Overview of rlstructures¶
rlstructures is a lightweight Python library that provides simple APIs as well as data structures that make as few assumptions as possible about the structure of your agent or your task while allowing the transparent execution of multiple policies on multiple environments in parallel (incl. multiple GPUs).
Important Note (Feb 2021)¶
Due to feedback, we have made changed over the API. The old API is still working, but we encourage you to move to the new one. The modifications are:
There is now only one Batcher class (called RL_Batcher)
The format of the trajectories returned by the batcher is different (see the Getting Started section)
The Agent API (RL_Agent) is different and simplified
We also include a replay function to facilitate loss computation
The principles are exaclty the same, and adaptation is easy (and we can help !)
The API will not change anymore during the next months.
RL research addresses multiple aspects of RL like hierarchical policies, option-based policies, goal-oriented policies, structured input/output spaces, transformers-based policies, etc. and there are currently few tools to handle this diversity of research projects.
We propose rlstructures as a way to:
Simulate multiple policies, multiple models and multiple environments simultaneously at scale
Define complex loss functions
Quickly implement various policy architectures.
The main RLStructures principle is that the users delegates the sampling of trajectories and episodes to the library so that they can spend most of their time on the interesting part of RL research: developing new models and algorithms.
rlstructures is easy to use: it has very few simple interfaces that can be learned in one hour by reading the tutorials. It comes with multiple RL algorithms as examples including A2C, PPO, DDQN and SAC. In addition, there are 5 projects already using it (Multitask RL, Exploration, Diversity in RL, Optimization, …) and helping each other. Please reach out to us if you intend to use it. We will be happy to help, and potentially to implement missing functionalities.
Install rlstructures¶
clone the repository from http://github.com/facebookresearch/rlstructures
run “pip install .”
or run your scripts using “PYTHONPATH=rlstructures python …”
Learning to use rlstructures¶
Learning rlstructures can be done in close to an hour (based on the feedback from multiple users). It involves the following steps (see the getting started Section)
Learning about DictTensor and TemporalDictTensor that are the two data structures used everywhere in RLStructures (15 minutes)
Learning about mapping a Gym Environment to a RLStructure Environment (5 minutes)
Learning about the RL_Agent API allowing one to implement any agent, including recurrent agents (30 minutes). Note that an agent may be parameterized such that one implementation may correspond to different agents \(\pi_z\).
Learning about creating and using multi-processes batchers (i.e RL_Batcher) (15 minutes) . These batchers are the core objects that will allow you to work at scale.
Now, you can execute a complex policy over an environment in a multi-threaded way, and get a simple data structure as an output on which you can compute any complex loss and gradients.
Step-by-Step implementation of classical algorithms¶
We also propose a step-by-step tutorial to implement both REINFORCE, and A2C with a simple and a recurrent policy (see tutorial section). Following this tutorial will help you to understand the basis of rlstructures
Now, you are ready to implement your own algorithms!!
Provided algorithms (as examples)¶
We provide multiple implementations of RL algorithms in the rlaglos package as illustrative examples. Note that these algorithms have been benchmarked on simple environments only.
A2C for discrete action space (using recurrent or not recurrent architectures) with GAE (i.e including REINFORCE)
PPO for discrete action space (using recurrent or not recurrent architectures)
Double and Dueling DQN with prioritized experience replay buffer for discrete action space (no recurrent architectures)
SAC for continuous action space (using not recurrent architectures)
Discussion Group¶
Discussion Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/834804787067021
Contributions to rlstructures are greatly appreciated! Particularly: 1) new algorithms 2) execution of batchers over remote computers 3) API simplification 4) …….
author = {L. Denoyer, D. Rothermel and X. Martinet},
title = {{RLStructures - A simple library for RL research}},
year = {2021},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://GitHub.com/FacebookResearch/rlstructures}},
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