virtual Plane3 | plane () const |
| Returns the plane of this tracker.
virtual bool | objectTransformation (HomogenousMatrix4 &transformation) const |
| Determines the transformation that transforms points defined in the local coordinate of the tracked object into points defined in the world coordinate system.
virtual | ~OfflineTracker () |
| Frees the offline tracker object.
virtual bool | start () |
| Starts the offline tracker.
virtual bool | stop (const unsigned int timeout=0u) |
| Stops the offline tracker.
unsigned int | id () const |
| Returns the unique id of this tracker object.
virtual bool | running () const |
| Returns whether the tracker has been started (and is currently tracking).
virtual bool | finished () const |
| Returns whether the offline tracker has finished since the last start or has not been started yet.
virtual bool | succeeded () const =0 |
| Returns whether the offline tracker has finished and succeeded since the last start or has not been started yet.
virtual OfflinePoses | poses () const |
| Returns the currently determined poses of this tracker.
virtual OfflinePose | pose (const unsigned int index) const |
| Returns one pose of this tracker.
void | addEventCallback (const EventCallback &callback) |
| Adds a state event callback function.
void | removeEventCallback (const EventCallback &callback) |
| Removes a state event callback function.
| PlaneTracker ()=default |
| Creates a new plane tracker object.
| PlaneTracker (const Plane3 &plane) |
| Creates a new plane tracker object.
virtual void | updatePlane (const Plane3 &plane) |
| Updates the plane of this tracker and invokes the corresponding state event(s).
| OfflineTracker () |
| Creates a new offline tracker object.
void | updateTrackerProgress (const Scalar localProgress) |
| Updates the tracker process progress value of this tracker.
void | updatePoses (const OfflinePoses &poses) |
| Updates all poses of this tracker and invokes the corresponding state event(s).
void | removeIrregularPoses (const Scalar factor=Scalar(5)) |
| Removes irregular poses at the boundary between valid and invalid poses.
void | extrapolatePoses (const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base) |
| Extrapolates poses at the boundary between valid and invalid poses.
| Thread (const Thread &thread)=delete |
| Disabled copy constructor.
void | createThread () |
| Creates the thread itself.
void | destroyThread () |
| Destroys the thread itself.
void | stopThreadExplicitly (const unsigned int timeout=5000u) |
| Tries to stop the thread gracefully.
virtual void | threadRun ()=0 |
| This function has to be overloaded in derived class.
Thread & | operator= (const Thread &thread)=delete |
| The disabled assign operator.
| Thread (const std::string &name=std::string()) |
| Creates a new thread object.
| Thread (const unsigned int randomNumberSeedValue, const std::string &name=std::string()) |
| Creates a new thread object.
virtual | ~Thread () |
| Destructs a thread object.
bool | startThread () |
| Starts the thread.
void | stopThread () |
| Informs the thread to stop.
bool | terminateThread () |
| Terminates the thread.
bool | joinThread (const unsigned int timeout=(unsigned int)(-1)) |
| Waits until this thread has been stopped.
bool | shouldThreadStop () const |
| Returns whether this thread should stop.
bool | isThreadInvokedToStart () const |
| Returns whether this thread has been invoked to start immediately.
bool | isThreadActive () const |
| Returns whether this thread is active.
enum | TrackingQuality {
} |
| Definition of individual tracking qualities. More...
enum | AbstractMotionType { AMT_UNKNOWN
} |
| Definition of individual abstract camera motion types. More...
enum | CameraModel { CM_INVALID
} |
| Definition of individual camera models. More...
typedef Callback< void, const TrackerEvent & > | EventCallback |
| Definition of a component event callback function.
typedef std::vector< EventStackLayer > | EventStack |
| Definition of a vector holding EventStackLayer objects which actually is used to implement a stack of these objects.
typedef ConcurrentCallbacks< EventCallback > | EventCallbacks |
| Definition of a vector holding event callback functions.
typedef std::pair< pthread_t, bool > | TimedJoinPair |
| Definition of a pair holding a thread id and a boolean state.
enum | ThreadPriority {
} |
| Definition of different thread priority values. More...
static bool | isPlausibleCamera (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const CameraModel model) |
| Checks whether the camera parameters of a given camera profiles matches to the specified camera model.
static void | extrapolateSinglePose (const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, OfflinePoses &offlinePoses) |
| Interpolates the pose of a single invalid pose which is enclosed by two valid poses.
static void | extrapolateLeftPoses (const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses &offlinePoses) |
| Interpolates some poses to the left of a gap with invalid poses.
static void | extrapolateRightPoses (const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses &offlinePoses) |
| Interpolates some poses to the right of a gap with invalid poses.
static void | extrapolateCenterPoses (const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses &offlinePoses) |
| Interpolates some poses to the left or to the right of a gap with invalid poses.
static Lock & | idCounterLock () |
| Returns a reference to the lock for the tracker id counter.
static void | sleep (unsigned int ms) |
| Sleeps the calling thread for a given time.
static void | giveUp () |
| Gives up the remaining thread time.
static ThreadId | currentThreadId () |
| Returns the thread id of the current (calling) thread.
static ThreadPriority | threadPriority () |
| Returns the priority of the current thread.
static bool | setThreadPriority (const ThreadPriority priority) |
| Sets the priority of the current thread.
template<typename TObject , typename TExpectedValue > |
static bool | waitForValue (TObject &object, const TExpectedValue &expectedValue, const double timeout=-1.0) |
| Waits until an object/variable has an expected value.
template<typename TObject , typename TExpectedValue > |
static bool | waitForValue (TObject &object, const TExpectedValue &expectedValue, TemporaryScopedLock &temporaryScopedLock, const double timeout=-1.0) |
| Waits until an object/variable has an expected value.
static int | pthread_timedjoin_np (pthread_t thread, void **retval, const struct timespec *abstime) |
| Implements a thread join function with timeout value.
static unsigned int | idCounter_ |
| The tracker id counter.
This class implements the abstract base class for all plane trackers.
- See also
- PlaneTrackerRef.