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This website is an archive of Project Aria's first open source initiative. It still provides specific tooling and documentation for the Aria Pilot Dataset, but to use the most up to date tooling, documentation and to find out about our other open datasets go to Project Aria Tools.


How do I install Podman?

Depending upon your operating system, there are several ways to get Podman. Here are some of the ways.

On Fedora or CentOS

$ sudo dnf install podman


$ brew install podman

debian or Ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install podman

Configuring Podman as a virtual machine

You do not need to run Podman as a virtual machine, but it is an option. If you use your container as a virtual machine you probably need at least 4 CPUs, 8 GB ram and 200 GB of disk space.

Podman and Docker are very similar. For all the instructions below, replace the word podman with docker to make it work with Docker.

Check your container's VM settings

$ podman machine ls
podman-machine-default* qemu 4 hours ago Currently running 4 8.594GB 214.7GB

Configure settings

If you do not have 4 CPUs, 8 GB ram and 200 GB of disk space.

$ podman machine stop; podman machine rm
$ podman machine init -m 8192 --cpus=4 --disk-space=200 && podman machine start

Do you have any visualizations I can look at?

Yes we do! Here are a few.

Everyday Activities Dataset

Eye Tracking Visualization

Shared 3D Global Trajectories for Multi-User Activities in the Same Location

Shared 3D Global Trajectories for Multi-User Activities in the Same Location

Synchronized Recording of Two Wearers in the One Location

Synchronized Recording Location: Two Wearers in the One Location (Script 2)

Desktop Activities Multi-View

Desktop Activity Visualization

Object Sorting & Tidying Multi-View

Visualize Sequences and Pre-Computed Camera Trajectory

AriaViewer Player

AriaViewer Player with Multiple Recordings