This class implements utilities function for the tracking library. More...
#include <Utilities.h>
Static Public Member Functions | |
static ObjectPoint | backProjectImagePoint (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const Plane3 &plane, const ImagePoint &imagePoint, const bool useDistortionParameters, bool *frontObjectPoint=nullptr) |
Projects one image points onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object point. | |
static ObjectPoints | backProjectImagePoints (const AnyCamera &anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera, const Plane3 &plane, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, Indices32 *frontObjectPointIndices=nullptr) |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object points. | |
static ObjectPoints | backProjectImagePoints (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const Plane3 &plane, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const bool useDistortionParameters, Indices32 *frontObjectPointIndices=nullptr) |
Deprecated. | |
static ObjectPoints | backProjectImagePoints (const AnyCamera &anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera, const Cylinder3 &cylinder, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, Indices32 &intersectingPointIndices) |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D cylinder and returns only the resulting 3D object points for rays that intersect the cylinder. | |
static ObjectPoints | backProjectImagePoints (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const Cylinder3 &cylinder, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const bool useDistortionParameters, Indices32 &intersectingPointIndices) |
Deprecated. | |
static ObjectPoints | backProjectImagePoints (const AnyCamera &anyCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera, const Cone3 &cone, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, Indices32 &intersectingPointIndices) |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D cone and returns only the resulting 3D object points for rays that intersect the cone. | |
static ObjectPoints | backProjectImagePoints (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const Cone3 &cone, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const bool useDistortionParameters, Indices32 &intersectingPointIndices) |
Deprecated. | |
static ObjectPoints | backProjectImagePointsDamped (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const Plane3 &plane, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const bool useDistortionParameters, Indices32 *frontObjectPointIndices=nullptr) |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object points. | |
static Vectors3 | createObjectPoints (const AnyCamera &camera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera, const ConstIndexedAccessor< Vector2 > &imagePoints, const Scalar distance) |
Creates a set of 3D object points for a set of given 2D image points. | |
static ObjectPoints | createObjectPoints (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const ConstIndexedAccessor< ImagePoint > &imagePoints, const bool useDistortionParameters, const Scalar distance) |
Deprecated. | |
static void | triangulateObjectPoints (const AnyCamera &camera0, const AnyCamera &camera1, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera0, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera1, const ConstIndexedAccessor< Vector2 > &imagePoints0, const ConstIndexedAccessor< Vector2 > &imagePoints1, Vectors3 &objectPoints, Indices32 &validIndices, const bool onlyFrontPoints=true, const Scalar maximalSqrError=Scalar(3 *3)) |
Determines 3D object points by triangulating two sets of 2D image points from different camera poses. | |
static Triangles3 | backProjectTriangles (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const Plane3 &plane, const Triangle2 *triangles, const size_t numberTriangles, const bool useDistortionParameters) |
Projects a set of given 2D image triangles onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object triangles. | |
static size_t | countFrontObjectPoints (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const ObjectPoint *objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints) |
Counts the number of object points that are in front of a given camera. | |
static size_t | countFrontObjectPointsIF (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &invertedFlippedPose, const ObjectPoint *objectPoints, const size_t numberObjectPoints) |
Counts the number of object points that are in front of a given camera. | |
static size_t | countFrontObjectPoints (const PinholeCamera &cameraFirst, const PinholeCamera &cameraSecond, const HomogenousMatrix4 &poseFirst, const HomogenousMatrix4 &poseSecond, const ImagePoint *imagePointsFirst, const ImagePoint *imagePointsSecond, const size_t correspondences) |
Counts the number of object points that are visible in two individual camera frames and are located in front of both cameras. | |
static SquareMatrix2 | covarianceMatrix (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const Scalar minimalSigma=0) |
Creates the covariance matrix for a given set of image points. | |
static SquareMatrix2 | covarianceMatrix (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const ImagePoint &meanPoint, const Scalar minimalSigma=0) |
Creates the covariance matrix for a given set of image points. | |
static SquareMatrix2 | covarianceMatrix (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const unsigned int *indices, const size_t numberIndices, const Scalar minimalSigma, ImagePoint &meanPoint) |
Creates the covariance matrix for a given set of image points. | |
static SquareMatrix2 | covarianceMatrix (const Vector2 &direction0, const Scalar sigma0, const Vector2 &direction1, const Scalar sigma1) |
Creates a covariance matrix by two given orthogonal vectors. | |
static SquareMatrix2 | covarianceMatrix (const Vector2 &direction0, const Vector2 &direction1) |
Creates a covariance matrix by two given orthogonal vectors. | |
static SquareMatrix2 | covarianceMatrix (const Vector2 &majorDirection, const Scalar minimalSigma=1, const Scalar minorFactor=Scalar(0.01)) |
Creates a covariance matrix by one given vector representing the major axis. | |
static bool | decomposeCovarianceMatrix (const SquareMatrix2 &covarianceMatrix, Vector2 &direction0, Vector2 &direction1) |
Decomposes a covariance matrix. | |
static bool | isPolygonConvex (const Vector2 *vertices, const size_t size, const bool strict=true) |
Returns whether a polygon of given 2D points is convex. | |
static Scalar | computePolygonArea (const Vector2 *vertices, size_t size) |
Compute the area of a polygon. | |
static Scalar | computePolygonArea (const Vectors2 &vertices) |
Compute the area of a polygon. | |
static Scalar | computePolygonAreaSigned (const Vector2 *vertices, size_t size) |
Compute the signed area of a polygon The value of the area will be positive if the vertices are in counter-clockwise order and negative if they are in clock-wise order. | |
static Scalar | computePolygonAreaSigned (const Vectors2 &vertices) |
Compute the signed area of a polygon The value of the area will be positive if the vertices are in counter-clockwise order and negative if they are in clock-wise order. | |
static bool | isInsideConvexPolygon (const Vector2 *vertices, size_t size, const Vector2 &point) |
Returns whether a given point lies inside a convex polygon. | |
static bool | isInsideConvexPolygon (const Vectors2 &vertices, const Vector2 &point) |
Returns whether a given point lies inside a convex polygon. | |
static bool | intersectConvexPolygons (const Vector2 *vertices0, const size_t size0, const Vector2 *vertices1, const size_t size1, Vectors2 &intersectedPolygon) |
Computation of the intersection of two convex polygons. | |
static bool | intersectConvexPolygons (const Vectors2 &vertices0, const Vectors2 &vertices1, Vectors2 &intersectedPolygon) |
Computation of the intersection of two convex polygons. | |
template<typename TAccessor > | |
static ImagePoint | meanImagePoint (const TAccessor &imagePointAccessor) |
Returns the mean position of a set of given 2D points. | |
template<typename TAccessor > | |
static ObjectPoint | meanObjectPoint (const TAccessor &objectPointAccessor) |
Returns the mean position of a set of given 3D points. | |
template<typename TAccessor > | |
static ImagePoint | medianImagePoint (const TAccessor &imagePointAccessor) |
Returns the median position of a set of given 2D points. | |
template<typename TAccessor > | |
static ObjectPoint | medianObjectPoint (const TAccessor &objectPointAccessor) |
Returns the median position of a set of given 3D points. | |
template<typename TAccessor > | |
static Scalar | medianDistance (const ImagePoint &imagePoint, const TAccessor &imagePointAccessor) |
Returns the median distance between a given 2D object point and a set of given 2D points. | |
template<typename TAccessor > | |
static Scalar | medianDistance (const ObjectPoint &objectPoint, const TAccessor &objectPointAccessor) |
Returns the median distance between a given 3D object point and a set of given 3D points. | |
static SquareMatrix3 | createRandomHomography (const unsigned int width, const unsigned height, const Scalar maxTranslation) |
Create a random homography transformation The homography is created in such a way that points in an output image are mapped into the input image, i.e., inputPoints_i = homography * outputPoints_i. | |
static HomogenousMatrix4 | randomCameraPose (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const Line3 &worldObjectPointRay, const Vector2 &distortedImagePoint, const Scalar distance) |
Deprecated. | |
static HomogenousMatrix4 | randomCameraPose (const FisheyeCamera &fisheyeCamera, const Line3 &worldObjectPointRay, const Vector2 &distortedImagePoint, const Scalar distance) |
Deprecated. | |
static HomogenousMatrix4 | randomCameraPose (const AnyCamera &anyCamera, const Line3 &worldObjectPointRay, const Vector2 &distortedImagePoint, const Scalar distance) |
Returns a random 6-DOF camera pose for any camera which observes a given 3D object point at a specified 2D image point location while having a specified distance to the 3D object point. | |
This class implements utilities function for the tracking library.
static |
Projects one image points onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object point.
Beware: The back projected point may be located behind the camera due to the position and orientation of the given plane!
Beware: Ensure that the given plane is not parallel with the viewing direction of the camera.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera object |
pose | Pose of the camera |
plane | 3D plane that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object point |
imagePoint | Image point that will be back-projected |
useDistortionParameters | True, to use the distortion parameters of the camera |
frontObjectPoint | Optional resulting statement whether the resulting object point is located in front of the camera; True, if so |
static |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D cone and returns only the resulting 3D object points for rays that intersect the cone.
anyCamera | The camera profile defining the projection and distortion |
world_T_camera | The transformation from the camera coordinate system to world coordinates, worldPoint = world_T_camera * cameraPoint , must be valid |
cone | 3D cone that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object points |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected |
numberImagePoints | Number of given image points |
intersectingPointIndices | Output indices of all 2D points whose rays actually intersect with the cone |
static |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D cylinder and returns only the resulting 3D object points for rays that intersect the cylinder.
anyCamera | The camera profile defining the projection and distortion |
world_T_camera | The transformation from the camera coordinate system to world coordinates, worldPoint = world_T_camera * cameraPoint , must be valid |
cylinder | 3D cylinder that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object points |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected |
numberImagePoints | Number of given image points |
intersectingPointIndices | Output indices of all 2D points whose rays actually intersect with the cylinder |
static |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object points.
Beware: The back projected points may be located behind the camera due to the position and orientation of the given plane!
Beware: Ensure that the given plane is not parallel with the viewing direction of the camera.
anyCamera | The camera profile defining the projection and distortion |
world_T_camera | The transformation from the camera coordinate system to world coordinates, worldPoint = world_T_camera * cameraPoint , must be valid |
plane | 3D plane that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object points |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected |
numberImagePoints | Number of given image points |
frontObjectPointIndices | Optional resulting indices of all object points lying in front of the camera |
static |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D cone and returns only the resulting 3D object points for rays that intersect the cone. Optional camera distortion will be clamped at the border of the camera's frame.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera profile defining the projection and optional distortion |
pose | Pose of the camera |
cone | 3D cone that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object points |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected |
numberImagePoints | Number of given image points |
useDistortionParameters | True, to use the distortion parameters of the camera |
intersectingPointIndices | Output indices of all 2D points whose rays actually intersect with the cone |
static |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D cylinder and returns only the resulting 3D object points for rays that intersect the cylinder. Optional camera distortion will be clamped at the border of the camera's frame.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera profile defining the projection and optional distortion |
pose | Pose of the camera |
cylinder | 3D cylinder that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object points |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected |
numberImagePoints | Number of given image points |
useDistortionParameters | True, to use the distortion parameters of the camera |
intersectingPointIndices | Output indices of all 2D points whose rays actually intersect with the cylinder |
static |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object points. Optional camera distortion will be clamped at the border of the camera's frame.
Beware: The back projected points may be located behind the camera due to the position and orientation of the given plane!
Beware: Ensure that the given plane is not parallel with the viewing direction of the camera.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera profile defining the projection and optional distortion |
pose | Pose of the camera |
plane | 3D plane that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object points |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected |
numberImagePoints | Number of given image points |
useDistortionParameters | True, to use the distortion parameters of the camera |
frontObjectPointIndices | Optional resulting indices of all object points lying in front of the camera |
static |
Projects a set of given image points onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object points.
Optional camera distortion will be damped outside the border of the camera's frame.
Beware: The back projected points may be located behind the camera due to the position and orientation of the given plane!
Beware: Ensure that the given plane is not parallel with the viewing direction of the camera.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera profile defining the projection and optional distortion |
pose | Pose of the camera |
plane | 3D plane that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object points |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected |
numberImagePoints | Number of given image points |
useDistortionParameters | True, to use the distortion parameters of the camera |
frontObjectPointIndices | Optional resulting indices of all object points lying in front of the camera |
static |
Projects a set of given 2D image triangles onto a 3D plane and returns the resulting 3D object triangles.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera object |
pose | Pose of the camera |
plane | 3D plane that is used to determine the position of the back-projected 3D object points |
triangles | Triangles that will be back-projected |
numberTriangles | Number of given image points |
useDistortionParameters | True, to use the distortion parameters of the camera |
inlinestatic |
Compute the area of a polygon.
vertices | The vertices of a polygon (can be convex or concave but must not be self-intersecting) |
size | Number of vertices in the polygon, range: [0, infinity) |
Compute the area of a polygon.
vertices | The vertices of a polygon (can be convex or concave but must not be self-intersecting) |
static |
Compute the signed area of a polygon The value of the area will be positive if the vertices are in counter-clockwise order and negative if they are in clock-wise order.
vertices | The vertices of a polygon (can be convex or concave but must not be self-intersecting) |
size | Number of vertices in the polygon, range: [0, infinity) |
inlinestatic |
Compute the signed area of a polygon The value of the area will be positive if the vertices are in counter-clockwise order and negative if they are in clock-wise order.
vertices | The vertices of a polygon (can be convex or concave but must not be self-intersecting) |
static |
Counts the number of object points that are visible in two individual camera frames and are located in front of both cameras.
cameraFirst | The camera profile of the first frame, optional distortion parameters of the camera will not be considered |
cameraSecond | The camera profile of the first frame, optional distortion parameters of the camera will not be considered |
poseFirst | Pose of the first camera |
poseSecond | Pose of the second camera |
imagePointsFirst | Image points located in the first frame |
imagePointsSecond | Image points located in the second frame, each point corresponds to one point in the first frame (correspondence is defined by index) |
correspondences | Number of given image point correspondences |
inlinestatic |
Counts the number of object points that are in front of a given camera.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera profile to be used |
pose | Pose of the camera (extrinsic camera matrix with viewing direction along the negative z-axis) |
objectPoints | Object points for which the number of front object points will be determined |
numberObjectPoints | The number of provided object points |
static |
Counts the number of object points that are in front of a given camera.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera profile to be used |
invertedFlippedPose | Inverted and flipped pose of the camera (not the default extrinsic camera matrix) |
objectPoints | Object points for which the number of front object points will be determined |
numberObjectPoints | The number of provided object points |
static |
Creates the covariance matrix for a given set of image points.
imagePoints | Image points for that the covariance will be determined |
number | Number of image points |
meanPoint | Already determined mean point of the provided image points |
minimalSigma | Defining the minimal sigma that is applied, with range [0, infinity) |
inlinestatic |
Creates the covariance matrix for a given set of image points.
imagePoints | Image points for that the covariance will be determined |
number | Number of image points |
minimalSigma | Defining the minimal sigma that is applied, with range [0, infinity) |
static |
Creates the covariance matrix for a given set of image points.
imagePoints | Image points for that the covariance will be determined |
indices | A set of indices that define a subset of the entire image points |
numberIndices | Number of provided indices |
minimalSigma | Defining the minimal sigma that is applied, with range [0, infinity) |
meanPoint | Resulting mean point of the filtered image points |
static |
Creates a covariance matrix by two given orthogonal vectors.
direction0 | Direction of the major axis, with unit length |
sigma0 | Standard deviation of the major axis (equivalent to the square root of the first eigenvalue of the covariance matrix) |
direction1 | Direction of the minor axis, perpendicular to the main direction, with unit length |
sigma1 | Standard deviation of the second direction (equivalent to the square root of the second eigenvalue of the covariance matrix) |
static |
Creates a covariance matrix by two given orthogonal vectors.
direction0 | Direction of the major axis, with standard deviation as length |
direction1 | Direction of the minor axis, perpendicular to the main direction, with standard deviation as length |
static |
Creates a covariance matrix by one given vector representing the major axis.
majorDirection | Direction of the major axis with standard deviation as length |
minimalSigma | Minimal sigma that will be used (will be used if the length of the major direction is too small) |
minorFactor | Ratio between the sigma of the minor and the major sigma, with range (0, 1] |
static |
Creates a set of 3D object points for a set of given 2D image points.
The 3D object points will lie on the ray which intersects the individual image points and the camera's center of projection.
The distance between 3D object points and the camera's center of projection defines the locations of the object points.
camera | The camera profile defining the projection, must be valid |
world_T_camera | The pose of the camera, with default camera pointing towards the negative z-space with y-axis upwards, must be valid |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected, at least one |
distance | The distance between the camera's center of project and the resulting object points, with range (0, infinity) |
static |
Creates a set of 3D object points by a set of given 2D image points. The 3D object points are lying on the ray which intersect the individual image points and the camera's center of projection.
The distance between 3D object points and the camera's center of projection defines the locations of the object points.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera profile defining the projection, must be valid |
pose | Pose of the camera, must be valid |
imagePoints | Image points that will be back-projected |
useDistortionParameters | True, to use the distortion parameters of the camera |
distance | The distance between the camera's center of project and the resulting object points, should be in range (0, infinity) |
static |
Create a random homography transformation The homography is created in such a way that points in an output image are mapped into the input image, i.e., inputPoints_i = homography * outputPoints_i.
width | The width of the input image, range: [1, infinity) |
height | The height of the input image, range: [1, infinity) |
maxTranslation | A random global translation that is added to the random homography |
static |
Decomposes a covariance matrix.
covarianceMatrix | Covariance matrix that has to be decomposed |
direction0 | Resulting major axis, with standard deviation as length (the square root of the first Eigen value) |
direction1 | Resulting minor axis, with standard deviation as length (the square root of the second Eigen value) |
static |
Computation of the intersection of two convex polygons.
vertices0 | The vertices of the first polygon |
size0 | The number of vertices in the first polygon, range: [3, infinity) |
vertices1 | The vertices of the second polygon |
size1 | The number of vertices of the second polygon, range: [3, infinity) |
intersectedPolygon | The resulting intersection represented as a polygon |
inlinestatic |
Computation of the intersection of two convex polygons.
vertices0 | The vertices of the first polygon, size: [3, infinity) |
vertices1 | The vertices of the second polygon, size: [3, infinity) |
intersectedPolygon | The resulting intersection represented as a polygon |
static |
Returns whether a given point lies inside a convex polygon.
For polygons consisting of less than 3 points, this function always returns false. A point located on an edge of the polygon is considered as inside the polygon.
vertices | The vertices of a convex polygon, can be nullptr if size == 0 |
size | The number of vertices in the polygon, range: [0, infinity) |
point | The point to be tested |
inlinestatic |
Returns whether a given point lies inside a convex polygon.
For polygons consisting of less than 3 points, this function always returns false. A point located on an edge of the polygon is considered as inside the polygon.
vertices | The vertices of a convex polygon, can be nullptr if size == 0 |
point | The point to be tested |
static |
Returns whether a polygon of given 2D points is convex.
A polygon consisting of 0 to 2 vertices is considered to be convex.
vertices | The vertices of the polygon, can be nullptr if size == 0 |
size | Number of vertices in the polygon, range: [0, infinity) |
strict | If true, the polygon is tested for strict convexity (i.e. every internal angle is less than 180 degrees), otherwise internal angles can be up equal to 180 degrees |
inlinestatic |
Returns the mean position of a set of given 2D points.
imagePointAccessor | The accessor providing the image points, at least one |
TAccessor | The data type of the accessor providing the image points |
inlinestatic |
Returns the mean position of a set of given 3D points.
objectPointAccessor | The accessor for the object points, at least one |
TAccessor | The data type of the accessor providing the object points |
inlinestatic |
Returns the median distance between a given 2D object point and a set of given 2D points.
imagePoint | The image point to which the median distance will be determined |
imagePointAccessor | The accessor for the image points, at least one |
TAccessor | The data type of the accessor providing the image points |
inlinestatic |
Returns the median distance between a given 3D object point and a set of given 3D points.
objectPoint | The object point to which the median distance will be determined |
objectPointAccessor | The accessor for the object points, at least one |
TAccessor | The data type of the accessor providing the object points |
inlinestatic |
Returns the median position of a set of given 2D points.
The resulting position is determined by a component-wise median determination.
imagePointAccessor | The accessor for the image points, at least one |
TAccessor | The data type of the accessor providing the object points |
inlinestatic |
Returns the median position of a set of given 3D points.
The resulting position is determined by a component-wise median determination.
objectPointAccessor | The accessor for the object points, at least one |
TAccessor | The data type of the accessor providing the object points |
static |
Returns a random 6-DOF camera pose for any camera which observes a given 3D object point at a specified 2D image point location while having a specified distance to the 3D object point.
anyCamera | The camera profile defining the projection, must be valid |
worldObjectPointRay | The 3D ray starting at the 3D object point and pointing towards the camera's center of projection, must be valid |
distortedImagePoint | The 2D image point within the camera image, with range [0, anyCamera.width())x[0, anyCamera.height()) |
distance | The desired distance between 3D object point and camera (center of projection), with range (0, infinity) |
static |
Returns a random 6-DOF camera pose for a fisheye camera which observes a given 3D object point at a specified 2D image point location while having a specified distance to the 3D object point.
fisheyeCamera | The fisheye camera profile defining the projection, must be valid |
worldObjectPointRay | The 3D ray starting at the 3D object point and pointing towards the camera's center of projection, must be valid |
distortedImagePoint | The 2D image point within the fisheye camera image, with range [0, fisheyeCamera.width())x[0, fisheyeCamera.height()) |
distance | The desired distance between 3D object point and camera (center of projection), with range (0, infinity) |
static |
Returns a random 6-DOF camera pose for a pinhole camera which observes a given 3D object point at a specified 2D image point location while having a specified distance to the 3D object point.
pinholeCamera | The pinhole camera profile defining the projection, must be valid |
worldObjectPointRay | The 3D ray starting at the 3D object point and pointing towards the camera's center of projection, must be valid |
distortedImagePoint | The 2D image point within the fisheye camera image, with range [0, fisheyeCamera.width())x[0, fisheyeCamera.height()) |
distance | The desired distance between 3D object point and camera (center of projection), with range (0, infinity) |
static |
Determines 3D object points by triangulating two sets of 2D image points from different camera poses.
camera0 | The camera profile of the first camera, must be valid |
camera1 | The camera profile of the second camera, must be valid |
world_T_camera0 | The camera pose of the first camera, with default camera pointing towards the negative z-space with y-axis upwards, must be valid |
world_T_camera1 | The camera pose of the second camera, with default camera pointing towards the negative z-space with y-axis upwards, must be valid |
imagePoints0 | The 2D image points located in the first camera |
imagePoints1 | The 2D image points located in the second camera, each point must have a corresponding point in the first camera |
objectPoints | The resulting valid 3D object points, does not provide invalid object points |
validIndices | The resulting indices of the valid point correspondences for which a 3D object points could be determined, one index of reach resulting 3D object point |
onlyFrontPoints | True, if only front object points are determined |
maximalSqrError | The maximal squared projection pixel error for valid object points |