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Ocean Media Android Library

The Ocean Media Android Library provides camera access functionalities on android platforms. More...

Collaboration diagram for Ocean Media Android Library:


 Ocean Media Android JNI Library
 The Ocean Media Android JNI Library provides a Java Native Interface for Android.

Data Structures

class  Ocean::Media::Android::AAudio
 This class implements an Audio class for Android. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::ALibrary
 This class implements the android library. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::ALiveAudio
 This class implements a LiveAudio class for Android. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::ALiveVideo
 This class implements an live video class for Android. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::AMedium
 This class implements the base class for all Medium objects in the Android library. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::AMicrophone
 This class implements a microphone class for Android. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::AMovie
 This class implements a movie recorder class for Android. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::AMovieRecorder
 This class implements a movie recorder class for Android. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::NativeCameraLibrary
 This class is an interface for Android's shared native library camera2ndk. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::NativeMediaLibrary
 This class is an interface for Android's shared native library mediandk. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::PixelFormats
 This class defines conversions to/from Android color format types for video data; see the associated definitions in android.media.MediaCodecInfo.CodecCapabilities. More...
class  Ocean::Media::Android::VideoDecoder
 This class implements a simple video decoder for Android using encoded media samples from memory as input. More...


jboolean Ocean::Media::Android::Java_com_meta_ocean_media_android_MediaAndroidJni_onNewCameraFrame (JNIEnv *env, jobject javaThis, jint objectId, jbyteArray imageBuffer, jint width, jint height, jint format, jfloat fovX, jint bufferSize, jdouble timestamp)
 Java native interface function for new camera framebuffer events.
OCEAN_MEDIA_A_EXPORT std::string Ocean::Media::Android::nameAndroidLibrary ()
 Returns the name of this media library.
void Ocean::Media::Android::registerAndroidLibrary ()
 Registers this media library at the global library manager.
bool Ocean::Media::Android::unregisterAndroidLibrary ()
 Unregisters this media library at the global library manager.
bool OCEAN_MEDIA_A_EXPORT pluginLoad ()
 Tries to load the plugin and initializes all internal 3rd party libraries.
bool OCEAN_MEDIA_A_EXPORT pluginUnload ()
 Tries to unload the plugin and all internal resources of 3rd party libraries.

Detailed Description

The Ocean Media Android Library provides camera access functionalities on android platforms.

The library is available on android platforms only.

Function Documentation

◆ Java_com_meta_ocean_media_android_MediaAndroidJni_onNewCameraFrame()

jboolean Ocean::Media::Android::Java_com_meta_ocean_media_android_MediaAndroidJni_onNewCameraFrame ( JNIEnv *  env,
jobject  javaThis,
jint  objectId,
jbyteArray  imageBuffer,
jint  width,
jint  height,
jint  format,
jfloat  fovX,
jint  bufferSize,
jdouble  timestamp 

Java native interface function for new camera framebuffer events.

envJNI environment object
javaThisJNI caller object
objectIdId of the camera object
imageBufferNew camera image buffer
widthThe width of the new camera image buffer in pixel
heightThe height of the new camera image buffer in pixel
formatThe format of the camera image buffer
fovXHorizontal field of view in radian
bufferSizeThe size of the given image buffer in bytes
timestampUnix timestamp of the frame in seconds (time since 1970)
True, if succeeded

◆ nameAndroidLibrary()

OCEAN_MEDIA_A_EXPORT std::string Ocean::Media::Android::nameAndroidLibrary ( )

Returns the name of this media library.

◆ pluginLoad()

bool OCEAN_MEDIA_A_EXPORT pluginLoad ( )

Tries to load the plugin and initializes all internal 3rd party libraries.

Make sure that the plugin will be loaded only once!

True, if succeeded
See also

◆ pluginUnload()

bool OCEAN_MEDIA_A_EXPORT pluginUnload ( )

Tries to unload the plugin and all internal resources of 3rd party libraries.

Make sure that all resources of this plugin has been released before!

True, if succeeded
See also

◆ registerAndroidLibrary()

void Ocean::Media::Android::registerAndroidLibrary ( )

Registers this media library at the global library manager.

This function calls ALibrary::registerLibrary() only.

◆ unregisterAndroidLibrary()

bool Ocean::Media::Android::unregisterAndroidLibrary ( )

Unregisters this media library at the global library manager.

This function calls ALibrary::unregisterLibrary() only.

True, if succeeded