This class is the base class for all tracker using a magnetic filed as input measurements.
enum | TrackerType : uint32_t {
, TRACKER_POSITION_3DOF = (1u << 1u)
, TRACKER_GPS = (1u << 3u)
, TRACKER_MAGNETIC = (1u << 4u)
, TRACKER_VISUAL = (1u << 5u)
TRACKER_OBJECT = (1u << 6u)
} |
| Definition of different minor device types. More...
enum | ReferenceSystem { RS_OBJECT_IN_DEVICE
} |
| Definition of different tracking reference system. More...
typedef float | Frequency |
| Definition of a tracker frequency in Hz.
typedef SmartObjectRef< TrackerSample, Sample > | TrackerSampleRef |
| Definition of a smart object reference for tracker samples.
typedef Callback< void, const Tracker *, const bool, const ObjectIdSet &, const Timestamp & > | TrackerObjectCallback |
| Definition of a callback function to subscribe for lost and found tracker events.
enum | InterpolationStrategy { IS_INVALID
} |
| Definition of individual interpolation strategies for samples. More...
typedef unsigned int | ObjectId |
| Definition of an object id.
typedef std::vector< ObjectId > | ObjectIds |
| Definition of a vector holding object ids.
typedef std::unordered_set< ObjectId > | ObjectIdSet |
| Definition of an unordered set holding object ids.
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, Value > | Metadata |
| Definition of an unordered map mapping keys to values.
typedef ObjectRef< Sample > | SampleRef |
| Definition of an object reference for samples.
typedef Callback< void, const Measurement *, const SampleRef & > | SampleCallback |
| Definition of a callback function to subscribe for new measurement sample events.
enum | MajorType : uint32_t { DEVICE_INVALID = 0u
} |
| Definition of all major device types. More...
enum | MinorType : uint32_t { MINOR_INVALID = 0u
} |
| Base definition of a minor type. More...
static std::string | translateTrackerType (const TrackerType trackerType) |
| Translates the tracker type to a readable string.
static TrackerType | translateTrackerType (const std::string &trackerType) |
| Translates the tracker type from a readable string to a value.
static constexpr Frequency | unknownFrequency () |
| Definition of a constant as unknown frequency.
static constexpr ObjectId | invalidObjectId () |
| Returns an invalid object id.
static std::string | translateMajorType (const MajorType majorType) |
| Translates the major devices type to a readable string.
static MajorType | translateMajorType (const std::string &majorType) |
| Translates the major devices type from a readable string to a value.
typedef std::unordered_map< SubscriptionId, TrackerObjectCallback > | TrackerObjectSubscriptionMap |
| Definition of a map mapping subscription ids to tracker object event callback functions.
typedef std::map< Timestamp, SampleRef > | SampleMap |
| Definition of a map holding the most recent samples.
typedef std::unordered_map< std::string, ObjectId > | ObjectDescriptionToIdMap |
| Definition of an unordered map mapping descriptions to unique object ids.
typedef std::unordered_map< ObjectId, std::string > | ObjectIdToDescriptionMap |
| Definition of an unordered map mapping unique object ids to descriptions.
typedef std::unordered_map< SubscriptionId, SampleCallback > | SampleSubscriptionMap |
| Definition of a map mapping subscription ids to event sample callback functions.
typedef unsigned int | SubscriptionId |
| Definition of a subscription id for event callbacks.
static ObjectIdSet | determineFoundObjects (const ObjectIdSet &previousObjects, const ObjectIdSet ¤tObjects) |
| Determines the ids which were not tracked in the previous iteration but tracked in the current iteration.
static ObjectIdSet | determineLostObjects (const ObjectIdSet &previousObjects, const ObjectIdSet ¤tObjects) |
| Determines the ids which were tracked in the previous iteration but not tracked in the current iteration.
static constexpr SubscriptionId | invalidSubscriptionId () |
| Returns an invalid subscription id.
TrackerObjectSubscriptionMap | trackerObjectSubscriptionMap_ |
| Map holding all tracker object event subscriptions.
SubscriptionId | nextTrackerObjectSubscriptionId_ = SubscriptionId(invalidSubscriptionId() + 1u) |
| The subscription id of the next event subscription.
Lock | samplesLock_ |
| Sample lock.
Lock | subscriptionLock_ |
| Subscription lock.
std::string | deviceName |
| Name of this device.
DeviceType | deviceType |
| Major and minor type of this device.
bool | deviceIsValid |
| Flag determining whether this device is valid.
Lock | deviceLock |
| Device lock.
This class is the base class for all tracker using a magnetic filed as input measurements.