Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
15 #include "ocean/base/ObjectRef.h"
16 #include "ocean/base/Thread.h"
21 namespace Ocean
22 {
24 namespace Tracking
25 {
27 namespace Offline
28 {
30 // Forward declaration.
31 class OfflineTracker;
33 /**
34  * Definition of an object reference holding an offline tracker object.
35  * @ingroup trackingoffline
36  */
39 /**
40  * This class is the base class for all offline tracker objects.
41  * @see OfflineTrackerRef.
42  * @ingroup trackingoffline
43  */
44 class OCEAN_TRACKING_OFFLINE_EXPORT OfflineTracker : protected Thread
45 {
46  friend class EventStackLayer;
48  public:
50  /**
51  * Definition of individual tracking qualities.
52  */
54  {
55  /// A low tracking quality with high performance.
57  /// A moderate tracking quality with moderate performance.
59  /// A high tracking quality with low performance.
61  /// A very high tracking quality with very low performance.
63  /// An insane tracking quality with very low performance.
65  /// Automatic tracking quality.
67  /// Coverage with coarse grid
69  /// Coverage with fine grid
71  };
73  /**
74  * Definition of individual abstract camera motion types.
75  */
77  {
78  /// An unknown abstract camera motion.
80  /// A pure rotational camera motion.
82  /// A complex camera motion (may include rotational and translational motion).
84  };
86  /**
87  * Definition of individual camera models.
88  */
90  {
91  /// Invalid camera model parameter.
93  /// Low quality camera, equivalent to a state-of-the-art webcams.
95  /// Medium camera model, equivalent to an amateur camera.
97  /// High quality camera, equivalent to a professional cinema camera.
99  };
101  /**
102  * Definition of a component event callback function.
103  * The first parameter provides the event.
104  */
107  /**
108  * Frees the offline tracker object.
109  */
110  virtual ~OfflineTracker();
112  protected:
114  /**
115  * This class implements one layer in a progress event stack allowing to define the start and stop progress value.
116  * The start and stop progress values are relative progress values in relation to the next older layer of the stack.<br>
117  * Thus, by application of individual layers an hierarchy of progress states can be created.<br>
118  */
120  {
121  public:
123  /**
124  * Creates a new layer object.
125  * @param startProgress The start progress value defined relative to the next older layer of the stack, with range [0, 1]
126  * @param stopProgress The stop progress value defined relative to the next older layer of the stack, with range [startProgress, 1]
127  */
128  inline EventStackLayer(const Scalar startProgress, const Scalar stopProgress);
130  /**
131  * Returns the relative start progress value of this object.
132  * @return Relative start progress value
133  */
134  inline Scalar startProgress() const;
136  /**
137  * Returns the relative stop progress value of this object.
138  * @return Relative stop progress value
139  */
140  inline Scalar stopProgress() const;
142  /**
143  * Returns whether two objects have identical start and stop values.
144  * @param layer The second value to compare
145  * @return True, if so
146  */
147  inline bool operator==(const EventStackLayer& layer) const;
149  protected:
151  /// The relative start progress value of this object.
152  Scalar startProgress_ = Scalar(0);
154  /// the relative stop progress value of this object.
155  Scalar stopProgress_ = Scalar(0);
156  };
158  /**
159  * This class implements an event stack layer object that pushes the relative progress parameters on the stack during creation and pops the layer if the object is disposed.
160  * Further, the relative progress values of this object can be changed after the creation.<br>
161  */
163  {
164  public:
166  /**
167  * Move constructor.
168  * @param scopedLayer Scoped layer to move
169  */
170  inline ScopedEventStackLayer(ScopedEventStackLayer&& scopedLayer) noexcept;
172  /**
173  * Creates a new object by the given owner of the event stack and two relative progress parameters.
174  * @param owner The owner of the stack in which the progress values are pushed
175  * @param startProgress The start progress value defined relative to the next older layer of the stack, with range [0, 1]
176  * @param stopProgress The stop progress value defined relative to the next older layer of the stack, with range [startProgress, 1]
177  */
178  inline ScopedEventStackLayer(OfflineTracker& owner, const Scalar startProgress, const Scalar stopProgress);
180  /**
181  * Destructs the scoped layer object and pops the relative progress values from the stack.
182  */
183  inline ~ScopedEventStackLayer();
185  /**
186  * Releases this scoped layer object explicitly before the scope ends.
187  */
188  inline void release();
190  /**
191  * Modifies the relative start and stop progress values of this object.
192  * @param startProgress The start progress value defined relative to the next older layer of the stack, with range [0, 1]
193  * @param stopProgress The stop progress value defined relative to the next older layer of the stack, with range [startProgress, 1]
194  */
195  inline void modify(const Scalar startProgress, const Scalar stopProgress);
197  /**
198  * Modifies the relative start and stop progress values of this object by using the previous stop progress value as new start progress value and taking the new value as new stop progress value.
199  * @param stopProgress The stop progress value defined relative to the next older layer of the stack, with range [stopProgress(), 1]
200  */
201  inline void modify(const Scalar stopProgress);
203  /**
204  * Move operator.
205  * @param scopedLayer The scoped layer object to move
206  * @return Reference to this object
207  */
208  inline ScopedEventStackLayer& operator=(ScopedEventStackLayer&& scopedLayer) noexcept;
210  private:
212  /**
213  * Copy constructor.
214  */
217  /**
218  * Assign operator.
219  * @return Reference to this object
220  */
223  protected:
225  /// The owner of the stack that is associated with this object.
226  OfflineTracker* owner_ = nullptr;
227  };
229  /**
230  * Definition of a vector holding EventStackLayer objects which actually is used to implement a stack of these objects.
231  */
232  typedef std::vector<EventStackLayer> EventStack;
234  /**
235  * Definition of a vector holding event callback functions.
236  */
239  public:
241  /**
242  * Starts the offline tracker.
243  * @return True, if succeeded
244  * @see stop(), finished().
245  */
246  virtual bool start();
248  /**
249  * Stops the offline tracker.
250  * All poses that have been determined since the start of the tracker will be untouched.<br>
251  * @param timeout if 0, this call is asynchronous and will return immediately. Otherwise wait time in ms or -1 for infinite wait
252  * @return True, if succeeded
253  * @see start().
254  */
255  virtual bool stop(const unsigned int timeout = 0u);
257  /**
258  * Returns the unique id of this tracker object.
259  * Each tracker has an own unique id allowing to separate individual trackers or their events.
260  * @return Unique tracker id
261  */
262  inline unsigned int id() const;
264  /**
265  * Returns whether the tracker has been started (and is currently tracking).
266  * @return True, if so
267  */
268  virtual bool running() const;
270  /**
271  * Returns whether the offline tracker has finished since the last start or has not been started yet.
272  * @return True, if so
273  * @see start().
274  */
275  virtual bool finished() const;
277  /**
278  * Returns whether the offline tracker has finished and succeeded since the last start or has not been started yet.
279  * @return True, if so
280  * @see finished().
281  */
282  virtual bool succeeded() const = 0;
284  /**
285  * Returns the currently determined poses of this tracker.
286  * @return Tracker poses
287  */
288  virtual OfflinePoses poses() const;
290  /**
291  * Returns one pose of this tracker.
292  * @param index The index of the frame for that the pose will be returned
293  * @return Tracker pose
294  */
295  virtual OfflinePose pose(const unsigned int index) const;
297  /**
298  * Adds a state event callback function.
299  * @param callback The callback function to be added
300  */
301  inline void addEventCallback(const EventCallback& callback);
303  /**
304  * Removes a state event callback function.
305  * @param callback The callback function to be removed
306  */
307  inline void removeEventCallback(const EventCallback& callback);
309  protected:
311  /**
312  * Creates a new offline tracker object.
313  */
316  /**
317  * Checks whether the camera parameters of a given camera profiles matches to the specified camera model.
318  * @param pinholeCamera The pinhole camera profile that will be checked
319  * @param model The model to that the camera profiles must match
320  * @return True, if so
321  */
322  static bool isPlausibleCamera(const PinholeCamera& pinholeCamera, const CameraModel model);
324  /**
325  * Updates the tracker process progress value of this tracker.
326  * This tracker stores a stack with EventStackLayer objects defining a hierarchy of individual relative progress ranges.<br>
327  * The given progress value should be independent of any stack layer and should simply give the progress state of e.g. a component.<br>
328  * @param localProgress The local progress value of e.g. a component, with range [0, 1]
329  */
330  void updateTrackerProgress(const Scalar localProgress);
332  /**
333  * Updates all poses of this tracker and invokes the corresponding state event(s).
334  * @param poses New poses for this tracker
335  */
336  void updatePoses(const OfflinePoses& poses);
338  /**
339  * Removes irregular poses at the boundary between valid and invalid poses.
340  * A pose is voted as irregular if the rotation angle between two successive frame is larger than the median rotation angle (between successive frame) multiplied by a factor.
341  * @param factor The factor that is multiplied with the media angle
342  */
343  void removeIrregularPoses(const Scalar factor = Scalar(5));
345  /**
346  * Extrapolates poses at the boundary between valid and invalid poses.
347  * @param number The number of poses that will be extrapolated at each border
348  * @param base The maximal number of poses that are used as interpolation base
349  */
350  void extrapolatePoses(const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base);
352  /**
353  * Interpolates the pose of a single invalid pose which is enclosed by two valid poses.
354  * @param invalidIndex The index of the (single) invalid pose
355  * @param offlinePoses The offline poses on which the poses are extrapolated
356  */
359  /**
360  * Interpolates some poses to the left of a gap with invalid poses.
361  * @param invalidIndex The index of the invalid pose with valid poses on the right
362  * @param number The number of poses that will be extrapolated in the left area
363  * @param base The maximal number of poses that are used as interpolation base
364  * @param offlinePoses The offline poses on which the poses are extrapolated
365  */
366  static void extrapolateLeftPoses(const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses& offlinePoses);
368  /**
369  * Interpolates some poses to the right of a gap with invalid poses.
370  * @param invalidIndex The index of the invalid pose with valid poses on the left
371  * @param number The number of poses that will be extrapolated in the right area
372  * @param base The maximal number of poses that are used as interpolation base
373  * @param offlinePoses The offline poses on which the poses are extrapolated
374  */
375  static void extrapolateRightPoses(const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses& offlinePoses);
377  /**
378  * Interpolates some poses to the left or to the right of a gap with invalid poses.
379  * @param invalidIndex The index of the invalid pose with valid poses
380  * @param number The number of poses that will be extrapolated in the area
381  * @param base The maximal number of poses that are used as interpolation base
382  * @param offlinePoses The offline poses on which the poses are extrapolated
383  */
384  static void extrapolateCenterPoses(const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses& offlinePoses);
386  /**
387  * Returns a reference to the lock for the tracker id counter.
388  * @return The lock for the tracker id counter
389  */
390  static Lock& idCounterLock();
392  private:
394  /**
395  * Pushes a new progress event stack layer on the stack of this tracker.
396  * Do not call this function, this function will be called by the ScopedEventStackLayer object only.
397  * @param layer New layer to be pushed
398  * @see ScopedEventStackLayer
399  */
402  /**
403  * Pops a progress event stack layer from the stack of this tracker.
404  * Do not call this function, this function will be called by the ScopedEventStackLayer object only.
405  * @param layer New layer to be pushed
406  * @see ScopedEventStackLayer
407  */
410  protected:
412  /// The unique id that identifies this tracker.
413  unsigned int id_ = 0u;
415  /// Finished state of the tracker.
416  bool finished_ = true;
418  /// Stop-request state of the tracker, this state should have the same state as the threadShouldStop variable but will be accessible in all trackers.
419  bool shouldStop_ = false;
421  /// Offline poses of this tracker.
424  /// State event callback functions.
427  /// Tracker lock object.
428  mutable Lock lock_;
430  /// The stack with progress event layers allowing for a convenient process progress event handling.
433  /// The lock for the progress event layer stack.
436  /// The previous process progress.
437  Scalar previousProcessProgress_ = Scalar(0);
439  /// The tracker id counter.
440  static unsigned int idCounter_;
441 };
443 inline OfflineTracker::EventStackLayer::EventStackLayer(const Scalar startProgress, const Scalar stopProgress) :
444  startProgress_(startProgress),
445  stopProgress_(stopProgress)
446 {
447  ocean_assert(startProgress <= stopProgress);
448  ocean_assert(startProgress >= Scalar(0) && stopProgress <= Scalar(1));
449 }
452 {
453  return startProgress_;
454 }
457 {
458  return stopProgress_;
459 }
462 {
463  return startProgress_ == layer.startProgress_ && stopProgress_ == layer.stopProgress_;
464 }
467  EventStackLayer(scopedLayer.startProgress_, scopedLayer.stopProgress_),
468  owner_(scopedLayer.owner_)
469 {
470  scopedLayer.owner_ = nullptr;
471 }
473 inline OfflineTracker::ScopedEventStackLayer::ScopedEventStackLayer(OfflineTracker& owner, const Scalar startProgress, const Scalar stopProgress) :
474  EventStackLayer(startProgress, stopProgress),
475  owner_(&owner)
476 {
478 }
481 {
482  release();
483 }
486 {
487  if (owner_)
488  {
489  owner_->popProgressEventStackLayer(*this);
490  owner_ = nullptr;
491  }
492 }
494 void OfflineTracker::ScopedEventStackLayer::modify(const Scalar startProgress, const Scalar stopProgress)
495 {
496  ocean_assert(owner_);
498  if (owner_)
499  {
500  ocean_assert(startProgress <= stopProgress);
501  ocean_assert(startProgress >= Scalar(0) && stopProgress <= Scalar(1));
503  owner_->popProgressEventStackLayer(*this);
505  startProgress_ = startProgress;
506  stopProgress_ = stopProgress;
508  owner_->pushProgressEventStackLayer(*this);
509  }
510 }
513 {
514  modify(stopProgress_, stopProgress);
515 }
517 {
518  if (this != &scopedLayer)
519  {
520  release();
522  owner_ = scopedLayer.owner_;
523  scopedLayer.owner_ = nullptr;
524  }
526  return *this;
527 }
529 inline unsigned int OfflineTracker::id() const
530 {
531  return id_;
532 }
535 {
536  eventCallbacks_.addCallback(callback);
537 }
540 {
542 }
544 }
546 }
548 }
This class implements a container for callback functions.
Definition: Callback.h:3456
void addCallback(const T &callback)
Adds a new callback object.
Definition: Callback.h:4304
void removeCallback(const T &callback)
Removes a callback object.
Definition: Callback.h:4329
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition: Lock.h:31
This template class implements a object reference with an internal reference counter.
Definition: base/ObjectRef.h:58
std::ptrdiff_t Index
Definition of an element index.
Definition: ShiftVector.h:38
This class implements a thread.
Definition: Thread.h:115
This class encapsulates the tracking pose data.
Definition: OfflinePose.h:41
This class implements one layer in a progress event stack allowing to define the start and stop progr...
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:120
bool operator==(const EventStackLayer &layer) const
Returns whether two objects have identical start and stop values.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:461
Scalar startProgress_
The relative start progress value of this object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:152
Scalar stopProgress_
the relative stop progress value of this object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:155
Scalar stopProgress() const
Returns the relative stop progress value of this object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:456
EventStackLayer(const Scalar startProgress, const Scalar stopProgress)
Creates a new layer object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:443
Scalar startProgress() const
Returns the relative start progress value of this object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:451
This class implements an event stack layer object that pushes the relative progress parameters on the...
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:163
ScopedEventStackLayer & operator=(ScopedEventStackLayer &&scopedLayer) noexcept
Move operator.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:516
OfflineTracker * owner_
The owner of the stack that is associated with this object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:226
ScopedEventStackLayer & operator=(const ScopedEventStackLayer &)=delete
Assign operator.
Destructs the scoped layer object and pops the relative progress values from the stack.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:480
ScopedEventStackLayer(const ScopedEventStackLayer &)=delete
Copy constructor.
void modify(const Scalar startProgress, const Scalar stopProgress)
Modifies the relative start and stop progress values of this object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:494
ScopedEventStackLayer(ScopedEventStackLayer &&scopedLayer) noexcept
Move constructor.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:466
void release()
Releases this scoped layer object explicitly before the scope ends.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:485
This class is the base class for all offline tracker objects.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:45
Callback< void, const TrackerEvent & > EventCallback
Definition of a component event callback function.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:105
void updateTrackerProgress(const Scalar localProgress)
Updates the tracker process progress value of this tracker.
void removeIrregularPoses(const Scalar factor=Scalar(5))
Removes irregular poses at the boundary between valid and invalid poses.
static bool isPlausibleCamera(const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const CameraModel model)
Checks whether the camera parameters of a given camera profiles matches to the specified camera model...
unsigned int id() const
Returns the unique id of this tracker object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:529
OfflinePoses offlinePoses_
Offline poses of this tracker.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:422
std::vector< EventStackLayer > EventStack
Definition of a vector holding EventStackLayer objects which actually is used to implement a stack of...
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:232
void removeEventCallback(const EventCallback &callback)
Removes a state event callback function.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:539
virtual ~OfflineTracker()
Frees the offline tracker object.
virtual bool succeeded() const =0
Returns whether the offline tracker has finished and succeeded since the last start or has not been s...
static void extrapolateLeftPoses(const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses &offlinePoses)
Interpolates some poses to the left of a gap with invalid poses.
virtual bool start()
Starts the offline tracker.
ConcurrentCallbacks< EventCallback > EventCallbacks
Definition of a vector holding event callback functions.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:237
Lock lock_
Tracker lock object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:428
void pushProgressEventStackLayer(const EventStackLayer &layer)
Pushes a new progress event stack layer on the stack of this tracker.
virtual OfflinePose pose(const unsigned int index) const
Returns one pose of this tracker.
unsigned int id_
The unique id that identifies this tracker.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:413
static void extrapolateCenterPoses(const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses &offlinePoses)
Interpolates some poses to the left or to the right of a gap with invalid poses.
Definition of individual tracking qualities.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:54
A high tracking quality with low performance.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:60
Coverage with coarse grid.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:68
A very high tracking quality with very low performance.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:62
A moderate tracking quality with moderate performance.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:58
An insane tracking quality with very low performance.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:64
Automatic tracking quality.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:66
A low tracking quality with high performance.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:56
virtual bool running() const
Returns whether the tracker has been started (and is currently tracking).
static void extrapolateRightPoses(const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base, OfflinePoses &offlinePoses)
Interpolates some poses to the right of a gap with invalid poses.
virtual OfflinePoses poses() const
Returns the currently determined poses of this tracker.
static Lock & idCounterLock()
Returns a reference to the lock for the tracker id counter.
static void extrapolateSinglePose(const OfflinePoses::Index invalidIndex, OfflinePoses &offlinePoses)
Interpolates the pose of a single invalid pose which is enclosed by two valid poses.
static unsigned int idCounter_
The tracker id counter.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:440
void extrapolatePoses(const unsigned int number, const unsigned int base)
Extrapolates poses at the boundary between valid and invalid poses.
void addEventCallback(const EventCallback &callback)
Adds a state event callback function.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:534
EventStack eventStack_
The stack with progress event layers allowing for a convenient process progress event handling.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:431
Definition of individual camera models.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:90
Low quality camera, equivalent to a state-of-the-art webcams.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:94
Medium camera model, equivalent to an amateur camera.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:96
Invalid camera model parameter.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:92
void updatePoses(const OfflinePoses &poses)
Updates all poses of this tracker and invokes the corresponding state event(s).
virtual bool stop(const unsigned int timeout=0u)
Stops the offline tracker.
virtual bool finished() const
Returns whether the offline tracker has finished since the last start or has not been started yet.
EventCallbacks eventCallbacks_
State event callback functions.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:425
Lock eventStackLock_
The lock for the progress event layer stack.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:434
Creates a new offline tracker object.
void popProgressEventStackLayer(const EventStackLayer &layer)
Pops a progress event stack layer from the stack of this tracker.
Definition of individual abstract camera motion types.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:77
A pure rotational camera motion.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:81
An unknown abstract camera motion.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:79
friend class EventStackLayer
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:46
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition: Math.h:128
void release(T *object)
This functions allows to release a DirectShow object if it does exist.
Definition: DSObject.h:266
constexpr VertexIndex invalidIndex
Definition of an invalid vertex index.
Definition: rendering/Rendering.h:77
ObjectRef< OfflineTracker > OfflineTrackerRef
Definition of an object reference holding an offline tracker object.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:31
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15