Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution Class Reference

This class implements spatial distribution function for 2D geometric data. More...

Data Structures

class  Array
 This class implements a base class for data arrays. More...
class  DistanceElement
 Definition of a class holding an index and a distance. More...
class  DistributionArray
 This class implements a distribution array. More...
class  OccupancyArray
 This class implements an occupancy array. More...

Public Types

typedef std::vector< DistanceElementDistanceElements
 Definition of a vector holding distance elements. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void idealBins (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const size_t numberBins, unsigned int &horizontalBins, unsigned int &verticalBins, const unsigned int minimalHorizontalBins=2u, const unsigned int minimalVerticalBins=2u)
 Calculates the ideal number of horizontal and vertical bins for an array if the overall number of bins is known. More...
static void idealBinsNeighborhood9 (const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const Scalar distance, unsigned int &horizontalBins, unsigned int &verticalBins, const unsigned int minimalHorizontalBins=2u, const unsigned int minimalVerticalBins=2u, const unsigned int maximalHorizontalBins=20u, const unsigned int maximalVerticalBins=20u)
 Calculates the ideal number of horizontal and vertical bins for an array if bin elements within a certain distance should be guaranteed to be located in the 9 neighborhood of that bin This function tries to get bins with almost identical horizontal and vertical size. More...
static DistributionArray distributeToArray (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int averagePointsPerBin, const unsigned int maxHorizontalBins, const unsigned int maxVerticalBins, unsigned int &horizontalBins, unsigned int &verticalBins)
 Distributes the given 2D image points into a spatial array. More...
static DistributionArray distributeToArray (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins)
 Distributes a set of given 2D image points into a spatial array. More...
template<typename T , const Vector2 &(*)(const T &) tFunction>
static DistributionArray distributeToArray (const T *elements, const size_t number, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins)
 Distributes the given elements into a spatial array. More...
template<unsigned int tMaximalBins>
static DistributionArray distributeToArray (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const Scalar searchDistance)
 Distributes the given 2D image points into a spatial array. More...
static OccupancyArray createOccupancyArray (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins)
 Distributes the given 2D image points into a spatial array. More...
static Indices32 filterAccordingDistance (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const Scalar distance)
 Filters the given 2D image points according to their distance to neighboring image points. More...
static void filterCandidatePoint (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const ImagePoint *candidatePoints, const size_t numberCandidatePoints, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const Scalar filterDistance, const unsigned int filterSize, Indices32 *filteredIndices=nullptr, ImagePoints *filteredCandidates=nullptr)
 Filters the given 2D candidate points according to the distance to the given image points. More...
static DistanceElements sortAccordingDistance (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const bool minimalDistanceFirst)
 Sorts the given 2D image points according to their minimal distance to neighboring image points. More...
static DistanceElements sortAccordingDistance (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t number, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int bins, const bool minimalDistanceFirst)
 Sorts the given 2D image points according to their minimal distance to neighboring image points. More...
static Scalar determineMinimalSqrDistance (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const unsigned int index, const DistributionArray &distributionImagePoints)
 Determines the minimal square distance for one given 2D image point to all other points in the same set. More...
static void determineMinimalSqrDistances (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int bins, Scalar *sqrDistances)
 Determines the minimal square distances for each given 2D image point to all other points in the same set. More...
static void determineMinimalSqrDistances (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const ImagePoint *candidates, const size_t numberCandidates, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int bins, Scalar *sqrDistances)
 Determines the minimal square distances for each given 2D image point to another given set of 2D image points. More...
static void determineMinimalSqrDistances (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const ImagePoint *candidates, const size_t numberCandidates, const DistributionArray &distributionCandidates, Scalar *sqrDistances, unsigned int *candidateIndices=nullptr)
 Determines the minimal square distances for each given image point to another given set of image points. More...
static void determineMinimalSqrDistances (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const unsigned int *interestIndices, const size_t numberInterestIndices, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int bins, Scalar *sqrDistances)
 Determines the minimal square distances for each specified image point inside their neighborhood. More...
static Indices32 determineNeighbors (const ImagePoint &imagePoint, const ImagePoint *candidatePoints, const size_t numberCandidatePoints, const Scalar radius, const DistributionArray &distributionCandidatePoints)
 Determines all candidate points for a given image point (interest point) lying inside a specified circle around the interest point. More...
static Index32 determineNearestNeighbor (const ImagePoint &interestPoint, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Scalar radius, const DistributionArray &distributionImagePoints, Scalar *sqrDistance=nullptr)
 Determines the nearest image point between an interest point and a set of given image point lying inside a specified circle around the interest point. More...
static ImagePoints distributeAndFilter (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins)
 Distributes the given image points into an array of specified size and returns (at most) one point from each bin. More...
static ImagePoints distributeAndFilter (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins, const size_t size)
 Distributes the given image points into an array of specified size and returns as much points as requested by first selecting the first point from each bin, then the second point from each bin, and so on. More...
template<typename TIndex >
static std::vector< TIndex > distributeAndFilterIndices (const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t numberImagePoints, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins)
 Distributes the given image points into an array of specified size and returns (at most) one point index from each bin. More...
template<typename T , Vector2(*)(const T &) tFunction>
static std::vector< T > distributeAndFilter (const T *elements, const size_t numberElements, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins)
 Distributes the given elements into an array of specified size and returns (at most) one element from each bin. More...
template<typename T , Vector2(*)(const T &) tFunction>
static std::vector< T > distributeAndFilter (const T *elements, const size_t numberElements, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins, const size_t numberDesiredFilteredElements, Indices32 *indices=nullptr)
 Distributes the given elements into an array of specified size but returns as much elements per bin necessary to reach the specified amount of desired elements. More...
template<typename T , typename TIndex , Vector2(*)(const T &) tFunction>
static std::vector< TIndex > distributeAndFilterIndices (const T *elements, const size_t numberElements, const Scalar left, const Scalar top, const Scalar width, const Scalar height, const unsigned int horizontalBins, const unsigned int verticalBins)
 Distributes the given elements into an array of specified size and returns (at most) one point index from each bin. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

template<typename T >
static T identity (const T &value)
 This function simply returns the given object (actually a copy of the object). More...

Detailed Description

This class implements spatial distribution function for 2D geometric data.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ DistanceElements

Definition of a vector holding distance elements.

Member Function Documentation

◆ createOccupancyArray()

static OccupancyArray Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::createOccupancyArray ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  number,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins 

Distributes the given 2D image points into a spatial array.

Instead of creating a 2D array a 1D array is returned with the first n elements for the top bins and the second n elements for the second top bins and so on. Image points not fitting into the array bins are discarded.

imagePointsImage points to be distributed, must be valid if the specified number is not zero
numberThe number of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the points, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the points, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to distribute the image points into, with range [1, width]
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to distribute the image points into, with range [1, height]
Resulting array holding the indices of the distributed image points

◆ determineMinimalSqrDistance()

static Scalar Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::determineMinimalSqrDistance ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const unsigned int  index,
const DistributionArray distributionImagePoints 

Determines the minimal square distance for one given 2D image point to all other points in the same set.

This function uses an already create point distribution to speed up the computation.
Candidates for nearest neighbors are all points lying in the 9-bin-neighborhood of a point, thus the result technically is an approximation and not correct in any case.

imagePointsImage points to calculate the distances for
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points
indexThe index of the image point to find the minimal square distance for, with range [0, numberImagePoints)
distributionImagePointsAlready created distribution array of the image points
Resulting square distances calculated for the given image point

◆ determineMinimalSqrDistances() [1/4]

static void Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::determineMinimalSqrDistances ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const ImagePoint candidates,
const size_t  numberCandidates,
const DistributionArray distributionCandidates,
Scalar sqrDistances,
unsigned int *  candidateIndices = nullptr 

Determines the minimal square distances for each given image point to another given set of image points.

Candidates for nearest neighbors are all points lying in the 9-bin-neighborhood of a point, thus the result technically is an approximation and not correct in any case.

imagePointsImage points to calculate the distances for, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
candidatesImage points being candidates as nearest neighbors for the given image points
numberCandidatesNumber of given candidates
distributionCandidatesAlready created distribution array of the candidates
sqrDistancesResulting square distances calculated for each given element, make sure that this buffer holds enough space
candidateIndicesOptional resulting indices of the candidate with minimal distance, make sure that this buffer holds enough space (if defined)

◆ determineMinimalSqrDistances() [2/4]

static void Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::determineMinimalSqrDistances ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const ImagePoint candidates,
const size_t  numberCandidates,
const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const unsigned int  bins,
Scalar sqrDistances 

Determines the minimal square distances for each given 2D image point to another given set of 2D image points.

This function first distributes all points to array bins to speed up the computation.
Candidates for nearest neighbors are all points lying in the 9-bin-neighborhood of a point, thus the result technically is an approximation and not correct in any case.

imagePointsImage points to calculate the distances for, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
candidatesImage points being candidates as nearest neighbors for the given image points
numberCandidatesNumber of given candidates
widthThe width of the area holding the image points in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the image points in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
binsNumber of bins in each direction used for image point distribution
sqrDistancesResulting square distances calculated for each given image point, make sure that this buffer holds enough space

◆ determineMinimalSqrDistances() [3/4]

static void Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::determineMinimalSqrDistances ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const unsigned int *  interestIndices,
const size_t  numberInterestIndices,
const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const unsigned int  bins,
Scalar sqrDistances 

Determines the minimal square distances for each specified image point inside their neighborhood.

This function first distributes all image points to array bins to speed up the computation.
Candidates for nearest neighbors are all points lying in the 9-bin-neighborhood of a point, thus the result technically is an approximation and not correct in any case.

imagePointsImage points holding the entire set, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
interestIndicesIndices of all interest image points to calculate the minimal distance for
numberInterestIndicesNumber of given interest indices
widthThe width of the area holding the elements in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
binsNumber of bins in each direction used for element distribution
sqrDistancesResulting square distances calculated for each given interest index, make sure that this buffer holds enough space

◆ determineMinimalSqrDistances() [4/4]

static void Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::determineMinimalSqrDistances ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const unsigned int  bins,
Scalar sqrDistances 

Determines the minimal square distances for each given 2D image point to all other points in the same set.

This function first distributes all points to array bins to speed up the computation.
Candidates for nearest neighbors are all points lying in the 9-bin-neighborhood of a point, thus the result technically is an approximation and not correct in any case.

imagePointsImage points to calculate the distances for, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the image points in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the image points in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
binsNumber of bins in each direction used for image point distribution, with range [1, infinity)
sqrDistancesResulting square distances calculated for each given image point, make sure that this buffer holds enough space

◆ determineNearestNeighbor()

static Index32 Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::determineNearestNeighbor ( const ImagePoint interestPoint,
const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const Scalar  radius,
const DistributionArray distributionImagePoints,
Scalar sqrDistance = nullptr 

Determines the nearest image point between an interest point and a set of given image point lying inside a specified circle around the interest point.

interestPointThe interest image point for which the nearest neighbor will be determined, with range (-infinity, infinity)x(-infinity, infinity)
imagePointsThe set of image points from which the nearest neighbor will be determined
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
radiusThe radius specifying the circle around the interest point, with range [0, infinity)
distributionImagePointsAlready created distribution array of the image points
sqrDistanceOptional resulting square distance of the nearest image point, if any
Resulting index of the nearest neighbor image point, -1 if no image point lies within the specified radius

◆ determineNeighbors()

static Indices32 Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::determineNeighbors ( const ImagePoint imagePoint,
const ImagePoint candidatePoints,
const size_t  numberCandidatePoints,
const Scalar  radius,
const DistributionArray distributionCandidatePoints 

Determines all candidate points for a given image point (interest point) lying inside a specified circle around the interest point.

imagePointThe interest image point to find the neighboring candidate points for, with range (-infinity, infinity)x(-infinity, infinity)
candidatePointsCandidate points to find the neighbors in
numberCandidatePointsNumber of given candidate points
radiusThe radius specifying the circle around the interest point, with range [0, infinity)
distributionCandidatePointsAlready created distribution array of the candidate points
Resulting indices of all neighbors out the candidate set lying within the specified circle.

◆ distributeAndFilter() [1/4]

ImagePoints Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeAndFilter ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins 

Distributes the given image points into an array of specified size and returns (at most) one point from each bin.

imagePointsImage points to be distributed and filtered, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
Resulting filtered elements

◆ distributeAndFilter() [2/4]

static ImagePoints Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeAndFilter ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins,
const size_t  size 

Distributes the given image points into an array of specified size and returns as much points as requested by first selecting the first point from each bin, then the second point from each bin, and so on.

imagePointsImage points to be distributed and filtered, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
sizeThe number of requested feature points, with range [0, numberImagePoints]
Resulting filtered elements

◆ distributeAndFilter() [3/4]

template<typename T , Vector2(*)(const T &) tFunction>
std::vector< T > Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeAndFilter ( const T *  elements,
const size_t  numberElements,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins 

Distributes the given elements into an array of specified size and returns (at most) one element from each bin.

elementsThe elements to be distributed and filtered, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberElementsNumber of given elements, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
Resulting filtered elements
Template Parameters
TThe data type of the elements to be distributed
tFunctionThe function pointer that returns the 2D position of each element

◆ distributeAndFilter() [4/4]

template<typename T , Vector2(*)(const T &) tFunction>
std::vector< T > Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeAndFilter ( const T *  elements,
const size_t  numberElements,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins,
const size_t  numberDesiredFilteredElements,
Indices32 indices = nullptr 

Distributes the given elements into an array of specified size but returns as much elements per bin necessary to reach the specified amount of desired elements.

This function should be used whenever the given elements are not distributed equally while a specified amount of feature points is desired. The function applies several filter iterations until the desired number of elements is reached.
After the first iteration each bin will contain at most one element, after the second iteration at most two elements, and so on.

elementsThe elements to be distributed and filtered, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberElementsNumber of given elements, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
numberDesiredFilteredElementsThe desired number of filtered elements, with range [1, numberElements]
indicesOptional resulting indices of the selected keypoints, if defined indices will be pushed at the back.
Resulting filtered elements
Template Parameters
TThe data type of the elements to be distributed
tFunctionThe function pointer that returns the 2D position of each element

◆ distributeAndFilterIndices() [1/2]

template<typename TIndex >
std::vector< TIndex > Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeAndFilterIndices ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins 

Distributes the given image points into an array of specified size and returns (at most) one point index from each bin.

The resulting indices can be used to filter the actual set of image points.

imagePointsImage points to be distributed and filtered, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberImagePointsNumber of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
Resulting indices of the filtered elements
Template Parameters
TIndexThe data type of the indices (e.g., may be Index32 or Index64)

◆ distributeAndFilterIndices() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename TIndex , Vector2(*)(const T &) tFunction>
std::vector< TIndex > Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeAndFilterIndices ( const T *  elements,
const size_t  numberElements,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins 

Distributes the given elements into an array of specified size and returns (at most) one point index from each bin.

The resulting indices can be used to filter the actual set of image points.

elementsThe elements to be distributed and filtered, may be nullptr if numberImagePoints==0
numberElementsNumber of given elements, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to be used for distribution, with range [1, infinity)
Resulting indices of the filtered elements
Template Parameters
TThe data type of the elements to be distributed
TIndexThe data type of the indices (e.g., may be Index32 or Index64)
tFunctionThe function pointer that returns the 2D position of each element

◆ distributeToArray() [1/4]

template<unsigned int tMaximalBins>
SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeToArray ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  number,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const Scalar  searchDistance 

Distributes the given 2D image points into a spatial array.

Instead of creating a 2D array a 1D array is returned with the first n elements for the top bins and the second n elements for the second top bins and so on. Image points not fitting into the array bins are discarded.

imagePointsImage points to be distributed
numberThe number of given image points
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the points, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the points, with range (0, infinity)
searchDistanceSearch distance that will be applied (minimal size of each bin)
Resulting array holding the indices of the distributed image points
Template Parameters
tMaximalBinsNumber of maximal bins in each direction (horizontal and vertical), width range [1, infinity)

◆ distributeToArray() [2/4]

SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeToArray ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  number,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  averagePointsPerBin,
const unsigned int  maxHorizontalBins,
const unsigned int  maxVerticalBins,
unsigned int &  horizontalBins,
unsigned int &  verticalBins 

Distributes the given 2D image points into a spatial array.

The number of used horizontal and vertical bins are calculated automatically. Instead of creating a 2D array a 1D array is returned with the first n elements for the top bins and the second n elements for the second top bins and so on.
Image points not fitting into the array bins are discarded.

imagePointsImage points to be distributed, may be nullptr if number==0
numberThe number of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
averagePointsPerBinAverage number of points per bin, with range [1, infinity)
maxHorizontalBinsMaximal number of horizontal bins, with range [1, infinity)
maxVerticalBinsMaximal number of vertical bins, with range [1, infinity)
horizontalBinsResulting horizontal bins, with range [1, infinity)
verticalBinsResulting vertical bins, with range [1, infinity)
Resulting array holding the indices of the distributed image points, will be cleared before usage

averagePointsPerBin * horizontalBins * verticalBins = number horizontalBins / verticalBins = width / height

◆ distributeToArray() [3/4]

static DistributionArray Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeToArray ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  number,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins 

Distributes a set of given 2D image points into a spatial array.

Image points not fitting into the array bins are discarded.

imagePointsImage points to be distributed, with range (-infinity, infinity)x(-infinity, infinity), may be nullptr if number==0
numberThe number of given image points, with range [0, infinity)
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the points, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the points, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to distribute the image points into, with range [1, infinity)
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to distribute the image points into, with range [1, infinity)
Resulting array holding the indices of the distributed image points

◆ distributeToArray() [4/4]

template<typename T , const Vector2 &(*)(const T &) tFunction>
SpatialDistribution::DistributionArray Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::distributeToArray ( const T *  elements,
const size_t  number,
const Scalar  left,
const Scalar  top,
const Scalar  width,
const Scalar  height,
const unsigned int  horizontalBins,
const unsigned int  verticalBins 

Distributes the given elements into a spatial array.

Elements not fitting into the array bins are discarded.

elementsThe elements (e.g. holding image points) to be distributed
numberThe number of given image points
leftHorizontal position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
topVertical position of the area, may be 0 for e.g. an entire image, with range (-infinity, infinity)
widthThe width of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the elements, with range (0, infinity)
horizontalBinsNumber of horizontal bins to distribute the image points into, with range [1, width]
verticalBinsNumber of vertical bins to distribute the image points into, with range [1, height]
Resulting array holding the indices of the distributed elements
Template Parameters
TData type of the given elements
tFunctionFunction pointer type of a function returning the 2D position of any element

◆ filterAccordingDistance()

static Indices32 Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::filterAccordingDistance ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  number,
const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const Scalar  distance 

Filters the given 2D image points according to their distance to neighboring image points.

imagePointsImage points (e.g. holding image points) to be filtered
numberThe number of given image points
widthThe width of the area holding the points in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the points in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
distanceThe distance threshold to be used for filtering
Resulting vector holding the indices of the found image points

◆ filterCandidatePoint()

static void Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::filterCandidatePoint ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  numberImagePoints,
const ImagePoint candidatePoints,
const size_t  numberCandidatePoints,
const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const Scalar  filterDistance,
const unsigned int  filterSize,
Indices32 filteredIndices = nullptr,
ImagePoints filteredCandidates = nullptr 

Filters the given 2D candidate points according to the distance to the given image points.

imagePointsImage points for that the filtered candidate points have to be found
numberImagePointsNumber of image points
candidatePointsCandidate points that will be filtered
numberCandidatePointsNumber of candidate points
widthThe width of the area holding the image points, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the image points, with range [1, infinity)
filterDistanceDistance threshold that define whether a candidate point belongs to one image point
filterSizeNumber of candidate points that can belong to one image point
filteredIndicesResulting indices of the filtered candidate points, if defined
filteredCandidatesResulting filtered candidate points, if defined

◆ idealBins()

static void Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::idealBins ( const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const size_t  numberBins,
unsigned int &  horizontalBins,
unsigned int &  verticalBins,
const unsigned int  minimalHorizontalBins = 2u,
const unsigned int  minimalVerticalBins = 2u 

Calculates the ideal number of horizontal and vertical bins for an array if the overall number of bins is known.

This function tries to get bins with almost identical horizontal and vertical size.

widthThe width of the area the array covers, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the area the array covers, with range [1, infinity)
numberBinsThe number of bins that would be perfect, with range [1, infinity)
horizontalBinsThe resulting number of horizontal bins that fit best with the given parameters, with range [minimalHorizontalBins, width]
verticalBinsThe resulting number of vertical bins that fit best with the given parameters, with range [minimalVerticalBins, height]
minimalHorizontalBinsThe minimal number of horizontal bins, with range [1, width]
minimalVerticalBinsThe minimal number of vertical bins, with range [1, height]

◆ idealBinsNeighborhood9()

static void Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::idealBinsNeighborhood9 ( const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const Scalar  distance,
unsigned int &  horizontalBins,
unsigned int &  verticalBins,
const unsigned int  minimalHorizontalBins = 2u,
const unsigned int  minimalVerticalBins = 2u,
const unsigned int  maximalHorizontalBins = 20u,
const unsigned int  maximalVerticalBins = 20u 

Calculates the ideal number of horizontal and vertical bins for an array if bin elements within a certain distance should be guaranteed to be located in the 9 neighborhood of that bin This function tries to get bins with almost identical horizontal and vertical size.

widthThe width of the area the array covers, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the area the array covers, with range [1, infinity)
distanceThe distance to other bin elements that should be guaranteed to be located in the 9 neighborhood, with range [1, infinity)
horizontalBinsThe resulting number of horizontal bins that fit best with the given parameters, with range [minimalHorizontalBins, width]
verticalBinsThe resulting number of vertical bins that fit best with the given parameters, with range [minimalVerticalBins, height]
minimalHorizontalBinsThe minimal number of horizontal bins, with range [1, maximalHorizontalBins]
minimalVerticalBinsThe minimal number of vertical bins, with range [1, maximalVerticalBins]
maximalHorizontalBinsThe maximal number of horizontal bins, with range [minimalHorizontalBins, width]
maximalVerticalBinsThe maximal number of vertical bins, with range [minimalVerticalBins, height]

◆ identity()

template<typename T >
T Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::identity ( const T &  value)

This function simply returns the given object (actually a copy of the object).

valueThe value to be returned
The given value
Template Parameters
TThe data type of the value

◆ sortAccordingDistance() [1/2]

static DistanceElements Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::sortAccordingDistance ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  number,
const bool  minimalDistanceFirst 

Sorts the given 2D image points according to their minimal distance to neighboring image points.

Points with higher distances will be returned before points with lower distances.

imagePointsImage points (e.g. holding image points) to be sorted
numberThe number of given image points
minimalDistanceFirstTrue, to sort minimal distance to the front
Resulting vector holding the indices and distances of the sorted image points

◆ sortAccordingDistance() [2/2]

static DistanceElements Ocean::Geometry::SpatialDistribution::sortAccordingDistance ( const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  number,
const unsigned int  width,
const unsigned int  height,
const unsigned int  bins,
const bool  minimalDistanceFirst 

Sorts the given 2D image points according to their minimal distance to neighboring image points.

Points with higher distances will be returned before points with lower distances. This function first distributes all points to array bins to speed up the computation.

imagePointsImage points (e.g. holding image points) to be sorted
numberThe number of given image points
widthThe width of the area holding the image points in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
heightThe height of the area holding the image points in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
binsNumber of bins in each direction used for image point distribution
minimalDistanceFirstTrue, to sort minimal distance to the front
Resulting vector holding the indices and distances of the sorted image points

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