Data Structures¶
A DictTensor is dictionary of pytorch tensors. It assumes that the first dimension of each tensor contained in the DictTensor is the batch dimension. The easiest way to build a DictTensor is to use a ditcionary of tensors as input
from rlstructures import DictTensor
import torch
The number of elements in the batch is accessible through n_elems():
print(d.n_elems()," <- number of elements in the batch")
An empty DictTensor can be defined as follows:
Many methods can be used over DictTensor (see DictTensor documentation):
d["x"] # Returns the tensor 'x' in the DictTensor
d.keys() # Returns the names of the variables of the DictTensor
Tensors can be organized in a tree structure:
A TemporalDictTensor is a packed sequence of DictTensors. In memory, it is stored as a dictionary of tensors, where the first dimesion is the batch dimension, and the second dimension is the time index. Each element in the batch is a sequence, and two sequences can have different lengths.
from rlstructures import TemporalDictTensor
#Create three sequences of variables x and y, where the length of the first sequence is 6, the length of the second is 10 and the length of the last sequence is 3
print(d.n_elems()," <- number of elements in the batch")
print(d.lengths,"<- Lengths of the sequences")
print(d["x"].size(),"<- access to the tensor 'x'")
print("Masking: ")
print("Slicing (restricting the sequence to some particular temporal indexes) ")
DictTensor and TemporalDictTensor can be moved to cpu/gpu using the…) method.
We recently introduced the Trajectories structure as a pair of one DictTensor and one TemporalDictTensor to represent Trajectories
See the Agent and Batcher documentation for more details.