Source code for kats.models.reconciliation.thm

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

"""This module contains the class TemporalHierarchicalModel class.

import logging
from math import gcd
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Type

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from kats.consts import TimeSeriesData
from kats.models import (
from kats.models.model import Model
from kats.models.reconciliation.base_models import (
from sklearn.covariance import MinCovDet

BASE_MODELS: Dict[str, Type[Model]] = {
    "arima": arima.ARIMAModel,
    "holtwinters": holtwinters.HoltWintersModel,
    "sarima": sarima.SARIMAModel,
    "prophet": prophet.ProphetModel,
    "linear": linear_model.LinearModel,
    "quadratic": quadratic_model.QuadraticModel,
    "theta": theta.ThetaModel,

def _log_error(msg: str) -> ValueError:
    return ValueError(msg)

[docs]class TemporalHierarchicalModel: """Temporal hierarchical model class. This framework combines the base models of different temporal aggregation levels to generate reconciled forecasts. This class provides fit, get_S, get_W, predict and median_validation. Attributes: data: A TimeSeriesData object storing the time series data for level 1 (i.e., the most disaggregate level). baseModels: A list BaseTHModel objects representing the base models for different levels. """ models: Optional[Dict[str, model.Model]] = None residuals: Optional[Dict[int, np.ndarray]] = None res_matrix: Optional[np.ndarray] = None def __init__(self, data: TimeSeriesData, baseModels: List[BaseTHModel]) -> None: if not data.is_univariate(): msg = f"Only univariate time series supported, but got {type(data.value)}." raise _log_error(msg) = data for basemodel in baseModels: if not isinstance(basemodel, BaseTHModel): msg = ( "Base model should be a BaseTHModel object but is " f"{type(basemodel)}." ) raise _log_error(msg) levels = [bm.level for bm in baseModels] if 1 not in levels: raise _log_error("Model of level 1 is missing.") if len(levels) != len(set(levels)): raise _log_error("One level cannot receive multiple models.") self.levels = sorted(levels, reverse=True) m = self._get_m(levels) self.m = m self.freq = {k: int(m / k) for k in self.levels} self.baseModels = baseModels self.info_fcsts = {} self.info_residuals = {} def _get_m(self, ks: List[int]) -> int: """Calculate m. m is the minimum common multiple of all levels. Args: ks: the list of integers representing all the levels. Returns: An integer representing the minimum common multiple. """ base = 1 for c in ks: base = base * c // gcd(base, c) return base
[docs] def fit(self) -> None: """Fit all base models. If base model only has residuals and forecasts, store the information. """ levels = self.levels TSs = GetAggregateTS( models = {} residuals = {} fcsts = {} for bm in self.baseModels: model_name = bm.model_name if model_name is None: # only residuals and fcsts are provided models[bm.level] = None residuals[bm.level] = bm.residuals fcsts[bm.level] = bm.fcsts else: m = BASE_MODELS[model_name]( data=TSs[bm.level], params=bm.model_params, ) models[bm.level] = m self.models = models self.info_fcsts = fcsts self.info_residuals = residuals
[docs] def get_S(self) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate S matrix. Returns: A np.array representing the S matrix. """ ans = [] levels = self.levels m = self.m for k in levels: for i in range(self.freq[k]): tem = np.zeros(m) tem[(i * k) : (i * k + k)] = 1.0 ans.append(tem) return np.row_stack(ans)
def _aggregate_data(self, data: np.ndarray, k: int) -> np.ndarray: """Aggregate data according to level k.""" if k == 1: return data n = len(data) h = n // k return (data[: int(h * k)]).reshape(-1, k).sum(axis=1) def _get_residuals(self, model: model.Model) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate residuals of each base model. Args: model: a callable model object representing the trained base model. Returns: A np.ndarray of residuals. """ try: # pyre-ignore[16]: `Model` has no attribute `model`. return model.model.resid.values except Exception: fcst = model.predict(steps=1, freq="D", include_history=True) merge = fcst.merge(, on="time") for col in merge.columns: if col != "time" and ("fcst" not in col): lab = col return merge[lab].values - merge["fcst"].values raise ValueError("Couldn't find residual or forecast values in model") def _get_all_residuals(self) -> Dict[int, np.ndarray]: """ Calculate residuals for all base models. Returns: Dictionary for residuals, whose key is level and value is residual array. """ residuals = getattr(self, "residuals", None) # if residuals have not been calculated yet if residuals is None: levels = self.levels models = self.models residuals = {} for k in levels: assert models is not None if models[k] is not None: try: vals = self._get_residuals(models[k]) except Exception as e: msg = ( f"Failed to get residuals for level {k} with error " f"message {e}." ) raise _log_error(msg) residuals[k] = vals else: residuals[k] = self.info_residuals[k] self.residuals = residuals return residuals def _get_residual_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Reshape residuals into matrix format. Returns: Residual matrix. """ res_matrix = self.res_matrix if res_matrix is None: residuals = self._get_all_residuals() ks = self.levels freq = self.freq h = np.min([len(residuals[k]) // freq[k] for k in ks]) res_matrix = [] for k in ks: n = h * freq[k] res_matrix.append(residuals[k][-n:].reshape(h, -1).T) res_matrix = np.row_stack(res_matrix) self.res_matrix = res_matrix return res_matrix
[docs] def get_W(self, method: str = "struc", eps: float = 1e-5) -> np.ndarray: """ Calculate W matrix. Args: method: Reconciliation method for temporal hierarchical model. Valid methods include 'struc', 'svar', 'hvar', 'mint_sample', and 'mint_shrink'. eps: Epsilons added to W for numerical stability. Returns: W matrix. (If W is a diagnoal matrix, only returns its diagnoal elements). """ levels = self.levels freq = self.freq if method == "struc": ans = [] for k in levels: ans.extend([k] * freq[k]) return np.array(ans) elif method == "svar": residuals = self._get_all_residuals() ans = [] for k in levels: ans.extend([np.nanmean(np.square(residuals[k]))] * freq[k]) return np.array(ans) + eps elif method == "hvar": res_matrix = self._get_residual_matrix() return np.nanvar(res_matrix, axis=1) + eps elif method == "mint_shrink": cov = np.cov(self._get_residual_matrix()) # get correlation matrix sqrt = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) cor = ( (cov / sqrt).T ) / sqrt # due to symmetry, no need to transpose the matrix again. mask = ~np.eye(cor.shape[0], dtype=bool) cor = cor[mask] lam = np.var(cor) / np.sum(cor ** 2) lam = np.max([0, lam]) cov = np.diag(np.diag(cov)) * lam + (1.0 - lam) * cov cov += np.eye(len(cov)) * eps return cov elif method == "mint_sample": cov = np.cov(self._get_residual_matrix()) cov += np.eye(len(cov)) * eps return cov else: raise _log_error(f"{method} is invalid for get_W() method.")
def _predict_origin(self, steps: int, method="struc") -> Dict[int, np.ndarray]: """ Generate original forecasts from each base model (without time index). Args: steps: Number of forecasts for level 1. methd: Reconciliation method. Returns: Dictionary of forecasts of each level, whose key is level and value is forecast array. """ m = self.m levels = self.levels freq = self.freq h = int(np.ceil(steps / m)) hf = steps // m orig_fcst = {} models = self.models # generate forecasts for each level for k in levels: assert models is not None num = int(freq[k] * h) if models[k] is not None: orig_fcst[k] = models[k].predict(steps=num, freq="D")["fcst"].values else: fcst_num = len(self.info_fcsts[k]) if fcst_num < num: if fcst_num >= hf * freq[k]: # since the final output only needs hf*freq[k] forecasts # for level k, we pad the forecast array to desirable # length. (note that the padding values would be ignored # in the final output.) orig_fcst[k] = np.concatenate( [ self.info_fcsts[k], [self.info_fcsts[k][-1]] * (num - fcst_num), ] ) elif method == "bu" and k != 1: # for 'bu' only level 1 is needed. orig_fcst[k] = self.info_fcsts[k] else: msg = ( f"{hf*freq[k]} steps of forecasts for level {k} are" f" needed, but only receive {fcst_num} steps (and " "forecast model is None)." ) raise _log_error(msg) else: orig_fcst[k] = self.info_fcsts[k][:num] return orig_fcst def _predict( self, steps: int, method="struc", origin_fcst: bool = False, fcst_levels: Optional[List[int]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, np.ndarray]]: """Generate forecasts for each level (without time index). Args: steps: Number of forecasts for level 1. methd: Reconciliation method. origin_fcst: Whether to return the forecasts of base models. fcst_levels: Levels that one wants to generate forecasts for. If None, then all forecasts for all levels of the base models are generated. Returns: Dictionary of forecasts, whose key is level and value is forecast array. """ if not hasattr(self, "models"): raise _log_error("Please fit base models via .fit() first.") m = self.m levels = self.levels freq = self.freq h = int(np.ceil(steps / m)) if fcst_levels is None: fcst_levels = list(levels) fcst = {} orig_fcst = self._predict_origin(steps, method) if method == "bu": # bottom_up method yhat = orig_fcst[1] elif method == "median": # median method tem = [] for k in levels: tem.append(np.repeat(orig_fcst[k] / k, k)) tem = np.row_stack(tem) yhat = np.median(tem, axis=0) elif method in {"struc", "svar", "hvar", "mint_shrink", "mint_sample"}: # transform fcsts into matrix yh = [] for k in levels: yh.append(orig_fcst[k].reshape(h, -1).T) yh = np.row_stack(yh) S = self.get_S() W = self.get_W(method) # when W is a vector, i.e., a simpler represent for a diagnoal matrix if len(W.shape) == 1: T = (S.T) / W else: T = np.linalg.solve(W, S).T yhat =, np.linalg.solve(, T)).dot(yh) # extract forecasts for level 1 yhat = (yhat[(-freq[1]) :, :].T).flatten()[:steps] else: raise _log_error(f"Reconciliation method {method} is invalid.") # aggregate fcsts for k in fcst_levels: fcst[k] = self._aggregate_data(yhat, k)[: (steps // k)] ans = {"fcst": fcst} if origin_fcst: for elm in orig_fcst: orig_fcst[elm] = orig_fcst[elm][: (steps // elm)] ans["origin_fcst"] = orig_fcst return ans
[docs] def predict( self, steps: int, method="struc", freq: Optional[str] = None, origin_fcst: bool = False, fcst_levels: Optional[List[int]] = None, last_timestamp: Optional[pd.Timestamp] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Dict[int, pd.DataFrame]]: """Generate reconciled forecasts (with time index). Args: steps: The number of forecasts needed for level 1. methd: The name of the reconciliation method. Can be 'bu' (bottom-up), 'median', 'struc' (structure-variance), 'svar', 'hvar', 'mint_shrink' or 'mint_sample'. freq: The frequency of the time series at level 1. If None, then we infer the frequency via ts.infer_freq_robust(). origin_fcst: Whether or not to return the forecasts of base models. fcst_levels: The levels to generate forecasts for. Default is None, which generates forecasts for all the levels of the base models. Returns: A dictionary of forecasts, whose key is the level and the corresponding value is a np.array storing the forecasts. """ if freq is None: freq = last_timestamp = fcsts = self._predict( steps, method=method, origin_fcst=origin_fcst, fcst_levels=fcst_levels ) ans = {} for elm in fcsts: tmp = {} for k in fcsts[elm]: fcst_num = len(fcsts[elm][k]) time = pd.date_range( last_timestamp + freq * k, last_timestamp + freq * k * fcst_num, periods=fcst_num, ) tmp[k] = pd.DataFrame({"time": time, "fcst": fcsts[elm][k]}) ans[elm] = tmp return ans
[docs] def median_validation( self, steps, dist_metric: str = "mae", threshold: float = 5.0 ) -> List[int]: """Filtering out bad fcsts based on median forecasts. This function detects the levels whose forecasts are greatly deviate from median forecasts, which is a strong indication of bad forecasts. Args: steps: The number of forecasts needed for level 1 for validation. dist_metric: The distance metric used to measure the distance between the base forecasts and the median forecasts. threshold: The threshold for deviance. The forecast whose distance from the median forecast is greater than threshold*std is taken as bad forecasts. Default is 3. Returns: A list of integers representing the levels whose forecasts are bad. """ diffs = {} ks = self.levels if dist_metric == "mae": func = calc_mae elif dist_metric == "mape": func = calc_mape else: raise _log_error(f"Invalid dist_metric {dist_metric}") median_fcst = self._predict(steps, method="median", origin_fcst=True) for k in ks: diffs[k] = func(median_fcst["fcst"][k], median_fcst["origin_fcst"][k]) if dist_metric == "mae": diffs[k] /= k vals = np.array(list(diffs.values())) try: cov = MinCovDet().fit(vals[:, None]) lqr = np.sqrt(cov.covariance_.flatten()[0]) except Exception: low, up = np.percentile(vals, [25, 75]) lqr = up - low up = np.median(vals) + lqr * threshold return [k for k in diffs if diffs[k] >= up]