variance in a given data set. More...
class  Ocean::VectorT2< T >
 This class implements a vector with two elements. More...
class  Ocean::VectorT3< T >
 This class implements a vector with three elements. More...
class  Ocean::VectorT4< T >
 This class implements a vector with four elements. More...


using Ocean::AnyCamera = AnyCameraT< Scalar >
 Definition of an AnyCamera object with Scalar precision. More...
using Ocean::AnyCameraD = AnyCameraT< double >
 Definition of an AnyCamera object with double precision. More...
using Ocean::AnyCameraF = AnyCameraT< float >
 Definition of an AnyCamera object with float precision. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::SharedAnyCameraT = std::shared_ptr< AnyCameraT< T > >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with Scalar precision. More...
using Ocean::SharedAnyCamera = std::shared_ptr< AnyCamera >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with Scalar precision. More...
using Ocean::SharedAnyCameraD = std::shared_ptr< AnyCameraD >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with double precision. More...
using Ocean::SharedAnyCameraF = std::shared_ptr< AnyCameraF >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with float precision. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::SharedAnyCamerasT = std::vector< std::shared_ptr< AnyCameraT< T > >>
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with shared AnyCameraT objects. More...
using Ocean::SharedAnyCameras = SharedAnyCamerasT< Scalar >
 Definition of a vector holding AnyCamera objects. More...
using Ocean::SharedAnyCamerasD = SharedAnyCamerasT< double >
 Definition of a vector holding AnyCameraD objects. More...
using Ocean::SharedAnyCamerasF = SharedAnyCamerasT< float >
 Definition of a vector holding AnyCameraF objects. More...
typedef InvalidCameraT< ScalarOcean::InvalidCamera
 Definition of an invalid camera object based with element precision 'Scalar'. More...
typedef InvalidCameraT< double > Ocean::InvalidCameraD
 Definition of an invalid camera object based with element precision 'double'. More...
typedef InvalidCameraT< float > Ocean::InvalidCameraF
 Definition of an invalid camera object based with element precision 'float'. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::AnyCameraPinholeT = AnyCameraWrappingT< T, CameraWrapperT< T, CameraWrapperBasePinholeT< T > >>
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's pinhole camera class with template parameter to define the element precision. More...
typedef AnyCameraPinholeT< ScalarOcean::AnyCameraPinhole
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's pinhole camera class with element precision 'Scalar'. More...
typedef AnyCameraPinholeT< double > Ocean::AnyCameraPinholeD
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's pinhole camera class with element precision 'double'. More...
typedef AnyCameraPinholeT< float > Ocean::AnyCameraPinholeF
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's pinhole camera class with element precision 'float'. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::AnyCameraFisheyeT = AnyCameraWrappingT< T, CameraWrapperT< T, CameraWrapperBaseFisheyeT< T > >>
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's fisheye camera class with template parameter to define the element precision. More...
typedef AnyCameraFisheyeT< ScalarOcean::AnyCameraFisheye
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's fisheye camera class with element precision 'Scalar'. More...
typedef AnyCameraFisheyeT< double > Ocean::AnyCameraFisheyeD
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's fisheye camera class with element precision 'double'. More...
typedef AnyCameraFisheyeT< float > Ocean::AnyCameraFisheyeF
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's fisheye camera class with element precision 'float'. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::AnyCameraInvalidT = AnyCameraWrappingT< T, CameraWrapperT< T, CameraWrapperBaseInvalidT< T > >>
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on an invalid (by design) camera with template parameter to define the element precision. More...
typedef AnyCameraInvalidT< ScalarOcean::AnyCameraInvalid
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on an invalid (by design) camera with element precision 'Scalar'. More...
typedef AnyCameraInvalidT< double > Ocean::AnyCameraInvalidD
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on an invalid (by design) camera with element precision 'double'. More...
typedef AnyCameraInvalidT< float > Ocean::AnyCameraInvalidF
 Definition of an AnyCamera object based on an invalid (by design) camera with element precision 'float'. More...
typedef AutomaticDifferentiationT< Scalar, NumericOcean::AutomaticDifferentiation
 Definition of a scalar differentiation object using the data type of Scalar as parameter. More...
typedef AutomaticDifferentiationT< double, NumericDOcean::AutomaticDifferentiationD
 Definition of a scalar differentiation object using double as data type. More...
typedef AutomaticDifferentiationT< float, NumericFOcean::AutomaticDifferentiationF
 Definition of a scalar differentiation object using float as data type. More...
typedef BoxT2< ScalarOcean::Box2
 Definition of the Box2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef BoxT2< double > Ocean::BoxD2
 Instantiation of the BoxT2 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef BoxT2< float > Ocean::BoxF2
 Instantiation of the BoxT2 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::BoxesT2 = std::vector< BoxT2< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with BoxT2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Box2Ocean::Boxes2
 Definition of a vector holding Box2 objects. More...
typedef BoxT3< ScalarOcean::Box3
 Definition of the Box3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef BoxT3< double > Ocean::BoxD3
 Instantiation of the BoxT3 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef BoxT3< float > Ocean::BoxF3
 Instantiation of the BoxT3 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::BoxesT3 = std::vector< BoxT3< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with BoxT3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Box3Ocean::Boxes3
 Definition of a vector holding Box3 objects. More...
typedef CameraT< ScalarOcean::Camera
 Definition of an Camera object with Scalar precision. More...
typedef CameraT< double > Ocean::CameraD
 Definition of an Camera object with double precision. More...
typedef CameraT< float > Ocean::CameraF
 Definition of an Camera object with float precision. More...
typedef std::complex< double > Ocean::ComplexD
 Definition of a complex number based on the double precision floating point data type. More...
typedef std::complex< float > Ocean::ComplexF
 Definition of a complex number based on the single precision floating point data type. More...
typedef std::complex< ScalarOcean::Complex
 Definition of a complex number based on the default floating point precision data type. More...
typedef std::vector< ComplexOcean::Complexes
 Definition of a vector holding complex objects. More...
typedef ConeT3< ScalarOcean::Cone3
 Definition of the Cone3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef ConeT3< double > Ocean::ConeD3
 Definition of a 3D cone with double values. More...
typedef ConeT3< float > Ocean::ConeF3
 Definition of a 3D cone with float values. More...
typedef std::vector< Cone3Ocean::Cones3
 Definition of a vector holding Cone3 objects. More...
typedef CylinderT3< ScalarOcean::Cylinder3
 Definition of the Cylinder3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef CylinderT3< double > Ocean::CylinderD3
 Definition of a 3D cylinder with double values. More...
typedef CylinderT3< float > Ocean::CylinderF3
 Definition of a 3D cylinder with float values. More...
typedef std::vector< Cylinder3Ocean::Cylinders3
 Definition of a vector holding Cylinder3 objects. More...
typedef EquationT< ScalarOcean::Equation
 Definition of the Equation object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef EquationT< double > Ocean::EquationD
 Definition of the Equation class using double values. More...
typedef EquationT< float > Ocean::EquationF
 Definition of the Equation class using float values. More...
typedef EulerT< ScalarOcean::Euler
 Definition of the Euler object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef EulerT< double > Ocean::EulerD
 Instantiation of the EulerT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef EulerT< float > Ocean::EulerF
 Instantiation of the EulerT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::EulersT = std::vector< EulerT< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with EulerT objects. More...
typedef std::vector< EulerOcean::Eulers
 Definition of a vector holding euler objects. More...
typedef ExponentialMapT< ScalarOcean::ExponentialMap
 Definition of the ExponentialMap object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef ExponentialMapT< double > Ocean::ExponentialMapD
 Instantiation of the ExponentialMapT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef ExponentialMapT< float > Ocean::ExponentialMapF
 Instantiation of the ExponentialMapT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::ExponentialMapsT = std::vector< ExponentialMapT< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with ExponentialMapT objects. More...
typedef std::vector< ExponentialMapOcean::ExponentialMaps
 Definition of a vector holding ExponentialMap objects. More...
typedef FiniteLineT2< ScalarOcean::FiniteLine2
 Definition of the FiniteLine2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef FiniteLineT2< double > Ocean::FiniteLineD2
 Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef FiniteLineT2< float > Ocean::FiniteLineF2
 Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::FiniteLinesT2 = std::vector< FiniteLineT2< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FiniteLineT2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< FiniteLine2Ocean::FiniteLines2
 Definition of a vector holding FiniteLine2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< FiniteLineD2Ocean::FiniteLinesD2
 Definition of a vector holding FiniteLineD2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< FiniteLineF2Ocean::FiniteLinesF2
 Definition of a vector holding FiniteLineF2 objects. More...
typedef FiniteLineT3< ScalarOcean::FiniteLine3
 Definition of the FiniteLine3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef FiniteLineT3< double > Ocean::FiniteLineD3
 Instantiation of the LineT3 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef FiniteLineT3< float > Ocean::FiniteLineF3
 Instantiation of the LineT3 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::FiniteLinesT3 = std::vector< FiniteLineT3< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FiniteLineT3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< FiniteLine3Ocean::FiniteLines3
 Definition of a vector holding FiniteLine3 objects. More...
typedef FisheyeCameraT< ScalarOcean::FisheyeCamera
 Definition of a FisheyeCamera object using Scalar as data type. More...
typedef FisheyeCameraT< float > Ocean::FisheyeCameraF
 Definition of a FisheyeCamera object using 'float'' as data type. More...
typedef FisheyeCameraT< double > Ocean::FisheyeCameraD
 Definition of a FisheyeCamera object using 'double'' as data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::FisheyeCamerasT = std::vector< FisheyeCameraT< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FisheyeCameraT objects. More...
typedef std::vector< FisheyeCameraOcean::FisheyeCameras
 Definition of a vector holding camera objects. More...
typedef FrustumT< ScalarOcean::Frustum
 Definition of a frustum. More...
typedef FrustumT< double > Ocean::FrustumD
 Definition of a frustum with double values. More...
typedef FrustumT< float > Ocean::FrustumF
 Definition of a frustum vector with float values. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::FrustumsT = std::vector< FrustumT< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FrustumT objects. More...
typedef std::vector< FrustumOcean::Frustums
 Definition of a vector holding Frustum objects. More...
typedef std::vector< FrustumDOcean::FrustumsD
 Definition of a vector holding FrustumD objects. More...
typedef std::vector< FrustumFOcean::FrustumsF
 Definition of a vector holding FrustumF objects. More...
typedef HomogenousMatrixT4< ScalarOcean::HomogenousMatrix4
 Definition of the HomogenousMatrix4 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef HomogenousMatrixT4< double > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixD4
 Instantiation of the HomogenousMatrixT4 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef HomogenousMatrixT4< float > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixF4
 Instantiation of the HomogenousMatrixT4 template class using a float precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::HomogenousMatricesT4 = std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with HomogenousMatrixT4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< HomogenousMatrix4Ocean::HomogenousMatrices4
 Definition of a vector holding HomogenousMatrix4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< HomogenousMatrixD4Ocean::HomogenousMatricesD4
 Definition of a vector holding HomogenousMatrixD4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< HomogenousMatrixF4Ocean::HomogenousMatricesF4
 Definition of a vector holding HomogenousMatrixF4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< HSVAColorOcean::HSVAColors
 Definition of a vector holding rgba color objects. More...
typedef LineT2< ScalarOcean::Line2
 Definition of the Line2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef LineT2< double > Ocean::LineD2
 Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef LineT2< float > Ocean::LineF2
 Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::LinesT2 = std::vector< LineT2< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with LineT2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Line2Ocean::Lines2
 Definition of a vector holding Line2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< LineF2Ocean::LinesF2
 Definition of a vector holding Line2 objects with single precision float data type. More...
typedef std::vector< LineD2Ocean::LinesD2
 Definition of a vector holding Line2 objects with double precision float data type. More...
typedef LineT3< ScalarOcean::Line3
 Definition of the Line3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef LineT3< double > Ocean::LineD3
 Instantiation of the LineT3 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef LineT3< float > Ocean::LineF3
 Instantiation of the LineT3 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::LinesT3 = std::vector< LineT3< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with LineT3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Line3Ocean::Lines3
 Definition of a vector holding Line3 objects. More...
typedef float Ocean::Scalar
 Definition of a scalar type. More...
typedef std::vector< ScalarOcean::Scalars
 Definition of a vector holding Scalar objects. More...
typedef MatrixT< ScalarOcean::Matrix
 Definition of the Matrix object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef MatrixT< double > Ocean::MatrixD
 Definition of the MatrixT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef MatrixT< float > Ocean::MatrixF
 Definition of the MatrixT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
typedef std::vector< MatrixOcean::Matrices
 Definition of a vector holding matrix objects. More...
typedef NumericT< ScalarOcean::Numeric
 Definition of a Numeric class. More...
typedef NumericT< double > Ocean::NumericD
 Definition of a Numeric class with double values. More...
typedef NumericT< float > Ocean::NumericF
 Definition of a Numeric class with float values. More...
typedef PinholeCameraT< ScalarOcean::PinholeCamera
 Definition of an pinhole camera object with Scalar precision. More...
typedef PinholeCameraT< double > Ocean::PinholeCameraD
 Definition of an pinhole camera object with double precision. More...
typedef PinholeCameraT< float > Ocean::PinholeCameraF
 Definition of an pinhole camera object with float precision. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::PinholeCamerasT = std::vector< PinholeCameraT< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with PinholeCameraT objects. More...
typedef PinholeCamerasT< ScalarOcean::PinholeCameras
 Definition of a vector holding pinhole camera objects. More...
typedef PinholeCamerasT< double > Ocean::PinholeCamerasD
 Definition of a vector holding PinholeCameraD objects. More...
typedef PinholeCamerasT< float > Ocean::PinholeCamerasF
 Definition of a vector holding PinholeCameraF objects. More...
typedef PlaneT3< ScalarOcean::Plane3
 Definition of the Plane3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef PlaneT3< double > Ocean::PlaneD3
 Definition of a 3D plane with double values. More...
typedef PlaneT3< float > Ocean::PlaneF3
 Definition of a 3D plane with float values. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::PlanesT3 = std::vector< PlaneT3< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with PlaneT3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Plane3Ocean::Planes3
 Definition of a vector holding Plane3 objects. More...
using Ocean::Pose = PoseT< Scalar >
 Definition of the Pose object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag either with single or double precision float data type. More...
using Ocean::PoseD = PoseT< double >
 Instantiation of the ExponentialMapT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
using Ocean::PoseF = PoseT< float >
 Instantiation of the ExponentialMapT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::PosesT = std::vector< PoseT< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with PoseT objects. More...
using Ocean::Poses = std::vector< Pose >
 Definition of a vector holding ExponentialMap objects. More...
typedef QuaternionT< ScalarOcean::Quaternion
 Definition of the Quaternion object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef QuaternionT< double > Ocean::QuaternionD
 Instantiation of the QuaternionT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef QuaternionT< float > Ocean::QuaternionF
 Instantiation of the QuaternionT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::QuaternionsT = std::vector< QuaternionT< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with QuaternionT objects. More...
typedef std::vector< QuaternionOcean::Quaternions
 Definition of a vector holding quaternion objects. More...
typedef std::vector< QuaternionFOcean::QuaternionsF
 Definition of a vector holding quaternion objects with single precision float data type. More...
typedef std::vector< QuaternionDOcean::QuaternionsD
 Definition of a vector holding quaternion objects with double precision float data type. More...
typedef RandomT< ScalarOcean::Random
 Definition of the Random object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef RandomT< double > Ocean::RandomD
 Instantiation of the RandomT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef RandomT< float > Ocean::RandomF
 Instantiation of the RandomT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
typedef std::vector< RGBAColorOcean::RGBAColors
 Definition of a vector holding rgba color objects. More...
typedef RotationT< ScalarOcean::Rotation
 Definition of the Rotation object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef RotationT< double > Ocean::RotationD
 Instantiation of the RotationT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef RotationT< float > Ocean::RotationF
 Instantiation of the RotationT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::RotationsT = std::vector< RotationT< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with RotationT objects. More...
typedef std::vector< RotationOcean::Rotations
 Definition of a vector holding rotation objects. More...
typedef SparseMatrixT< ScalarOcean::SparseMatrix
 Definition of the SparseMatrix object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef SparseMatrixT< double > Ocean::SparseMatrixD
 Instantiation of the SparseMatrixT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef SparseMatrixT< float > Ocean::SparseMatrixF
 Instantiation of the SparseMatrixT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
typedef std::vector< SparseMatrixOcean::SparseMatrices
 Definition of a vector holding sparse matrix objects. More...
typedef SphereT3< ScalarOcean::Sphere3
 Definition of the Sphere3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef SphereT3< double > Ocean::SphereD3
 Definition of a 3D sphere with double values. More...
typedef SphereT3< float > Ocean::SphereF3
 Definition of a 3D sphere with float values. More...
typedef std::vector< Sphere3Ocean::Spheres3
 Definition of a vector holding Shpere3 objects. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT2< ScalarOcean::SquareMatrix2
 Definition of the SquareMatrix2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT2< double > Ocean::SquareMatrixD2
 Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT2 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT2< float > Ocean::SquareMatrixF2
 Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT2 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::SquareMatricesT2 = std::vector< SquareMatrixT2< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with SquareMatrixT2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< SquareMatrix2Ocean::SquareMatrices2
 Definition of a vector holding SquareMatrix2 objects. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT3< ScalarOcean::SquareMatrix3
 Definition of the SquareMatrix3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT3< double > Ocean::SquareMatrixD3
 Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT3 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT3< float > Ocean::SquareMatrixF3
 Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT3 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::SquareMatricesT3 = std::vector< SquareMatrixT3< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with SquareMatrixT3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< SquareMatrix3Ocean::SquareMatrices3
 Definition of a vector holding SquareMatrix3 objects. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT4< ScalarOcean::SquareMatrix4
 Definition of the SquareMatrix4 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT4< double > Ocean::SquareMatrixD4
 Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT4 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef SquareMatrixT4< float > Ocean::SquareMatrixF4
 Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT4 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::SquareMatricesT4 = std::vector< SquareMatrixT4< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with SquareMatrixT4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< SquareMatrix4Ocean::SquareMatrices4
 Definition of a vector holding SquareMatrix4 objects. More...
typedef TriangleT< ScalarOcean::Triangle
 Definition of the Triangle object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef TriangleT< double > Ocean::TriangleD
 Instantiation of the TriangleT template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef TriangleT< float > Ocean::TriangleF
 Instantiation of the TriangleT template class using a single precision float data type. More...
typedef TriangleT2< ScalarOcean::Triangle2
 Definition of the Triangle2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef TriangleT2< double > Ocean::TriangleD2
 Instantiation of the TriangleT2 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef TriangleT2< float > Ocean::TriangleF2
 Instantiation of the TriangleT2 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::TrianglesT2 = std::vector< TriangleT2< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with TriangleT2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Triangle2Ocean::Triangles2
 Definition of a vector holding 2D triangles. More...
typedef std::vector< TriangleF2Ocean::TrianglesF2
 Definition of a vector holding 2D triangles with single precision float data type. More...
typedef std::vector< TriangleD2Ocean::TrianglesD2
 Definition of a vector holding 2D triangles with double precision float data type. More...
typedef TriangleT3< ScalarOcean::Triangle3
 Definition of the Triangle3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef TriangleT3< double > Ocean::TriangleD3
 Instantiation of the TriangleT3 template class using a double precision float data type. More...
typedef TriangleT3< float > Ocean::TriangleF3
 Instantiation of the TriangleT3 template class using a single precision float data type. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::TrianglesT3 = std::vector< TriangleT3< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with TriangleT3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Triangle3Ocean::Triangles3
 Definition of a vector holding 3D triangles. More...
typedef std::vector< TriangleF3Ocean::TrianglesF3
 Definition of a vector holding 3D triangles with single precision float data type. More...
typedef std::vector< TriangleD3Ocean::TrianglesD3
 Definition of a vector holding 3D triangles with double precision float data type. More...
typedef VarianceT< ScalarOcean::Variance
 Definition of a variance object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type. More...
typedef VarianceT< double > Ocean::VarianceD
 Definition of a variance object with double values. More...
typedef VarianceT< float > Ocean::VarianceF
 Definition of a variance object with float values. More...
typedef std::vector< VarianceOcean::Variances
 Definition of a vector holding variance objects. More...
typedef VectorT2< ScalarOcean::Vector2
 Definition of a 2D vector. More...
typedef VectorT2< double > Ocean::VectorD2
 Definition of a 2D vector with double values. More...
typedef VectorT2< float > Ocean::VectorF2
 Definition of a 2D vector with float values. More...
typedef VectorT2< int > Ocean::VectorI2
 Definition of a 2D vector with integer values. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::VectorsT2 = std::vector< VectorT2< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with VectorT2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Vector2Ocean::Vectors2
 Definition of a vector holding Vector2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorD2Ocean::VectorsD2
 Definition of a vector holding VectorD2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorF2Ocean::VectorsF2
 Definition of a vector holding VectorF2 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorI2Ocean::VectorsI2
 Definition of a vector holding VectorI2 objects. More...
typedef VectorT3< ScalarOcean::Vector3
 Definition of a 3D vector. More...
typedef VectorT3< double > Ocean::VectorD3
 Definition of a 3D vector with double values. More...
typedef VectorT3< float > Ocean::VectorF3
 Definition of a 3D vector with float values. More...
typedef VectorT3< int > Ocean::VectorI3
 Definition of a 3D vector with integer values. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::VectorsT3 = std::vector< VectorT3< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with VectorT3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Vector3Ocean::Vectors3
 Definition of a vector holding Vector3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorD3Ocean::VectorsD3
 Definition of a vector holding VectorD3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorF3Ocean::VectorsF3
 Definition of a vector holding VectorF3 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorI3Ocean::VectorsI3
 Definition of a vector holding VectorI3 objects. More...
typedef VectorT4< ScalarOcean::Vector4
 Definition of a 4D vector. More...
typedef VectorT4< double > Ocean::VectorD4
 Definition of a 4D vector with double values. More...
typedef VectorT4< float > Ocean::VectorF4
 Definition of a 4D vector with float values. More...
typedef VectorT4< int > Ocean::VectorI4
 Definition of a 4D vector with integer values. More...
template<typename T >
using Ocean::VectorsT4 = std::vector< VectorT4< T > >
 Definition of a typename alias for vectors with VectorT4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< Vector4Ocean::Vectors4
 Definition of a vector holding Vector4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorD4Ocean::VectorsD4
 Definition of a vector holding VectorD4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorF4Ocean::VectorsF4
 Definition of a vector holding VectorF4 objects. More...
typedef std::vector< VectorI4Ocean::VectorsI4
 Definition of a vector holding VectorI4 objects. More...


enum class  Ocean::AnyCameraType : uint32_t { Ocean::INVALID = 0u , Ocean::PINHOLE , Ocean::FISHEYE }
 Definition of individual camera types. More...

Detailed Description

The Ocean Math Library provides basic numerical and algebraic functionalities.

The library is platform independent.

The Math Library supports floating point numbers with single (32bit) and double (64bit) precision.
The library defines an own type for floating point numbers allowing to compile the entire library for a specific default type of floating point numbers (either float or double).
Thus, use the Scalar type to implement code for either 32bit or 64bit floating point values.
The preprocessor define 'OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION' distinguishes whether single or double precision is used as default floating point numbers.

See also

The library implements template-based classes allowing the explicit application of single or double precision floating point numbers.
The template-based classes are necessary to store or convert mathematical data between the Ocean framework and 3rd party libraries which rely either on 32bit or 64bit floating point numbers.
Further, the library implements classes that consistently applies the Scalar default floating point type avoiding a template-based implementation.
All template-based class names end with a 'T' identifying the template implementation.
However, for each template class three typedef definitions exist: a single,a double and a default precision version.
The single precision version ends with a 'F' (for float), the double precision version ends with a 'D' (for double).
The name of the default precision version is the normal class name without 'T', 'F' or 'D'.

See also
VectorT3, VectorF3, VectorD3, Vector3.
PlaneT3, PlaneF3, PlaneD3, Plane3.
VarianceT, VarianceF, VarianceD, Variance.

The NumericT class provides template-based access to numerical functions for single (NumericF) and double (NumericD) precision floating point numbers.
Use the default Numeric class to access the numerical functions with default floating point number type.

See also
NumericT, NumericF, NumericD, Numeric.

The Math Library provides 2D, 3D and 4D vector classes with a wide variety of functions necessary for linear algebra tasks.

See also
VectorT2, VectorT3, VectorT4.

The SquareMatrix2, SquareMatrix3 and SquareMatrix4 classes can be used for e.g., matrix-matrix or matrix-vector multipliations.
Each of the three matrix classes implement a square matrix with either 2, 3 or 4 rows and columns.

See also
SquareMatrixT2, SquareMatrixT3, SquareMatrixT4.

The HomogenousMatrix4 is comparable to the SquareMatrix4 class.
However, the homogenous matrix is designed to store homogenous transformations in 3D space like e.g., camera poses or coordinate system transformations.

See also

Matrix object with arbitrary (dynamic or static dimensions) are implemented by the classes Matrix and StaticMatrix.
A sparse matrix is realized in the SparseMatrix class.

See also
Matrix, StaticMatrix, SparseMatrix.

Rotation in 3D space can be expressed by the Euler, ExponentialMap, Quaternion, Rotation, SquareMatrix3 classes.

See also
EulerT, ExponentialMap, QuaternionT, RotationT, SquareMatrixT3.

An extrinsic camera matrix (a camera pose) can be represented by an HomogenousMatrix4 object or by a Pose object.
An intrinsic camera matrix (camera profile) is implemented by the PinholeCamera class further supporting camera distortion profiles.

See also
HomogenousMatrix4, Pose.

Further, the library supports 2D and 3D finite and infinite lines (rays) and 2D and 3D triangles.

See also
Line2, Line3, FiniteLine2, FiniteLine3, Triangle2, Triangle3.

The Plane3 class implements an infinite 3D plane.

See also

2D rectangles, 3D boxes and sphere as well as bounding volumes are realized by the Box2, Box3, Sphere3, BoundingBox and BoundingSphere classes.

See also
Box2, Box3, Sphere3, BoundingBox, BoundingSphere.

A Fourier transformation and a discrete cosine transformation can be accessed by the FourierTransformation and DiscreteCosineTransformation classes.

See also
FourierTransformation, DiscreteCosineTransformation.

However, the Math Library provides several further classes and functions.

In general, the Math library (but also the remaining entire framework) is using a right-handed coordinate system (as long as not explicitly documented differently).
Please refer to the Geometry library regarding a more detailed overview of the individual coordinate systems and how the framework handles transformations by default.

Typedef Documentation

◆ AnyCamera

Definition of an AnyCamera object with Scalar precision.

See also

◆ AnyCameraD

using Ocean::AnyCameraD = typedef AnyCameraT<double>

Definition of an AnyCamera object with double precision.

See also

◆ AnyCameraF

using Ocean::AnyCameraF = typedef AnyCameraT<float>

Definition of an AnyCamera object with float precision.

See also

◆ AnyCameraFisheye

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's fisheye camera class with element precision 'Scalar'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraFisheyeT.

◆ AnyCameraFisheyeD

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's fisheye camera class with element precision 'double'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraFisheyeT.

◆ AnyCameraFisheyeF

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's fisheye camera class with element precision 'float'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraFisheyeT.

◆ AnyCameraFisheyeT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::AnyCameraFisheyeT = typedef AnyCameraWrappingT<T, CameraWrapperT<T, CameraWrapperBaseFisheyeT<T> >>

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's fisheye camera class with template parameter to define the element precision.

Template Parameters
TThe scalar data type
See also
AnyCameraT, CameraWrapperBaseFisheyeT, AnyCameraFisheye, AnyCameraFisheyeD, AnyCameraFisheyeF.

◆ AnyCameraInvalid

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on an invalid (by design) camera with element precision 'Scalar'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraInvalidT.

◆ AnyCameraInvalidD

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on an invalid (by design) camera with element precision 'double'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraInvalidT.

◆ AnyCameraInvalidF

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on an invalid (by design) camera with element precision 'float'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraInvalidT.

◆ AnyCameraInvalidT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::AnyCameraInvalidT = typedef AnyCameraWrappingT<T, CameraWrapperT<T, CameraWrapperBaseInvalidT<T> >>

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on an invalid (by design) camera with template parameter to define the element precision.

Template Parameters
TThe scalar data type
See also
AnyCameraT, CameraWrapperBaseFisheyeT, AnyCameraInvalid, AnyCameraInvalidD, AnyCameraInvalidF.

◆ AnyCameraPinhole

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's pinhole camera class with element precision 'Scalar'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraPinholeT.

◆ AnyCameraPinholeD

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's pinhole camera class with element precision 'double'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraPinholeT.

◆ AnyCameraPinholeF

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's pinhole camera class with element precision 'float'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraPinholeT.

◆ AnyCameraPinholeT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::AnyCameraPinholeT = typedef AnyCameraWrappingT<T, CameraWrapperT<T, CameraWrapperBasePinholeT<T> >>

Definition of an AnyCamera object based on Ocean's pinhole camera class with template parameter to define the element precision.

Template Parameters
TThe scalar data type
See also
AnyCameraT, CameraWrapperBasePinholeT, AnyCameraPinhole, AnyCameraPinholeD, AnyCameraPinholeF.

◆ AutomaticDifferentiation

Definition of a scalar differentiation object using the data type of Scalar as parameter.

See also

◆ AutomaticDifferentiationD

Definition of a scalar differentiation object using double as data type.

See also

◆ AutomaticDifferentiationF

Definition of a scalar differentiation object using float as data type.

See also

◆ Box2

Definition of the Box2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ Box3

Definition of the Box3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ BoxD2

typedef BoxT2<double> Ocean::BoxD2

Instantiation of the BoxT2 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ BoxD3

typedef BoxT3<double> Ocean::BoxD3

Instantiation of the BoxT3 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ Boxes2

typedef std::vector<Box2> Ocean::Boxes2

Definition of a vector holding Box2 objects.

See also

◆ Boxes3

typedef std::vector<Box3> Ocean::Boxes3

Definition of a vector holding Box3 objects.

See also

◆ BoxesT2

template<typename T >
using Ocean::BoxesT2 = typedef std::vector<BoxT2<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with BoxT2 objects.

See also

◆ BoxesT3

template<typename T >
using Ocean::BoxesT3 = typedef std::vector<BoxT3<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with BoxT3 objects.

See also

◆ BoxF2

typedef BoxT2<float> Ocean::BoxF2

Instantiation of the BoxT2 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ BoxF3

typedef BoxT3<float> Ocean::BoxF3

Instantiation of the BoxT3 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Camera

Definition of an Camera object with Scalar precision.

See also

◆ CameraD

typedef CameraT<double> Ocean::CameraD

Definition of an Camera object with double precision.

See also

◆ CameraF

typedef CameraT<float> Ocean::CameraF

Definition of an Camera object with float precision.

See also

◆ Complex

typedef std::complex<Scalar> Ocean::Complex

Definition of a complex number based on the default floating point precision data type.

◆ ComplexD

typedef std::complex<double> Ocean::ComplexD

Definition of a complex number based on the double precision floating point data type.

◆ Complexes

typedef std::vector<Complex> Ocean::Complexes

Definition of a vector holding complex objects.

◆ ComplexF

typedef std::complex<float> Ocean::ComplexF

Definition of a complex number based on the single precision floating point data type.

◆ Cone3

Definition of the Cone3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ ConeD3

typedef ConeT3<double> Ocean::ConeD3

Definition of a 3D cone with double values.

See also

◆ ConeF3

typedef ConeT3<float> Ocean::ConeF3

Definition of a 3D cone with float values.

See also

◆ Cones3

typedef std::vector<Cone3> Ocean::Cones3

Definition of a vector holding Cone3 objects.

See also

◆ Cylinder3

Definition of the Cylinder3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ CylinderD3

typedef CylinderT3<double> Ocean::CylinderD3

Definition of a 3D cylinder with double values.

See also

◆ CylinderF3

typedef CylinderT3<float> Ocean::CylinderF3

Definition of a 3D cylinder with float values.

See also

◆ Cylinders3

typedef std::vector<Cylinder3> Ocean::Cylinders3

Definition of a vector holding Cylinder3 objects.

See also

◆ Equation

Definition of the Equation object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ EquationD

typedef EquationT<double> Ocean::EquationD

Definition of the Equation class using double values.

See also

◆ EquationF

typedef EquationT<float> Ocean::EquationF

Definition of the Equation class using float values.

See also

◆ Euler

Definition of the Euler object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ EulerD

typedef EulerT<double> Ocean::EulerD

Instantiation of the EulerT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ EulerF

typedef EulerT<float> Ocean::EulerF

Instantiation of the EulerT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Eulers

typedef std::vector<Euler> Ocean::Eulers

Definition of a vector holding euler objects.

See also

◆ EulersT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::EulersT = typedef std::vector<EulerT<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with EulerT objects.

See also

◆ ExponentialMap

Definition of the ExponentialMap object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ ExponentialMapD

Instantiation of the ExponentialMapT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ ExponentialMapF

Instantiation of the ExponentialMapT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ ExponentialMaps

typedef std::vector<ExponentialMap> Ocean::ExponentialMaps

Definition of a vector holding ExponentialMap objects.

See also

◆ ExponentialMapsT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::ExponentialMapsT = typedef std::vector<ExponentialMapT<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with ExponentialMapT objects.

See also

◆ FiniteLine2

Definition of the FiniteLine2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ FiniteLine3

Definition of the FiniteLine3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ FiniteLineD2

Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ FiniteLineD3

Instantiation of the LineT3 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ FiniteLineF2

Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ FiniteLineF3

Instantiation of the LineT3 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ FiniteLines2

typedef std::vector<FiniteLine2> Ocean::FiniteLines2

Definition of a vector holding FiniteLine2 objects.

See also
FiniteLineF2, Line2

◆ FiniteLines3

typedef std::vector<FiniteLine3> Ocean::FiniteLines3

Definition of a vector holding FiniteLine3 objects.

See also

◆ FiniteLinesD2

typedef std::vector<FiniteLineD2> Ocean::FiniteLinesD2

Definition of a vector holding FiniteLineD2 objects.

See also
FiniteLineD2, Line2

◆ FiniteLinesF2

typedef std::vector<FiniteLineF2> Ocean::FiniteLinesF2

Definition of a vector holding FiniteLineF2 objects.

See also
FiniteLineF2, Line2

◆ FiniteLinesT2

template<typename T >
using Ocean::FiniteLinesT2 = typedef std::vector<FiniteLineT2<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FiniteLineT2 objects.

See also

◆ FiniteLinesT3

template<typename T >
using Ocean::FiniteLinesT3 = typedef std::vector<FiniteLineT3<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FiniteLineT3 objects.

See also

◆ FisheyeCamera

Definition of a FisheyeCamera object using Scalar as data type.

See also

◆ FisheyeCameraD

Definition of a FisheyeCamera object using 'double'' as data type.

See also

◆ FisheyeCameraF

Definition of a FisheyeCamera object using 'float'' as data type.

See also

◆ FisheyeCameras

typedef std::vector<FisheyeCamera> Ocean::FisheyeCameras

Definition of a vector holding camera objects.

◆ FisheyeCamerasT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::FisheyeCamerasT = typedef std::vector<FisheyeCameraT<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FisheyeCameraT objects.

See also

◆ Frustum

Definition of a frustum.

See also

◆ FrustumD

typedef FrustumT<double> Ocean::FrustumD

Definition of a frustum with double values.

See also

◆ FrustumF

typedef FrustumT<float> Ocean::FrustumF

Definition of a frustum vector with float values.

See also

◆ Frustums

typedef std::vector<Frustum> Ocean::Frustums

Definition of a vector holding Frustum objects.

See also

◆ FrustumsD

typedef std::vector<FrustumD> Ocean::FrustumsD

Definition of a vector holding FrustumD objects.

See also

◆ FrustumsF

typedef std::vector<FrustumF> Ocean::FrustumsF

Definition of a vector holding FrustumF objects.

See also

◆ FrustumsT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::FrustumsT = typedef std::vector<FrustumT<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with FrustumT objects.

See also

◆ HomogenousMatrices4

Definition of a vector holding HomogenousMatrix4 objects.

See also

◆ HomogenousMatricesD4

Definition of a vector holding HomogenousMatrixD4 objects.

◆ HomogenousMatricesF4

Definition of a vector holding HomogenousMatrixF4 objects.

◆ HomogenousMatricesT4

template<typename T >
using Ocean::HomogenousMatricesT4 = typedef std::vector<HomogenousMatrixT4<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with HomogenousMatrixT4 objects.

See also

◆ HomogenousMatrix4

Definition of the HomogenousMatrix4 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ HomogenousMatrixD4

Instantiation of the HomogenousMatrixT4 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ HomogenousMatrixF4

Instantiation of the HomogenousMatrixT4 template class using a float precision float data type.

See also

◆ HSVAColors

typedef std::vector<HSVAColor> Ocean::HSVAColors

Definition of a vector holding rgba color objects.

◆ InvalidCamera

Definition of an invalid camera object based with element precision 'Scalar'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraInvalidT.

◆ InvalidCameraD

Definition of an invalid camera object based with element precision 'double'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraInvalidT.

◆ InvalidCameraF

Definition of an invalid camera object based with element precision 'float'.

See also
AnyCameraT, AnyCameraInvalidT.

◆ Line2

Definition of the Line2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ Line3

Definition of the Line3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ LineD2

typedef LineT2<double> Ocean::LineD2

Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ LineD3

typedef LineT3<double> Ocean::LineD3

Instantiation of the LineT3 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ LineF2

typedef LineT2<float> Ocean::LineF2

Instantiation of the LineT2 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ LineF3

typedef LineT3<float> Ocean::LineF3

Instantiation of the LineT3 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Lines2

typedef std::vector<Line2> Ocean::Lines2

Definition of a vector holding Line2 objects.

See also

◆ Lines3

typedef std::vector<Line3> Ocean::Lines3

Definition of a vector holding Line3 objects.

See also

◆ LinesD2

typedef std::vector<LineD2> Ocean::LinesD2

Definition of a vector holding Line2 objects with double precision float data type.

See also

◆ LinesF2

typedef std::vector<LineF2> Ocean::LinesF2

Definition of a vector holding Line2 objects with single precision float data type.

See also

◆ LinesT2

template<typename T >
using Ocean::LinesT2 = typedef std::vector<LineT2<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with LineT2 objects.

See also

◆ LinesT3

template<typename T >
using Ocean::LinesT3 = typedef std::vector<LineT3<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with LineT3 objects.

See also

◆ Matrices

typedef std::vector<Matrix> Ocean::Matrices

Definition of a vector holding matrix objects.

See also

◆ Matrix

Definition of the Matrix object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ MatrixD

typedef MatrixT<double> Ocean::MatrixD

Definition of the MatrixT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ MatrixF

typedef MatrixT<float> Ocean::MatrixF

Definition of the MatrixT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Numeric

Definition of a Numeric class.

See also

◆ NumericD

typedef NumericT<double> Ocean::NumericD

Definition of a Numeric class with double values.

See also

◆ NumericF

typedef NumericT<float> Ocean::NumericF

Definition of a Numeric class with float values.

See also

◆ PinholeCamera

Definition of an pinhole camera object with Scalar precision.

See also

◆ PinholeCameraD

Definition of an pinhole camera object with double precision.

See also

◆ PinholeCameraF

Definition of an pinhole camera object with float precision.

See also

◆ PinholeCameras

Definition of a vector holding pinhole camera objects.

See also

◆ PinholeCamerasD

Definition of a vector holding PinholeCameraD objects.

See also

◆ PinholeCamerasF

Definition of a vector holding PinholeCameraF objects.

See also

◆ PinholeCamerasT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::PinholeCamerasT = typedef std::vector<PinholeCameraT<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with PinholeCameraT objects.

See also

◆ Plane3

Definition of the Plane3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ PlaneD3

typedef PlaneT3<double> Ocean::PlaneD3

Definition of a 3D plane with double values.

See also

◆ PlaneF3

typedef PlaneT3<float> Ocean::PlaneF3

Definition of a 3D plane with float values.

See also

◆ Planes3

typedef std::vector<Plane3> Ocean::Planes3

Definition of a vector holding Plane3 objects.

See also

◆ PlanesT3

template<typename T >
using Ocean::PlanesT3 = typedef std::vector<PlaneT3<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with PlaneT3 objects.

See also

◆ Pose

using Ocean::Pose = typedef PoseT<Scalar>

Definition of the Pose object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ PoseD

using Ocean::PoseD = typedef PoseT<double>

Instantiation of the ExponentialMapT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ PoseF

using Ocean::PoseF = typedef PoseT<float>

Instantiation of the ExponentialMapT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Poses

using Ocean::Poses = typedef std::vector<Pose>

Definition of a vector holding ExponentialMap objects.

See also

◆ PosesT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::PosesT = typedef std::vector<PoseT<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with PoseT objects.

See also

◆ Quaternion

Definition of the Quaternion object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ QuaternionD

Instantiation of the QuaternionT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ QuaternionF

Instantiation of the QuaternionT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Quaternions

typedef std::vector<Quaternion> Ocean::Quaternions

Definition of a vector holding quaternion objects.

See also

◆ QuaternionsD

typedef std::vector<QuaternionD> Ocean::QuaternionsD

Definition of a vector holding quaternion objects with double precision float data type.

See also

◆ QuaternionsF

typedef std::vector<QuaternionF> Ocean::QuaternionsF

Definition of a vector holding quaternion objects with single precision float data type.

See also

◆ QuaternionsT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::QuaternionsT = typedef std::vector<QuaternionT<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with QuaternionT objects.

See also

◆ Random

Definition of the Random object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ RandomD

typedef RandomT<double> Ocean::RandomD

Instantiation of the RandomT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ RandomF

typedef RandomT<float> Ocean::RandomF

Instantiation of the RandomT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ RGBAColors

typedef std::vector<RGBAColor> Ocean::RGBAColors

Definition of a vector holding rgba color objects.

◆ Rotation

Definition of the Rotation object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ RotationD

typedef RotationT<double> Ocean::RotationD

Instantiation of the RotationT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ RotationF

typedef RotationT<float> Ocean::RotationF

Instantiation of the RotationT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Rotations

typedef std::vector<Rotation> Ocean::Rotations

Definition of a vector holding rotation objects.

See also

◆ RotationsT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::RotationsT = typedef std::vector<RotationT<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with RotationT objects.

See also

◆ Scalar

typedef double Ocean::Scalar

Definition of a scalar type.

◆ Scalars

typedef std::vector<Scalar> Ocean::Scalars

Definition of a vector holding Scalar objects.

◆ SharedAnyCamera

using Ocean::SharedAnyCamera = typedef std::shared_ptr<AnyCamera>

Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with Scalar precision.

See also

◆ SharedAnyCameraD

using Ocean::SharedAnyCameraD = typedef std::shared_ptr<AnyCameraD>

Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with double precision.

See also

◆ SharedAnyCameraF

using Ocean::SharedAnyCameraF = typedef std::shared_ptr<AnyCameraF>

Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with float precision.

See also

◆ SharedAnyCameras

Definition of a vector holding AnyCamera objects.

See also

◆ SharedAnyCamerasD

Definition of a vector holding AnyCameraD objects.

See also

◆ SharedAnyCamerasF

Definition of a vector holding AnyCameraF objects.

See also

◆ SharedAnyCamerasT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::SharedAnyCamerasT = typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AnyCameraT<T> >>

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with shared AnyCameraT objects.

Template Parameters
Tthe data type of the scalar to be used either 'float' or 'double'
See also

◆ SharedAnyCameraT

template<typename T >
using Ocean::SharedAnyCameraT = typedef std::shared_ptr<AnyCameraT<T> >

Definition of a shared pointer holding an AnyCamera object with Scalar precision.

Template Parameters
Tthe data type of the scalar to be used either 'float' or 'double'
See also

◆ SparseMatrices

typedef std::vector<SparseMatrix> Ocean::SparseMatrices

Definition of a vector holding sparse matrix objects.

See also

◆ SparseMatrix

Definition of the SparseMatrix object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SparseMatrixD

Instantiation of the SparseMatrixT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SparseMatrixF

Instantiation of the SparseMatrixT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Sphere3

Definition of the Sphere3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SphereD3

typedef SphereT3<double> Ocean::SphereD3

Definition of a 3D sphere with double values.

See also

◆ SphereF3

typedef SphereT3<float> Ocean::SphereF3

Definition of a 3D sphere with float values.

See also

◆ Spheres3

typedef std::vector<Sphere3> Ocean::Spheres3

Definition of a vector holding Shpere3 objects.

See also

◆ SquareMatrices2

typedef std::vector<SquareMatrix2> Ocean::SquareMatrices2

Definition of a vector holding SquareMatrix2 objects.

See also

◆ SquareMatrices3

typedef std::vector<SquareMatrix3> Ocean::SquareMatrices3

Definition of a vector holding SquareMatrix3 objects.

See also

◆ SquareMatrices4

typedef std::vector<SquareMatrix4> Ocean::SquareMatrices4

Definition of a vector holding SquareMatrix4 objects.

See also

◆ SquareMatricesT2

template<typename T >
using Ocean::SquareMatricesT2 = typedef std::vector<SquareMatrixT2<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with SquareMatrixT2 objects.

See also

◆ SquareMatricesT3

template<typename T >
using Ocean::SquareMatricesT3 = typedef std::vector<SquareMatrixT3<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with SquareMatrixT3 objects.

See also

◆ SquareMatricesT4

template<typename T >
using Ocean::SquareMatricesT4 = typedef std::vector<SquareMatrixT4<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with SquareMatrixT4 objects.

See also

◆ SquareMatrix2

Definition of the SquareMatrix2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SquareMatrix3

Definition of the SquareMatrix3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SquareMatrix4

Definition of the SquareMatrix4 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SquareMatrixD2

Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT2 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SquareMatrixD3

Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT3 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SquareMatrixD4

Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT4 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ SquareMatrixF2

Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT2 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ SquareMatrixF3

Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT3 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ SquareMatrixF4

Instantiation of the SquareMatrixT4 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ Triangle

Definition of the Triangle object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ Triangle2

Definition of the Triangle2 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ Triangle3

Definition of the Triangle3 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ TriangleD

typedef TriangleT<double> Ocean::TriangleD

Instantiation of the TriangleT template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ TriangleD2

typedef TriangleT2<double> Ocean::TriangleD2

Instantiation of the TriangleT2 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ TriangleD3

typedef TriangleT3<double> Ocean::TriangleD3

Instantiation of the TriangleT3 template class using a double precision float data type.

See also

◆ TriangleF

typedef TriangleT<float> Ocean::TriangleF

Instantiation of the TriangleT template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ TriangleF2

typedef TriangleT2<float> Ocean::TriangleF2

Instantiation of the TriangleT2 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ TriangleF3

typedef TriangleT3<float> Ocean::TriangleF3

Instantiation of the TriangleT3 template class using a single precision float data type.

See also

◆ Triangles2

typedef std::vector<Triangle2> Ocean::Triangles2

Definition of a vector holding 2D triangles.

See also

◆ Triangles3

typedef std::vector<Triangle3> Ocean::Triangles3

Definition of a vector holding 3D triangles.

See also

◆ TrianglesD2

typedef std::vector<TriangleD2> Ocean::TrianglesD2

Definition of a vector holding 2D triangles with double precision float data type.

See also

◆ TrianglesD3

typedef std::vector<TriangleD3> Ocean::TrianglesD3

Definition of a vector holding 3D triangles with double precision float data type.

See also

◆ TrianglesF2

typedef std::vector<TriangleF2> Ocean::TrianglesF2

Definition of a vector holding 2D triangles with single precision float data type.

See also

◆ TrianglesF3

typedef std::vector<TriangleF3> Ocean::TrianglesF3

Definition of a vector holding 3D triangles with single precision float data type.

See also

◆ TrianglesT2

template<typename T >
using Ocean::TrianglesT2 = typedef std::vector<TriangleT2<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with TriangleT2 objects.

See also

◆ TrianglesT3

template<typename T >
using Ocean::TrianglesT3 = typedef std::vector<TriangleT3<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with TriangleT3 objects.

See also

◆ Variance

Definition of a variance object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION either with single or double precision float data type.

See also

◆ VarianceD

typedef VarianceT<double> Ocean::VarianceD

Definition of a variance object with double values.

See also

◆ VarianceF

typedef VarianceT<float> Ocean::VarianceF

Definition of a variance object with float values.

See also

◆ Variances

typedef std::vector<Variance> Ocean::Variances

Definition of a vector holding variance objects.

See also

◆ Vector2

Definition of a 2D vector.

See also

◆ Vector3

Definition of a 3D vector.

See also

◆ Vector4

Definition of a 4D vector.

See also

◆ VectorD2

typedef VectorT2<double> Ocean::VectorD2

Definition of a 2D vector with double values.

See also

◆ VectorD3

typedef VectorT3<double> Ocean::VectorD3

Definition of a 3D vector with double values.

See also

◆ VectorD4

typedef VectorT4<double> Ocean::VectorD4

Definition of a 4D vector with double values.

See also

◆ VectorF2

typedef VectorT2<float> Ocean::VectorF2

Definition of a 2D vector with float values.

See also

◆ VectorF3

typedef VectorT3<float> Ocean::VectorF3

Definition of a 3D vector with float values.

See also

◆ VectorF4

typedef VectorT4<float> Ocean::VectorF4

Definition of a 4D vector with float values.

See also

◆ VectorI2

typedef VectorT2<int> Ocean::VectorI2

Definition of a 2D vector with integer values.

See also

◆ VectorI3

typedef VectorT3<int> Ocean::VectorI3

Definition of a 3D vector with integer values.

See also

◆ VectorI4

typedef VectorT4<int> Ocean::VectorI4

Definition of a 4D vector with integer values.

See also

◆ Vectors2

typedef std::vector<Vector2> Ocean::Vectors2

Definition of a vector holding Vector2 objects.

See also

◆ Vectors3

typedef std::vector<Vector3> Ocean::Vectors3

Definition of a vector holding Vector3 objects.

See also

◆ Vectors4

typedef std::vector<Vector4> Ocean::Vectors4

Definition of a vector holding Vector4 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsD2

typedef std::vector<VectorD2> Ocean::VectorsD2

Definition of a vector holding VectorD2 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsD3

typedef std::vector<VectorD3> Ocean::VectorsD3

Definition of a vector holding VectorD3 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsD4

typedef std::vector<VectorD4> Ocean::VectorsD4

Definition of a vector holding VectorD4 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsF2

typedef std::vector<VectorF2> Ocean::VectorsF2

Definition of a vector holding VectorF2 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsF3

typedef std::vector<VectorF3> Ocean::VectorsF3

Definition of a vector holding VectorF3 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsF4

typedef std::vector<VectorF4> Ocean::VectorsF4

Definition of a vector holding VectorF4 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsI2

typedef std::vector<VectorI2> Ocean::VectorsI2

Definition of a vector holding VectorI2 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsI3

typedef std::vector<VectorI3> Ocean::VectorsI3

Definition of a vector holding VectorI3 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsI4

typedef std::vector<VectorI4> Ocean::VectorsI4

Definition of a vector holding VectorI4 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsT2

template<typename T >
using Ocean::VectorsT2 = typedef std::vector<VectorT2<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with VectorT2 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsT3

template<typename T >
using Ocean::VectorsT3 = typedef std::vector<VectorT3<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with VectorT3 objects.

See also

◆ VectorsT4

template<typename T >
using Ocean::VectorsT4 = typedef std::vector<VectorT4<T> >

Definition of a typename alias for vectors with VectorT4 objects.

See also

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AnyCameraType

enum Ocean::AnyCameraType : uint32_t

Definition of individual camera types.


An invalid camera type.


A pinhole camera.


A fisheye camera.