Displays reference

HiPlot consists of multiple independant displays. Each of those can be configured using hiplot.Experiment.display_data() (see also Frontend rendering settings for an example).

Parallel Plot

// Corresponds to values in the dict of `exp.display_data(hip.Displays.PARALLEL_PLOT)`
export interface ParallelPlotDisplayData {
  // Ordering of the columns
  order?: Array<string>;

  // Hidden columns, that won't appear in the parallel plot
  // NOTE: Categorical columns with more than `categoricalMaximumValues` distinct values will be hidden
  // NOTE: Columns with a single value won't appear either unless you provide a min/max
  //       eg: `exp.parameters_definition["column_name"].force_range(0, 100)`
  hide?: Array<string>;

  // These columns will be inverted (higher values are below)
  invert?: Array<string>;

  // Categorical columns with more distinct values that this won't be displayed
  categoricalMaximumValues: number;


// Corresponds to values in the dict of `exp.display_data(hip.Displays.XY)`
export interface PlotXYDisplayData {
  axis_x: string | null,
  axis_y: string | null,
  lines_thickness: number;
  lines_opacity: number;
  dots_thickness: number; // Circle radius in pixel
  dots_highlighed_thickness: number;  // Circle radius in pixel
  dots_opacity: number;

  // Default height in pixels
  height?: number;


// Corresponds to values in the dict of `exp.display_data(hip.Displays.TABLE)`
export interface TableDisplayData {
    // Hidden columns, that won't appear in the table
    hide: Array<string>;

    // Default ordering of the rows in the table.
    // To order by `loss` for instance, set it to [['loss', 'desc']]
    order_by: Array<[string /* column name */, string /* "asc" or "desc" */]>;

    // Ordering of the columns
    order?: Array<string>;


// Corresponds to values in the dict of `exp.display_data(hip.Displays.DISTRIBUTION)`
export interface DistributionDisplayData {
    // Number of bins for distribution of numeric variables
    nbins: number;

    // Animation duration in ms when data changes
    animateMs: number;

    // Default axis for the distribution plot
    axis?: string;