Ocean::Media Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Media library. More...


 Namespace of the Media Android library.
 Namespace of the Media AVFoundation library.
 Namespace of the Media DirectShow library.
 Namespace of the Media FFmpeg library.
 Namespace of the Media ImageIO library.
 Namespace of the Media MediaFoundation library.
 Namespace of the Media OpenImageLibraries library.
 Namespace of the Media Special library.
 Namespace of the Media USB library.
 Namespace of the Media WIC library.

Data Structures

class  Audio
 This class is the base class for all audio mediums. More...
class  BufferImage
 This class implements a frame medium object which is defined by a given buffer and image or frame type. More...
class  BufferImageRecorder
 This class is the base class for all buffer recorders. More...
class  BufferRecorder
 This class is the base class for all buffer recorders. More...
class  ConfigMedium
 This class is the base class for all mediums with advanced configuration possibilities. More...
class  ExplicitRecorder
 This class is the base class for all explicit media recorder. More...
class  FileRecorder
 This class is the base class for all file recorders. More...
class  FiniteMedium
 This class is the base class for all finite mediums. More...
class  FrameCollection
 This class implements a simple buffer holding several frames combined with their timestamps and optional camera calibrations. More...
class  FrameMedium
 This is the base class for all frame mediums. More...
class  FrameMemoryRecorder
 This class implements a frame recorder forwarding the frame to a shared memory. More...
class  FrameRecorder
 This class is the base class for all frame recorders. More...
class  Image
 This class is the base class for all images. More...
class  ImageFileSequence
class  ImageRecorder
 This class is the base class for all image recorders. More...
class  ImageSequence
 This class is the base class for all image sequences. More...
class  ImageSequenceFrameProviderInterface
 This class implements a frame provider interface specialization using an image sequence medium object. More...
class  ImageSequenceRecorder
 This class implements an image sequence recorder. More...
class  ImageSequenceStereoImageProvider
 This class implements a provider for stereo images which are extracted from two separate image sequences and poses/calibration file. More...
class  ImplicitRecorder
 This class is the base class for all implicit media recorder. More...
class  Library
 This class is the base class for all media libraries. More...
class  LiveAudio
 This class is the base class for all live audios. More...
class  LiveMedium
 This class it the base class for all live mediums. More...
class  LiveVideo
 This class is the base class for all live videos. More...
class  Manager
 This class is the manager for all media objects. More...
class  Medium
 This is the base class for all mediums. More...
class  SmartMediumRef
 This class implements a smart medium reference. More...
class  MediumRefManager
 This class implements a medium reference manager. More...
class  Microphone
 This class is the base class for all microphones. More...
class  Movie
 This class is the base class for all movies. More...
class  MovieFrameProvider
 This class implements a frame provider for movie mediums. More...
class  MovieFrameProviderInterface
 This class implements a frame provider interface specialization using a movie frame provider object. More...
class  MovieRecorder
 This class is the base class for all movie recorder. More...
class  PixelImage
 This class implements a frame medium object which uses an explicit frame only. More...
class  Recorder
 This class is the base class for all recorder. More...
class  SoundMedium
 This class is the base class for all sound mediums. More...
class  StereoImageProviderInterface
 This class is the abstract base class for all stereo image providers. More...
class  Utilities
 This class implements utilities functions for the media library. More...


typedef SmartMediumRef< AudioAudioRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a audio object. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< BufferImageBufferImageRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a buffer image object. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< BufferImageRecorder, RecorderBufferImageRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding an buffer recorder. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< BufferRecorder, RecorderBufferRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding a buffer recorder. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< ConfigMediumConfigMediumRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a config medium object. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< ExplicitRecorder, RecorderExplicitRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding an explicit recorder. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< FileRecorder, RecorderFileRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding a file recorder. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< FiniteMediumFiniteMediumRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a finite medium object. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< FrameMediumFrameMediumRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a frame medium object. More...
typedef std::vector< FrameMediumRefFrameMediumRefs
 Definition of a vector holding frame medium reference objects. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< FrameMemoryRecorder, RecorderFrameMemoryRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding a frame memory recorder. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< FrameRecorder, RecorderFrameRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding a frame recorder. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< ImageImageRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding an image object. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< ImageRecorder, RecorderImageRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding an image recorder. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< ImageSequenceImageSequenceRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding an image sequence object. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< ImageSequenceRecorder, RecorderImageSequenceRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding an image sequence recorder. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< ImplicitRecorder, RecorderImplicitRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding an explicit recorder. More...
typedef ObjectRef< LibraryLibraryRef
 Definition of a object reference holding a library object. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< LiveAudioLiveAudioRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a live audio object. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< LiveMediumLiveMediumRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a live medium object. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< LiveVideoLiveVideoRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a live video object. More...
typedef ObjectRef< MediumMediumRef
 This class implements a medium reference with an internal reference counter. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< MicrophoneMicrophoneRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a microphone object. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< MovieMovieRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a movie object. More...
typedef ObjectRef< MovieFrameProviderMovieFrameProviderRef
 Definition of an object reference holding a frame provider. More...
typedef Ocean::SmartObjectRef< MovieRecorder, RecorderMovieRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding a movie recorder. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< PixelImagePixelImageRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a pixel image object. More...
typedef Ocean::ObjectRef< RecorderRecorderRef
 Definition of a object reference holding recorder objects. More...
typedef SmartMediumRef< SoundMediumSoundMediumRef
 Definition of a smart medium reference holding a sound medium object. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Media library.

The Namespace Ocean::Media is used in the entire Ocean Media Library.