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Ocean::Media::ImageIO Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Media ImageIO library. More...

Data Structures

class  IIOBufferImage
 This class implements a buffer image class for ImageIO. More...
class  IIOBufferImageRecorder
 This class implements a buffer image recorder for ImageIO. More...
class  IIOImage
 This class implements an image class for ImageIO. More...
class  IIOImageRecorder
 This class implements an image recorder for ImageIO. More...
class  IIOImageSequence
 This class implements an image class for ImageIO. More...
class  IIOLibrary
 This class implements the ImageIO library. More...
class  IIOObject
 This class is the base class for all object inside this library. More...
class  Image
 This class implements read, write, decocde, and encode functions for all file formats supported by the ImageIO media library. More...


using ScopedCGImageSourceRef = ScopedObjectCompileTimeT< CGImageSourceRef, CFTypeRef, void, CFRelease >
 Definition of a scoped object holding a CGImageSourceRef object.
using ScopedCGImageDestinationRef = ScopedObjectCompileTimeT< CGImageDestinationRef, CFTypeRef, void, CFRelease >
 Definition of a scoped object holding a CGImageDestinationRef object.


OCEAN_MEDIA_IIO_EXPORT std::string nameImageIOLibrary ()
 Returns the name of this media ImageIO library.
void registerImageIOLibrary ()
 Registers this media library at the global library manager.
bool unregisterImageIOLibrary ()
 Unregisters this media library at the global library manager.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Media ImageIO library.

The Namespace Ocean::Media::ImageIO is used in the entire Ocean Media ImageIO Library.