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Ocean::SceneDescription Namespace Reference

Namespace of the SceneDescription library. More...


namespace  SDL
namespace  SDX

Data Structures

class  DynamicNode
 This class is the base class for all nodes able to handle fields loaded during runtime. More...
class  Field
 This class is the base class for all scene description fields. More...
class  Field0D
 This class implements all 0D fields (fields holding a single value only). More...
class  Field1D
 This class implements all 1D fields (fields holding an array of single values). More...
class  Library
 This class is the base class for all scene description libraries. More...
class  Manager
 This class implements the manager for all scene descriptions. More...
class  Node
 This class is the base class for all scene description nodes. More...
class  NodeRefManager
 This class implements a scene description node reference manager. More...
class  Scene
 This class implements the base class for all scene objects providing access to all elements of a scene. More...
class  SDLNode
 This class implements the base class for all scene description nodes. More...
class  SDLScene
 This class implements the base class for all sdl scene object providing access to all elements of a scene. More...
class  SDXDynamicNode
 This class implements the base class for all dynamic SDX scene description nodes. More...
class  SDXEventNode
 This class implements the base class for all nodes receiving event calls regularly. More...
class  SDXNode
 This class implements the base class for all SDX scene description nodes. More...
class  SDXScene
 This class implements the base class for all sdx scene object providing access to all elements of a scene. More...
class  SDXUpdateNode
 This class implements the base class for all nodes needing update calls regularly. More...
class  TypeMapper
 Class providing mapping between scalar field types and real types. More...


typedef SmartObjectRef< DynamicNode, NodeDynamicNodeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for X scene description nodes.
typedef Field0D< bool > SingleBool
 Definition of a single field with boolean value.
typedef Field0D< RGBAColorSingleColor
 Definition of a single field with color value.
typedef Field0D< ScalarSingleFloat
 Definition of a single field with float value.
typedef Field0D< int > SingleInt
 Definition of a single field with integer value.
typedef Field0D< NodeRefSingleNode
 Definition of a single field with node value.
typedef Field0D< SquareMatrix3SingleMatrix3
 Definition of a single field with 3x3 matrix value.
typedef Field0D< SquareMatrix4SingleMatrix4
 Definition of a single field with 4x4 matrix value.
typedef Field0D< RotationSingleRotation
 Definition of a single field with rotation value.
typedef Field0D< std::string > SingleString
 Definition of a single field with string value.
typedef Field0D< TimestampSingleTime
 Definition of a single field with time value.
typedef Field0D< Vector2SingleVector2
 Definition of a single field with 2D vector value.
typedef Field0D< Vector3SingleVector3
 Definition of a single field with 3D vector value.
typedef Field0D< Vector4SingleVector4
 Definition of a single field with 4D vector value.
typedef Field1D< bool > MultiBool
 Definition of a multi field with boolean values.
typedef Field1D< RGBAColorMultiColor
 Definition of a multi field with color values.
typedef Field1D< ScalarMultiFloat
 Definition of a multi field with float values.
typedef Field1D< int > MultiInt
 Definition of a multi field with integer values.
typedef Field1D< NodeRefMultiNode
 Definition of a multi field with node values.
typedef Field1D< SquareMatrix3MultiMatrix3
 Definition of a multi field with 3x3 matrix values.
typedef Field1D< SquareMatrix4MultiMatrix4
 Definition of a multi field with 4x4 matrix values.
typedef Field1D< RotationMultiRotation
 Definition of a multi field with rotation values.
typedef Field1D< std::string > MultiString
 Definition of a multi field with string values.
typedef Field1D< TimestampMultiTime
 Definition of a multi field with time values.
typedef Field1D< Vector2MultiVector2
 Definition of a multi field with 2D vector values.
typedef Field1D< Vector3MultiVector3
 Definition of a multi field with 3D vector values.
typedef Field1D< Vector4MultiVector4
 Definition of a multi field with 4D vector values.
typedef ObjectRef< LibraryLibraryRef
 Definition of a object reference holding a library object.
typedef Ocean::ObjectRef< NodeNodeRef
 Definition of a scene description node reference with an internal reference counter.
typedef std::vector< NodeRefNodeRefs
 Definition of a vector holding scene description node references.
typedef SmartObjectRef< Scene, NodeSceneRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for scene desciption scenes.
typedef size_t NodeId
 Definition of a object id.
typedef size_t SceneId
 Definition of a unique scene id.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SDLNode, NodeSDLNodeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for loader scene description nodes.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SDLScene, NodeSDLSceneRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for scene desciption loader scenes.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SDXDynamicNode, NodeSDXDynamicNodeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for SDX dynamic scene description nodes.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SDXNode, NodeSDXNodeRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for SDX scene description nodes.
typedef std::set< SDXNodeRefSDXNodeSet
 Definition of a set holding SDX node references.
typedef SmartObjectRef< SDXScene, NodeSDXSceneRef
 Definition of a smart object reference for scene desciption X scenes.


enum  DescriptionType : uint32_t { TYPE_TRANSIENT = 1u , TYPE_PERMANENT = 2u }
 Definition of different scene description types. More...
 Definition of different button types. More...
 Definition of different device events. More...


constexpr NodeId invalidNodeId = NodeId(-1)
 Definition of an invalid object id.
constexpr SceneId invalidSceneId = SceneId(-1)
 Definition of an invalid scene id.

Detailed Description

Namespace of the SceneDescription library.

The Namespace Ocean::SceneDescription is used in the entire Ocean SceneDescription Library.

Typedef Documentation

◆ SceneId

Definition of a unique scene id.

Variable Documentation

◆ invalidSceneId

constexpr SceneId Ocean::SceneDescription::invalidSceneId = SceneId(-1)

Definition of an invalid scene id.