No Matches
Ocean::Tracking Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Tracker library. More...


namespace  Barcodes
 Namespace of the barcode code library.
namespace  MapBuilding
 Namespace of the Map Building Tracking library.
namespace  MapTexturing
namespace  OculusTags
 Namespace of the Oculus Tag Tracker library.
namespace  Offline
 Namespace of the Offline Tracker library.
namespace  ORB
 Namespace of the ORB Tracker library.
namespace  Pattern
 Namespace of the Pattern Tracker library.
namespace  Point
 Namespace of the Point Tracker library.
namespace  QRCodes
 Namespace of the Ocean QR code Library.
namespace  RMV
 Namespace of the RMV Tracker library.

Data Structures

class  CorrespondenceSet
 This class manages a set of element correspondences. More...
class  Database
 This class implements a database for 3D object points, 2D image points and 6DOF camera poses. More...
class  HomographyImageAlignmentDense
 This class implements functions allowing dense image alignment. More...
class  HomographyImageAlignmentSparse
 This class implements image alignment functions internally using sparse image information like e.g., feature points. More...
class  HomographyPlaneFinder
 This class implements a 3D plane finder that determines the plane by calculation of a homography between two frames taken from two individual camera positions. More...
class  HomographyTracker
 This class implements a homography tracker able to determine a homography in real-time. More...
class  MotionModel
 This class implements a 6DOF pose with internal motion model. More...
class  MultiViewPlaneFinder
 This class implements a 3D plane finder that determines a plane within several frames taken from different camera positions. More...
class  PlaneFinder
 This class implements a 3D plane finder without any previous knowledge about the plane or the camera poses. More...
class  PointCorrespondences
 This class implements functions determining point correspondences or validates their accuracy. More...
class  PoseProjection
 This class implements a pose projection. More...
class  PoseProjectionSet
 This class implements a set of pose projections. More...
class  SmoothedTransformation
 This class implements a smoother for a 12-DOF transformations (3D translation, 3D rotation, 3D scale, and 3D shear). More...
class  Solver3
 This class implements a Structure From Motion solver for unconstrained 3D object points and unconstrained 6-DOF camera poses. More...
class  SphericalEnvironment
 This class implements a spherical environment based on a panorama frame. More...
class  Tracker
 This class implements the base class for all tracker object. More...
class  UnidirectionalCorrespondences
 This class provides unidirectional feature correspondences. More...
class  Utilities
 This class implements utility functions allowing e.g., for a more comfortable visualization of tracking data. More...
class  VisualTracker
 This class implements a base class for all visual tracker objects. More...
class  VocabularyForest
 This class implements a Vocabulary Forest holding several Vocabulary Trees. More...
class  VocabularyStructure
 This class implements the base class for all Vocabulary objects. More...
class  VocabularyTree
 This class implements a Vocabulary Tree for feature descriptors. More...


typedef Vector2 ImagePoint
 Definition of a 2D image point.
typedef Vector3 ObjectPoint
 Definition of a 3D object point.
typedef std::vector< ImagePointImagePoints
 Definition of a vector holding 2D image points.
typedef std::vector< ObjectPointObjectPoints
 Definition of a vector holding 3D object points.
typedef std::vector< ObjectPointsObjectPointsVector
 Definition of a vector holding object points.
typedef std::vector< ImagePointsImagePointsVector
 Definition of a vector holding image points.
typedef ObjectRef< VisualTrackerVisualTrackerRef
 Definition of an object reference covering a visual tracker object.
using SharedVocabularyStructure = std::shared_ptr< VocabularyStructure >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding a VocabularyStructure object.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Tracker library.

The Namespace Ocean::Tracking is used in the entire Ocean Tracker Library.