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Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation Class Reference

This class implements a smoother for a 12-DOF transformations (3D translation, 3D rotation, 3D scale, and 3D shear). More...

#include <SmoothedTransformation.h>

Public Member Functions

 SmoothedTransformation (const double smoothingInterval=1.0)
 Creates a new transformation object.
void setTransformation (const HomogenousMatrix4 &transformation, const Timestamp &timestamp)
 Sets or updates a new transformation.
void setSmoothingInterval (const double smoothingInterval)
 Sets a new smoothing interval.
HomogenousMatrix4 transformation (const Timestamp &timestamp) const
 Returns the smoothed 12-DOF transformation of this object.
Timestamp timestamp (HomogenousMatrix4 *transformation=nullptr) const
 Returns the timestamp of the latest transformation.
void reset ()
 Resets this transformation object and removes all previously set transformations.
bool isValid () const
 Returns whether this object holds a valid transformation.

Private Attributes

double smoothingInterval_
 The time interval in which the old transformation will be merged/inerpolated into the new transformation, in seconds, with range (0, infinity).
HomogenousMatrix4 oldTransformation_
 The old 12-DOF transformation connected with the old timestamp.
HomogenousMatrix4 newTransformation_
 The new 12-DOF transformation connected with the new timestamp.
Timestamp oldTimestamp_
 The timestamp of the old transformation.
Timestamp newTimestamp_
 The timestamp of the new transformation.
Lock lock_
 The lock of this transformation object.

Detailed Description

This class implements a smoother for a 12-DOF transformations (3D translation, 3D rotation, 3D scale, and 3D shear).

The transformation can be updated as often as necessary, while an internal smoothing interval is used to create a smooth transition between the current transformation and the given transformation.

                                                                                 new transformation
          old transformation                 new transformation                 + smoothing interval
                 |                                   |                                  |
                 V                                   V                                  V
timeline: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                the old transformation               |  the interpolated transformation |  the new transformation
                    will be reported                 |         will be reported         |     will be reported

The class is thread-safe.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SmoothedTransformation()

Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::SmoothedTransformation ( const double  smoothingInterval = 1.0)

Creates a new transformation object.

smoothingIntervalThe time interval in which the old transformation will be merged/inerpolated into the new transformation, in seconds, with range (0, infinity)

Member Function Documentation

◆ isValid()

bool Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::isValid ( ) const

Returns whether this object holds a valid transformation.

True, if so

◆ reset()

void Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::reset ( )

Resets this transformation object and removes all previously set transformations.

The smoothing interval is untouched.

◆ setSmoothingInterval()

void Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::setSmoothingInterval ( const double  smoothingInterval)

Sets a new smoothing interval.

smoothingIntervalThe time interval in which the old transformation will be merged/inerpolated into the new transformation, in seconds, with range (0, infinity)

◆ setTransformation()

void Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::setTransformation ( const HomogenousMatrix4 transformation,
const Timestamp timestamp 

Sets or updates a new transformation.

transformationThe new (e.g., the latest) 12-DOF transformation to be set, must be valid
timestampThe timestamp of the given transformation, must be valid, with range [timestamp(), infinity)

◆ timestamp()

Timestamp Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::timestamp ( HomogenousMatrix4 transformation = nullptr) const

Returns the timestamp of the latest transformation.

transformationOptional resulting transformation associated with the latest transformation, invalid if the resulting timestamp is invalid
The latest timestamp, may be invalid

◆ transformation()

HomogenousMatrix4 Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::transformation ( const Timestamp timestamp) const

Returns the smoothed 12-DOF transformation of this object.

timestampThe timestamp for which the smoothed transformation is requested, with range (-infinity, infinity), must be valid
The smoothed 12-DOF transformation, invalid if no transformation was set

Field Documentation

◆ lock_

Lock Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::lock_

The lock of this transformation object.

◆ newTimestamp_

Timestamp Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::newTimestamp_

The timestamp of the new transformation.

◆ newTransformation_

HomogenousMatrix4 Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::newTransformation_

The new 12-DOF transformation connected with the new timestamp.

◆ oldTimestamp_

Timestamp Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::oldTimestamp_

The timestamp of the old transformation.

◆ oldTransformation_

HomogenousMatrix4 Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::oldTransformation_

The old 12-DOF transformation connected with the old timestamp.

◆ smoothingInterval_

double Ocean::Tracking::SmoothedTransformation::smoothingInterval_

The time interval in which the old transformation will be merged/inerpolated into the new transformation, in seconds, with range (0, infinity).

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