
The Ocean Devices MapBuilding JNI Library provides a Java Native Interface for Android. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Devices MapBuilding JNI Library:


jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_mapbuilding_DevicesMapBuildingJni_registerLibrary (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis)
 Java native interface function to register the Devices::MapBuilding component. More...
jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_mapbuilding_DevicesMapBuildingJni_unregisterLibrary (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis)
 Java native interface function to unregister the Devices::MapBuilding component. More...

Detailed Description

The Ocean Devices MapBuilding JNI Library provides a Java Native Interface for Android.

The library is available on Android platforms only.

Function Documentation

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_mapbuilding_DevicesMapBuildingJni_registerLibrary()

jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_mapbuilding_DevicesMapBuildingJni_registerLibrary ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis 

Java native interface function to register the Devices::MapBuilding component.

envThe JNI environment
javaThisThe JNI object
True, if succeeded

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_mapbuilding_DevicesMapBuildingJni_unregisterLibrary()

jboolean Java_com_meta_ocean_devices_mapbuilding_DevicesMapBuildingJni_unregisterLibrary ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis 

Java native interface function to unregister the Devices::MapBuilding component.

envThe JNI environment
javaThisThe JNI object
True, if succeeded