No Matches
Ocean::Devices Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Devices library. More...


namespace  Android
 Namespace of the Devices Android library.
namespace  ARCore
 Namespace of the Devices ARCore library.
namespace  ARKit
 Namespace of the Devices ARKit library.
namespace  IOS
 Namespace of the Devices IOS library.
namespace  MapBuilding
 Namespace of the Devices MapBuilding library.
namespace  Pattern
 Namespace of the Devices Pattern library.
namespace  RMV
 Namespace of the Devices RMV library.
namespace  SLAM
 Namespace of the Devices SLAM library.

Data Structures

class  AccelerationSensor3DOF
 This class is the base class for all 3DOF acceleration sensors. More...
class  Device
 This class is the base class for all devices of any type. More...
class  DevicePlayer
 This class implements the abstract base class for all device players. More...
class  DeviceRefManager
 This class implements a manager for device references. More...
class  Factory
 This class implements a factory able to create instances of devices. More...
class  GPSTracker
 This class is the base class for all gps tracker objects. More...
class  GyroSensor3DOF
 This class is the base class for all 3DOF gyro sensors. More...
class  MagneticTracker
 This class is the base class for all tracker using a magnetic filed as input measurements. More...
class  Manager
 This class implements as singleton-based manager which allows to access all available devices. More...
class  Measurement
 This class implements the base class for all devices providing measurement samples. More...
class  ObjectTracker
 This class is the base class for all tracker allowing to track an object or location. More...
class  OrientationTracker3DOF
 This class is the base class for all 3DOF orientation tracker objects. More...
class  PositionTracker3DOF
 This class is the base class for all 3DOF position trackers. More...
class  SceneTracker6DOF
 This class implements the base for all 6-DOF scene trackers. More...
class  Sensor
 This class implements the base class for all sensors. More...
class  SmartDeviceRef
 This class implements a smart device reference. More...
class  Tracker
 This class implements the base class for all tracker devices. More...
class  Tracker6DOF
 This class implements the base for all 6DOF trackers. More...
class  VisualTracker
 This class is the base class for all tracker using visual input to create the tracking results. More...


typedef SmartDeviceRef< AccelerationSensor3DOFAccelerationSensor3DOFRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a 3DOF acceleration sensor.
using SharedDevicePlayer = std::shared_ptr< DevicePlayer >
 Definition of a shared pointer holding a DevicePlayer object.
typedef ObjectRef< DeviceDeviceRef
 This class implements a device reference with an internal reference counter.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< GPSTrackerGPSTrackerRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a GPS tracker.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< GyroSensor3DOFGyroSensor3DOFRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a 3DOF gyro sensor.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< MagneticTrackerMagneticTrackerRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a magnetic tracker.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< MeasurementMeasurementRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a measurement.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< ObjectTrackerObjectTrackerRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for an ObjectTracker.
typedef SmartObjectRef< OrientationTracker3DOF, DeviceOrientationTracker3DOFRef
 Definition of a 3DOF orientation tracker reference object.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< PositionTracker3DOFPositionTracker3DOFRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a 3DOF position tracker.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< SceneTracker6DOFSceneTracker6DOFRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a 6-DOF scene tracker.
typedef SmartObjectRef< Sensor, DeviceSensorRef
 Definition of a sensor reference object.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< TrackerTrackerRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a tracker.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< Tracker6DOFTracker6DOFRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a 6DOF tracker.
typedef SmartDeviceRef< VisualTrackerVisualTrackerRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for a visual tracker.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Devices library.

The Namespace Ocean::Devices is used in the entire Ocean Devices Library.