Best Practices

Avoid creating intermediate tensors

For efficient and performant data processing, it is advised to not create an intermediate Tensor for each individual media object (such as single image), instead create a batch Tensor directly.

We recommend decoding individual frames, then using to create a batch Tensor directly without creating an intermediate Tensors.

If you are decoding a batch of images, and you have pre-determined set of images that should go together into a same batch, use (or its async variant

Otherwise, demux, decode and pre-process multiple media, then combine them with (or For example, the following functions implement decoding and tensor creation separately.

from import ImageFrames

def decode_image(src: str) -> ImageFrames:
    packets =

def batchify(frames: list[ImageFrames]) -> ImageFrames:
    buffer =

They can be combined in Pipeline, which automatically discards the items failed to process (for example due to invalid data), and keep the batch size consistent by using other items successfully processed.

from spdl.pipeline import PipelineBuilder

pipeline = (
    .pipe(decode_image, concurrency=...)

Make Dataset class composable

If you are publishing a dataset and providing an implementation of Dataset class, we recommend to make it composable.

That is, in addition to the conventional Dataset class that returns Tensors, make the components of the Dataset implementation available by breaking down the implementation into

  • Iterator (or map) interface that returns paths instead of Tensors.

  • A helper function that loads the source path into Tensor.

For example, the interface of a Dataset for image classification might look like the following.

class Dataset:
    def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> tuple[Tensor, int]:

We recommend to separate the source and process and make them additional public interface. (Also, as described above, we recommend to not convert each item into Tensor for the performance reasons.)

class Source:
    def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> tuple[str, int]:

def load(data: tuple[str, int]) -> tuple[ImageFrames, int]:

and if the processing is composed of stages with different bounding factor, then split them further into primitive functions.

def download(src: tuple[str, int]) -> tuple[bytes, int]:

def decode_and_preprocess(data: tuple[bytes, int]) -> tuple[ImageFrames, int]:

then the original Dataset can be implemented as a composition

class Dataset:
    def __init__(self, ...):
        self._src = Source(...)

    def __getitem__(self, key:int) -> tuple[str, int]:
        metadata = self._src[key]
        item = download(metadata)
        frames, cls = decode_and_preprocess(item)
        tensor =
        return tensor, cls

Such decomposition makes the dataset compatible with SPDL’s Pipeline, and allows users to run them more efficiently

pipeline = (
    .pipe(download, concurrency=8)
    .pipe(decode_and_preprocess, concurrency=4)