No Matches
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T > Class Template Reference

This class implements a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix using floating point values with the precision specified by type T. More...

#include <HomogenousMatrix4.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >:

Public Types

typedef T Type
 Definition of the used data type.

Public Member Functions

 HomogenousMatrixT4 ()
 Creates a new default HomogenousMatrixT4 object with undefined elements.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &matrix)
 Copy constructor.
template<typename U >
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const HomogenousMatrixT4< U > &matrix)
 Copy constructor for a matrix with difference element data type than T.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const bool setToIdentity)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4.
template<typename U >
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const U *arrayValues)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by 16 given floating point values of type U.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const T *arrayValues)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by 16 given floating point values.
template<typename U >
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const U *arrayValues, const bool valuesRowAligned)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by an array of at least sixteen elements of float type U.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const T *arrayValues, const bool valuesRowAligned)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by an array of at least sixteen elements.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a translation.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const RotationT< T > &rotation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a rotation.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const EulerT< T > &euler)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a rotation given as Euler rotation.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const QuaternionT< T > &rotation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a rotation given as quaternion.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const SquareMatrixT3< T > &rotation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a rotation given as 3x3 rotation matrix.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const SquareMatrixT4< T > &matrix)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object from a 4x4 square matrix.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const RotationT< T > &rotation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const std::pair< VectorT3< T >, RotationT< T > > &translationAndRotation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const EulerT< T > &euler)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const QuaternionT< T > &rotation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const std::pair< VectorT3< T >, QuaternionT< T > > &translationAndRotation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const SquareMatrixT3< T > &rotation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation matrix.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const VectorT3< T > &scale)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation and a scale.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const RotationT< T > &rotation, const VectorT3< T > &scale)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation, rotation and scale.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const QuaternionT< T > &rotation, const VectorT3< T > &scale, const VectorT3< T > &shear)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation, rotation, scale and shear.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const RotationT< T > &rotation, const VectorT3< T > &scale, const VectorT3< T > &shear)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation, rotation, scale and shear.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &translation, const QuaternionT< T > &rotation, const VectorT3< T > &scale)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation, rotation and scale.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &xAxis, const VectorT3< T > &yAxis, const VectorT3< T > &zAxis)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by three basis vectors.
 HomogenousMatrixT4 (const VectorT3< T > &xAxis, const VectorT3< T > &yAxis, const VectorT3< T > &zAxis, const VectorT3< T > &translation)
 Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by three basis vectors and a translation vector.
VectorT3< T > xAxis () const
 Returns the x-axis of the transformation which is the first vector of the upper left 3x3 rotation matrix of this homogeneous 4x4 transformation.
VectorT3< T > yAxis () const
 Returns the y-axis of the transformation which is the second vector of the upper left 3x3 rotation matrix of this homogeneous 4x4 transformation.
VectorT3< T > zAxis () const
 Returns the z-axis of the transformation which is the first vector of the upper left 3x3 rotation matrix of this homogeneous 4x4 transformation.
VectorT3< T > translation () const
 Returns the translation of the transformation.
QuaternionT< T > rotation () const
 Returns the rotation of the transformation as quaternion.
VectorT3< T > scale () const
 Returns the scale of the transformation.
bool decompose (VectorT3< T > &translation, QuaternionT< T > &rotation, VectorT3< T > &scale, VectorT3< T > &shear) const
 Decomposes the transformation matrix into translation, rotation, scale and shear parameters.
SquareMatrixT3< T > rotationMatrix () const
 Returns the rotation matrix of the transformation.
void rotationMatrix (T *data, const bool transposed=false) const
 Copies the 3x3 rotation matrix elements of the 4x4 transformation.
SquareMatrixT3< T > orthonormalRotationMatrix () const
 Returns the 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix of the 4x4 transformation (by forcing a orthogonal and normalized rotation matrix).
SquareMatrixT4< T > transposed () const
 Returns the transposed of this matrix.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > inverted () const noexcept
 Returns the inverted of this matrix.
bool invert ()
 Inverts the matrix.
bool invert (HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &invertedMatrix) const
 Inverts the matrix and returns the result as parameter.
determinant () const
 Returns the determinant of the matrix.
trace () const
 Returns the trace of the matrix which is the sum of the diagonal elements.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & setTranslation (const VectorT3< T > &translation)
 Sets the translation of this transformation.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & setRotation (const RotationT< T > &rotation)
 Sets the rotation of this transformation.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & setRotation (const QuaternionT< T > &quaternion)
 Sets the rotation of this transformation.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & setRotation (const SquareMatrixT3< T > &matrix)
 Sets the rotation of this transformation.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & applyScale (const VectorT3< T > &scale)
 Applies new scale values.
void toIdentity ()
 Sets the matrix to the identity matrix.
void toNull ()
 Sets the matrix to a zero matrix (including the lower right element).
bool isValid () const
 Returns whether this matrix is a valid homogeneous transformation.
bool isIdentity () const
 Returns whether this matrix is an identity matrix.
bool isEqual (const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &matrix, const T epsilon=NumericT< T >::eps()) const
 Returns whether two matrices are almost identical up to a specified epsilon.
bool isNull () const
 Returns whether this matrix is a zero matrix (with all elements equal to zero).
const T * data () const
 Returns a pointer to the internal values.
T * data ()
 Returns a pointer to the internal values.
void copyElements (T *arrayValues, const bool valuesRowAligned=false) const
 Copies the elements of this matrix to an array with floating point values of the same type T.
template<typename U >
void copyElements (U *arrayValues, const bool valuesRowAligned=false) const
 Copies the elements of this matrix to an array with floating point values of the type U.
VectorT3< T > rotationMatrix (const VectorT3< T > &vector) const
 Transforms a 3D vector by application of only the inner rotation matrix (including scale and shearing) of this transformation.
VectorT3< T > transposedRotationMatrix (const VectorT3< T > &vector) const
 Transforms a 3D vector by application of only the inner transposed rotation matrix (including scale and shearing) of this transformation.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & operator= (const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &)=default
 Default copy assignment operator.
bool operator== (const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &matrix) const
 Returns whether two transformations are identical up to a small epsilon.
bool operator!= (const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &matrix) const
 Returns whether two transformations are not identical up to a small epsilon.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > operator* (const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &matrix) const
 Combines two transformation matrices.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & operator*= (const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &matrix)
 Combines and assigns two transformation matrices.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > operator* (const RotationT< T > &rotation) const
 Combines a transformation with a rotation.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & operator*= (const RotationT< T > &rotation)
 Combines and assigns a transformation with a rotation.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > operator* (const QuaternionT< T > &rotation) const
 Combines a transformation with a quaternion rotation.
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & operator*= (const QuaternionT< T > &rotation)
 Combines and assigns a transformation with a quaternion rotation.
VectorT3< T > operator* (const VectorT3< T > &vector) const
 Transforms a 3D vector.
VectorT4< T > operator* (const VectorT4< T > &vector) const
 Transforms a 4D vector.
operator[] (const unsigned int index) const
 Element operator.
T & operator[] (const unsigned int index)
 Element operator.
operator() (const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column) const
 Element operator.
T & operator() (const unsigned int row, const unsigned int column)
 Element operator.
operator() (const unsigned int index) const
 Element operator.
T & operator() (const unsigned int index)
 Element operator.
const T * operator() () const
 Access operator.
T * operator() ()
 Access operator.
size_t operator() (const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &matrix) const
 Hash function.
std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< float > > matrices2matrices (const std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< float > > &matrices)
std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< double > > matrices2matrices (const std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< double > > &matrices)

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename U >
static std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< T > > matrices2matrices (const std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< U > > &matrices)
 Converts matrices with specific data type to matrices with different data type.
template<typename U >
static std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< T > > matrices2matrices (const HomogenousMatrixT4< U > *matrices, const size_t size)
 Converts matrices with specific data type to matrices with different data type.

Protected Attributes

values_ [16]
 The sixteen values of the transformation matrix.


template<typename U >
class HomogenousMatrixT4

Detailed Description

template<typename T>
class Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >

This class implements a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix using floating point values with the precision specified by type T.

The values are stored in a column major/aligned order with indices:
| 0  4  8  12 |
| 1  5  9  13 |
| 2  6  10 14 |
| 3  7  11 15 |

This matrix allows homogeneous transformations only.
With basis vectors (rx1, ry1, rz1), (rx2, ry2, rz2), (rx3, ry3, rz3), and translation vector (tx, ty, tz):
| rx1 rx2 rx3 tx |
| ry1 ry2 ry3 ty |
| rz1 rz2 rz3 tz |
|  0   0   0   1 |
Template Parameters
TData type of matrix elements
See also
HomogenousMatrix4, HomogenousMatrixF4, HomogenousMatrixD4.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Type

template<typename T >
typedef T Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::Type

Definition of the used data type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [1/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( )

Creates a new default HomogenousMatrixT4 object with undefined elements.

Beware: This matrix is neither a zero nor an entity matrix!

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [2/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  matrix)

Copy constructor.

matrixThe matrix to copy

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [3/27]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< U > &  matrix)

Copy constructor for a matrix with difference element data type than T.

matrixThe matrix to copy
Template Parameters
UThe element data type of the second matrix

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [4/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const bool  setToIdentity)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4.

Beware: The zero matrix will hold a zero in the lower right corner which must be set explicitly later to create a valid matrix.
Only constructors explicitly set the lower right value to 1 like e.g., the constructor building a matrix from a rotation or translation and so on.

setToIdentityTrue, to create a identity matrix; False, to set a zero matrix

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [5/27]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const U *  arrayValues)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by 16 given floating point values of type U.

arrayValuesThe array with 16 matrix elements of type U

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [6/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const T *  arrayValues)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by 16 given floating point values.

arrayValuesThe array with 16 matrix elements

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [7/27]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const U *  arrayValues,
const bool  valuesRowAligned 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by an array of at least sixteen elements of float type U.

arrayValuesThe sixteen matrix elements defining the new matrix, must be valid
valuesRowAlignedTrue, if the given values are stored in a row aligned order; False, if the values are stored in a column aligned order (which is the default case for this matrix)
Template Parameters
UThe floating point type of the given elements

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [8/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const T *  arrayValues,
const bool  valuesRowAligned 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by an array of at least sixteen elements.

valuesRowAlignedTrue, if the given values are stored in a row aligned order; False, if the values are stored in a column aligned order (which is the default case for this matrix)
arrayValuesThe sixteen matrix elements defining the new matrix, must be valid

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [9/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a translation.

translationThe translation of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [10/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const RotationT< T > &  rotation)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a rotation.

rotationThe angle-axis rotation of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [11/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const EulerT< T > &  euler)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a rotation given as Euler rotation.

eulerThe euler rotation of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [12/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const QuaternionT< T > &  rotation)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a rotation given as quaternion.

rotationThe rotation of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [13/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const SquareMatrixT3< T > &  rotation)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with only a rotation given as 3x3 rotation matrix.

rotation3x3 rotation matrix

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [14/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const SquareMatrixT4< T > &  matrix)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object from a 4x4 square matrix.

matrixThe 4x4 square matrix

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [15/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const RotationT< T > &  rotation 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.

The resulting transformation can be written as the following matrix multiplication:

HomogenousMatrix4(translation, rotation) == HomogenousMatrix4(translation) * HomogenousMatrix4(rotation)
translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
rotationThe rotation of the resulting transformation, must be valid

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [16/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const std::pair< VectorT3< T >, RotationT< T > > &  translationAndRotation)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.

translationAndRotationThe pair of translation and rotation of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [17/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const EulerT< T > &  euler 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.

The resulting transformation can be written as the following matrix multiplication:

HomogenousMatrix4(translation, euler) == HomogenousMatrix4(translation) * HomogenousMatrix4(euler)
translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
eulerThe euler rotation of the resulting transformation, must be valid

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [18/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const QuaternionT< T > &  rotation 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.

The resulting transformation can be written as the following matrix multiplication:

HomogenousMatrix4(translation, rotation) == HomogenousMatrix4(translation) * HomogenousMatrix4(rotation)
translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the resulting transformation, must be valid

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [19/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const std::pair< VectorT3< T >, QuaternionT< T > > &  translationAndRotation)

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation.

translationAndRotationThe pair of translation and rotation of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [20/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const SquareMatrixT3< T > &  rotation 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object with a translation and rotation matrix.

The resulting transformation can be written as the following matrix multiplication:

HomogenousMatrix4(translation, rotation) == HomogenousMatrix4(translation) * HomogenousMatrix4(rotation)
translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
rotationThe rotation matrix of the resulting transformation, must be valid

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [21/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const VectorT3< T > &  scale 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation and a scale.

translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
scaleThe scale of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [22/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const RotationT< T > &  rotation,
const VectorT3< T > &  scale 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation, rotation and scale.

translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
rotationThe rotation of the resulting transformation, must be valid
scaleThe scale of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [23/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const QuaternionT< T > &  rotation,
const VectorT3< T > &  scale,
const VectorT3< T > &  shear 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation, rotation, scale and shear.

translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
rotationThe rotation of the resulting transformation as unit quaternion, must be valid
scaleThe scale of the resulting transformation
shearThe shear of the resulting transformation with order (xy, xz, yz)

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [24/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const RotationT< T > &  rotation,
const VectorT3< T > &  scale,
const VectorT3< T > &  shear 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation, rotation, scale and shear.

translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
rotationThe rotation of the resulting transformation, must be valid
scaleThe scale of the resulting transformation
shearThe shear of the resulting transformation with order (xy, xz, yz)

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [25/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation,
const QuaternionT< T > &  rotation,
const VectorT3< T > &  scale 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by a translation, rotation and scale.

translationThe translation of the resulting transformation
rotationThe quaternion rotation of the resulting transformation, must be valid
scaleThe scale of the resulting transformation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [26/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  xAxis,
const VectorT3< T > &  yAxis,
const VectorT3< T > &  zAxis 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by three basis vectors.

xAxisFirst basis vector
yAxisSecond basis vector
zAxisThird basis vector

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4() [27/27]

template<typename T >
Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::HomogenousMatrixT4 ( const VectorT3< T > &  xAxis,
const VectorT3< T > &  yAxis,
const VectorT3< T > &  zAxis,
const VectorT3< T > &  translation 

Creates a new HomogenousMatrixT4 object by three basis vectors and a translation vector.

xAxisFirst basis vector
yAxisSecond basis vector
zAxisThird basis vector
translationThe translation vector

Member Function Documentation

◆ applyScale()

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::applyScale ( const VectorT3< T > &  scale)

Applies new scale values.

scaleThe new scale values which are applied to the inner 3x3 rotation matrix
Reference to this transformation matrix

◆ copyElements() [1/2]

template<typename T >
void Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::copyElements ( T *  arrayValues,
const bool  valuesRowAligned = false 
) const

Copies the elements of this matrix to an array with floating point values of the same type T.

arrayValuesArray with 16 floating point values of type T receiving the elements of this matrix, must be valid
valuesRowAlignedTrue, if the target values are stored in a row aligned order; False, if the values are stored in a column aligned order (which is the default case for this matrix)

◆ copyElements() [2/2]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
void Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::copyElements ( U *  arrayValues,
const bool  valuesRowAligned = false 
) const

Copies the elements of this matrix to an array with floating point values of the type U.

arrayValuesArray with 16 floating point values of type U receiving the elements of this matrix, must be valid
valuesRowAlignedTrue, if the target values are stored in a row aligned order; False, if the values are stored in a column aligned order (which is the default case for this matrix)

◆ data() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T * Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::data ( )

Returns a pointer to the internal values.

The pointer to the internal values, always valid

◆ data() [2/2]

template<typename T >
const T * Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::data ( ) const

Returns a pointer to the internal values.

The pointer to the internal values, always valid

◆ decompose()

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::decompose ( VectorT3< T > &  translation,
QuaternionT< T > &  rotation,
VectorT3< T > &  scale,
VectorT3< T > &  shear 
) const

Decomposes the transformation matrix into translation, rotation, scale and shear parameters.

translationThe returning translation parameter
rotationThe returning rotation parameter as quaternion
scaleThe returning scale parameter
shearThe returning shear parameter with order (xy, xz, yz)
True, if succeeded (otherwise the transformation matrix has a zero-scaling axis and the translation is decomposed only)

◆ determinant()

template<typename T >
T Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::determinant ( ) const

Returns the determinant of the matrix.

Matrix determinant

◆ invert() [1/2]

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::invert ( )

Inverts the matrix.

True, if the matrix could be inverted (because the matrix was not singular)

◆ invert() [2/2]

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::invert ( HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  invertedMatrix) const

Inverts the matrix and returns the result as parameter.

invertedMatrixThe resulting inverted matrix
True, if the matrix could be inverted because the matrix is not singular
See also
inverted(), solve().

◆ inverted()

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::inverted ( ) const

Returns the inverted of this matrix.

This matrix must not be singular, ensure that the matrix is invertible before calling this function.
Even better: avoid the usage of this function and call invert() instead.
In case, this matrix is not invertible, this matrix will be returned instead.

The inverted matrix see invert().

◆ isEqual()

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::isEqual ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  matrix,
const T  epsilon = NumericT<T>::eps() 
) const

Returns whether two matrices are almost identical up to a specified epsilon.

matrixSecond matrix that will be checked
epsilonThe epsilon threshold to be used, with range [0, infinity)
True, if so

◆ isIdentity()

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::isIdentity ( ) const

Returns whether this matrix is an identity matrix.

True, if so
See also

◆ isNull()

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::isNull ( ) const

Returns whether this matrix is a zero matrix (with all elements equal to zero).

True, if so
See also

◆ isValid()

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::isValid ( ) const

Returns whether this matrix is a valid homogeneous transformation.

True, if so

◆ matrices2matrices() [1/4]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< T > > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::matrices2matrices ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< U > *  matrices,
const size_t  size 

Converts matrices with specific data type to matrices with different data type.

matricesThe matrices to convert
sizeThe number of matrices to convert
The converted matrices
Template Parameters
UThe element data type of the matrices to convert

◆ matrices2matrices() [2/4]

std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< double > > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< double >::matrices2matrices ( const std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< double > > &  matrices)

◆ matrices2matrices() [3/4]

std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< float > > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< float >::matrices2matrices ( const std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< float > > &  matrices)

◆ matrices2matrices() [4/4]

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< T > > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::matrices2matrices ( const std::vector< HomogenousMatrixT4< U > > &  matrices)

Converts matrices with specific data type to matrices with different data type.

matricesThe matrices to convert
The converted matrices
Template Parameters
UThe element data type of the matrices to convert

◆ operator!=()

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator!= ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  matrix) const

Returns whether two transformations are not identical up to a small epsilon.

matrixRight operand
True, if so

◆ operator()() [1/7]

template<typename T >
T * Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator() ( )

Access operator.

Pointer to the internal values

◆ operator()() [2/7]

template<typename T >
const T * Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator() ( ) const

Access operator.

Pointer to the internal values

◆ operator()() [3/7]

template<typename T >
size_t Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator() ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  matrix) const

Hash function.

matrixThe matrix for which the hash value will be determined
The resulting hash value

◆ operator()() [4/7]

template<typename T >
T & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator() ( const unsigned int  index)

Element operator.

indexThe index of the element to return [0, 15]
Specified element

◆ operator()() [5/7]

template<typename T >
T Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator() ( const unsigned int  index) const

Element operator.

indexThe index of the element to return [0, 15]
Specified element

◆ operator()() [6/7]

template<typename T >
T & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator() ( const unsigned int  row,
const unsigned int  column 

Element operator.

rowThe row of the element to return [0, 3]
columnThe column of the element to return [0, 3]
Specified element

◆ operator()() [7/7]

template<typename T >
T Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator() ( const unsigned int  row,
const unsigned int  column 
) const

Element operator.

rowThe row of the element to return [0, 3]
columnThe column of the element to return [0, 3]
Specified element

◆ operator*() [1/5]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator* ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  matrix) const

Combines two transformation matrices.

matrixRight transformation matrix
Combined transformation matrix

◆ operator*() [2/5]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator* ( const QuaternionT< T > &  rotation) const

Combines a transformation with a quaternion rotation.

rotationThe quaternion rotation to combine, must be valid
Combined transformation matrix

◆ operator*() [3/5]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator* ( const RotationT< T > &  rotation) const

Combines a transformation with a rotation.

rotationThe rotation to combine, must be valid
Combined transformation matrix

◆ operator*() [4/5]

template<typename T >
VectorT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator* ( const VectorT3< T > &  vector) const

Transforms a 3D vector.

The vector will be extended with a 1.0 as fourth element and de-homogenized afterwards.

vectorThe vector to transform
Resulting transformed and homogenized 3D vector

◆ operator*() [5/5]

template<typename T >
VectorT4< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator* ( const VectorT4< T > &  vector) const

Transforms a 4D vector.

vectorThe vector to transform
The resulting transformed 4D vector

◆ operator*=() [1/3]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator*= ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  matrix)

Combines and assigns two transformation matrices.

matrixRight transformation matrix
Reference to this transformation matrix

◆ operator*=() [2/3]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator*= ( const QuaternionT< T > &  rotation)

Combines and assigns a transformation with a quaternion rotation.

rotationThe quaternion rotation to combine, must be valid
Reference to this transformation matrix

◆ operator*=() [3/3]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator*= ( const RotationT< T > &  rotation)

Combines and assigns a transformation with a rotation.

rotationThe rotation to combine, must be valid
Reference to this transformation matrix

◆ operator=()

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator= ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  )

Default copy assignment operator.

Reference to this object

◆ operator==()

template<typename T >
bool Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator== ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< T > &  matrix) const

Returns whether two transformations are identical up to a small epsilon.

matrixRight operand
True, if so

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<typename T >
T & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator[] ( const unsigned int  index)

Element operator.

indexThe index of the element to return [0, 15]
Specified element

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::operator[] ( const unsigned int  index) const

Element operator.

indexThe index of the element to return [0, 15]
Specified element

◆ orthonormalRotationMatrix()

template<typename T >
SquareMatrixT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::orthonormalRotationMatrix ( ) const

Returns the 3x3 orthonormal rotation matrix of the 4x4 transformation (by forcing a orthogonal and normalized rotation matrix).

All vectors of the resulting rotation matrix have unit length.

The normalized rotation matrix

◆ rotation()

template<typename T >
QuaternionT< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::rotation ( ) const

Returns the rotation of the transformation as quaternion.


◆ rotationMatrix() [1/3]

template<typename T >
SquareMatrixT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::rotationMatrix ( ) const

Returns the rotation matrix of the transformation.

Rotation matrix containing scale

◆ rotationMatrix() [2/3]

template<typename T >
VectorT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::rotationMatrix ( const VectorT3< T > &  vector) const

Transforms a 3D vector by application of only the inner rotation matrix (including scale and shearing) of this transformation.

vectorThe vector to be transformed
Transformed 3D vector

◆ rotationMatrix() [3/3]

template<typename T >
void Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::rotationMatrix ( T *  data,
const bool  transposed = false 
) const

Copies the 3x3 rotation matrix elements of the 4x4 transformation.

dataThe buffer receiving the nine rotation matrix elements, must be valid
transposedTrue, to copy the transposed rotation matrix (to copy the array into a row major buffer); False, to copy the matrix into a column major buffer

◆ scale()

template<typename T >
VectorT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::scale ( ) const

Returns the scale of the transformation.

Transformation scale

◆ setRotation() [1/3]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::setRotation ( const QuaternionT< T > &  quaternion)

Sets the rotation of this transformation.

quaternionThe quaternion rotation to set, must be valid
Reference to this transformation matrix

◆ setRotation() [2/3]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::setRotation ( const RotationT< T > &  rotation)

Sets the rotation of this transformation.

rotationThe rotation to set, must be valid
Reference to this transformation matrix

◆ setRotation() [3/3]

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::setRotation ( const SquareMatrixT3< T > &  matrix)

Sets the rotation of this transformation.

matrixThe 3x3 rotation matrix to set
Reference to this transformation matrix

◆ setTranslation()

template<typename T >
HomogenousMatrixT4< T > & Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::setTranslation ( const VectorT3< T > &  translation)

Sets the translation of this transformation.

translationThe translation to set
Reference to this transformation matrix

◆ toIdentity()

template<typename T >
void Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::toIdentity ( )

Sets the matrix to the identity matrix.

See also

◆ toNull()

template<typename T >
void Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::toNull ( )

Sets the matrix to a zero matrix (including the lower right element).

See also

◆ trace()

template<typename T >
T Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::trace ( ) const

Returns the trace of the matrix which is the sum of the diagonal elements.

Trace of the matrix

◆ translation()

template<typename T >
VectorT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::translation ( ) const

Returns the translation of the transformation.


◆ transposed()

template<typename T >
SquareMatrixT4< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::transposed ( ) const

Returns the transposed of this matrix.

Transposed matrix as square 4x4 matrix

◆ transposedRotationMatrix()

template<typename T >
VectorT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::transposedRotationMatrix ( const VectorT3< T > &  vector) const

Transforms a 3D vector by application of only the inner transposed rotation matrix (including scale and shearing) of this transformation.

vectorThe vector to be transformed
Transformed 3D vector

◆ xAxis()

template<typename T >
VectorT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::xAxis ( ) const

Returns the x-axis of the transformation which is the first vector of the upper left 3x3 rotation matrix of this homogeneous 4x4 transformation.

The x-axis of this transformation

◆ yAxis()

template<typename T >
VectorT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::yAxis ( ) const

Returns the y-axis of the transformation which is the second vector of the upper left 3x3 rotation matrix of this homogeneous 4x4 transformation.

The y-axis of this transformation

◆ zAxis()

template<typename T >
VectorT3< T > Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::zAxis ( ) const

Returns the z-axis of the transformation which is the first vector of the upper left 3x3 rotation matrix of this homogeneous 4x4 transformation.

The z-axis of this transformation

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ HomogenousMatrixT4

template<typename T >
template<typename U >
friend class HomogenousMatrixT4

Field Documentation

◆ values_

template<typename T >
T Ocean::HomogenousMatrixT4< T >::values_[16]

The sixteen values of the transformation matrix.

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