Ocean::Geometry::Homography Class Reference

This class implements functions necessary for computations with homographies. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static SquareMatrix3 homographyMatrix (const Quaternion &left_T_right, const AnyCamera &leftCamera, const AnyCamera &rightCamera)
 Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static SquareMatrix3 homographyMatrix (const Quaternion &left_T_right, const PinholeCamera &leftCamera, const PinholeCamera &rightCamera)
 Deprecated. More...
static SquareMatrix3 homographyMatrix (const Quaternion &world_R_left, const Quaternion &world_R_right, const PinholeCamera &leftCamera, const PinholeCamera &rightCamera)
 Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static SquareMatrix3 homographyMatrix (const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_rightCamera, const PinholeCamera &leftCamera, const PinholeCamera &rightCamera, const Plane3 &plane)
 Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static SquareMatrix3 homographyMatrix (const HomogenousMatrix4 &poseLeft, const HomogenousMatrix4 &poseRight, const PinholeCamera &leftCamera, const PinholeCamera &rightCamera, const Plane3 &plane)
 Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static SquareMatrix3 homographyMatrix (const PinholeCamera &pinholeCamera, const HomogenousMatrix4 &pose, const Vector3 &patternObjectPointTopLeft, const Vector3 &patternObjectPointBottomLeft, const Vector3 &patternObjectPointTopRight, const unsigned int patternWidth, const unsigned int patternHeight)
 Calculates the homography that transforms points defined in a (planar) pattern image to points defined in a camera frame in which the pattern is visible. More...
static bool homographyMatrix (const Vector2 *leftPoints, const Vector2 *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left, const bool useSVD=true)
 Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static bool homographyMatrixSVD (const Vector2 *leftPoints, const Vector2 *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left)
 Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static bool homographyMatrixFromPointsAndLinesSVD (const Vector2 *leftPoints, const Vector2 *rightPoints, const size_t pointCorrespondences, const Line2 *leftLines, const Line2 *rightLines, const size_t lineCorrespondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left)
 Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points and lines between the two images. More...
static bool homographyMatrixLinear (const Vector2 *leftPoints, const Vector2 *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left, unsigned int optimizationIterations)
 Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static bool homographyMatrixLinearWithOptimizations (const Vector2 *leftPoints, const Vector2 *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left)
 Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static bool homographyMatrixLinearWithoutOptimations (const Vector2 *leftPoints, const Vector2 *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left)
 Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static bool affineMatrix (const ImagePoint *leftPoints, const ImagePoint *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_A_left)
 Calculates the affine transformation (6DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear) between two sets of 2D image points. More...
static bool similarityMatrix (const ImagePoint *leftPoints, const ImagePoint *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_S_left)
 Calculates the similarity transformation (4DOF - translation, rotation, scale) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. More...
static bool homotheticMatrix (const ImagePoint *leftPoints, const ImagePoint *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left)
 Calculates the homothetic transformation (3DOF - translation, scale) between two sets of image points. More...
static SquareMatrix3 factorizeHomographyMatrix (const SquareMatrix3 &homography, const PinholeCamera &leftCamera, const PinholeCamera &rightCamera)
 Factorizes a homography which contains only a rotational part into the corresponding rotation (of the right camera). More...
static bool factorizeHomographyMatrix (const SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left, const PinholeCamera &leftCamera, const PinholeCamera &rightCamera, const ImagePoint *leftImagePoints, const ImagePoint *rightImagePoints, const size_t correspondences, HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_rightCameras[2], Vector3 normals[2])
 Factorizes a planar homography into translation and rotation of the camera. More...
static bool factorizeHomographyMatrix (const SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_leftCamera, const PinholeCamera &leftCamera, const PinholeCamera &rightCamera, const ImagePoint *leftImagePoints, const ImagePoint *rightImagePoints, const size_t correspondences, HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_rightCameras[2], Vector3 normals[2])
 Factorizes a planar homography into translation and rotation of the camera. More...
static bool homographyMatrixPlaneXY (const ObjectPoint *objectPoints, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &homography)
 Calculates the homography for given 3D object points lying on the Z == 0 plane and corresponding 2D image points. More...
static bool homographyMatrixPlaneXY (const ImagePoint *objectPoints, const ImagePoint *imagePoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &homography)
 Calculates the homography for given 3D object points lying on the Z == 0 plane and 2D image points. More...
template<typename T >
static SquareMatrixT3< T > normalizedHomography (const SquareMatrixT3< T > &homography)
 Normalizes a given homography forcing a 1 in the lower right matrix corner. More...
template<typename T >
static void normalizeHomography (SquareMatrixT3< T > &homography)
 Normalizes a given homography forcing a 1 in the lower right matrix corner. More...
template<typename T >
static SquareMatrixT3< T > scaleHomography (const SquareMatrixT3< T > &homography, const T &scaleLeft, const T &scaleRight)
 Scales a given homography so that it fits to an individually scaled input image and an individually scaled output image. More...
static bool isHomographyPlausible (const unsigned int leftImageWidth, const unsigned int leftImageHeight, const unsigned int rightImageWidth, const unsigned int rightImageHeight, const SquareMatrix3 &homography)
 Returns whether a given homography represents a plausible transformation. More...
static bool intrinsicMatrix (const SquareMatrix3 *homographies, const size_t number, SquareMatrix3 &intrinsic)
 Calculates the intrinsic camera matrix for a set of given homographies transforming 3D object points from the z=0 plane to the image plane. More...
static bool extrinsicMatrix (const SquareMatrix3 &intrinsic, const SquareMatrix3 &homography, HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_camera)
 Calculates the extrinsic camera matrix for a given intrinsic camera matrix and a corresponding homography transforming 3D object points from the z=0 plane to the image plane. More...
static bool distortionParameters (const ConstIndexedAccessor< HomogenousMatrix4 > &extrinsics, const SquareMatrix3 &intrinsic, const ConstIndexedAccessor< Vectors3 > &objectPointGroups, const ConstIndexedAccessor< Vectors2 > &imagePointGroups, Scalar &distortion2, Scalar &distortion4)
 Calculates the first two radial distortion parameter. More...
static SquareMatrix3 toFinestHomography (const SquareMatrix3 &coarseHomography, const unsigned int sourceLayer)
 Converts a given homography determined for a coarser pyramid layer to a homography matching with the finest pyramid layer. More...
static SquareMatrix3 toCoarseHomography (const SquareMatrix3 &finestHomography, const unsigned int targetLayer)
 Converts a given homography determined for the finest pyramid layer to a homography matching with a coarser pyramid layer. More...
template<typename T >
static SquareMatrixT3< T > homographyForLines (const SquareMatrixT3< T > &homographyForPoints)
 Returns the homography transforming lines from one image to another image based on a homography transforming points from one image to another image. More...

Detailed Description

This class implements functions necessary for computations with homographies.

Member Function Documentation

◆ affineMatrix()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::affineMatrix ( const ImagePoint leftPoints,
const ImagePoint rightPoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_A_left 

Calculates the affine transformation (6DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear) between two sets of 2D image points.

leftPointsThe image points in the left image, must be valid
rightPointsThe image points in the right image, one for each point in the left image, must be valid
correspondencesThe number of points correspondences, with range [3, infinity)
right_A_leftThe resulting affine transformation matrix transforming left to right image points
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrix(), similarityMatrix().

◆ distortionParameters()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::distortionParameters ( const ConstIndexedAccessor< HomogenousMatrix4 > &  extrinsics,
const SquareMatrix3 intrinsic,
const ConstIndexedAccessor< Vectors3 > &  objectPointGroups,
const ConstIndexedAccessor< Vectors2 > &  imagePointGroups,
Scalar distortion2,
Scalar distortion4 

Calculates the first two radial distortion parameter.

The distortion parameters are determined for several different extrinsic camera positions.
The more point correspondences for individual extrinsic camera positions are provided the more accurate the result.

extrinsicsSet of extrinsic camera parameters
intrinsicThe intrinsic camera matrix used for all point correspondences
objectPointGroupsThe groups of object points, each group corresponds to a group of image points and to one extrinsic camera
imagePointGroupsThe groups of image points, each group corresponds to a set of object points
distortion2Resulting first radial distortion parameter for the square distance (r^2)
distortion4Resulting second radial distortion parameter for the square of the square distance (r^4)
True, if succeeded

◆ extrinsicMatrix()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::extrinsicMatrix ( const SquareMatrix3 intrinsic,
const SquareMatrix3 homography,
HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_camera 

Calculates the extrinsic camera matrix for a given intrinsic camera matrix and a corresponding homography transforming 3D object points from the z=0 plane to the image plane.

intrinsicThe intrinsic camera matrix to return the extrinsic camera matrix for
homographyThe homography corresponding to the intrinsic camera matrix
world_T_cameraThe resulting extrinsic camera matrix (the camera pose), with default camera pointing towards the negative z-space with y-axis upwards
True, if succeeded

◆ factorizeHomographyMatrix() [1/3]

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::factorizeHomographyMatrix ( const SquareMatrix3 homography,
const PinholeCamera leftCamera,
const PinholeCamera rightCamera 

Factorizes a homography which contains only a rotational part into the corresponding rotation (of the right camera).

The given homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).
Beware: Depending on the accuracy of the given homography (e.g., whether it might contain a tiny translational part) the resulting rotation matrix needs to be adjusted further.

homographythe homography which will be factorized
leftCameraProfile of the left camera object
rightCameraProfile of the right camera object
The rotation matrix which transforms points defined in the right camera coordinate system into points defined in the left camera coordinate system

◆ factorizeHomographyMatrix() [2/3]

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::factorizeHomographyMatrix ( const SquareMatrix3 right_H_left,
const HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_leftCamera,
const PinholeCamera leftCamera,
const PinholeCamera rightCamera,
const ImagePoint leftImagePoints,
const ImagePoint rightImagePoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
HomogenousMatrix4  world_T_rightCameras[2],
Vector3  normals[2] 

Factorizes a planar homography into translation and rotation of the camera.

The resulting factorization provides the camera pose for the right camera.
Further, a plane normal is provided which is defined in relation to the left camera coordinate system.
Two individual camera poses and normals are provided as the factorization cannot be determined uniquely.

right_H_leftThe homography transforming left points to right points, must be valid
world_T_leftCameraThe camera pose of the left camera, with default camera pointing towards the negative z-space with y-axis upwards, must be valid
leftCameraThe camera profile defining the projection of the left camera, must be valid
rightCameraThe camera profile defining the projection of the right camera, must be valid
leftImagePointsImage points in the left camera frame (projected 3D plane object points) that have been used to determine the homography
rightImagePointsImage points in the right camera frame, each point corresponds to one point in the left camera frame
correspondencesThe number of image point correspondences, with range [2, infinity)
world_T_rightCamerasTwo resulting camera poses for the right cameras, with default camera pointing towards the negative z-space with y-axis upwards
normalsTwo resulting plane normals (one for each transformation), the normals are defined in relation to the world coordinate system
True, if succeeded

◆ factorizeHomographyMatrix() [3/3]

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::factorizeHomographyMatrix ( const SquareMatrix3 right_H_left,
const PinholeCamera leftCamera,
const PinholeCamera rightCamera,
const ImagePoint leftImagePoints,
const ImagePoint rightImagePoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
HomogenousMatrix4  world_T_rightCameras[2],
Vector3  normals[2] 

Factorizes a planar homography into translation and rotation of the camera.

The resulting factorization provides the camera pose for the right camera while the left camera has the identity camera pose.
Further, a plane normal is provided which is defined in relation to the left camera coordinate system.
Two individual camera poses and normals are provided as the factorization cannot be determined uniquely.

right_H_leftThe homography transforming left points to right points, must be valid
leftCameraThe camera profile defining the projection of the left camera, must be valid
rightCameraThe camera profile defining the projection of the right camera, must be valid
leftImagePointsThe image points in the left camera frame (projected 3D plane object points) that have been used to determine the homography
rightImagePointsThe image points in the right camera frame, each point corresponds to one point in the left camera frame
correspondencesThe number of image point correspondences, with range [2, infinity)
world_T_rightCamerasTwo resulting camera poses for the right cameras, with default camera pointing towards the negative z-space with y-axis upwards
normalsTwo resulting plane normals (one for each transformation), the normals are defined in relation to the left camera coordinate system
True, if succeeded

◆ homographyForLines()

template<typename T >
SquareMatrixT3< T > Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyForLines ( const SquareMatrixT3< T > &  homographyForPoints)

Returns the homography transforming lines from one image to another image based on a homography transforming points from one image to another image.

This function is mainly returning:

homographyForPointsThe homography transforming points from one image to another image, must be valid
The homography allowing to transform lines
Template Parameters
TThe data type of the matrix's scalar type, either 'float' or 'double'

◆ homographyMatrix() [1/7]

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrix ( const HomogenousMatrix4 poseLeft,
const HomogenousMatrix4 poseRight,
const PinholeCamera leftCamera,
const PinholeCamera rightCamera,
const Plane3 plane 

Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

The given plane must be defined in relation to the left camera coordinate system.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).

poseLeftThe camera pose of the left camera in relation to a world coordinate system
poseRightThe camera pose of the right camera in relation to a world coordinate system
leftCameraLeft camera profile
rightCameraRight camera profile
planeThe plane defined in the coordinate system of the left camera
Resulting homography

◆ homographyMatrix() [2/7]

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrix ( const HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_rightCamera,
const PinholeCamera leftCamera,
const PinholeCamera rightCamera,
const Plane3 plane 

Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

The left camera is expected to be in the world origin (an identity camera pose).
Further, the given plane must be defined in relation to the world.

world_T_rightCameraThe camera pose of the right camera, with default camera pointing towards the negative z-space with y-axis upwards, must be valid
leftCameraThe camera profile defining the projection of the left camera, must be valid
rightCameraThe camera profile defining the projection of the right camera, must be valid
planeThe plane defined in world, must be valid
The resulting homography transforming points in the left image to points in the right image (right_H_left)

◆ homographyMatrix() [3/7]

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrix ( const PinholeCamera pinholeCamera,
const HomogenousMatrix4 pose,
const Vector3 patternObjectPointTopLeft,
const Vector3 patternObjectPointBottomLeft,
const Vector3 patternObjectPointTopRight,
const unsigned int  patternWidth,
const unsigned int  patternHeight 

Calculates the homography that transforms points defined in a (planar) pattern image to points defined in a camera frame in which the pattern is visible.

Thus, the resulting homography can be used to rectify a specific image content of a given live camera frame.
The resolution and aspect ratio of the resulting rectified frame (defined by 'patternWidth' and 'patternHeight') can be arbitrary.
The 3D coordinates of the corners of the planar pattern must be known (in relation to the given camera pose).
The given 6DOF pose is a standard extrinsic camera matrix with default transformation looking into the negative z-space with y-axis as up-vector.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the pattern image to image points defined in the camera frame (cameraPoint = H * patternPoint).
Beware: The resulting transformation does not cover the possible distortion of the camera profile.

pinholeCameraThe profile of the pinhole camera defining the project, must be valid
poseThe pose of the camera frame in which the pattern is visible, defined in relation to the world coordinate system must be valid
patternObjectPointTopLeftThe 3D location of the upper left corner of the pattern, defined in the world coordinate system, must be located in front of the camera, must be different from all other corners
patternObjectPointBottomLeftThe 3D location of the bottom left corner of the pattern, defined in the world coordinate system, must be located in front of the camera, must be different from all other corners
patternObjectPointTopRightThe 3D location of the upper right corner of the pattern, defined in the world coordinate system, must be located in front of the camera, must be different from all other corners
patternWidthThe width of the pattern frame in pixel space (e.g., the width of a resulting frame that shows the rectified pattern), with range [1, infinity)
patternHeightThe height of the pattern frame in pixel space (e.g., the width of a resulting frame that shows the rectified pattern), with range [1, infinity)
The resulting homography transforming pattern points to camera points (cameraPoint = H * patternPoint)
See also

◆ homographyMatrix() [4/7]

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrix ( const Quaternion left_T_right,
const AnyCamera leftCamera,
const AnyCamera rightCamera 

Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

The left camera is expected to be not rotated (the camera has the default viewing direction).
The default camera viewing direction is defined along the negative z-axis and has the y-axis as up vector.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).

left_T_rightThe rotation between right camera and left camera, must be valid
leftCameraThe left camera profile, must be valid
rightCameraThe right camera profile, must be valid
Resulting homography between left and right points (right_H_left)

◆ homographyMatrix() [5/7]

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrix ( const Quaternion left_T_right,
const PinholeCamera leftCamera,
const PinholeCamera rightCamera 


Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images. The left camera is expected to be not rotated (the camera has the default viewing direction).
The default camera viewing direction is defined along the negative z-axis and has the y-axis as up vector.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).

left_T_rightThe rotation between right camera and left camera, must be valid
leftCameraThe left camera profile, must be valid
rightCameraThe right camera profile, must be valid
Resulting homography between left and right points (right_H_left)

◆ homographyMatrix() [6/7]

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrix ( const Quaternion world_R_left,
const Quaternion world_R_right,
const PinholeCamera leftCamera,
const PinholeCamera rightCamera 

Calculates the homography between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

The default camera viewing direction is defined along the negative z-axis and has the y-axis as up vector.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).

world_R_leftThe rotation between left camera and world, must be valid
world_R_rightThe rotation between right camera and world, must be valid
leftCameraThe left camera profile, must be valid
rightCameraThe right camera profile, must be valid
Resulting homography between left and right points (right_H_left)

◆ homographyMatrix() [7/7]

bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrix ( const Vector2 leftPoints,
const Vector2 rightPoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_H_left,
const bool  useSVD = true 

Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

This function either uses a SVD for the determination of a two-step approach which is several times faster.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).
As this function applies the image points in pixel space, the intrinsic camera matrices of both frames are not necessary.

leftPointsImage points in the left camera, each point corresponds to one point in the right image
rightPointsImage points in the right camera
correspondencesNumber of points correspondences, with range [4, infinity)
right_H_leftResulting homography for the given point correspondences (rightPoint = right_H_left * leftPoint)
useSVDTrue, to use the slower SVD approach (i.e., homographyMatrixSVD); False, to use the two-step approach (i.e., homographyMatrixLinearWithOptimizations)
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrixSVD(), homographyMatrixLinear(), affineMatrix(), similarityMatrix().

◆ homographyMatrixFromPointsAndLinesSVD()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrixFromPointsAndLinesSVD ( const Vector2 leftPoints,
const Vector2 rightPoints,
const size_t  pointCorrespondences,
const Line2 leftLines,
const Line2 rightLines,
const size_t  lineCorrespondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_H_left 

Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points and lines between the two images.

This function uses a singular value decomposition for the determination of the homography.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image, and lines defined in the left image to lines defined in the right image, (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).

leftPointsImage points in the left camera, each point corresponds to one point in the right image
rightPointsImage points in the right camera
pointCorrespondencesNumber of provided point correspondences, with range [0, infinity), while pointCorrespondences + lineCorrespondences >= 4
leftLinesLines in the left camera, each line corresponds to one line in the right image
rightLinesLines in the right camera, each line
lineCorrespondencesNumber of provided line correspondences, with range [0, infinity), while pointCorrespondences + lineCorrespondences >= 4
right_H_leftResulting homography for the given point correspondences (rightPoint = right_H_left * leftPoint)
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrixLinear(), affineMatrix(), similarityMatrix().

◆ homographyMatrixLinear()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrixLinear ( const Vector2 leftPoints,
const Vector2 rightPoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_H_left,
unsigned int  optimizationIterations 

Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

This function uses a linear equation to determine an initial homography followed by a non-linear optimization.
The initial homography is not as accurate as the homography determined by a SVD; however, the following optimization steps fix the accuracy while being several magnitudes faster.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).
As this function applies the image points in pixel space, the intrinsic camera matrices of both frames are not necessary.

leftPointsImage points in the left camera, each point corresponds to one point in the right image
rightPointsImage points in the right camera
correspondencesNumber of points correspondences, with range [4, infinity)
right_H_leftResulting homography for the given point correspondences (rightPoint = right_H_left * leftPoint)
optimizationIterationsThe number of non-linear-optimization iterations that will be executed after the initial homography has been determined, with range [0, infinity).
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrixLinearWithOptimizations(), homographyMatrixLinearWithoutOptimations(), homographyMatrixSVD(), affineMatrix(), similarityMatrix().

◆ homographyMatrixLinearWithOptimizations()

bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrixLinearWithOptimizations ( const Vector2 leftPoints,
const Vector2 rightPoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_H_left 

Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

This function uses a linear equation to determine an initial homography followed by a non-linear optimization.
The initial homography is not as accurate as the homography determined by a SVD; however, the following 10 optimization steps fix the accuracy while being several magnitudes faster (at least for a high number of correspondences).
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).
As this function applies the image points in pixel space, the intrinsic camera matrices of both frames are not necessary.

leftPointsImage points in the left camera, each point corresponds to one point in the right image
rightPointsImage points in the right camera
correspondencesNumber of points correspondences, with range [4, infinity)
right_H_leftResulting homography for the given point correspondences (rightPoint = right_H_left * leftPoint)
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrixSVD(), homographyMatrixLinearWithoutOptimations(), affineMatrix(), similarityMatrix().

◆ homographyMatrixLinearWithoutOptimations()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrixLinearWithoutOptimations ( const Vector2 leftPoints,
const Vector2 rightPoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_H_left 

Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

This function uses a linear equation to determine an initial homography followed by a non-linear optimization.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).
As this function applies the image points in pixel space, the intrinsic camera matrices of both frames are not necessary.

leftPointsImage points in the left camera, each point corresponds to one point in the right image
rightPointsImage points in the right camera
correspondencesNumber of points correspondences, with range [4, infinity)
right_H_leftResulting homography for the given point correspondences (rightPoint = right_H_left * leftPoint)
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrixSVD(), homographyMatrixLinearWithOptimizations(), affineMatrix(), similarityMatrix().

◆ homographyMatrixPlaneXY() [1/2]

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrixPlaneXY ( const ImagePoint objectPoints,
const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 homography 

Calculates the homography for given 3D object points lying on the Z == 0 plane and 2D image points.

objectPoints2D object points with z-axis value equal zero, must be valid
imagePoints2D image points each corresponding the to an object point, must be valid
correspondencesNumber of given correspondences, with range [10, infinity)
homographyThe resulting homography
True, if succeeded

◆ homographyMatrixPlaneXY() [2/2]

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrixPlaneXY ( const ObjectPoint objectPoints,
const ImagePoint imagePoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 homography 

Calculates the homography for given 3D object points lying on the Z == 0 plane and corresponding 2D image points.

The resulting homography transforms the object points to the image points (imagePoint = H * objectPoint).
Or more precisely: (imagePointX, imagePointY, 1) = H * (objectPointX, objectPointY, 1)

objectPoints3D object points (with z-axis value equal zero), must be valid
imagePoints2D image points each corresponding to an object point, must be valid
correspondencesThe number of given point correspondences, with range [10, infinity)
homographyThe resulting homography
True, if succeeded

◆ homographyMatrixSVD()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrixSVD ( const Vector2 leftPoints,
const Vector2 rightPoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_H_left 

Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear, perspective) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

This function uses a singular value decomposition for the determination of the homography.
The resulting homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).
As this function applies the image points in pixel space, the intrinsic camera matrices of both frames are not necessary.

leftPointsImage points in the left camera, each point corresponds to one point in the right image
rightPointsImage points in the right camera
correspondencesNumber of provided point correspondences, with range [4, infinity)
right_H_leftResulting homography for the given point correspondences (rightPoint = right_H_left * leftPoint)
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrixLinear(), affineMatrix(), similarityMatrix().

◆ homotheticMatrix()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::homotheticMatrix ( const ImagePoint leftPoints,
const ImagePoint rightPoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_H_left 

Calculates the homothetic transformation (3DOF - translation, scale) between two sets of image points.

The resulting homothetic matrix transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).
The resulting 3x3 matrix has the following layout:

| s  0  tx |
| 0  s  ty |
| 0  0  1 |

With 's' defining scale and 'tx' and 'ty' defining the translation.

leftPointsImage points in the left image, each point corresponds to one point in the right image
rightPointsImage points in the right image, each point corresponds to one point in the left image
correspondencesNumber of points correspondences, with range [2, infinity)
right_H_leftResulting homothetic transformation matrix for the given image points (rightPoint = H * leftPoint)
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrix(), affineMatrix(), similarityMatrix().

◆ intrinsicMatrix()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::intrinsicMatrix ( const SquareMatrix3 homographies,
const size_t  number,
SquareMatrix3 intrinsic 

Calculates the intrinsic camera matrix for a set of given homographies transforming 3D object points from the z=0 plane to the image plane.

homographiesSet of given homographies
numberThe number of given homographies with range [3, infinity)
intrinsicResulting intrinsic camera matrix
True, if succeeded

◆ isHomographyPlausible()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::isHomographyPlausible ( const unsigned int  leftImageWidth,
const unsigned int  leftImageHeight,
const unsigned int  rightImageWidth,
const unsigned int  rightImageHeight,
const SquareMatrix3 homography 

Returns whether a given homography represents a plausible transformation.

A homography is voted as plausible as long as the transformed frame corners form a convex shape.
The forward transformation as well as the backward transformation (the inverse) is tested.
The homography transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint).

leftImageWidthThe width of the left image in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
leftImageHeightThe height of the left image in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
rightImageWidthThe width of the left image in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
rightImageHeightThe height of the left image in pixel, with range [1, infinity)
homographyThe homography transforming points defined in the left image to points defined in the right image, must be valid
True, if the homography is plausible

◆ normalizedHomography()

template<typename T >
SquareMatrixT3< T > Ocean::Geometry::Homography::normalizedHomography ( const SquareMatrixT3< T > &  homography)

Normalizes a given homography forcing a 1 in the lower right matrix corner.

homographyThe homography to normalize, must be valid
Normalized homography
Template Parameters
TThe data type of the scalar to be used, either 'float' or 'double'

◆ normalizeHomography()

template<typename T >
void Ocean::Geometry::Homography::normalizeHomography ( SquareMatrixT3< T > &  homography)

Normalizes a given homography forcing a 1 in the lower right matrix corner.

homographyThe homography to be normalized, must be valid
Template Parameters
TThe data type of the scalar to be used, either 'float' or 'double'

◆ scaleHomography()

template<typename T >
SquareMatrixT3< T > Ocean::Geometry::Homography::scaleHomography ( const SquareMatrixT3< T > &  homography,
const T &  scaleLeft,
const T &  scaleRight 

Scales a given homography so that it fits to an individually scaled input image and an individually scaled output image.

homographyThe homography converting points defined in the left image to points defined in the right image (rightPoint = H * leftPoint)
scaleLeftThe scale which will be applied to the left image, e.g., a scale of 2 means that the image is twice as large, with range (0, infinity)
scaleRightThe scale which will be applied to the right image, e.g., a scale of 2 means that the image is twice as large, with range (0, infinity)
Template Parameters
Tthe element type of the homography matrix, e.g., 'float' or 'double'

◆ similarityMatrix()

static bool Ocean::Geometry::Homography::similarityMatrix ( const ImagePoint leftPoints,
const ImagePoint rightPoints,
const size_t  correspondences,
SquareMatrix3 right_S_left 

Calculates the similarity transformation (4DOF - translation, rotation, scale) between two images transforming the projected planar object points between the two images.

The resulting similarity matrix transforms image points defined in the left image to image points defined in the right image (rightPoint = S * leftPoint).
The resulting 3x3 matrix has the following layout:

| a  -b  tx |
| b   a  ty |
| 0   0   1 |

With 'a' and 'b' defining scale and rotation and 'tx' and 'ty' defining the translation. As this function applies the image points in pixel space, the intrinsic camera matrices of both frames are not necessary.

leftPointsImage points in the left camera, each point corresponds to one point in the right image
rightPointsImage points in the right camera
correspondencesNumber of points correspondences, with range [2, infinity)
right_S_leftThe resulting similarity transformation matrix transforming left points to right points
True, if succeeded
See also
homographyMatrix(), affineMatrix(), homotheticMatrix().

◆ toCoarseHomography()

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::toCoarseHomography ( const SquareMatrix3 finestHomography,
const unsigned int  targetLayer 

Converts a given homography determined for the finest pyramid layer to a homography matching with a coarser pyramid layer.

The new homography is determined via:

coarseHomography = downsample * finestHomography * upsample
finestHomographyThe homography determined for the finest pyramid layer, must be valid
targetLayerThe index of the coarser pyramid layer, with range [0, infinity)
The homography matching with the coarser pyramid layer, 'homography' if 'targetLayer == 0'

◆ toFinestHomography()

static SquareMatrix3 Ocean::Geometry::Homography::toFinestHomography ( const SquareMatrix3 coarseHomography,
const unsigned int  sourceLayer 

Converts a given homography determined for a coarser pyramid layer to a homography matching with the finest pyramid layer.

The new homography is determined via:

finestHomography = upsample * coarseHomography * downsample
coarseHomographyThe homography determined for the coarser pyramid layer, must be valid
sourceLayerThe index of the coarser pyramid layer, with range [0, infinity)
The homography matching with the finest pyramid layer, 'homography' if 'sourceLayer == 0'

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