| SphericalEnvironment ()=default |
| Creates an invalid spherical environment object.
| SphericalEnvironment (const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const uint8_t maskValue, const UpdateMode frameMode) |
| Creates a new spherical environment object.
bool | extendEnvironment (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const Frame &frame, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, const Geometry::Estimator::EstimatorType fineAdjustmentEstimator=Geometry::Estimator::ET_INVALID, const bool optimizeCamera=false, Worker *worker=nullptr, SquareMatrix3 *orientation=nullptr, PinholeCamera *optimizedCamera=nullptr, const FrameCallback &frameCallback=FrameCallback()) |
| Adds a new camera frame to the panorama frame for which the orientation is unknown.
bool | optimizeOrientation (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const Frame &frame, const Frame &mask, const Geometry::Estimator::EstimatorType estimator, SquareMatrix3 &optimizedOrientation, PinholeCamera *optimizedCamera=nullptr, LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Determines the precise orientation of a given camera frame.
virtual void | clear () |
| Clears the panorama frame and allows to set a new first camera frame.
| PanoramaFrame ()=default |
| Creates an invalid panorama frame instance.
| PanoramaFrame (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const uint8_t maskValue, const UpdateMode updateMode) |
| Creates a new panorama frame instance.
| PanoramaFrame (const Frame &frame, const Frame &mask, const uint8_t maskValue, const UpdateMode updateMode, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Creates a new panorama frame instance by an already existing (entire) panorama frame.
| PanoramaFrame (Frame &&frame, Frame &&mask, const uint8_t maskValue, const UpdateMode updateMode, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Creates a new panorama frame instance by an already existing (entire) panorama frame.
virtual | ~PanoramaFrame ()=default |
| Default destructor.
uint8_t | maskValue () const |
| Returns the mask value defining the 8 bit pixel value of valid pixels.
UpdateMode | updateMode () const |
| Returns the update mode of this panorama frame.
const Frame & | frame () const |
| Returns the current panorama sub-frame (not the maximal possible panorama frame).
const Frame & | mask () const |
| Returns the mask of the current panorama frame.
const PixelPosition & | frameTopLeft () const |
| Returns the top left position of the current panorama sub-frame.
unsigned int | dimensionWidth () const |
| Returns the maximal possible width of the entire panorama frame representing horizontal 360 degrees, in pixel.
unsigned int | dimensionHeight () const |
| Returns the maximal possible height of the entire panorama frame representing vertical 180 degrees, in pixel.
bool | setFrame (const PixelPosition &topLeft, const Frame &frame, const Frame &mask=Frame(), Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Sets or resets the panorama sub-frame (not the maximal possible panorama frame).
bool | addFrame (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const Frame &frame, const Frame &mask, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Adds a new camera frame to the panorama frame for which the orientation is known.
bool | extractFrame (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, Frame &frame, Frame &mask, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr) const |
| Extracts a camera frame from the panorama frame.
Vector2 | cameraPixel2panoramaPixel (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const Vector2 &cameraPixel, const Vector2 &referenceAngle) const |
| Converts a given pixel position defined in the current camera frame into the pixel position defined in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame.
Vector2 | cameraPixel2panoramaPixelStrict (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const Vector2 &cameraPixel) const |
| Converts a given pixel position defined in the current camera frame into the pixel position defined in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame.
Vector2 | panoramaPixel2cameraPixel (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &iOrientation, const Vector2 &panoramaPixel) const |
| Converts a given pixel position defined in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame into the pixel position defined in a camera frame.
Vector2 | angle2pixel (const Vector2 &angle) const |
| Converts an angle in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame to the corresponding pixel position in the entire panorama frame.
Vector2 | pixel2angle (const Vector2 &position) const |
| Converts the pixel position in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame to the corresponding angle in the entire panorama frame.
bool | cameraFrame2panoramaSubFrame (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const Frame &frame, const Frame &mask, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, Frame &panoramaSubFrame, Frame &panoramaSubMask, PixelPositionI &subFrameTopLeft, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr) |
| Copies (interpolates) the entire area of a camera frame with specified camera orientation to a sub-frame of an entire panorama frame.
bool | isValid () const |
| Returns whether this panorama frame holds valid configuration parameters and thus can be used.
| operator bool () const |
| Returns whether this panorama frame holds valid configuration parameters and thus can be used.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
void | mergeAverageGlobal8BitPerChannel (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int subFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &subTopLeft, uint32_t *panoramaNominatorFrame, uint32_t *panoramaDenominatorFrame, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &panoramaTopLeft, const uint8_t maskValue, Worker *worker) |
static bool | determinePointCorrespondencesHomography (const Frame &sourceFrame, const Frame &targetFrame, const SquareMatrix3 &homography, Vectors2 &sourcePoints, Vectors2 &targetPoints, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int maximalDistance=32u, const unsigned int coarsestLayerRadius=8u, const CV::FramePyramid::DownsamplingMode downsamplingMode=CV::FramePyramid::DM_FILTER_14641, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Determines point correspondences between two camera frames captured with individual locations (describable by a homography) by application of a pyramid-based patch tracking approach.
static bool | determinePointCorrespondencesHomography (const CV::FramePyramid &sourceFramePyramid, const Frame &targetFrame, const SquareMatrix3 &homography, const Vectors2 &sourcePointCandidates, Vectors2 &validSourcePoints, Vectors2 &validTargetPoints, Indices32 &validSourcePointIndices, const unsigned int patchSize, const unsigned int maximalDistance=32u, const unsigned int coarsestLayerRadius=8u, const CV::FramePyramid::DownsamplingMode downsamplingMode=CV::FramePyramid::DM_FILTER_14641, Worker *worker=nullptr, size_t *usedPointCandidates=nullptr) |
| Determines point correspondences between two camera frames captured with individual locations (describable by a homography) by application of a pyramid-based patch tracking approach.
static bool | nonHomographyMask (const CV::FramePyramid &previousFramePyramid, const CV::FramePyramid ¤tFramePyramid, const PinholeCamera &previousCamera, const PinholeCamera ¤tCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &previousOrientation, const SquareMatrix3 ¤tOrientation, const uint8_t maskValue, Frame ¤tMask, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| This function determines a mask for image areas not matching with the common homography between two successive camera frames.
static bool | optimizeCamera (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const Frames &frames, const SquareMatrices3 &orientations, PinholeCamera &optimizedCamera, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Optimizes the camera profile for a given set of camera frames with known orientations so that the offset between corresponding points in the individual camera frames becomes as small as possible.
static bool | optimizeCamera (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrices3 &orientations, const ImagePoints &imagePoints, const PoseImagePointPairGroups &orientationImagePointPairGroups, PinholeCamera &optimizedCamera, SquareMatrices3 &optimizedOrientations, const unsigned int iterations=20u, const Geometry::Estimator::EstimatorType estimator=Geometry::Estimator::ET_SQUARE, Scalar lambda=Scalar(0.001), const Scalar lambdaFactor=Scalar(5), Scalar *initialError=nullptr, Scalar *finalError=nullptr, Scalars *intermediateErrors=nullptr) |
| Optimizes the camera profile for a given set of image points from individual camera frames so that the offset between the corresponding points becomes as small as possible.
static bool | findInitialFieldOfView (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const SquareMatrices3 &orientations, const ImagePoints &imagePoints, const PoseImagePointPairGroups &orientationImagePointPairGroups, PinholeCamera &optimizedCamera, SquareMatrices3 &optimizedOrientations, const Scalar lowerFovX=Numeric::deg2rad(40), const Scalar upperFovX=Numeric::deg2rad(90), const unsigned int steps=10u) |
| Determines the initial field of view for a set of camera frames with known orientation and a corresponding set of unique features observed in several individual frames.
static bool | determineTransformationTable2x2 (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const Vectors2 &points0, const Vectors2 &points1, LookupCorner2< Vector2 > &transformation0to1, const unsigned int iterations=20u, const Geometry::Estimator::EstimatorType estimator=Geometry::Estimator::ET_SQUARE, Scalar lambda=Scalar(0.001), const Scalar lambdaFactor=Scalar(5), Scalar *initialError=nullptr, Scalar *finalError=nullptr) |
| Determines a 2x2 transformation table (a lookup table) transforming a set of points (defined in the domain of the transformation table) to another set of points.
static bool | haveIntersectionByInnerFov (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera0, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation0, const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera1, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation1, Scalar *overlappingPercent=nullptr) |
| Checks whether two camera frames have a guaranteed intersection.
static bool | haveIntersectionByRays (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera0, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation0, const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera1, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation1, const Scalar borderFactor=Scalar(0.1), const unsigned int minimalIntersections=2u) |
| Checks whether two camera frames have a guaranteed intersection.
static Scalar | approximateIntersectionArea (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera0, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation0, const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera1, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation1, Scalar *intersectionRatio=nullptr) |
| Approximate the area of the intersection of two frames.
static Vector2 | angle2pixel (const Vector2 &angle, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight) |
| Converts an angle in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame to the corresponding pixel position in the entire panorama frame.
static Vector2 | angle2pixelStrict (const Vector2 &angle, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight) |
| Converts an angle in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame to the corresponding pixel position in the entire panorama frame.
static Vector2 | pixel2angle (const Vector2 &position, const Scalar invPanoramaDimensionWidth, const Scalar invPanoramaDimensionHeight) |
| Converts a pixel position in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame (or outside this panorama frame) to the corresponding angle in the entire panorama frame.
static Vector2 | pixel2angleStrict (const Vector2 &position, const Scalar invPanoramaDimensionWidth, const Scalar invPanoramaDimensionHeight) |
| Converts a pixel position in the entire (maximal possible) panorama frame to the corresponding angle in the entire panorama frame.
static Vector2 | ray2angle (const Vector3 &ray, const Vector2 &referenceAngle) |
| Converts a unit ray starting at the panorama frame's center to the corresponding angle.
static Vector2 | ray2angleStrict (const Vector3 &ray) |
| Converts a unit ray starting at the panorama frame's center to the corresponding angle.
static Vector3 | angle2ray (const Vector2 &angle) |
| Converts an angle in the panorama frame to a unit ray starting at the panorama frame's center.
static Vector3 | angle2rayStrict (const Vector2 &angle) |
| Converts an angle in the panorama frame to a unit ray starting at the panorama frame's center.
static Vector2 | cameraPixel2cameraPixel (const PinholeCamera &inputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &inputOrientation, const Vector2 &inputPosition, const PinholeCamera &outputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &outputOrientation) |
| Converts a camera pixel position defined in one frame into a camera pixel position defined in another frame.
static bool | cameraFrame2cameraFrame (const PinholeCamera &inputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &inputOrientation, const Frame &inputFrame, const Frame &inputMask, const PinholeCamera &outputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &outputOrientation, Frame &outputFrame, Frame &outputMask, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int approximationBinSize, Worker *worker) |
| Converts a given input camera frame captured with a given orientation into a corresponding camera frame with different orientation.
static bool | panoramaFrame2cameraFrame (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const Frame &panoramaFrame, const Frame &panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const PixelPosition &panoramaFrameTopLeft, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, Frame &cameraFrame, Frame &cameraMask, const uint8_t maskValue=0xFFu, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr) |
| Copies (interpolates) a section from the entire panorama frame to a camera frame with specified camera orientation.
static bool | cameraFrame2panoramaFrame (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const Frame &cameraFrame, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const PixelPositionI &panoramaFrameTopLeft, Frame &panoramaFrame, Frame &panoramaMask, const uint8_t maskValue=0xFFu, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr) |
| Copies (interpolates) the entire area of a camera frame with specified camera orientation to a section of an entire panorama frame.
static bool | cameraFrame2panoramaFrame (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const Frame &cameraFrame, const Frame &cameraMask, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const PixelPositionI &panoramaFrameTopLeft, Frame &panoramaFrame, Frame &panoramaMask, const uint8_t maskValue=0xFFu, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr) |
| Copies (interpolates) the a subset of a camera frame (specified by a mask) with specified camera orientation to a section of an entire panorama frame.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2cameraFrame8BitPerChannel (const PinholeCamera &inputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &inputOrientation, const uint8_t *inputFrame, const uint8_t *inputMask, const unsigned int inputFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int inputMaskPaddingElements, const PinholeCamera &outputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &outputOrientation, uint8_t *outputFrame, uint8_t *outputMask, const unsigned int outputFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int outputMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int approximationBinSize, Worker *worker) |
| Converts a given input camera frame with 8 bit per channel captured with a given orientation into a corresponding camera frame with different orientation.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | panoramaFrame2cameraFrame8BitPerChannel (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const uint8_t *panoramaFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const PixelPosition &panoramaFrameTopLeft, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, uint8_t *cameraFrame, uint8_t *cameraMask, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int cameraMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue=0xFFu, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr) |
| Copies (interpolates) a section from the entire panorama frame with 8 bit per data channel to a camera frame with specified camera orientation.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2panoramaFrame8BitPerChannel (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const uint8_t *cameraFrame, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const PixelPositionI &panoramaFrameTopLeft, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue=0xFFu, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr) |
| Copies (interpolates) the entire area of an 8 bit per data channel camera frame with specified camera orientation to a section of an entire panorama frame.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2panoramaFrameMask8BitPerChannel (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const uint8_t *cameraFrame, const uint8_t *cameraMask, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int cameraMaskPaddingElements, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const PixelPositionI &panoramaFrameTopLeft, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue=0xFFu, const unsigned int approximationBinSize=20u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment=nullptr) |
| Copies (interpolates) a subset of an 8 bit per data channel camera frame (specified by a mask) with specified camera orientation to a section of an entire panorama frame.
template<unsigned int tSize> |
static Buffer | interpolateSquarePatches (const Frame &frame, const Vectors2 &positions, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Interpolates square image patches with sub-pixel position and stores the image content as patch buffer.
template<unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tSize> |
static void | interpolateSquarePatches8BitPerChannel (const uint8_t *frame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int framePaddingElements, const Vectors2 &positions, uint8_t *result, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Interpolates square image patches with sub-pixel position and stores the image content as patch buffer.
template<unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tSize> |
static void | interpolateSquarePatches8BitPerChannelSubset (const uint8_t *frame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int framePaddingElements, const Vector2 *positions, uint8_t *result, const unsigned int firstPosition, const unsigned int numberPositions) |
| Interpolates a subset of square image patches with sub-pixel position and stores the image content as patch buffer.
template<unsigned int tSize> |
static IndexPairs32 | findBijectiveCorrespondences (const PinholeCamera &camera0, const PinholeCamera &camera1, const FrameType::PixelFormat pixelFormat, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation0, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation1, const Buffer &buffer0, const Buffer &buffer1, const Vectors2 &points0, const Vectors2 &points1, const Geometry::SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray &distribution0, const Geometry::SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray &distribution1, Worker *worker) |
| Finds unique bijective point correspondences between two given camera frames from a set of already detected unique feature points.
template<unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tSize> |
static IndexPairs32 | findBijectiveCorrespondences8BitPerChannel (const PinholeCamera &camera0, const PinholeCamera &camera1, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation0, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation1, const uint8_t *datas0, const uint8_t *datas1, const Vectors2 &points0, const Vectors2 &points1, const Geometry::SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray &distribution0, const Geometry::SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray &distribution1, Worker *worker) |
| Finds unique bijective point correspondences between two given camera frames with eight bit per channel from a set of already detected unique feature points.
template<unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tSize> |
static IndexPairs32 | findBidirectionalCorrespondences8BitPerChannel (const PinholeCamera &camera0, const PinholeCamera &camera1, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation0, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation1, const uint8_t *datas0, const uint8_t *datas1, const Vectors2 &points0, const Vectors2 &points1, const Geometry::SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray &distribution0, const Geometry::SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray &distribution1, Worker *worker) |
| Finds bidirectional point correspondences between two given camera frames with eight bit per channel from a set of already detected unique feature points.
template<unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tSize> |
static void | findBidirectionalCorrespondences8BitPerChannelSubset (const PinholeCamera *camera0, const PinholeCamera *camera1, const SquareMatrix3 *orientation0, const SquareMatrix3 *orientation1, const uint8_t *datas0, const uint8_t *datas1, const Vectors2 *points0, const Vectors2 *points1, const Geometry::SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray *distribution0, const Geometry::SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray *distribution1, Lock *lock, IndexPairs32 *results, const unsigned int firstPoint, const unsigned int numberPoints) |
| Finds subsets of bidirectional point correspondences between two given camera frames with eight bit per channel from a set of already detected unique feature points.
template<unsigned int tChannels, unsigned int tSize> |
static unsigned int | findCorrespondingPoint8BitPerChannel (const uint8_t *data0, const uint8_t *datas1, const Indices32 &indices) |
| Finds a corresponding patch for a given patch from a second set of patches.
static std::vector< Indices64 > | determineFeaturePointsFromPointCloud (const FeaturePointMap &correspondences, const unsigned int minSiblings=0u) |
| Determines a set of corresponding image points representing the same unique feature point (only observed in individual camera frames).
static FeaturePointMap::const_iterator | determineSiblings (const FeaturePointMap &correspondences, const FeaturePointMap::const_iterator &iStart, UnorderedIndexSet64 &siblings, UnorderedIndexSet64 &usedSet, IndexMap &frameSet) |
| Determines all sibling image point correspondences for a given correspondence.
static uint64_t | uniqueFeaturePointId (const uint32_t frameIndex, const uint32_t pointIndex) |
| Creates a unique ids for a given frame index and points index located in the frame.
static uint32_t | frameIndex (const uint64_t id) |
| Extracts the frame index of a unique feature point id.
static uint32_t | pointIndex (const uint64_t id) |
| Extracts the point index of a unique feature point id.
static void | cameraFrame2cameraFrameLookupTable (const PinholeCamera &inputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &world_R_input, const PinholeCamera &outputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &world_R_output, LookupTable &input_LT_output) |
| Creates a 2D lookup table allowing to interpolate pixel locations defined in one camera frame to pixel locations defined in another camera frame.
static void | panoramaFrame2cameraFrameLookupTable (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const PixelPosition &panoramaFrameTopLeft, LookupTable &lookupTable, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment) |
| Creates a 2D lookup table allowing to interpolate positions defined in the camera frame to positions defined in the panorama sub-frame.
static void | cameraFrame2panoramaFrameLookupTable (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const SquareMatrix3 &orientation, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const PixelPositionI &panoramaFrameTopLeft, LookupTable &lookupTable, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment) |
| Creates a 2D lookup table allowing to interpolate positions defined in the entire panorama frame to positions defined in the camera frame.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | mergeSetAll8BitPerChannel (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int subFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &subTopLeft, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &panoramaTopLeft, const uint8_t maskValue, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Merges a given panorama sub frame with the already existing panorama frame by setting all valid pixels of the sub frame.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | mergeSetNew8BitPerChannel (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int subFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &subTopLeft, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &panoramaTopLeft, const uint8_t maskValue, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Merges a given panorama sub frame with the already existing panorama frame by setting only pixels which haven't been set before.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | mergeAverageLocal8BitPerChannel (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int subFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &subTopLeft, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &panoramaTopLeft, const uint8_t maskValue, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Merges a given panorama sub frame with the already existing panorama frame by averaging the current pixel value with the given pixel value.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | mergeAverageGlobal8BitPerChannel (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int subFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &subTopLeft, uint32_t *panoramaNominatorFrame, uint32_t *panoramaDenominatorFrame, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const PixelPosition &panoramaTopLeft, const uint8_t maskValue, Worker *worker=nullptr) |
| Merges a given panorama sub frame with the already existing panorama frame by averaging the all pixel values from the past and the current pixel values.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | mergeSetAll8BitPerChannelSubset (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int subTopLeftX, const unsigned int subTopLeftY, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaTopLeftX, const unsigned int panoramaTopLeftY, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstSubRow, const unsigned int numberSubRows) |
| Merges a subset of a given panorama sub frame with the already existing panorama frame by setting all valid pixels of the sub frame.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | mergeSetNew8BitPerChannelSubset (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int subTopLeftX, const unsigned int subTopLeftY, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaTopLeftX, const unsigned int panoramaTopLeftY, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstSubRow, const unsigned int numberSubRows) |
| Merges a subset of a given panorama sub frame with the already existing panorama frame by setting only pixels which haven't been set before.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | mergeAverageLocal8BitPerChannelSubset (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int subTopLeftX, const unsigned int subTopLeftY, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaTopLeftX, const unsigned int panoramaTopLeftY, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstSubRow, const unsigned int numberSubRows) |
| Merges a subset of a given panorama sub frame with the already existing panorama frame by averaging the current pixel value with the given pixel value.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | mergeAverageGlobal8BitPerChannelSubset (const uint8_t *panoramaSubFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaSubMask, const unsigned int subFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaSubFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaSubMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int subTopLeftX, const unsigned int subTopLeftY, uint32_t *panoramaNominatorFrame, uint32_t *panoramaDenominatorFrame, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaTopLeftX, const unsigned int panoramaTopLeftY, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstSubRow, const unsigned int numberSubRows) |
| Merges a subset of a given panorama sub frame with the already existing panorama frame by averaging the all pixel values from the past and the current pixel values.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2cameraFrame8BitPerChannelSubset (const PinholeCamera *inputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 *inputOrientation, const uint8_t *inputFrame, const unsigned int inputFramePaddingElements, const PinholeCamera *outputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 *outputOrientation, uint8_t *outputFrame, uint8_t *outputMask, const unsigned int outputFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int outputMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstOutputRow, const unsigned int numberOutputRows) |
| Converts a subset of a given input camera frame with 8 bit per channel captured with a given orientation into a corresponding camera frame with different orientation.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2cameraFrameLookup8BitPerChannelSubset (const LookupTable *lookupTable, const uint8_t *inputFrame, const unsigned int inputWidth, const unsigned int inputHeight, const unsigned int inputFramePaddingElements, uint8_t *outputFrame, uint8_t *outputMask, const unsigned int outputFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int outputMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstOutputRow, const unsigned int numberOutputRows) |
| Converts a subset of a given input camera frame with 8 bit per channel captured with a given orientation into a corresponding camera frame with different orientation.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2cameraFrameMask8BitPerChannelSubset (const PinholeCamera *inputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 *inputOrientation, const uint8_t *inputFrame, const uint8_t *inputMask, const unsigned int inputFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int inputMaskPaddingElements, const PinholeCamera *outputCamera, const SquareMatrix3 *outputOrientation, uint8_t *outputFrame, uint8_t *outputMask, const unsigned int outputFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int outputMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstOutputRow, const unsigned int numberOutputRows) |
| Converts a subset of a given input camera frame with 8 bit per channel captured with a given orientation into a corresponding camera frame with different orientation.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2cameraFrameMaskLookup8BitPerChannelSubset (const LookupTable *lookupTable, const uint8_t *inputFrame, const uint8_t *inputMask, const unsigned int inputWidth, const unsigned int inputHeight, const unsigned int inputFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int inputMaskPaddingElements, uint8_t *outputFrame, uint8_t *outputMask, const unsigned int outputFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int outputMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstOutputRow, const unsigned int numberOutputRows) |
| Converts a subset of a given input camera frame with 8 bit per channel captured with a given orientation into a corresponding camera frame with different orientation.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | panoramaFrame2cameraFrame8BitPerChannelSubset (const PinholeCamera *pinholeCamera, const uint8_t *panoramaFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const unsigned int panoramaFrameTopLeftX, const unsigned int panoramaFrameTopLeftY, const SquareMatrix3 *orientation, uint8_t *cameraFrame, uint8_t *cameraMask, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int cameraMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment, const unsigned int firstCameraRow, const unsigned int numberCameraRows) |
| Copies (interpolates) a subset of a section from the entire panorama frame with 8 bit per data channel to a camera frame with specified camera orientation.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | panoramaFrame2cameraFrameLookup8BitPerChannelSubset (const LookupTable *lookupTable, const uint8_t *panoramaFrame, const uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const unsigned int panoramaFrameTopLeftX, const unsigned int panoramaFrameTopLeftY, const unsigned int panoramaFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFrameHeight, uint8_t *cameraFrame, uint8_t *cameraMask, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int cameraMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstCameraRow, const unsigned int numberCameraRows) |
| Copies (interpolates) a subset of a section from the entire panorama frame with 8 bit per data channel to a camera frame with specified camera orientation.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2panoramaFrame8BitPerChannelSubset (const PinholeCamera *pinholeCamera, const uint8_t *cameraFrame, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, const SquareMatrix3 *orientation, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const int panoramaFrameTopLeftX, const int panoramaFrameTopLeftY, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment, const unsigned int firstPanoramaRow, const unsigned int numberPanoramaRows) |
| Copies (interpolates) the entire area of an 8 bit per data channel camera frame with specified camera orientation to a subset of a section of an entire panorama frame.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2panoramaFrameLookup8BitPerChannelSubset (const LookupTable *lookupTable, const uint8_t *cameraFrame, const unsigned int cameraFrameWidth, const unsigned int cameraFrameHeight, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstPanoramaRow, const unsigned int numberPanoramaRows) |
| Copies (interpolates) the entire area of an 8 bit per data channel camera frame with specified camera orientation to a subset of a section of an entire panorama frame.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2panoramaFrameMask8BitPerChannelSubset (const PinholeCamera *pinholeCamera, const uint8_t *cameraFrame, const uint8_t *cameraMask, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int cameraMaskPaddingElements, const SquareMatrix3 *orientation, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionWidth, const unsigned int panoramaDimensionHeight, const int panoramaFrameTopLeftX, const int panoramaFrameTopLeftY, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFrameWidth, const unsigned int panoramaFrameHeight, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const LookupTable *fineAdjustment, const unsigned int firstPanoramaRow, const unsigned int numberPanoramaRows) |
| Copies (interpolates) a subset of an 8 bit per data channel camera frame (specified by a mask) with specified camera orientation to subset of a section of an entire panorama frame.
template<unsigned int tChannels> |
static void | cameraFrame2panoramaFrameMaskLookup8BitPerChannelSubset (const LookupTable *lookupTable, const uint8_t *cameraFrame, const uint8_t *cameraMask, const unsigned int cameraFrameWidth, const unsigned int cameraFrameHeight, const unsigned int cameraFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int cameraMaskPaddingElements, uint8_t *panoramaFrame, uint8_t *panoramaMask, const unsigned int panoramaFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int panoramaMaskPaddingElements, const uint8_t maskValue, const unsigned int firstPanoramaRow, const unsigned int numberPanoramaRows) |
| Copies (interpolates) a subset of an 8 bit per data channel camera frame (specified by a mask) with specified camera orientation to subset of a section of an entire panorama frame.
static Vectors2 | generateFrameContour (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int count) |
| Creates are contour of (the outside of) a camera frame.