No Matches
Ocean::ToonUtilities Class Reference

This class implements utilitiy functions for TooN. More...

#include <ToonUtilities.h>

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename TSource , typename TTarget >
static HomogenousMatrixT4< TTarget > toHomogenousMatrix4 (const TooN::SE3< TSource > &toonSE)
 Converts a TooN::SE3 object to an Ocean HomogenousMatrix4 object.
template<typename TSource , typename TTarget >
static TooN::SE3< TTarget > toSE3 (const HomogenousMatrixT4< TSource > &matrix)
 Converts an Ocean HomogenousMatrix4 object to a TooN::SE3 object.

Detailed Description

This class implements utilitiy functions for TooN.

Member Function Documentation

◆ toHomogenousMatrix4()

template<typename TSource , typename TTarget >
HomogenousMatrixT4< TTarget > Ocean::ToonUtilities::toHomogenousMatrix4 ( const TooN::SE3< TSource > &  toonSE)

Converts a TooN::SE3 object to an Ocean HomogenousMatrix4 object.

toonSEThe TooN object to be converted
The resulting Ocean object
Template Parameters
TSourceThe data type of the source matrix elements, e.g., 'float', or 'double'
TTargetThe data type of the target matrix elements, e.g., 'float', or 'double'

◆ toSE3()

template<typename TSource , typename TTarget >
TooN::SE3< TTarget > Ocean::ToonUtilities::toSE3 ( const HomogenousMatrixT4< TSource > &  matrix)

Converts an Ocean HomogenousMatrix4 object to a TooN::SE3 object.

matrixThe Ocean object to convert
The resulting TooN object
Template Parameters
TSourceThe data type of the source matrix elements, e.g., 'float', or 'double'
TTargetThe data type of the target matrix elements, e.g., 'float', or 'double'

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