We also provide the https://github.com/facebookresearch/rlstructures/blob/main/tutorial/playing_with_rlstructures.py tutorial to help you to understand the data structures exchanged by the different components.
In rlstructures, an environment is an instance of rlstructures.VecEnv.
A rlstructures.VecEnv represents VecEnv.n_envs() simple environments at once.
Conceptually, a VecEnv.step methods takes as an input an action (as a DictTensor) and returns an obervation (as a DictTensor).
In practice the return type of the VecEnv.step returns a more complicated structure (that you don’t need to understand if you don’t intend to create your own environments or are using the OpenAI gym interface)
Note that typically the observation will contain the reward obtained by the agent and any relevant information.
The reset function may receive an env_info (of size VecEnv.n_envs()) argument as a dictionnary of lists/np.arrays. It allows one to implement parametrized environments (i.e different environments in the same VecEnv).
Creating from Gym Environments¶
The simplest way to create a rlstructures/VecEnv is to do it from a gym.Env. In that case, the gym env will: * return a dict or a simple array as an observation * the observation_space and action_space are not needed
Let us define a simple gym.Env environment:
import gym
from gym.utils import seeding
from gym.spaces import Discrete
class MyEnv(gym.Env):
def __init__(self):
def seed(self,seed=None):
print("Seed = %d"%seed)
def reset(self,env_info={}):
return {"x":self.x,"identifier":self.identifier}
def step(self,action):
if action==0:
return {"x":self.x,"identifier":self.identifier},self.x,self.x<-1 or self.x>1,{}
We can cast 4 environment instances to a rlstructures.VecEnv as follows:
envs=[MyEnv() for k in range(4)]
Each instance i of the gym.Env will be initialized with seed+i such that the multiple instances will have different seeds.
We also provide a wrapper allowing an infinite execution of the environment where each environment instance is automatically reseted at the end of each episode:
envs=[MyEnv() for k in range(4)]
To know more about rlstructures.VecEnv¶
A VecEnv corresponds to env.n_envs() environments that are running simultaneously.
A each timestep, n < env.n_envs() are running since some environments may have stopped due to end of the episode.
3. VecEnv returns a DictTensor denoted obs as an observation such that obs.n_elems()==n (i.e one observation per running environment) 3. At time t+1, VecEnv.step has to receive a DictTensor of size n (i.e one action for each running environment)
In the real-life, when executing the reset function, the rlstructures.VecEnv returns a tuple observation,running_environments. The running_environment tensor tells which environments are still running.
When executing the step method:
(obs,who_was_running),(obs2,who_is_still_running) = env.step(action)
obs is the observation (at t) coming from the environments that were running at t-1
who_was_running is the list of environnments still running at time t-1. Note that who_was_running.size()[0]=obs.n_elems()
obs2 is the observation (at t) from the environments that are still running at time t (i.e obs2 is a subset of obs)
who_is_still_running is the list of environments running at time t
Interacting with the Environment¶
Interaction with the environment is easy, the agent and environment exchanges `DictTensor`s
while n_running>0: #While some envs are still running
(obs,who_was_running),(obs2,who_is_still_running) = env.step(action)