Ocean::Test::TestGeometry Namespace Reference

Namespace of the Geometry Test library. More...

Data Structures

class  TestAbsoluteTransformation
 This class implements an absolute transformation test. More...
class  TestCameraCalibration
 This class implements camera calibration test functions. More...
class  TestDelaunay
 This class implements a test for the Delaunay triangulation. More...
class  TestEpipolarGeometry
 This class implements an epipolar geometry test. More...
class  TestError
 This class implements the test for the Error class of the geometry library. More...
class  TestEstimator
 This class implements the test for the Estimator class of the geometry library. More...
class  TestHomography
 This class implements homography tests. More...
class  TestJacobian
 This class implements Jacobian tests. More...
class  TestJLinkage
 This class implements homography tests using J-Linkage. More...
class  TestMultipleViewGeometry
 This class implements an epipolar geometry test. More...
class  TestNonLinearOptimizationCamera
 This class tests the non linear optimization implementations for camera profiles. More...
class  TestNonLinearOptimizationHomography
 This class implements the tests of the non linear optimization functions for homography optimization. More...
class  TestNonLinearOptimizationLine
 This class tests the non linear optimization implementations for lines. More...
class  TestNonLinearOptimizationObjectPoint
 This class tests the non linear optimization plane implementations. More...
class  TestNonLinearOptimizationOrientation
 This class tests the non linear optimization plane implementations. More...
class  TestNonLinearOptimizationPlane
 This class tests the non linear optimization plane implementations. More...
class  TestNonLinearOptimizationPose
 This class implements the tests of the non linear optimization functions for camera poses. More...
class  TestNonLinearOptimizationTransformation
 This class implements the tests of the non linear optimization functions for transformations. More...
class  TestOctree
 This class implements homography tests. More...
class  TestP3P
 This class implements a P3P test. More...
class  TestP4P
 This class implements a P4P test. More...
class  TestPnP
 This class implements a PnP test. More...
class  TestRANSAC
 This class implements the tests for RANSAC functions. More...
class  TestSpatialDistribution
 This class implements spatial distribution tests. More...
class  TestStereoscopicGeometry
 This class implements a test for functions in StereoscopicGeometry. More...
class  TestUtilities
 This class implements tests for the functions in Geometry::Utilities. More...
class  Utilities
 This class implements utility functions for the geometry test library. More...


OCEAN_TEST_GEOMETRY_EXPORT bool testGeometry (const double testDuration, Worker &worker, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire Geometry library. More...
OCEAN_TEST_GEOMETRY_EXPORT void testGeometryAsynchron (const double testDuration, const std::string &testFunctions=std::string())
 Tests the entire Geometry library. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace of the Geometry Test library.

The Namespace Ocean::Test::TestGeometry is used in the entire Ocean Geometry Test Library.