
We recommend mamba as a faster drop-in replacement for conda. After installing mamba (conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge), simply substitute mamba for conda in all of the following instructions.


From Anaconda

  1. Activate a conda environment with python=3.8:

    conda activate polymetis
    • If you don’t have one yet, create one with the proper Python version:

      conda create -n polymetis python=3.8
  2. Install polymetis using conda. This should pull the latest successful build from main branch.

    conda install -c pytorch -c fair-robotics -c aihabitat -c conda-forge polymetis

    Note: We build the conda package with the libfranka v0.9.0, which requires Franka Control Interface (FCI) version >=4.2.1. If you have a different version of FCI, consider building from source with the compatible version of libfranka (see below).

For advanced users & developers

From source

  1. Clone repo:

    git clone
    cd fairo/polymetis
  2. Create environment

    conda env create -f ./polymetis/environment.yml
    conda activate polymetis-local
  3. Install Python package in editable mode:

    pip install -e ./polymetis
  4. Build from source:

    • Optionally, build libfranka for use on Franka Panda hardware:

      # Build libfranka
      # OPTIONAL: Build custom version of libfranka instead
      ./scripts/ <version_tag_or_commit_hash>
    • Optionally, install the CUDA-enabled version of PyTorch (by default, only the CPU version is enabled).

    • Build Polymetis from source:

      mkdir -p ./polymetis/build
      cd ./polymetis/build
      make -j
  5. Start developing! Remember to rebuild if modifying C++ source code. When updating, you may need to do a conda env update --file ./polymetis/environment.yml --prune to update dependencies.

From a local conda package

We rebuild a new conda package during CI on every pushed commit, and store it as an artifact in CircleCI. If you’re trying to debug a particular commit, you may want to install the generated Conda package locally.

  1. For the commit you’re interested in, select the “Details” of the conda-pkg-create-and-test test:

    CircleCI artifact

  2. Click the “Artifacts” tab, and download the polymetis*.tar.bz2 file generated by CircleCI:

    CircleCI artifact

  3. In a fresh conda environment, install the package:

    • Create a fresh conda environment:

      conda create -n polymetis-test python=3.8
      conda activate polymetis-test
    • Update the local channel:

      cd polymetis/polymetis
      PKG_PATH=/path/to/downloaded/polymetis*.tar.bz2 ./conda/
    • Install polymetis from the local channel:

      conda install -c file://$(eval pwd)/conda/channel \
          -c pytorch \
          -c fair-robotics \
          -c aihabitat \
          -c conda-forge \