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How to Download the AEA Dataset


This page covers how to download sample Aria Everyday Activities (AEA) sequences, as well as how to download specific sequences and types of data. Follow the instructions to download the sample sequence and from there you'll be able to use the CLI to download more data.

By downloading the datasets you agree that you have read and accepted the terms of the Aria Everyday Activities Dataset License Agreement.

Download the sample AEA sequence

Step 0: Install project_aria_tools package and create a virtual environment if not already done

Follow Step 0 to Step 3 in Getting Started.

Step 1 : Visit the AEA website and sign up.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Enter your email and select Access the Datasets.

Screenshot of the bottom of the page, showing "Enter email here"

Once you've selected Access the Datasets you'll be taken back to the top of the AEA page.

Scroll down the page to select AEA Download Links and download the file to the folder $HOME/Downloads.

The download-links file will expire in 14 days

You can re-download the download-links whenever they expire

Step 3 : Set up a folder for AEA data

mkdir -p $HOME/Documents/projectaria_tools_aea_data

mv $HOME/Downloads/aria_everyday_activities_dataset_download_urls.json $HOME/Documents/projectaria_tools_aea_data/

Step 4 : Download the sample sequence (~3GB) via CLI:

From your Python virtual environment, run:

aea_dataset_downloader -c $HOME/Documents/projectaria_tools_aea_data/aria_everyday_activities_dataset_download_urls.json \
-o $HOME/Documents/projectaria_tools_aea_data/ \
-d 0 1 2 3 -e

The sample sequence is representative of a typical single-user sequence, which gives you an idea of to expect from the dataset.

Download the AEA dataset

Data size

The AEA dataset contains 143 sequences and the total size of the dataset is about 353GB. The dataset is split into main data and MPS outputs, eye gaze and Multi-SLAM (SLAM outputs created in shared coordinate frame) results. Go to Project Aria Machine Perception Services for more information about MPS data. The MPS data is also broken into chunks that can be included or excluded at download time.

Data typeWhat's includedPer sequence sizeTotal size for all sequences
mainAria raw data, speech to text, metadata json2 - 4 GB~309 GB
MPS eyegazeEyegaze, summary file< 1 MB~31 MB
MPS SLAM pointsSemi-dense points and observations200 - 500 MB~31 GB
MPS SLAM trajectoriesOpen and closed loop trajectories100 - 200 MB12 GB
MPS SLAM online calibrationOnline calibrations< 20 MB1.2 GB

Download via CLI

Follow the AEA Getting Started Guide to download the example data. This section will introduce how to download the dataset using the aea_dataset_downloader.

Resumable download

The aea_dataset_downloader checks the previous download status of the sequences in the --output_folder. If the downloading breaks in the middle, relaunch the CLI and it will continue the downloading.

Detailed arguments

--cdn_filestrThe download-urls file you downloaded from the AEA website page after signing up
--output_folderstrA local path where the downloaded files and metadata will be stored
--metadata_onlyflagOnly download the metadata file for the dataset
--data_typeslist of int0→main, 1→MPS eyegaze, 2→MPS trajectories, 3→MPS semidense pointclouds and observations, 4→MPS online calibrations
--example_onlyflagOnly download example data
--overwriteflagDisable resumable download. Force download and overwrite existing data
--sequence_nameslist of strlist of sequence names. If not specified, download all sequences

Download Examples


All these commands must be run from your Python virtual environment that has the projectaria-tools package and dependencies installed.

Download metadata for all datasets

This will download the aria_everyday_activities_metadata.json, which contains metadata for each AEA sequence, including: location number, script number, sequence number, recording number, dataset version, dataset name, and list of concurrent recordings.

You can use this data to select specific sequences to download.

aea_dataset_downloader --cdn_file ${PATH_TO_YOUR_CDN_FILE} --output_folder ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH} --metadata_only

Download main data for all sequences

aea_dataset_downloader --cdn_file ${PATH_TO_YOUR_CDN_FILE} --output_folder ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH} --data_types 0

Download all data for all sequences

aea_dataset_downloader --cdn_file ${PATH_TO_YOUR_CDN_FILE} --output_folder ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH} --data_types 0 1 2 3

Download main data for 2 specific sequences

aea_dataset_downloader --cdn_file ${PATH_TO_YOUR_CDN_FILE} --output_folder ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH} --data_types 0 --sequence_names loc1_script1_seq1_rec1 loc2_script1_seq1_rec1

Download main data for all sequences and overwrite

aea_dataset_downloader --cdn_file ${PATH_TO_YOUR_CDN_FILE} --output_folder ${OUTPUT_FOLDER_PATH} --data_types 0 --overwrite


Go to troubleshooting if you experience issues using this guide.