Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
19 #include "ocean/base/Worker.h"
21 #include "ocean/geometry/Octree.h"
23 #include "ocean/math/AnyCamera.h"
25 #include "ocean/math/Vector2.h"
26 #include "ocean/math/Vector3.h"
31 namespace Ocean
32 {
34 namespace Tracking
35 {
37 namespace MapBuilding
38 {
40 /**
41  * The base class for all unified matching objects.
42  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
43  */
45 {
46  public:
48  /**
49  * Definition of a descriptor distance value.
50  */
52  {
53  public:
55  /**
56  * Default constructor with an invalid descriptor distance.
57  */
58  DistanceValue() = default;
60  /**
61  * Creates a new distance value for a binary descriptor.
62  * @param binaryDistance The binary distance, with range [0, infinity)
63  */
64  explicit inline DistanceValue(const unsigned int binaryDistance);
66  /**
67  * Creates a new distance for a floating point descriptor.
68  * @param floatDistance The floating point distance, with range [0, 1]
69  */
70  explicit inline DistanceValue(const float floatDistance);
72  /**
73  * Creates a new distance value which can be used for a binary descriptor and a floating point descriptor.
74  * @param binaryDistance The binary distance, with range [0, infinity)
75  * @param floatDistance The floating point distance, with range [0, 1]
76  */
77  explicit inline DistanceValue(const unsigned int binaryDistance, const float floatDistance);
79  /**
80  * Returns the binary distance.
81  * @return Binary distance, with range [0, infinity)
82  */
83  inline unsigned int binaryDistance() const;
85  /**
86  * Returns the floating point distance.
87  * @return Floating point distance, with range [0, 1]
88  */
89  inline float floatDistance() const;
91  /**
92  * Returns either the binary or the floating point distance.
93  * @return The binary or floating point distance depending on whether TDistance is an integer or a floating point
94  */
95  template <typename TDistance>
96  inline TDistance distance() const;
98  /**
99  * Returns whether the object holds a valid distance.
100  * @return True, if so
101  */
102  inline bool isValid() const;
104  protected:
106  /// The binary distance, with range [0, infinity), -1 if unknown.
107  unsigned int binaryDistance_ = (unsigned int)(-1);
109  /// The floating point distance, with range [0, 1], -1 if unknown
110  float floatDistance_ = -1.0f;
111  };
113  public:
115  /**
116  * Disposes this object.
117  */
118  virtual ~UnifiedMatching() = default;
120  /**
121  * Returns the number of image points.
122  * @return The number of image points
123  */
124  inline size_t numberImagePoints() const;
126  protected:
128  /**
129  * Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
130  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
131  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
132  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
133  */
134  inline UnifiedMatching(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints);
136  /**
137  * Creates a new matching object with 2D image points and 3D object points only.
138  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
139  * @param imagePoints The 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
140  * @param numberImagePoints the number of 2D image points, with range [0, infinity)
141  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
142  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
143  */
144  inline UnifiedMatching(const Vector2* imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints);
146  protected:
148  /// The 2D image points.
149  const Vector2* imagePoints_ = nullptr;
151  /// The number of 2D image points.
152  size_t numberImagePoints_ = 0;
154  /// The 3D object points.
155  const Vector3* objectPoints_ = nullptr;
157  /// The number of 3D object points.
158  const size_t numberObjectPoints_ = 0;
159 };
161 /**
162  * This class implements the base class for all guided matching objects.
163  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
164  */
166 {
167  public:
169  /**
170  * Determines the guided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
171  * @param anyCamera The camera profile defining the projection, must be valid
172  * @param world_T_camera The camera pose, transforming camera to world, with default viewing direction into negative z-space and u-axis up, must be valid
173  * @param matchedImagePoints The resulting matched 2D image points
174  * @param matchedObjectPoints The resulting matched 3D object points, one for each matched image point
175  * @param maximalDescriptorDistance The maximal descriptor distance so that two descriptor count as match, must be valid
176  * @param matchedImagePointIndices Optional resulting indices of the matched 2D image points, nullptr if not of interest
177  * @param matchedObjectPointIds Optional resulting ids of the matched 3D image points, nullptr if not of interest
178  * @param worker Optional worker object to distribute the computation
179  */
180  virtual void determineGuidedMatchings(const AnyCamera& anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4& world_T_camera, Vectors2& matchedImagePoints, Vectors3& matchedObjectPoints, const DistanceValue& maximalDescriptorDistance, Indices32* matchedImagePointIndices = nullptr, Indices32* matchedObjectPointIds = nullptr, Worker* worker = nullptr) const = 0;
182  protected:
184  /**
185  * Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
186  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
187  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
188  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
189  * @param objectPointOctree The octree holding all 3D object points
190  * @param objectPointIds The ids of all 3D object points, must be valid
191  */
192  inline UnifiedGuidedMatching(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds);
194  /**
195  * Creates a new matching object with 2D image points and 3D object points only.
196  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
197  * @param imagePoints The 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
198  * @param numberImagePoints the number of 2D image points, with range [0, infinity)
199  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
200  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
201  * @param objectPointOctree The octree holding all 3D object points
202  * @param objectPointIds The ids of all 3D object points, must be valid
203  */
204  inline UnifiedGuidedMatching(const Vector2* imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds);
206  protected:
208  /// The octree holding all 3D object points.
211  /// The ids of all 3D object points.
212  const Index32* objectPointIds_ = nullptr;
213 };
215 /**
216  * Definition of a shared pointer holding an UnifiedGuidedMatching object.
217  * @see UnifiedGuidedMatching.
218  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
219  */
220 using SharedUnifiedGuidedMatching = std::shared_ptr<UnifiedGuidedMatching>;
222 /**
223  * This class implements the base class for all unguided matching objects.
224  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
225  */
227 {
228  public:
230  /**
231  * Determines the unguided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
232  * @param minimalNumberCorrespondences The minimal number of feature correspondences, with range [1, infinity)
233  * @param maximalDescriptorDistance The maximal descriptor distance so that two descriptor count as match, must be valid
234  * @param matchedImagePoints Optional resulting matched 2D image points, nullptr if not of interest
235  * @param matchedObjectPoints Optional resulting matched 3D image points, nullptr if not of interest
236  * @param worker Optional worker object to distribute the computation
237  * @return True, if succeeded
238  */
239  virtual bool determineUnguidedMatchings(const unsigned int minimalNumberCorrespondences, const DistanceValue& maximalDescriptorDistance, Vectors2& matchedImagePoints, Vectors3& matchedObjectPoints, Worker* worker = nullptr) const = 0;
241  protected:
243  /**
244  * Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
245  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
246  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
247  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
248  * @param objectPointIndices The indices of the corresponding 3D object points, one for each object point descriptor, mainly a map mapping descriptor indices to point indices, must be valid
249  */
250  inline UnifiedUnguidedMatching(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices);
252  /**
253  * Creates a new matching object with 2D image points and 3D object points only.
254  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
255  * @param imagePoints The 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
256  * @param numberImagePoints the number of 2D image points, with range [0, infinity)
257  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
258  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
259  * @param objectPointIndices The indices of the corresponding 3D object points, one for each object point descriptor, mainly a map mapping descriptor indices to point indices, must be valid
260  */
261  inline UnifiedUnguidedMatching(const Vector2* imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices);
263  protected:
265  /// The indices of the corresponding 3D object points, one for each object point descriptor, mainly a map mapping descriptor indices to point indices.
266  const Index32* objectPointIndices_ = nullptr;
267 };
269 /**
270  * Definition of a shared pointer holding an UnifiedUnguidedMatching object.
271  * @see UnifiedUnguidedMatching.
272  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
273  */
274 using SharedUnifiedUnguidedMatching = std::shared_ptr<UnifiedUnguidedMatching>;
276 /**
277  * This class implements the guided matching object for specific features.
278  * @tparam TImagePointDescriptor The data type of the image point descriptors, e.g., a single-level or a multi-level descriptor binary/float descriptor
279  * @tparam TObjectPointDescriptor The data type of the object point descriptors, e.g., a single-level or multi-level single/multi-view descriptor
280  * @tparam TDistance The data type of the distance between an image point and object point descriptor e.g., unsigned int or float
281  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
282  */
283 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointDescriptor, typename TDistance = typename UnifiedDescriptor::DistanceTyper<TImagePointDescriptor>::Type>
285 {
286  public:
288  /// Definition of the distance data type.
289  typedef TDistance DescriptorDistance;
291  /// Definition of the descriptor for 2D image points.
292  typedef TImagePointDescriptor ImagePointDescriptor;
294  /// Definition of the descriptor for 3D object points.
295  typedef TObjectPointDescriptor ObjectPointDescriptor;
297  /**
298  * Definition of an unordered map mapping object point ids to descriptors.
299  */
300  template <typename TDescriptor>
301  using UnorderedDescriptorMap = std::unordered_map<Index32, TDescriptor>;
303  public:
305  /**
306  * Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
307  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
308  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
309  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
310  * @param objectPointOctree The octree holding all 3D object points
311  * @param objectPointIds The ids of all 3D object points, must be valid
312  * @param objectPointDescriptorMap The map mapping object point ids to their corresponding descriptors
313  */
314  inline UnifiedGuidedMatchingT(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap<ObjectPointDescriptor>& objectPointDescriptorMap);
316  /**
317  * Creates a new matching object with 2D image points and 3D object points only.
318  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
319  * @param imagePoints The 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
320  * @param imagePointDescriptors The descriptors for the image points, one for each image point, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
321  * @param numberImagePoints the number of 2D image points, with range [0, infinity)
322  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
323  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
324  * @param objectPointOctree The octree holding all 3D object points
325  * @param objectPointIds The ids of all 3D object points, must be valid
326  * @param objectPointDescriptorMap The map mapping object point ids to their corresponding descriptors
327  */
328  inline UnifiedGuidedMatchingT(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor* imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap<ObjectPointDescriptor>& objectPointDescriptorMap);
330  /**
331  * Updates the 2D image points e.g., to allow matching for a new camera frame.
332  * The input data will not be copied.
333  * @param imagePoints The new 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
334  * @param imagePointDescriptors The descriptors for the image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
335  * @param numberImagePoints The number of image points, with range [0, infinity)
336  */
337  inline void updateImagePoints(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor* imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints);
339  /**
340  * Removes the image points from this object.
341  */
342  inline void clearImagePoints();
344  /**
345  * Determines the guided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
346  * @see UnifiedGuidedMatching::determineGuidedMatchings().
347  */
348  void determineGuidedMatchings(const AnyCamera& anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4& world_T_camera, Vectors2& matchedImagePoints, Vectors3& matchedObjectPoints, const DistanceValue& maximalDescriptorDistance, Indices32* matchedImagePointIndices = nullptr, Indices32* matchedObjectPointIds = nullptr, Worker* worker = nullptr) const override;
350  protected:
352  /// The descriptors for the image points, one for each image point.
355  /// The map mapping object point ids to their corresponding descriptors.
357 };
359 /**
360  * Definition of a UnifiedGuidedMatchingT object for FREAK descriptors with 256 bits.
361  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
362  */
365 /**
366  * Definition of a UnifiedGuidedMatchingT object for float descriptors.
367  * @tparam tElements The number of float elements, with range [1, infinity)
368  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
369  */
370 template <uint16_t tElements>
373 /**
374  * This class implements the unguided matching object for FREAK Multi features with 32 bytes or 256 bits.
375  * @tparam TImagePointDescriptor The data type of the image point descriptors, e.g., a single-level or a multi-level descriptor binary/float descriptor
376  * @tparam TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor The data type of the object point descriptors, e.g., a single-level or multi-level single/multi-view descriptor
377  * @tparam TDistance The data type of the distance between an image point and object point descriptor e.g., unsigned int or float
378  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
379  */
380 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, typename TDistance = typename UnifiedDescriptor::DistanceTyper<TImagePointDescriptor>::Type>
382 {
383  public:
385  /// Definition of the distance for the binary descriptor.
386  typedef TDistance DescriptorDistance;
388  /// Definition of the descriptor for 2D image points.
389  typedef TImagePointDescriptor ImagePointDescriptor;
391  /// Definition of the descriptor for 3D object points.
392  typedef TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor;
394  /// Definition of a vocabulary forest for object point descriptors.
397  /// Definition of a vocabulary tree for object point descriptors.
400  public:
402  /**
403  * Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
404  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
405  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
406  * @param objectPointVocabularyDescriptors The descriptors for the object points, one for each index in 'objectPointIndices'
407  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
408  * @param objectPointIndices The indices of the corresponding 3D object points, one for each object point descriptor, mainly a map mapping descriptor indices to point indices
409  * @param forestObjectPointDescriptors The vocabulary forest for the object point features
410  */
411  inline UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT(const Vector3* objectPoints, const ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor* objectPointVocabularyDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices, const VocabularyForest& forestObjectPointDescriptors);
413  /**
414  * Creates a new matching object with 2D image points and 3D object points only.
415  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
416  * @param imagePoints The 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
417  * @param imagePointDescriptors The descriptors for the image points, one for each image point, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
418  * @param numberImagePoints the number of 2D image points, with range [0, infinity)
419  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
420  * @param objectPointVocabularyDescriptors The descriptors for the object points, one for each index in 'objectPointIndices'
421  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
422  * @param objectPointIndices The indices of the corresponding 3D object points, one for each object point descriptor, mainly a map mapping descriptor indices to point indices, must be valid
423  * @param forestObjectPointDescriptors The vocabulary forest for the object point features
424  */
425  inline UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor* imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor* objectPointVocabularyDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices, const VocabularyForest& forestObjectPointDescriptors);
427  /**
428  * Updates the 2D image points e.g., to allow matching for a new camera frame.
429  * The input data will not be copied.
430  * @param imagePoints The new 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
431  * @param imagePointDescriptors The descriptors for the image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
432  * @param numberImagePoints The number of image points, with range [0, infinity)
433  */
434  inline void updateImagePoints(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor* imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints);
436  /**
437  * Removes the image points from this object.
438  */
439  inline void clearImagePoints();
441  /**
442  * Determines the unguided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
443  * @see UnifiedUnguidedMatching::determineUnguidedMatchings().
444  */
445  bool determineUnguidedMatchings(const unsigned int minimalNumberCorrespondences, const DistanceValue& maximalDescriptorDistance, Vectors2& matchedImagePoints, Vectors3& matchedObjectPoints, Worker* worker = nullptr) const override;
447  protected:
449  /// The descriptors for the image points, one for each image point.
452  /// The descriptors for the object points, one for each index in 'objectPointIndices'.
455  /// The vocabulary forest for the object point features.
457 };
459 /**
460  * Definition of an UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT object for FREAK descriptors with 256 bits.
461  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
462  */
465 /**
466  * Definition of an UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT object for float descriptors.
467  * @tparam tElements The number of float elements the descriptors have, with range [1, infinity)
468  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
469  */
470 template <uint16_t tElements>
473 /**
474  * This class implements the guided matching object for groups of FREAK Multi features with 32 bytes or 256 bits.
475  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
476  */
478 {
479  public:
480  /// Definition of the distance for the binary descriptor.
481  typedef unsigned int DescriptorDistance;
483  /// Definition of the descriptor for 2D image points.
486  /// Definition of the groups of descriptors for 2D image points.
489  /// Definition of the descriptor for 3D object points (several descriptors per point possible).
492  /**
493  * Definition of an unordered map mapping object point ids to descriptors.
494  */
495  template <typename TDescriptor>
496  using UnorderedDescriptorMap = std::unordered_map<Index32, TDescriptor>;
498  public:
500  /**
501  * Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
502  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
503  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
504  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
505  * @param objectPointOctree The octree holding all 3D object points
506  * @param objectPointIds The ids of all 3D object points, must be valid
507  * @param objectPointDescriptorMap The map mapping object point ids to their corresponding descriptors
508  */
509  inline UnifiedGuidedMatchingFreakMultiDescriptor256Group(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap<ObjectPointDescriptor>& objectPointDescriptorMap);
511  /**
512  * Creates a new matching object with 2D image points and 3D object points only.
513  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
514  * @param imagePoints The 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
515  * @param imagePointDescriptorGroups The groups of descriptors for the image points, one for each image point, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
516  * @param numberImagePoints the number of 2D image points, with range [0, infinity)
517  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
518  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
519  * @param objectPointOctree The octree holding all 3D object points
520  * @param objectPointIds The ids of all 3D object points, must be valid
521  * @param objectPointDescriptorMap The map mapping object point ids to their corresponding descriptors
522  */
523  inline UnifiedGuidedMatchingFreakMultiDescriptor256Group(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup* imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap<ObjectPointDescriptor>& objectPointDescriptorMap);
525  /**
526  * Determines the guided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
527  * @see UnifiedGuidedMatching::determineGuidedMatchings().
528  */
529  void determineGuidedMatchings(const AnyCamera& anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4& world_T_camera, Vectors2& matchedImagePoints, Vectors3& matchedObjectPoints, const DistanceValue& maximalDescriptorDistance, Indices32* matchedImagePointIndices = nullptr, Indices32* matchedObjectPointIds = nullptr, Worker* worker = nullptr) const override;
531  /**
532  * Updates the 2D image points e.g., to allow matching for a new camera frame.
533  * The input data will not be copied.
534  * @param imagePoints The new 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
535  * @param imagePointDescriptorGroups The descriptors for the image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
536  * @param numberImagePoints The number of image points, with range [0, infinity)
537  */
538  inline void updateImagePoints(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup* imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints);
540  /**
541  * Removes the image points from this object.
542  */
543  inline void clearImagePoints();
545  protected:
547  /// The groups of descriptors for the image points, one for each image point.
550  /// The map mapping object point ids to their corresponding descriptors.
552 };
554 /**
555  * This class implements the unguided matching object for groups of FREAK Multi features with 32 bytes or 256 bits.
556  * @ingroup trackingmapbuilding
557  */
559 {
560  public:
562  /// Definition of the distance for the binary descriptor.
563  typedef unsigned int DescriptorDistance;
565  /// Definition of the descriptor for 2D image points.
568  /// Definition of the groups of descriptors for 2D image points.
571  /// Definition of the descriptor for 3D object points (several descriptors per point possible).
574  /// Definition of a vocabulary forest for object point descriptors.
577  /// Definition of a vocabulary tree for object point descriptors.
580  public:
582  /**
583  * Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
584  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
585  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
586  * @param objectPointDescriptors The descriptors for the object points, one for each index in 'objectPointIndices'
587  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
588  * @param objectPointIndices The indices of the corresponding 3D object points, one for each object point descriptor, mainly a map mapping descriptor indices to point indices
589  * @param forestObjectPointDescriptors The vocabulary forest for the object point features
590  */
591  inline UnifiedUnguidedMatchingFreakMultiFeatures256Group(const Vector3* objectPoints, const ObjectPointDescriptor* objectPointDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices, const BinaryVocabularyForest& forestObjectPointDescriptors);
593  /**
594  * Creates a new matching object with 2D image points and 3D object points only.
595  * Does not create a copy of the given input.
596  * @param imagePoints The 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
597  * @param imagePointDescriptorGroups The groups of descriptors for the image points, one for each image point, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
598  * @param numberImagePoints the number of 2D image points, with range [0, infinity)
599  * @param objectPoints The 3D object points, can be nullptr if 'numberObjectPoints == 0'
600  * @param objectPointDescriptors The descriptors for the object points, one for each index in 'objectPointIndices'
601  * @param numberObjectPoints The number of 3D object points, with range [0, infinity)
602  * @param objectPointIndices The indices of the corresponding 3D object points, one for each object point descriptor, mainly a map mapping descriptor indices to point indices, must be valid
603  * @param forestObjectPointDescriptors The vocabulary forest for the object point features
604  */
605  inline UnifiedUnguidedMatchingFreakMultiFeatures256Group(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup* imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const ObjectPointDescriptor* objectPointDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices, const BinaryVocabularyForest& forestObjectPointDescriptors);
607  /**
608  * Updates the 2D image points e.g., to allow matching for a new camera frame.
609  * The input data will not be copied.
610  * @param imagePoints The new 2D image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
611  * @param imagePointDescriptorGroups The descriptors for the image points, can be nullptr if 'numberImagePoints == 0'
612  * @param numberImagePoints The number of image points, with range [0, infinity)
613  */
614  inline void updateImagePoints(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup* imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints);
616  /**
617  * Removes the image points from this object.
618  */
619  inline void clearImagePoints();
621  /**
622  * Determines the guided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
623  * @see UnifiedUnguidedMatching::determineUnguidedMatchings().
624  */
625  bool determineUnguidedMatchings(const unsigned int minimalNumberCorrespondences, const DistanceValue& maximalDescriptorDistance, Vectors2& matchedImagePoints, Vectors3& matchedObjectPoints, Worker* worker = nullptr) const override;
627  protected:
629  /// The groups of descriptors for the image points, one for each image point.
632  /// The descriptors for the object points, one for each index in 'objectPointIndices'.
635  /// The vocabulary forest for the object point features.
637 };
639 inline UnifiedMatching::DistanceValue::DistanceValue(const unsigned int binaryDistance) :
640  binaryDistance_(binaryDistance)
641 {
642  ocean_assert(binaryDistance_ != (unsigned int)(-1));
643 }
645 inline UnifiedMatching::DistanceValue::DistanceValue(const float floatDistance) :
646  floatDistance_(floatDistance)
647 {
648  ocean_assert(floatDistance_ >= 0.0f && floatDistance_ <= 1.0f);
649 }
651 inline UnifiedMatching::DistanceValue::DistanceValue(const unsigned int binaryDistance, const float floatDistance) :
652  binaryDistance_(binaryDistance),
653  floatDistance_(floatDistance)
654 {
655  ocean_assert(isValid());
656 }
659 {
660  ocean_assert(binaryDistance_ != (unsigned int)(-1));
661  return binaryDistance_;
662 }
665 {
666  ocean_assert(floatDistance_ >= 0.0f);
667  return floatDistance_;
668 }
670 template <typename TDistance>
672 {
673  if constexpr (std::is_floating_point<TDistance>::value)
674  {
675  return TDistance(floatDistance_);
676  }
677  else
678  {
679  ocean_assert(NumericT<TDistance>::isInsideValueRange(binaryDistance_));
681  return TDistance(binaryDistance_);
682  }
683 }
686 {
687  return binaryDistance_ != (unsigned int)(-1) || (floatDistance_ >= 0.0f && floatDistance_ <= 1.0f);
688 }
690 inline UnifiedMatching::UnifiedMatching(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints) :
691  objectPoints_(objectPoints),
692  numberObjectPoints_(numberObjectPoints)
693 {
694  // nothing to do here
695 }
697 inline UnifiedMatching::UnifiedMatching(const Vector2* imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints) :
698  imagePoints_(imagePoints),
699  numberImagePoints_(numberImagePoints),
700  objectPoints_(objectPoints),
701  numberObjectPoints_(numberObjectPoints)
702 {
703  // nothing to do here
704 }
707 {
708  return numberImagePoints_;
709 }
711 inline UnifiedGuidedMatching::UnifiedGuidedMatching(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds) :
712  UnifiedMatching(objectPoints, numberObjectPoints),
713  objectPointOctree_(objectPointOctree),
714  objectPointIds_(objectPointIds)
715 {
716  // nothing to do here
717 }
719 inline UnifiedGuidedMatching::UnifiedGuidedMatching(const Vector2* imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds) :
720  UnifiedMatching(imagePoints, numberImagePoints, objectPoints, numberObjectPoints),
721  objectPointOctree_(objectPointOctree),
722  objectPointIds_(objectPointIds)
723 {
724  // nothing to do here
725 }
727 inline UnifiedUnguidedMatching::UnifiedUnguidedMatching(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices) :
728  UnifiedMatching(objectPoints, numberObjectPoints),
729  objectPointIndices_(objectPointIndices)
730 {
731  // nothing to do here
732 }
734 inline UnifiedUnguidedMatching::UnifiedUnguidedMatching(const Vector2* imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices) :
735  UnifiedMatching(imagePoints, numberImagePoints, objectPoints, numberObjectPoints),
736  objectPointIndices_(objectPointIndices)
737 {
738  // nothing to do here
739 }
741 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointDescriptor, typename TDistance>
742 inline UnifiedGuidedMatchingT<TImagePointDescriptor, TObjectPointDescriptor, TDistance>::UnifiedGuidedMatchingT(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap<ObjectPointDescriptor>& objectPointDescriptorMap) :
743  UnifiedGuidedMatching(objectPoints, numberObjectPoints, objectPointOctree, objectPointIds),
744  objectPointDescriptorMap_(objectPointDescriptorMap)
745 {
746  // nothing to do here
747 }
749 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointDescriptor, typename TDistance>
750 inline UnifiedGuidedMatchingT<TImagePointDescriptor, TObjectPointDescriptor, TDistance>::UnifiedGuidedMatchingT(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor* imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap<ObjectPointDescriptor>& objectPointDescriptorMap) :
751  UnifiedGuidedMatching(imagePoints, numberImagePoints, objectPoints, numberObjectPoints, objectPointOctree, objectPointIds),
752  imagePointDescriptors_(imagePointDescriptors),
753  objectPointDescriptorMap_(objectPointDescriptorMap)
754 {
755  // nothing to do here
756 }
758 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointDescriptor, typename TDistance>
759 inline void UnifiedGuidedMatchingT<TImagePointDescriptor, TObjectPointDescriptor, TDistance>::updateImagePoints(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor* imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints)
760 {
761  imagePoints_ = imagePoints;
762  imagePointDescriptors_ = imagePointDescriptors;
763  numberImagePoints_ = numberImagePoints;
764 }
766 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointDescriptor, typename TDistance>
768 {
769  imagePoints_ = nullptr;
770  imagePointDescriptors_ = nullptr;
771  numberImagePoints_ = 0;
772 }
774 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointDescriptor, typename TDistance>
775 void UnifiedGuidedMatchingT<TImagePointDescriptor, TObjectPointDescriptor, TDistance>::determineGuidedMatchings(const AnyCamera& anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4& world_T_camera, Vectors2& matchedImagePoints, Vectors3& matchedObjectPoints, const DistanceValue& maximalDescriptorDistance, Indices32* matchedImagePointIndices, Indices32* matchedObjectPointIds, Worker* worker) const
776 {
777  PoseEstimationT::determineGuidedMatchings<ImagePointDescriptor, ObjectPointDescriptor, DescriptorDistance, UnifiedDescriptorT<TImagePointDescriptor>::determineDistance>(anyCamera, world_T_camera, imagePoints_, imagePointDescriptors_, numberImagePoints_, objectPoints_, objectPointOctree_, objectPointIds_, objectPointDescriptorMap_, matchedImagePoints, matchedObjectPoints, maximalDescriptorDistance.distance<TDistance>(), matchedImagePointIndices, matchedObjectPointIds, worker);
778 }
780 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, typename TDistance>
781 inline UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT<TImagePointDescriptor, TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, TDistance>::UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT(const Vector3* objectPoints, const ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor* objectPointVocabularyDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices, const VocabularyForest& forestObjectPointDescriptors) :
782  UnifiedUnguidedMatching(objectPoints, numberObjectPoints, objectPointIndices),
783  objectPointVocabularyDescriptors_(objectPointVocabularyDescriptors),
784  forestObjectPointDescriptors_(forestObjectPointDescriptors)
785 {
786  // nothing to do here
787 }
789 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, typename TDistance>
790 inline UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT<TImagePointDescriptor, TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, TDistance>::UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor* imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor* objectPointVocabularyDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices, const VocabularyForest& forestObjectPointDescriptors) :
791  UnifiedUnguidedMatching(imagePoints, numberImagePoints, objectPoints, numberObjectPoints, objectPointIndices),
792  imagePointDescriptors_(imagePointDescriptors),
793  objectPointVocabularyDescriptors_(objectPointVocabularyDescriptors),
794  forestObjectPointDescriptors_(forestObjectPointDescriptors)
795 {
796  // nothing to do here
797 }
799 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, typename TDistance>
800 inline void UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT<TImagePointDescriptor, TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, TDistance>::updateImagePoints(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor* imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints)
801 {
802  imagePoints_ = imagePoints;
803  imagePointDescriptors_ = imagePointDescriptors;
804  numberImagePoints_ = numberImagePoints;
805 }
807 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, typename TDistance>
809 {
810  imagePoints_ = nullptr;
811  imagePointDescriptors_ = nullptr;
812  numberImagePoints_ = 0;
813 }
815 template <typename TImagePointDescriptor, typename TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, typename TDistance>
816 bool UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT<TImagePointDescriptor, TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, TDistance>::determineUnguidedMatchings(const unsigned int minimalNumberCorrespondences, const DistanceValue& maximalDescriptorDistance, Vectors2& matchedImagePoints, Vectors3& matchedObjectPoints, Worker* worker) const
817 {
818  if (imagePoints_ == nullptr || imagePointDescriptors_ == nullptr || numberImagePoints_ == 0)
819  {
820  return false;
821  }
823  typename VocabularyForest::Matches matches;
825  if constexpr (std::is_same<TImagePointDescriptor, DescriptorHandling::FreakMultiDescriptor256>::value) // TODO HACK
826  {
827  forestObjectPointDescriptors_.template matchMultiDescriptors<ImagePointDescriptor, DescriptorHandling::multiDescriptorFunction, VocabularyTree::MM_ALL_GOOD_LEAFS_2>(objectPointVocabularyDescriptors_, imagePointDescriptors_, numberImagePoints_, maximalDescriptorDistance.distance<TDistance>(), matches, worker);
828  }
829  else
830  {
831  forestObjectPointDescriptors_.template matchDescriptors<VocabularyTree::MM_ALL_GOOD_LEAFS_2>(objectPointVocabularyDescriptors_, imagePointDescriptors_, numberImagePoints_, maximalDescriptorDistance.distance<TDistance>(), matches, worker);
832  }
834  if (matches.size() < size_t(minimalNumberCorrespondences))
835  {
836  return false;
837  }
839  ocean_assert(matchedImagePoints.empty());
840  ocean_assert(matchedObjectPoints.empty());
842  matchedImagePoints.clear();
843  matchedObjectPoints.clear();
845  for (const typename VocabularyTree::Match& match : matches)
846  {
847  matchedImagePoints.emplace_back(imagePoints_[match.queryDescriptorIndex()]);
848  matchedObjectPoints.emplace_back(objectPoints_[objectPointIndices_[match.candidateDescriptorIndex()]]);
849  }
851  return true;
852 }
854 inline UnifiedGuidedMatchingFreakMultiDescriptor256Group::UnifiedGuidedMatchingFreakMultiDescriptor256Group(const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap<ObjectPointDescriptor>& objectPointDescriptorMap) :
855  UnifiedGuidedMatching(objectPoints, numberObjectPoints, objectPointOctree, objectPointIds),
856  objectPointDescriptorMap_(objectPointDescriptorMap)
857 {
858  // nothing to do here
859 }
861 inline UnifiedGuidedMatchingFreakMultiDescriptor256Group::UnifiedGuidedMatchingFreakMultiDescriptor256Group(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup* imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree& objectPointOctree, const Index32* objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap<ObjectPointDescriptor>& objectPointDescriptorMap) :
862  UnifiedGuidedMatching(imagePoints, numberImagePoints, objectPoints, numberObjectPoints, objectPointOctree, objectPointIds),
863  imagePointDescriptorGroups_(imagePointDescriptorGroups),
864  objectPointDescriptorMap_(objectPointDescriptorMap)
865 {
866  // nothing to do here
867 }
869 inline void UnifiedGuidedMatchingFreakMultiDescriptor256Group::updateImagePoints(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup* imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints)
870 {
871  imagePoints_ = imagePoints;
872  imagePointDescriptorGroups_ = imagePointDescriptorGroups;
874 }
877 {
878  imagePoints_ = nullptr;
879  imagePointDescriptorGroups_ = nullptr;
880  numberImagePoints_ = 0;
881 }
883 inline UnifiedUnguidedMatchingFreakMultiFeatures256Group::UnifiedUnguidedMatchingFreakMultiFeatures256Group(const Vector3* objectPoints, const ObjectPointDescriptor* objectPointDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices, const BinaryVocabularyForest& forestObjectPointDescriptors) :
884  UnifiedUnguidedMatching(objectPoints, numberObjectPoints, objectPointIndices),
885  objectPointDescriptors_(objectPointDescriptors),
886  forestObjectPointDescriptors_(forestObjectPointDescriptors)
887 {
888  // nothing to do here
889 }
891 inline UnifiedUnguidedMatchingFreakMultiFeatures256Group::UnifiedUnguidedMatchingFreakMultiFeatures256Group(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup* imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Vector3* objectPoints, const ObjectPointDescriptor* objectPointDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32* objectPointIndices, const BinaryVocabularyForest& forestObjectPointDescriptors) :
892  UnifiedUnguidedMatching(imagePoints, numberImagePoints, objectPoints, numberObjectPoints, objectPointIndices),
893  imagePointDescriptorGroups_(imagePointDescriptorGroups),
894  objectPointDescriptors_(objectPointDescriptors),
895  forestObjectPointDescriptors_(forestObjectPointDescriptors)
896 {
897  // nothing to do here
898 }
900 inline void UnifiedUnguidedMatchingFreakMultiFeatures256Group::updateImagePoints(const Vector2* imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup* imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints)
901 {
902  imagePoints_ = imagePoints;
903  imagePointDescriptorGroups_ = imagePointDescriptorGroups;
905 }
908 {
909  imagePoints_ = nullptr;
910  imagePointDescriptorGroups_ = nullptr;
911  numberImagePoints_ = 0;
912 }
914 }
916 }
918 }
This class implements the abstract base class for all AnyCamera objects.
Definition: AnyCamera.h:130
This class provides basic numeric functionalities.
Definition: Numeric.h:57
std::array< float, tNumberElements > FloatDescriptor
Definition of a float descriptor.
Definition: UnifiedDescriptor.h:140
std::vector< FloatDescriptor< tNumberElements > > FloatDescriptors
Definition of a vector holding float descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedDescriptor.h:147
ByteDescriptor< tNumberBits/8u > BinaryDescriptor
Definition of a binary descriptor.
Definition: UnifiedDescriptor.h:126
This class implements the guided matching object for groups of FREAK Multi features with 32 bytes or ...
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:478
UnifiedGuidedMatchingFreakMultiDescriptor256Group(const Vector3 *objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree &objectPointOctree, const Index32 *objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap< ObjectPointDescriptor > &objectPointDescriptorMap)
Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:854
CV::Detector::FREAKDescriptor32 ImagePointDescriptor
Definition of the descriptor for 2D image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:484
void determineGuidedMatchings(const AnyCamera &anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera, Vectors2 &matchedImagePoints, Vectors3 &matchedObjectPoints, const DistanceValue &maximalDescriptorDistance, Indices32 *matchedImagePointIndices=nullptr, Indices32 *matchedObjectPointIds=nullptr, Worker *worker=nullptr) const override
Determines the guided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
std::unordered_map< Index32, TDescriptor > UnorderedDescriptorMap
Definition of an unordered map mapping object point ids to descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:496
CV::Detector::FREAKDescriptors32 ObjectPointDescriptor
Definition of the descriptor for 3D object points (several descriptors per point possible).
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:490
const ImagePointDescriptorGroup * imagePointDescriptorGroups_
The groups of descriptors for the image points, one for each image point.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:548
void updateImagePoints(const Vector2 *imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup *imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints)
Updates the 2D image points e.g., to allow matching for a new camera frame.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:869
const CV::Detector::FREAKDescriptors32 * ImagePointDescriptorGroup
Definition of the groups of descriptors for 2D image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:487
const UnorderedDescriptorMap< ObjectPointDescriptor > & objectPointDescriptorMap_
The map mapping object point ids to their corresponding descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:551
void clearImagePoints()
Removes the image points from this object.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:876
unsigned int DescriptorDistance
Definition of the distance for the binary descriptor.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:481
This class implements the base class for all guided matching objects.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:166
const Geometry::Octree & objectPointOctree_
The octree holding all 3D object points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:209
const Index32 * objectPointIds_
The ids of all 3D object points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:212
UnifiedGuidedMatching(const Vector3 *objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree &objectPointOctree, const Index32 *objectPointIds)
Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:711
virtual void determineGuidedMatchings(const AnyCamera &anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera, Vectors2 &matchedImagePoints, Vectors3 &matchedObjectPoints, const DistanceValue &maximalDescriptorDistance, Indices32 *matchedImagePointIndices=nullptr, Indices32 *matchedObjectPointIds=nullptr, Worker *worker=nullptr) const =0
Determines the guided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
This class implements the guided matching object for specific features.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:285
const UnorderedDescriptorMap< ObjectPointDescriptor > & objectPointDescriptorMap_
The map mapping object point ids to their corresponding descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:356
TObjectPointDescriptor ObjectPointDescriptor
Definition of the descriptor for 3D object points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:295
TImagePointDescriptor ImagePointDescriptor
Definition of the descriptor for 2D image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:292
void determineGuidedMatchings(const AnyCamera &anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera, Vectors2 &matchedImagePoints, Vectors3 &matchedObjectPoints, const DistanceValue &maximalDescriptorDistance, Indices32 *matchedImagePointIndices=nullptr, Indices32 *matchedObjectPointIds=nullptr, Worker *worker=nullptr) const override
Determines the guided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:775
void updateImagePoints(const Vector2 *imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor *imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints)
Updates the 2D image points e.g., to allow matching for a new camera frame.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:759
TDistance DescriptorDistance
Definition of the distance data type.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:289
UnifiedGuidedMatchingT(const Vector3 *objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Geometry::Octree &objectPointOctree, const Index32 *objectPointIds, const UnorderedDescriptorMap< ObjectPointDescriptor > &objectPointDescriptorMap)
Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:742
void clearImagePoints()
Removes the image points from this object.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:767
const ImagePointDescriptor * imagePointDescriptors_
The descriptors for the image points, one for each image point.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:353
std::unordered_map< Index32, TDescriptor > UnorderedDescriptorMap
Definition of an unordered map mapping object point ids to descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:301
Definition of a descriptor distance value.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:52
float floatDistance_
The floating point distance, with range [0, 1], -1 if unknown.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:110
unsigned int binaryDistance_
The binary distance, with range [0, infinity), -1 if unknown.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:107
bool isValid() const
Returns whether the object holds a valid distance.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:685
unsigned int binaryDistance() const
Returns the binary distance.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:658
Default constructor with an invalid descriptor distance.
TDistance distance() const
Returns either the binary or the floating point distance.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:671
float floatDistance() const
Returns the floating point distance.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:664
The base class for all unified matching objects.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:45
UnifiedMatching(const Vector3 *objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints)
Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:690
const Vector3 * objectPoints_
The 3D object points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:155
const Vector2 * imagePoints_
The 2D image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:149
const size_t numberObjectPoints_
The number of 3D object points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:158
virtual ~UnifiedMatching()=default
Disposes this object.
size_t numberImagePoints_
The number of 2D image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:152
size_t numberImagePoints() const
Returns the number of image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:706
This class implements the unguided matching object for groups of FREAK Multi features with 32 bytes o...
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:559
const ImagePointDescriptorGroup * imagePointDescriptorGroups_
The groups of descriptors for the image points, one for each image point.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:630
const BinaryVocabularyForest & forestObjectPointDescriptors_
The vocabulary forest for the object point features.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:636
bool determineUnguidedMatchings(const unsigned int minimalNumberCorrespondences, const DistanceValue &maximalDescriptorDistance, Vectors2 &matchedImagePoints, Vectors3 &matchedObjectPoints, Worker *worker=nullptr) const override
Determines the guided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
UnifiedUnguidedMatchingFreakMultiFeatures256Group(const Vector3 *objectPoints, const ObjectPointDescriptor *objectPointDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32 *objectPointIndices, const BinaryVocabularyForest &forestObjectPointDescriptors)
Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:883
void updateImagePoints(const Vector2 *imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptorGroup *imagePointDescriptorGroups, const size_t numberImagePoints)
Updates the 2D image points e.g., to allow matching for a new camera frame.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:900
CV::Detector::FREAKDescriptor32 ImagePointDescriptor
Definition of the descriptor for 2D image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:566
const ObjectPointDescriptor * objectPointDescriptors_
The descriptors for the object points, one for each index in 'objectPointIndices'.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:633
BinaryVocabularyForest::TVocabularyTree BinaryVocabularyTree
Definition of a vocabulary tree for object point descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:578
const CV::Detector::FREAKDescriptors32 * ImagePointDescriptorGroup
Definition of the groups of descriptors for 2D image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:569
Tracking::VocabularyForest< ObjectPointDescriptor, DescriptorDistance, UnifiedDescriptorT< ObjectPointDescriptor >::determineDistance > BinaryVocabularyForest
Definition of a vocabulary forest for object point descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:575
unsigned int DescriptorDistance
Definition of the distance for the binary descriptor.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:563
UnifiedDescriptor::BinaryDescriptor< 256u > ObjectPointDescriptor
Definition of the descriptor for 3D object points (several descriptors per point possible).
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:572
void clearImagePoints()
Removes the image points from this object.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:907
This class implements the base class for all unguided matching objects.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:227
virtual bool determineUnguidedMatchings(const unsigned int minimalNumberCorrespondences, const DistanceValue &maximalDescriptorDistance, Vectors2 &matchedImagePoints, Vectors3 &matchedObjectPoints, Worker *worker=nullptr) const =0
Determines the unguided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
UnifiedUnguidedMatching(const Vector3 *objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32 *objectPointIndices)
Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:727
const Index32 * objectPointIndices_
The indices of the corresponding 3D object points, one for each object point descriptor,...
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:266
This class implements the unguided matching object for FREAK Multi features with 32 bytes or 256 bits...
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:382
VocabularyForest::TVocabularyTree VocabularyTree
Definition of a vocabulary tree for object point descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:398
Tracking::VocabularyForest< ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor, DescriptorDistance, UnifiedDescriptorT< ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor >::determineDistance > VocabularyForest
Definition of a vocabulary forest for object point descriptors.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:395
void clearImagePoints()
Removes the image points from this object.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:808
TImagePointDescriptor ImagePointDescriptor
Definition of the descriptor for 2D image points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:389
bool determineUnguidedMatchings(const unsigned int minimalNumberCorrespondences, const DistanceValue &maximalDescriptorDistance, Vectors2 &matchedImagePoints, Vectors3 &matchedObjectPoints, Worker *worker=nullptr) const override
Determines the unguided matching between 2D and 3D feature points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:816
const VocabularyForest & forestObjectPointDescriptors_
The vocabulary forest for the object point features.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:456
TDistance DescriptorDistance
Definition of the distance for the binary descriptor.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:386
const ImagePointDescriptor * imagePointDescriptors_
The descriptors for the image points, one for each image point.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:450
UnifiedUnguidedMatchingT(const Vector3 *objectPoints, const ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor *objectPointVocabularyDescriptors, const size_t numberObjectPoints, const Index32 *objectPointIndices, const VocabularyForest &forestObjectPointDescriptors)
Creates a new matching object with 3D object points only.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:781
TObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor
Definition of the descriptor for 3D object points.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:392
void updateImagePoints(const Vector2 *imagePoints, const ImagePointDescriptor *imagePointDescriptors, const size_t numberImagePoints)
Updates the 2D image points e.g., to allow matching for a new camera frame.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:800
const ObjectPointVocabularyDescriptor * objectPointVocabularyDescriptors_
The descriptors for the object points, one for each index in 'objectPointIndices'.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:453
This class implements a Vocabulary Forest holding several Vocabulary Trees.
Definition: VocabularyTree.h:766
Matches< TDistance > Matches
Definition of a vector holding Match objects.
Definition: VocabularyTree.h:807
This class implements a Vocabulary Tree for feature descriptors.
Definition: VocabularyTree.h:223
Match< TDistance > Match
Definition of a Match object using the distance data type of this tree.
Definition: VocabularyTree.h:274
This class implements a worker able to distribute function calls over different threads.
Definition: Worker.h:33
std::vector< Index32 > Indices32
Definition of a vector holding 32 bit index values.
Definition: Base.h:96
uint32_t Index32
Definition of a 32 bit index value.
Definition: Base.h:84
OctreeT< Scalar > Octree
Definition of an Octree using Scalar as data type.
Definition: Octree.h:25
std::vector< Vector2 > Vectors2
Definition of a vector holding Vector2 objects.
Definition: Vector2.h:64
std::vector< Vector3 > Vectors3
Definition of a vector holding Vector3 objects.
Definition: Vector3.h:65
std::shared_ptr< UnifiedGuidedMatching > SharedUnifiedGuidedMatching
Definition of a shared pointer holding an UnifiedGuidedMatching object.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:220
std::shared_ptr< UnifiedUnguidedMatching > SharedUnifiedUnguidedMatching
Definition of a shared pointer holding an UnifiedUnguidedMatching object.
Definition: UnifiedMatching.h:274
std::vector< FREAKDescriptor32 > FREAKDescriptors32
Vector of 32-bytes long FREAK descriptors.
Definition: FREAKDescriptor.h:69
FREAKDescriptorT< 32 > FREAKDescriptor32
Typedef for the 32-bytes long FREAK descriptor.
Definition: FREAKDescriptor.h:66
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15