Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
17 #include "ocean/cv/FramePyramid.h"
22 namespace Ocean
23 {
25 namespace Tracking
26 {
28 namespace Offline
29 {
31 // Forward declaration.
32 class FrameTracker;
34 /**
35  * Definition of a smart object reference holding a FrameTracker object.
36  * @see FrameTracker.
37  * @ingroup trackingoffline
38  */
41 /**
42  * This class implements the base class for all visual offline tracker using frames to provide the tracking data.
43  * @ingroup trackingoffline
44  */
45 class OCEAN_TRACKING_OFFLINE_EXPORT FrameTracker : virtual public OfflineTracker
46 {
47  friend class FrameTrackerComponent;
49  protected:
51  /**
52  * This class implements the base class for all components of a frame tracker.
53  */
55  {
56  protected:
58  /**
59  * Definition of individual results for the component iterations.
60  */
62  {
63  /// The iteration succeeded and thus the component proceeds with the next frame.
65  /// The iteration failed and thus also the component fails.
67  /// The iteration finished and thus also the component finishes.
69  };
71  public:
73  /**
74  * Creates a new component object.
75  * @param parent The parent tracker that invokes this component
76  */
79  /**
80  * Destructs a tracker component object.
81  */
82  virtual ~TrackerComponent();
84  /**
85  * Invokes the component.
86  * The component starts at the initial frame index and proceeds frames with increasing indices, afterwards the components restarts at the initial frame index and proceeds frames with decreasing indices
87  * @param startEvent Event that is invoked at the beginning of the component
88  * @param breakEvent Event that is invoked if the component breaks
89  * @param finishEvent Event that is invoked if the component finishes
90  * @param lowerFrameIndex Index of the frame defining the lower (including) tracking boundary
91  * @param initialFrameIndex Index of the frame at that the tracking process will start
92  * @param upperFrameIndex Index of the frame defining the upper (including) tracking boundary
93  * @return True, if the component succeeded
94  */
95  virtual bool invoke(const TrackerEvent& startEvent, TrackerEvent& breakEvent, TrackerEvent& finishEvent, const unsigned int lowerFrameIndex, const unsigned int initialFrameIndex, const unsigned int upperFrameIndex);
97  protected:
99  /**
100  * Component start event function.
101  */
102  virtual bool onStart(const unsigned int lowerFrameIndex, const unsigned int initialFrameIndex, const unsigned int upperFrameIndex);
104  /**
105  * Component increasing start event function.
106  * This function is executed before the increasing component iterations are applied.
107  * @return True, if the start has succeeded
108  */
109  virtual bool onStartIncreasing();
111  /**
112  * Component decreasing start event function.
113  * This function is executed before the decreasing component iterations are applied.
114  * @return True, if the start has succeeded
115  */
116  virtual bool onStartDecreasing();
118  /**
119  * Iteration setup event function.
120  * This function is executed before an iteration is applied
121  * @return True, if the setup has succeeded
122  */
123  virtual bool onSetupIteration(const unsigned int index);
125  /**
126  * Applies one component step.
127  * @param previousIndex Index of the previous frame that has been handled in the previous iteration, -1 for the first iteration
128  * @param currentIndex Index of the current frame that is handled in this iteration
129  * @param iteration Index of the current iteration
130  * @param maximalIterations Number of maximal iterations that will be applied
131  * @return Returns the iteration result
132  */
133  virtual IterationResult onFrame(const unsigned int previousIndex, const unsigned int currentIndex, const unsigned int iteration, const unsigned int maximalIterations) = 0;
135  /**
136  * Component stop event function.
137  * This function is executed after the component iterations have been applied.
138  * @param lowerFrameIndex Index of the frame defining the lower (including) tracking boundary
139  * @param initialFrameIndex Index of the frame at that the tracking process will start
140  * @param upperFrameIndex Index of the frame defining the upper (including) tracking boundary
141  * @return True, if the start has succeeded
142  */
143  virtual bool onStop(const unsigned int lowerFrameIndex, const unsigned int initialFrameIndex, const unsigned int upperFrameIndex);
145  protected:
147  /// Parent tracker object that invokes this component.
149  };
151  /**
152  * This class implements the base class for all components of a frame tracker.
153  */
155  {
156  public:
158  /**
159  * Creates a new component object.
160  * @param tracker The tracker object for that this component will be executed
161  */
164  /**
165  * Destructor
166  */
167  inline ~FrameTrackerComponent() override;
169  protected:
171  /**
172  * Component decreasing start event function.
173  * @see TrackerComponent::onStartDecreasing().
174  */
175  bool onStartDecreasing() override;
177  /**
178  * Iteration setup event function.
179  * @see TrackerComponent::onSetupIteration().
180  */
181  bool onSetupIteration(const unsigned int index) override;
183  protected:
185  /// Frame that has been created in the previous component iteration.
188  /// Frame that has been created for the current component iteration.
190  };
192  /**
193  * This class implements the base class for all components of a frame tracker.
194  */
196  {
197  public:
199  /**
200  * Creates a new component object.
201  * @param tracker The tracker object for that this component will be executed
202  */
205  /**
206  * Destructor
207  */
208  inline ~FramePyramidTrackerComponent() override;
210  protected:
212  /**
213  * Component increasing start event function.
214  * @see TrackerComponent::onStartIncreasing().
215  */
216  bool onStartIncreasing() override;
218  /**
219  * Component decreasing start event function.
220  * @see TrackerComponent::onStartDecreasing().
221  */
222  bool onStartDecreasing() override;
224  /**
225  * Iteration setup event function.
226  * @see TrackerComponent::onSetupIteration().
227  */
228  bool onSetupIteration(const unsigned int index) override;
230  protected:
232  /// Frame pyramid that has been created in the previous component iteration.
235  /// Frame pyramid that has been created for the current component iteration.
238  /// Number of pyramid layers that should be created in each pyramid.
239  unsigned int framePyramidLayers_ = (unsigned int)(-1);
240  };
242  public:
244  /**
245  * Returns whether the offline tracker has finished and succeeded since the last start or has not been started yet.
246  * @return True, if so
247  * @see finished().
248  */
249  bool succeeded() const override;
251  /**
252  * Returns the camera object this is applied by this tracker.
253  * @return The pinhole camera object
254  */
255  inline const PinholeCamera& camera() const;
257  /**
258  * Returns the camera precision of this tracker.
259  * @return The pinhole camera precision, in squared pixel errors, -1 if unknown
260  */
261  inline Scalar cameraPrecision() const;
263  /**
264  * Starts the offline tracker.
265  * Ensure that a frame provider has been set before.<br>
266  * @return True, if succeeded
267  * @see stop(), finished(), setFrameProvider().
268  */
269  bool start() override;
271  /**
272  * Sets the frame provider interface that allows to request the individual frames for the offline tracker.
273  * @param frameProviderInterface Frame provider interface to be set
274  * @return True, if succeeded, returns false if the interface has been set already
275  */
276  virtual bool setFrameProviderInterface(const CV::FrameProviderInterfaceRef& frameProviderInterface);
278  /**
279  * Sets the frame range of this frame tracker.
280  * The range specify a subset of the entire frames that are investigated during tracking.<br>
281  * The given parameters should match the number of available frames provided by the frame provider.<br>
282  * If the frame provider provides less frames than specified by the range parameters, the parameters will be adjusted automatically.<br>
283  * The range cannot be adjusted if the tracker is active.<br>
284  * @param lowerFrameIndex Index of the first frame that will be investigated, with range [0, infinity)
285  * @param upperFrameIndex Index of the last frame that will be investigated, with range [lowerFrameIndex, infinity)
286  * @param startFrameIndex Index of the start frame at which the tracking will start, with range [lowerFrameIndex, upperFrameIndex], or -1 to use no specific start frame
287  * @return True, if succeeded
288  * @see setFrameProviderInterface()
289  */
290  virtual bool setTrackingFrameRange(const unsigned int lowerFrameIndex, const unsigned int upperFrameIndex, const unsigned int startFrameIndex = (unsigned int)(-1));
292  /**
293  * Sets a camera object that will be used by this tracker.
294  * @param pinholeCamera The pinhole camera object to be used
295  * @param cameraPrecision The precision of the given camera object, in squared pixel errors, should be -1 if unknown
296  * @param optimizeCamera True, to take the given camera object as rough estimation only
297  * @return True, if succeeded
298  */
299  virtual bool setCamera(const PinholeCamera& pinholeCamera, const Scalar cameraPrecision, const bool optimizeCamera);
301  protected:
303  /**
304  * Creates a new offline frame tracker object.
305  */
306  FrameTracker() = default;
308  /**
309  * Creates a new offline frame tracker object.
310  * @param frameProviderInterface Frame provider interface to be set
311  */
312  inline FrameTracker(const CV::FrameProviderInterfaceRef& frameProviderInterface);
314  /**
315  * Thread run function.
316  */
317  void threadRun() override;
319  /**
320  * Frame tracker run function.
321  * @param frameType Frame type of the tracking frames
322  * @return True, if the tracking succeeded
323  */
324  virtual bool applyFrameTracking(const FrameType& frameType) = 0;
326  /**
327  * Applies the initialization of the frame tracker.
328  * The function initializes the frame provider interface and waits until a valid frame type is known.
329  * @return The frame type of the frame provider interface, an invalid frame type if the initialization fails
330  */
333  /**
334  * Updates the camera of this tracker and invokes the corresponding state event(s).
335  * @param pinholeCamera The new pinhole camera for this tracker
336  */
337  virtual void updateCamera(const PinholeCamera& pinholeCamera);
339  protected:
341  /// Frame provider interface that allows to request the individual frames for this offline tracker.
344  /// Index of the lower frame range.
345  unsigned int lowerFrameIndex_ = (unsigned int)(-1);
347  /// Index of the frame at that the tracking will start, or -1 if no specific frame is specified
348  unsigned int startFrameIndex_ = (unsigned int)(-1);
350  /// Index of the upper frame range.
351  unsigned int upperFrameIndex_ = (unsigned int)(-1);
353  /// The camera object of this tracker.
356  /// The precision of the camera object in squared pixel errors.
357  Scalar cameraPrecision_ = Scalar(-1);
359  /// True, if the camera needs to be optimized during the tracking process.
360  bool optimizeCamera_ = true;
362  /// Succeeded state of the tracker.
363  bool succeeded_ = true;
364 };
367 {
368  // Nothing else to do.
369 }
372 {
373  // Nothing else to do.
374 }
376 inline FrameTracker::FrameTracker(const CV::FrameProviderInterfaceRef& frameProviderInterface) :
377  OfflineTracker(),
378  frameProviderInterface_(frameProviderInterface)
379 {
380  // nothing to do here
381 }
383 inline const PinholeCamera& FrameTracker::camera() const
384 {
385  return camera_;
386 }
389 {
390  return cameraPrecision_;
391 }
393 }
395 }
397 }
This class implements a frame pyramid.
Definition: FramePyramid.h:37
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition: Frame.h:1760
Definition of a frame type composed by the frame dimension, pixel format and pixel origin.
Definition: Frame.h:30
This template class implements a smart object reference which is a specialization of an ObjectRef obj...
Definition: SmartObjectRef.h:90
This class implements the base class for all components of a frame tracker.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:196
FramePyramidTrackerComponent(FrameTracker &tracker)
Creates a new component object.
CV::FramePyramid previousFramePyramid_
Frame pyramid that has been created in the previous component iteration.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:233
~FramePyramidTrackerComponent() override
Definition: FrameTracker.h:371
CV::FramePyramid currentFramePyramid_
Frame pyramid that has been created for the current component iteration.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:236
bool onStartIncreasing() override
Component increasing start event function.
bool onStartDecreasing() override
Component decreasing start event function.
bool onSetupIteration(const unsigned int index) override
Iteration setup event function.
This class implements the base class for all components of a frame tracker.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:155
bool onStartDecreasing() override
Component decreasing start event function.
~FrameTrackerComponent() override
Definition: FrameTracker.h:366
Frame currentFrame_
Frame that has been created for the current component iteration.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:189
Frame previousFrame_
Frame that has been created in the previous component iteration.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:186
bool onSetupIteration(const unsigned int index) override
Iteration setup event function.
FrameTrackerComponent(FrameTracker &tracker)
Creates a new component object.
This class implements the base class for all components of a frame tracker.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:55
virtual ~TrackerComponent()
Destructs a tracker component object.
virtual IterationResult onFrame(const unsigned int previousIndex, const unsigned int currentIndex, const unsigned int iteration, const unsigned int maximalIterations)=0
Applies one component step.
Definition of individual results for the component iterations.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:62
The iteration succeeded and thus the component proceeds with the next frame.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:64
The iteration failed and thus also the component fails.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:66
virtual bool onStartIncreasing()
Component increasing start event function.
virtual bool invoke(const TrackerEvent &startEvent, TrackerEvent &breakEvent, TrackerEvent &finishEvent, const unsigned int lowerFrameIndex, const unsigned int initialFrameIndex, const unsigned int upperFrameIndex)
Invokes the component.
virtual bool onStart(const unsigned int lowerFrameIndex, const unsigned int initialFrameIndex, const unsigned int upperFrameIndex)
Component start event function.
virtual bool onStop(const unsigned int lowerFrameIndex, const unsigned int initialFrameIndex, const unsigned int upperFrameIndex)
Component stop event function.
FrameTracker & parent_
Parent tracker object that invokes this component.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:148
virtual bool onSetupIteration(const unsigned int index)
Iteration setup event function.
TrackerComponent(FrameTracker &parent)
Creates a new component object.
virtual bool onStartDecreasing()
Component decreasing start event function.
This class implements the base class for all visual offline tracker using frames to provide the track...
Definition: FrameTracker.h:46
const PinholeCamera & camera() const
Returns the camera object this is applied by this tracker.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:383
PinholeCamera camera_
The camera object of this tracker.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:354
virtual bool setTrackingFrameRange(const unsigned int lowerFrameIndex, const unsigned int upperFrameIndex, const unsigned int startFrameIndex=(unsigned int)(-1))
Sets the frame range of this frame tracker.
bool start() override
Starts the offline tracker.
virtual bool setCamera(const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const Scalar cameraPrecision, const bool optimizeCamera)
Sets a camera object that will be used by this tracker.
CV::FrameProviderInterfaceRef frameProviderInterface_
Frame provider interface that allows to request the individual frames for this offline tracker.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:342
Scalar cameraPrecision() const
Returns the camera precision of this tracker.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:388
bool succeeded() const override
Returns whether the offline tracker has finished and succeeded since the last start or has not been s...
Creates a new offline frame tracker object.
void threadRun() override
Thread run function.
Scalar cameraPrecision_
The precision of the camera object in squared pixel errors.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:357
virtual void updateCamera(const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera)
Updates the camera of this tracker and invokes the corresponding state event(s).
FrameType applyFrameTrackingInitialization()
Applies the initialization of the frame tracker.
virtual bool setFrameProviderInterface(const CV::FrameProviderInterfaceRef &frameProviderInterface)
Sets the frame provider interface that allows to request the individual frames for the offline tracke...
virtual bool applyFrameTracking(const FrameType &frameType)=0
Frame tracker run function.
This class is the base class for all offline tracker objects.
Definition: OfflineTracker.h:45
This class implements the base class for all tracker events.
Definition: TrackerEvent.h:51
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition: Math.h:128
SmartObjectRef< FrameTracker, OfflineTracker > FrameTrackerRef
Definition of a smart object reference holding a FrameTracker object.
Definition: FrameTracker.h:32
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15