Playing with rlstructures

We propose some examples of Batcher uses to better understand how it works. The python file is

Blocking / non-Blocking batcher execution

The batcher.get function can be executed in batcher.get(blocking=True) or batcher.get(blocking=False) modes.

  • In the first mode blocking=True, the progam will wait the batcher to end its acquisition and will return trajectories

  • In the second mode blocking=False,the batcher will return None,None is the acquisition is not finished. It thus allows to perform other computation without waiting the batcher to finished

Replaying an agent over an acquired trajectory

When trajectories have been acquired, then the autograd graph is not avaialbe (i.e batcher are launched in require_grad=False mode). It is important to be able to recompute the agent steps on these trajectories.

We provide the replay_agent function to facilitate this replay. An example is given in

Some other examples of use are given in the A2C and DQN implementations.