No Matches
Ocean::Devices::MapBuilding Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Devices MapBuilding library. More...


namespace  JNI
 Namespace of the Devices MapBuilding JNI library.

Data Structures

class  MapBuildingDevice
 This class implements a base class for all devices of the MapBuilding library. More...
class  MapBuildingFactory
 This class implements a device factory for the MapBuilding feature-based tracking system. More...
class  OnDeviceMapCreatorTracker6DOF
 This class implements an On-Device map creator. More...
class  OnDeviceRelocalizerTracker6DOF
 This class implements an On-Device Relocalizer based on offline created feature maps. More...


OCEAN_DEVICES_MAPBUILDING_EXPORT std::string nameMapBuildingLibrary ()
 Returns the name of this devices library.
void registerMapBuildingLibrary ()
 Registers this MapBuilding device library at the global device manager.
bool unregisterMapBuildingLibrary ()
 Unregisters this MapBuilding device library at the global device manager.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Devices MapBuilding library.

The Namespace Ocean::Devices::MapBuilding is used in the entire Ocean Devices MapBuilding Library.