rendering/Rendering.h File Reference

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 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
 Namespace of the Rendering library.


typedef size_t Ocean::Rendering::ObjectId
 Definition of a object id. More...
typedef unsigned int Ocean::Rendering::VertexIndex
 Definition of a vertex index. More...
typedef Vector3 Ocean::Rendering::Normal
 Definition of a 3D normal. More...
typedef Vector2 Ocean::Rendering::TextureCoordinate
 Definition of a 2D texture coordinate. More...
typedef Vector3 Ocean::Rendering::Vertex
 Definition of a 3D vertex. More...
typedef std::vector< VertexIndex > Ocean::Rendering::VertexIndices
 Definition of a vector holding vertex indices. More...
typedef std::vector< Normal > Ocean::Rendering::Normals
 Definition of a vector holding normals. More...
typedef std::vector< TextureCoordinate > Ocean::Rendering::TextureCoordinates
 Definition of a vector holding texture coordinates. More...
typedef std::vector< Vertex > Ocean::Rendering::Vertices
 Definition of a vector holding vertices. More...
typedef std::vector< VertexIndices > Ocean::Rendering::VertexIndexGroups
 Definition of a vector holding vertex indices. More...


const ObjectId Ocean::Rendering::invalidObjectId = ObjectId(-1)
 Definition of an invalid object id. More...
constexpr VertexIndex Ocean::Rendering::invalidIndex = VertexIndex(-1)
 Definition of an invalid vertex index. More...