kats.models.reconciliation.thm module¶

This module contains the class TemporalHierarchicalModel class.

class kats.models.reconciliation.thm.TemporalHierarchicalModel(data: kats.consts.TimeSeriesData, baseModels: List[kats.models.reconciliation.base_models.BaseTHModel])[source]¶

Bases: object

Temporal hierarchical model class.

This framework combines the base models of different temporal aggregation levels to generate reconciled forecasts. This class provides fit, get_S, get_W, predict and median_validation.


A TimeSeriesData object storing the time series data for level 1 (i.e., the most disaggregate level).


A list BaseTHModel objects representing the base models for different levels.


Fit all base models.

If base model only has residuals and forecasts, store the information.


Calculate S matrix.


A np.array representing the S matrix.

get_W(method: str = 'struc', eps: float = 1e-05)numpy.ndarray[source]¶

Calculate W matrix.

  • method – Reconciliation method for temporal hierarchical model. Valid methods include ‘struc’, ‘svar’, ‘hvar’, ‘mint_sample’, and ‘mint_shrink’.

  • eps – Epsilons added to W for numerical stability.


W matrix. (If W is a diagnoal matrix, only returns its diagnoal elements).

median_validation(steps, dist_metric: str = 'mae', threshold: float = 5.0)List[int][source]¶

Filtering out bad fcsts based on median forecasts.

This function detects the levels whose forecasts are greatly deviate from median forecasts, which is a strong indication of bad forecasts.

  • steps – The number of forecasts needed for level 1 for validation.

  • dist_metric – The distance metric used to measure the distance between the base forecasts and the median forecasts.

  • threshold – The threshold for deviance. The forecast whose distance from the median forecast is greater than threshold*std is taken as bad forecasts. Default is 3.


A list of integers representing the levels whose forecasts are bad.

predict(steps: int, method='struc', freq: Optional[str] = None, origin_fcst: bool = False, fcst_levels: Optional[List[int]] = None, last_timestamp: Optional[pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp] = None)Dict[str, Dict[int, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]][source]¶

Generate reconciled forecasts (with time index).

  • steps – The number of forecasts needed for level 1.

  • methd – The name of the reconciliation method. Can be ‘bu’ (bottom-up), ‘median’, ‘struc’ (structure-variance), ‘svar’, ‘hvar’, ‘mint_shrink’ or ‘mint_sample’.

  • freq – The frequency of the time series at level 1. If None, then we infer the frequency via ts.infer_freq_robust().

  • origin_fcst – Whether or not to return the forecasts of base models.

  • fcst_levels – The levels to generate forecasts for. Default is None, which generates forecasts for all the levels of the base models.


A dictionary of forecasts, whose key is the level and the corresponding value is a np.array storing the forecasts.