No Matches
Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie Class Referencefinal

This class implements a movie recorder class for Android. More...

#include <AMovie.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie:

Public Member Functions

MediumRef clone () const override
 Clones this movie medium and returns a new independent instance of this medium.
bool start () override
 Starts the medium.
bool pause () override
 Pauses the medium.
bool stop () override
 Stops the medium.
bool isStarted () const override
 Returns whether the medium is started currently.
double duration () const override
 Returns the duration of the finite medium.
double normalDuration () const override
 Returns the duration without speed consideration.
double position () const override
 Returns the recent position of the finite medium.
bool setPosition (const double position) override
 Sets the recent position of the finite medium.
float speed () const override
 Returns the speed of the finite medium.
bool setSpeed (const float speed) override
 Sets the speed of the finite medium.
float soundVolume () const override
 Returns the volume of the sound in db.
bool soundMute () const override
 Returns whether the sound medium is in a mute state.
bool setSoundVolume (const float volume) override
 Sets the volume of the sound in db.
bool setSoundMute (const bool mute) override
 Sets or un-sets the sound medium to a mute state.
bool useSound () const override
 Returns whether the sound of this movie is enabled or disabled.
bool setUseSound (const bool state) override
 Enables or disables the audio in this movie (has no effect if the movie does not have audio).
Timestamp startTimestamp () const override
 Returns the start timestamp.
Timestamp pauseTimestamp () const override
 Returns the pause timestamp.
Timestamp stopTimestamp () const override
 Returns the stop timestamp.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::Medium
const std::string & url () const
 Returns the url of the medium.
bool isValid () const
 Returns whether the medium is valid.
const std::string & library () const
 Returns the name of the owner library.
Type type () const
 Returns the type of the medium.
bool isType (const Type type) const
 Returns whether a medium has a given type.
bool isExclusive () const
 Returns whether this medium can be use exclusively.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium
bool loop () const
 Returns whether the medium is played in a loop.
virtual bool setLoop (const bool value)
 Sets whether the medium has to be played in a loop.
virtual bool taskFinished () const
 Returns whether a previous task has been finished.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::FrameMedium
 ~FrameMedium () override
 Destructs a frame object.
bool hasFrame () const
 Returns whether the object holds a frame.
FrameFrequency frameFrequency () const
 Returns the frequency of the frame in Hz.
virtual FrameRef frame (SharedAnyCamera *anyCamera=nullptr) const
 Returns the most recent frame.
virtual FrameRef frame (const Timestamp timestamp, SharedAnyCamera *anyCamera=nullptr) const
 Returns the frame with a specific timestamp.
virtual FrameRef frameTimeout (const double timeout, SharedAnyCamera *anyCamera=nullptr) const
 Waits until the first frame is available.
virtual bool hasFrame (const Timestamp timestamp) const
 Returns whether this media object currently holds a frame with specified timestamp.
unsigned int preferredFrameWidth () const
 Returns the preferred width of the frame in pixel.
unsigned int preferredFrameHeight () const
 Returns the preferred height of the frame in pixel.
FrameType::PixelFormat preferredFramePixelFormat () const
 Returns the preferred frame pixel format.
FrameFrequency preferredFrameFrequency () const
 Returns the preferred frame frequency in Hz.
virtual HomogenousMatrixD4 device_T_camera () const
 Returns the transformation between the camera and device.
virtual bool setPreferredFrameDimension (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height)
 Sets the preferred frame dimension.
virtual bool setPreferredFramePixelFormat (const FrameType::PixelFormat format)
 Sets the preferred frame pixel format.
virtual bool setPreferredFrameFrequency (const FrameFrequency frequency)
 Sets the preferred frame frequency in Hz.
size_t capacity () const
 Returns the capacity of the frame history of this frame medium object.
bool setCapacity (const size_t capacity)
 Sets or changes the capacity of the frame history of this frame medium object.
FrameCallbackScopedSubscription addFrameCallback (FrameCallbackFunction &&frameCallbackFunction)
 Adds a callback function which is called whenever a new frame arrives.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::SoundMedium
bool hasSound () const
 Returns whether the object holds a sound.
unsigned int soundChannels () const
 Returns the number of sound channels.
SoundFrequency soundFrequency () const
 Returns the frequency of the sound in Hz.
unsigned int soundBitsPerSample () const
 Returns the number of bits per sample.
unsigned int preferredSoundChannels () const
 Returns the preferred number of sound channels.
SoundFrequency preferredSoundFrequency () const
 Returns the preferred sound frequency in Hz.
unsigned int preferredSoundBitsPerSample () const
 Returns the preferred bits per sound sample.
virtual bool setPreferredSoundChannels (const unsigned int channels)
 Sets the preferred number of sound channels.
virtual bool setPreferredSoundFrequency (const SoundFrequency frequency)
 Sets the preferred sound frequency in Hz.
virtual bool setPreferredSoundBitsPerSample (const unsigned int bits)
 Sets the preferred bits per sound sample.

Protected Types

using ScopedFileDescriptor = ScopedObjectCompileTimeT< int, int, int, close, 0, true, -1 >
 Definition of a scoped file based on a file descriptor.
- Protected Types inherited from Ocean::Media::FrameMedium
typedef ScopedSubscriptionCallbackHandlerT< FrameCallbackFunction, FrameMedium, true > FrameCallbackHandler
 Definition of a thread-safe subscription handler for frame callback functions.
typedef std::vector< MediaFrameTypeFrameTypes
 Definition of a vector holding frame types.
- Protected Types inherited from Ocean::Thread
typedef std::pair< pthread_t, bool > TimedJoinPair
 Definition of a pair holding a thread id and a boolean state.
enum  ThreadPriority {
 Definition of different thread priority values. More...

Protected Member Functions

 AMovie (const std::string &url)
 Creates a new movie object.
 ~AMovie () override
 Destroys a movie object.
void release ()
 Releases the movie and all associated resources.
void threadRun () override
 The thread run function.
bool initializeMediaExtractor ()
 Creates and initializes the media extractor for the medium's url.
bool initializeMediaCodecs ()
 Creates and initializes the media codecs for the medium.
AMediaCodec * createCodecForTrack (AMediaFormat *trackFormat, const char *mime, const size_t trackIndex)
 Creates the media codec for a specific track.
bool processInputBuffer (AMediaCodec *const mediaCodec, double &normalRelativePresentationTime)
 Processes the input buffer of a media codec.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::Android::AMedium
 AMedium (const std::string &url)
 Creates a new medium by a given url.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::Medium
 Medium (const Medium &medium)=delete
 Disabled copy constructor.
 Medium (const std::string &url)
 Creates a new medium by a given url.
virtual ~Medium ()
 Destructs a medium.
Mediumoperator= (const Medium &medium)=delete
 Disabled copy operator.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::Movie
 Movie (const std::string &url)
 Creates a new movie by a given url.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium
 FiniteMedium (const std::string &url)
 Creates a new finite medium by a given url.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::FrameMedium
 FrameMedium (const std::string &url)
 Creates a new frame medium by a given url.
virtual bool deliverNewFrame (Frame &&frame, SharedAnyCamera &&anyCamera=SharedAnyCamera())
 Delivers a new frame to this FrameMedium.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::SoundMedium
 SoundMedium (const std::string &url)
 Creates a new sound medium by a given url.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Thread
 Thread (const Thread &thread)=delete
 Disabled copy constructor.
void createThread ()
 Creates the thread itself.
void destroyThread ()
 Destroys the thread itself.
void stopThreadExplicitly (const unsigned int timeout=5000u)
 Tries to stop the thread gracefully.
Threadoperator= (const Thread &thread)=delete
 The disabled assign operator.
 Thread (const std::string &name=std::string())
 Creates a new thread object.
 Thread (const unsigned int randomNumberSeedValue, const std::string &name=std::string())
 Creates a new thread object.
virtual ~Thread ()
 Destructs a thread object.
bool startThread ()
 Starts the thread.
void stopThread ()
 Informs the thread to stop.
bool terminateThread ()
 Terminates the thread.
bool joinThread (const unsigned int timeout=(unsigned int)(-1))
 Waits until this thread has been stopped.
bool shouldThreadStop () const
 Returns whether this thread should stop.
bool isThreadInvokedToStart () const
 Returns whether this thread has been invoked to start immediately.
bool isThreadActive () const
 Returns whether this thread is active.

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool extractAudioSamplesFromCodecOutputBuffer (AMediaCodec *const mediaCodec)
 Extracts the audio samples from an output buffer of a audio codec.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Thread
static void sleep (unsigned int ms)
 Sleeps the calling thread for a given time.
static void giveUp ()
 Gives up the remaining thread time.
static ThreadId currentThreadId ()
 Returns the thread id of the current (calling) thread.
static ThreadPriority threadPriority ()
 Returns the priority of the current thread.
static bool setThreadPriority (const ThreadPriority priority)
 Sets the priority of the current thread.
template<typename TObject , typename TExpectedValue >
static bool waitForValue (TObject &object, const TExpectedValue &expectedValue, const double timeout=-1.0)
 Waits until an object/variable has an expected value.
template<typename TObject , typename TExpectedValue >
static bool waitForValue (TObject &object, const TExpectedValue &expectedValue, TemporaryScopedLock &temporaryScopedLock, const double timeout=-1.0)
 Waits until an object/variable has an expected value.
static int pthread_timedjoin_np (pthread_t thread, void **retval, const struct timespec *abstime)
 Implements a thread join function with timeout value.

Protected Attributes

ScopedFileDescriptor fileDescriptor_
 Optional file description if used.
AMediaExtractor * mediaExtractor_ = nullptr
 The media extractor to be used t.
AMediaCodec * videoMediaCodec_ = nullptr
 The media codecs for the video track.
AMediaCodec * audioMediaCodec_ = nullptr
 The media codecs for the audio track.
Timestamp startTimestamp_ = Timestamp(false)
 The timestamp when the medium started.
Timestamp pauseTimestamp_ = Timestamp(false)
 The timestamp when the medium paused.
Timestamp stopTimestamp_ = Timestamp(false)
 The timestamp when the medium stopped.
std::atomic< float > speed_ = 1.0f
 The playback speed of this movie.
double normalDuration_ = -1.0
 The duration of the movie with normal speed.
bool useSound_ = false
 True, to enable audio in the movie; False, to disable audio, currently AMovie does not support audio.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ocean::Media::Medium
std::string url_
 Url of the medium.
std::string libraryName_
 Name of the owner library.
bool isValid_ = false
 Determines whether the medium is valid.
Type type_ = MEDIUM
 Type of the medium.
Lock lock_
 Medium lock.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium
bool loop_ = false
 Determines whether the medium is played in a loop.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ocean::Media::FrameMedium
FrameCollection frameCollection_
 Frame collection storing several frames with different timestamps.
FrameCallbackHandler frameCallbackHandler_
 The handler for frame callback functions.
FrameFrequency recentFrameFrequency_ = FrameFrequency(0)
 Frame frequency.
MediaFrameType preferredFrameType_
 Preferred frame type of the medium.
- Protected Attributes inherited from Ocean::Media::SoundMedium
SoundType mediumSoundType
 Actual sound type.
SoundType mediumPreferredSoundType
 Preferred sound type.
Timestamp mediumSoundTimestamp
 Timestamp of the recent sound frame.
Timestamp mediumSoundTypeTimestamp
 Timestamp of the recent sound frame type.


class ALibrary

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from Ocean::Media::Medium
enum  Type : uint32_t {
  MEDIUM = 0u , FRAME_MEDIUM = 1u << 0u , SOUND_MEDIUM = 1u << 1u , FINITE_MEDIUM = 1u << 2u ,
  LIVE_MEDIUM = 1u << 3u , CONFIG_MEDIUM = 1u << 4u , AUDIO = (1u << 5u) | FINITE_MEDIUM | SOUND_MEDIUM , IMAGE = (1u << 6u) | FRAME_MEDIUM ,
 Definition of different medium types. More...
- Public Types inherited from Ocean::Media::FrameMedium
typedef double FrameFrequency
 Definition of a frame frequency defined in Hz.
typedef std::function< void(const Frame &frame, const SharedAnyCamera &camera)> FrameCallbackFunction
 Definition of a callback function for frame events.
typedef ScopedSubscriptionHandler::ScopedSubscriptionType FrameCallbackScopedSubscription
 Definition of a subscription object for frame callback events.
- Public Types inherited from Ocean::Media::SoundMedium
typedef float SoundFrequency
 Definition of a sound frequency defined in Hz.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::Android::AMedium
static bool areInterfaceIdsIdentical (const SLInterfaceID &interfaceId0, const SLInterfaceID &interfaceId1)
 Returns whether two interface ids are identical.
static std::string toAString (const SLInterfaceID &interfaceId)
 Returns the hex string of an interface id,.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::Medium
static std::string convertType (const Type type)
 Converts a medium type to a unique string.
static Type convertType (const std::string &type)
 Converts a medium type string to a medium type.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Ocean::Media::FrameMedium
static bool syncedFrames (const FrameMediumRefs &frameMediums, const Timestamp lastTimestamp, FrameRefs &frames, SharedAnyCameras &cameras, const unsigned int waitTime=2u, bool *timedOut=nullptr, HomogenousMatricesD4 *device_T_cameras=nullptr)
 Extracts most recent frames from several frame medium objects and ensures that the timestamps of all frames are identical.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Ocean::Media::Android::AMedium
static constexpr SLInterfaceID_ slEffectTypeNoiseSuppressorId_ = {0x58b4b260, 0x8e06, 0x11e0, 0xaa8e, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}}
 Definition of the interface for Noise Suppressor (NS).
static constexpr SLInterfaceID_ slEffectTypeAcousticEchoCancelerId_ = {0x7b491460, 0x8d4d, 0x11e0, 0xbd61, {0x00, 0x02, 0xa5, 0xd5, 0xc5, 0x1b}}
 Definition of the interface for Acoustic Echo Canceler (AEC).
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium
static constexpr float AS_FAST_AS_POSSIBLE = 0.0f
 Definition of a speed value allowing to deliver the media content as fast as possible.

Detailed Description

This class implements a movie recorder class for Android.

NOTE: The supported pixel formats for recording may vary from device to device.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ScopedFileDescriptor

using Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::ScopedFileDescriptor = ScopedObjectCompileTimeT<int, int, int, close, 0, true, -1>

Definition of a scoped file based on a file descriptor.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ AMovie()

Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::AMovie ( const std::string &  url)

Creates a new movie object.

urlThe URL of the movie, must be valid

◆ ~AMovie()

Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::~AMovie ( )

Destroys a movie object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

MediumRef Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::clone ( ) const

Clones this movie medium and returns a new independent instance of this medium.

See also

Reimplemented from Ocean::Media::Medium.

◆ createCodecForTrack()

AMediaCodec * Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::createCodecForTrack ( AMediaFormat *  trackFormat,
const char *  mime,
const size_t  trackIndex 

Creates the media codec for a specific track.

trackFormatThe format of the track for which the code will be created, must be valid
mimeThe mime of the format, must be valid
trackIndexThe index of the track for which the codec will be created, must be valid
The media codec if succeeded; nullptr otherwise

◆ duration()

double Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::duration ( ) const

Returns the duration of the finite medium.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium.

◆ extractAudioSamplesFromCodecOutputBuffer()

static bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::extractAudioSamplesFromCodecOutputBuffer ( AMediaCodec *const  mediaCodec)

Extracts the audio samples from an output buffer of a audio codec.

mediaCodecThe media codec to which the output buffer belongs, must be valid
The resulting extracted frame, invalid if the frame could not be extracted

◆ initializeMediaCodecs()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::initializeMediaCodecs ( )

Creates and initializes the media codecs for the medium.

True, if at least the video codec could be initialized successfully

◆ initializeMediaExtractor()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::initializeMediaExtractor ( )

Creates and initializes the media extractor for the medium's url.

True, if succeeded

◆ isStarted()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::isStarted ( ) const

Returns whether the medium is started currently.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::Medium.

◆ normalDuration()

double Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::normalDuration ( ) const

Returns the duration without speed consideration.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium.

◆ pause()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::pause ( )

Pauses the medium.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::Medium.

◆ pauseTimestamp()

Timestamp Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::pauseTimestamp ( ) const

Returns the pause timestamp.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::Medium.

◆ position()

double Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::position ( ) const

Returns the recent position of the finite medium.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium.

◆ processInputBuffer()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::processInputBuffer ( AMediaCodec *const  mediaCodec,
double &  normalRelativePresentationTime 

Processes the input buffer of a media codec.

mediaCodecThe media codec which input buffer will be processed, must be valid
normalRelativePresentationTimeThe resulting relative presentation time in seconds for normal speed
False, if no more buffers need to be processed

◆ release()

void Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::release ( )

Releases the movie and all associated resources.

◆ setPosition()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::setPosition ( const double  position)

Sets the recent position of the finite medium.

See also

Reimplemented from Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium.

◆ setSoundMute()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::setSoundMute ( const bool  mute)

Sets or un-sets the sound medium to a mute state.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::SoundMedium.

◆ setSoundVolume()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::setSoundVolume ( const float  volume)

Sets the volume of the sound in db.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::SoundMedium.

◆ setSpeed()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::setSpeed ( const float  speed)

Sets the speed of the finite medium.

See also

Reimplemented from Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium.

◆ setUseSound()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::setUseSound ( const bool  state)

Enables or disables the audio in this movie (has no effect if the movie does not have audio).

See also

Reimplemented from Ocean::Media::Movie.

◆ soundMute()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::soundMute ( ) const

Returns whether the sound medium is in a mute state.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::SoundMedium.

◆ soundVolume()

float Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::soundVolume ( ) const

Returns the volume of the sound in db.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::SoundMedium.

◆ speed()

float Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::speed ( ) const

Returns the speed of the finite medium.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::FiniteMedium.

◆ start()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::start ( )

Starts the medium.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::Medium.

◆ startTimestamp()

Timestamp Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::startTimestamp ( ) const

Returns the start timestamp.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::Medium.

◆ stop()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::stop ( )

Stops the medium.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::Medium.

◆ stopTimestamp()

Timestamp Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::stopTimestamp ( ) const

Returns the stop timestamp.

See also

Implements Ocean::Media::Medium.

◆ threadRun()

void Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::threadRun ( )

The thread run function.

Implements Ocean::Thread.

◆ useSound()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::useSound ( ) const

Returns whether the sound of this movie is enabled or disabled.

See also

Reimplemented from Ocean::Media::Movie.

Friends And Related Symbol Documentation

◆ ALibrary

friend class ALibrary

Field Documentation

◆ audioMediaCodec_

AMediaCodec* Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::audioMediaCodec_ = nullptr

The media codecs for the audio track.

◆ fileDescriptor_

ScopedFileDescriptor Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::fileDescriptor_

Optional file description if used.

◆ mediaExtractor_

AMediaExtractor* Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::mediaExtractor_ = nullptr

The media extractor to be used t.

◆ normalDuration_

double Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::normalDuration_ = -1.0

The duration of the movie with normal speed.

◆ pauseTimestamp_

Timestamp Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::pauseTimestamp_ = Timestamp(false)

The timestamp when the medium paused.

◆ speed_

std::atomic<float> Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::speed_ = 1.0f

The playback speed of this movie.

◆ startTimestamp_

Timestamp Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::startTimestamp_ = Timestamp(false)

The timestamp when the medium started.

◆ stopTimestamp_

Timestamp Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::stopTimestamp_ = Timestamp(false)

The timestamp when the medium stopped.

◆ useSound_

bool Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::useSound_ = false

True, to enable audio in the movie; False, to disable audio, currently AMovie does not support audio.

◆ videoMediaCodec_

AMediaCodec* Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie::videoMediaCodec_ = nullptr

The media codecs for the video track.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: