Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
14 #include "ocean/math/RGBAColor.h"
16 #include "ocean/rendering/Engine.h"
18 #include "ocean/rendering/Scene.h"
19 #include "ocean/rendering/Text.h"
22 namespace Ocean
23 {
25 namespace Platform
26 {
28 namespace Meta
29 {
31 namespace Quest
32 {
34 namespace Application
35 {
37 /**
38  * The class implements the base class for a simple table-based menu for VR application.
39  * The menu is composed of sections and menu entries.<br>
40  * Based on controller tracking, the menu entries can be selected.<br>
41  * Use the derived classes OpenXR::VRTableMenu or VrApi::VRTableMenu.
42  * @ingroup platformmetaquestapplication
43  */
45 {
46  public:
48  /**
49  * This class holds the information of a user-defined menu entry.
50  */
51  class Entry
52  {
53  friend class VRTableMenuBase;
55  public:
57  /**
58  * Creates a new entry.
59  * @param name The name of the entry (the text of the entry), must be valid
60  * @param url The url of the entry which is necessary to identify the individual entries
61  */
62  inline Entry(std::string name, std::string url);
64  protected:
66  /// The name of the entry.
67  std::string name_;
69  /// The url of the entry.
70  std::string url_;
71  };
73  /**
74  * Definition of a vector holding entries.
75  */
76  typedef std::vector<Entry> Entries;
78  /**
79  * Definition of a pair combining a group section name and menu entries.
80  */
81  typedef std::pair<std::string, Entries> Group;
83  /**
84  * Definition of a vector holding groups.
85  */
86  typedef std::vector<Group> Groups;
88  protected:
90  /**
91  * This class contains the information necessary for one menu entry.
92  */
93  class MenuEntry
94  {
95  public:
97  /**
98  * Creates an new menu entry object.
99  * @param engine The rendering engine to be used
100  * @param textLineHeight The height of the text line, in meter, with range (0, infinity)
101  * @param name The text of the menu entry, must be valid
102  * @param url The optional URL connected with the menu entry
103  * @param isEntry True, if the entry is a menu entry; False, if the entry is a name of a group section
104  * @param backgroundColor The background color of an entry
105  */
106  MenuEntry(Rendering::Engine& engine, const Scalar textLineHeight, const std::string& name, const std::string& url, bool isEntry, const RGBAColor& backgroundColor = RGBAColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
108  /**
109  * Returns the extent of the actual text.
110  * @return The text's actual extent, in meter, with range [0, infinity)x[0, infinity)
111  */
112  inline Vector2 extent() const;
114  /**
115  * Returns the Transform node containing the Text node.
116  * @return The Transform node
117  */
118  inline const Rendering::TransformRef& transform() const;
120  /**
121  * Returns the name of this entry.
122  * @return The entry's name
123  */
124  inline const std::string& name() const;
126  /**
127  * Returns the optional URL of this entry.
128  * @return The entry's optional URL
129  */
130  inline const std::string& url() const;
132  /**
133  * Returns whether the entry is an actual menu entry of a group section.
134  * @return True, if the entry is a menu entry; False, if the entry is a name of a group section
135  */
136  inline bool isEntry() const;
138  protected:
140  /// The Text node rendering the text.
143  /// The Transform node containing the Text node.
146  /// The name of the menu entry.
147  std::string name_;
149  /// The optional URL of the menu entry.
150  std::string url_;
152  /// True, if the entry is a menu entry; False, if the entry is a name of a group section
153  bool isEntry_ = false;
154  };
156  /**
157  * Definition of a vector holding menu entries.
158  */
159  typedef std::vector<MenuEntry> MenuEntries;
161  public:
163  /**
164  * Destructs a menu.
165  */
166  virtual ~VRTableMenuBase();
168  /**
169  * Sets all menu items.
170  * @param group The menu group containing all menu entries to set
171  * @param menuBackgroundColor The background color of a menu
172  * @param entryBackgroundColor The background color of individual entries
173  * @param entryHeight The height of each menu entry, in meter, with range (0, infinity)
174  * @param minWidth The minimal width of the menu, in meter, with range [0, infinity)
175  * @param minHeight The minimal height of the menu, in meter, with range [0, infinity)
176  * @return True, if succeeded
177  */
178  inline bool setMenuEntries(const Group& group, const RGBAColor& menuBackgroundColor = RGBAColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), const RGBAColor& entryBackgroundColor = RGBAColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), const Scalar entryHeight = Scalar(0.04), const Scalar minWidth = Scalar(1), const Scalar minHeight = Scalar(0.5));
180  /**
181  * Sets all menu items.
182  * @param groups The menu groups containing all menu entries to set
183  * @param menuBackgroundColor The background color of menu
184  * @param entryBackgroundColor The background color of individual entries
185  * @param entryHeight The height of each menu entry, in meter, with range (0, infinity)
186  * @param minWidth The minimal width of the menu, in meter, with range [0, infinity)
187  * @param minHeight The minimal height of the menu, in meter, with range [0, infinity)
188  * @return True, if succeeded
189  */
190  bool setMenuEntries(const Groups& groups, const RGBAColor& menuBackgroundColor = RGBAColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), const RGBAColor& entryBackgroundColor = RGBAColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), const Scalar entryHeight = Scalar(0.04), const Scalar minWidth = Scalar(1), const Scalar minHeight = Scalar(0.5));
192  /**
193  * Shows the menu at a specified location.
194  * @param base_T_menu The transformation between menu and world, or menu and device (if 'world_T_device' is defined), must be valid
195  * @param world_T_device The optional transformation between device and world, an invalid transformation to treat `base` as `world`
196  * @return True, if the menu was shown; False, if e.g., the menu is empty
197  */
198  bool show(const HomogenousMatrix4& base_T_menu, const HomogenousMatrix4& world_T_device = HomogenousMatrix4(false));
200  /**
201  * Hides the menu.
202  */
203  void hide();
205  /**
206  * Returns whether the menu is shown.
207  * @return True, if succeeded
208  */
209  inline bool isShown() const;
211  /**
212  * Returns the position of the menu
213  * @return The position of the menu in the coordinate system that was selected as base
214  * @sa show()
215  */
216  inline HomogenousMatrix4 base_T_menu() const;
218  /**
219  * Explicitly resets the entire menu without releasing any resources.
220  * @sa setMenuEntries()
221  */
222  void reset();
224  /**
225  * Explicitly releases the menu and all associated resources.
226  */
227  void release();
229  /**
230  * Returns whether this menu is valid (whether it has been initialized with a engine and framebuffer).
231  * @return True, if so
232  */
233  inline bool isValid() const;
235  /**
236  * Move operator.
237  * @param menu The menu object to be moved
238  * @return Reference to this object
239  */
242  protected:
244  /**
245  * Creates a new invalid menu object.
246  */
247  VRTableMenuBase() = default;
249  /**
250  * Default move constructor.
251  */
254  /**
255  * Creates a new valid menu object.
256  * @param engine The rendering engine which will be used to render the menu, must be valid
257  * @param framebuffer The framebuffer associated with the rendering engine to which the menu will be rendered
258  */
261  /**
262  * Disabled copy constructor.
263  */
266  /**
267  * Disabled copy operator.
268  * @return The reference to this object
269  */
272  protected:
274  /// The rendering engine.
277  /// The framebuffer in which the menu will be rendered.
280  /// The scene holding the group and highlight elements.
283  /// The group holding the menu.
286  /// The transformation for the selection pointer.
289  /// The transformation for the selection entry (the entry highlighting).
292  /// The width of the menu, in meter, with range (0, infinity)
293  Scalar menuWidth_ = 0;
295  /// The height of the menu, in meter, with range (0, infinity)
296  Scalar menuHeight_ = 0;
298  /// The height of each menu entry, in meter, with range (0, infinity)
299  Scalar entryHeight_ = Scalar(0.04);
301  /// The menu entries.
304  /// The transformation between the menu and a base coordinate system.
305  HomogenousMatrix4 base_T_menu_ = HomogenousMatrix4(false);
307  /// The transformation between menu and world (the center of the menu).
308  HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_menu_ = HomogenousMatrix4(false);
310  /// The names of the menu entries which is currently focused with the left and right controller, first left, second right.
311  std::string focusedEntryNames_[2];
313  /// The border around the menu entries.
314  static constexpr Scalar menuBorder_ = Scalar(0.05);
316  /// The offset in z-direction between background and menu entries in meter.
317  static constexpr Scalar entryOffsetZ_ = Scalar(0.001);
318 };
320 inline VRTableMenuBase::Entry::Entry(std::string name, std::string url) :
321  name_(std::move(name)),
322  url_(std::move(url))
323 {
324  // nothing to do here
325 }
328 {
329  ocean_assert(text_);
331  return text_->size();
332 }
335 {
336  return transform_;
337 }
339 inline const std::string& VRTableMenuBase::MenuEntry::name() const
340 {
341  return name_;
342 }
344 inline const std::string& VRTableMenuBase::MenuEntry::url() const
345 {
346  return url_;
347 }
350 {
351  return isEntry_;
352 }
354 inline bool VRTableMenuBase::setMenuEntries(const Group& group, const RGBAColor& menuBackgroundColor, const RGBAColor& entryBackgroundColor, const Scalar entryHeight, const Scalar minWidth, const Scalar minHeight)
355 {
356  const Groups groups(1, group);
358  return setMenuEntries(groups, menuBackgroundColor, entryBackgroundColor, entryHeight, minWidth, minHeight);
359 }
361 inline bool VRTableMenuBase::isShown() const
362 {
363  return world_T_menu_.isValid() && !scene_.isNull() && scene_->visible();
364 }
367 {
368  return base_T_menu_;
369 }
371 inline bool VRTableMenuBase::isValid() const
372 {
373  return engine_ && framebuffer_;
374 }
376 }
378 }
380 }
382 }
384 }
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this matrix is a valid homogeneous transformation.
Definition: HomogenousMatrix4.h:1806
bool isNull() const
Returns whether this object reference holds no internal object.
Definition: base/ObjectRef.h:390
This class holds the information of a user-defined menu entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:52
std::string name_
The name of the entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:67
Entry(std::string name, std::string url)
Creates a new entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:320
std::string url_
The url of the entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:70
This class contains the information necessary for one menu entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:94
std::string url_
The optional URL of the menu entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:150
const std::string & url() const
Returns the optional URL of this entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:344
bool isEntry() const
Returns whether the entry is an actual menu entry of a group section.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:349
const std::string & name() const
Returns the name of this entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:339
Rendering::TransformRef transform_
The Transform node containing the Text node.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:144
std::string name_
The name of the menu entry.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:147
MenuEntry(Rendering::Engine &engine, const Scalar textLineHeight, const std::string &name, const std::string &url, bool isEntry, const RGBAColor &backgroundColor=RGBAColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
Creates an new menu entry object.
const Rendering::TransformRef & transform() const
Returns the Transform node containing the Text node.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:334
Vector2 extent() const
Returns the extent of the actual text.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:327
Rendering::TextRef text_
The Text node rendering the text.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:141
The class implements the base class for a simple table-based menu for VR application.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:45
Rendering::FramebufferRef framebuffer_
The framebuffer in which the menu will be rendered.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:278
bool setMenuEntries(const Group &group, const RGBAColor &menuBackgroundColor=RGBAColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), const RGBAColor &entryBackgroundColor=RGBAColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), const Scalar entryHeight=Scalar(0.04), const Scalar minWidth=Scalar(1), const Scalar minHeight=Scalar(0.5))
Sets all menu items.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:354
VRTableMenuBase(const Rendering::EngineRef &engine, const Rendering::FramebufferRef &framebuffer)
Creates a new valid menu object.
VRTableMenuBase & operator=(VRTableMenuBase &&menu)=default
Move operator.
VRTableMenuBase(const VRTableMenuBase &)=delete
Disabled copy constructor.
HomogenousMatrix4 base_T_menu() const
Returns the position of the menu.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:366
VRTableMenuBase & operator=(const VRTableMenuBase &)=delete
Disabled copy operator.
MenuEntries menuEntries_
The menu entries.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:302
HomogenousMatrix4 base_T_menu_
The transformation between the menu and a base coordinate system.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:305
HomogenousMatrix4 world_T_menu_
The transformation between menu and world (the center of the menu).
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:308
void release()
Explicitly releases the menu and all associated resources.
std::pair< std::string, Entries > Group
Definition of a pair combining a group section name and menu entries.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:81
Rendering::SceneRef scene_
The scene holding the group and highlight elements.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:281
Rendering::GroupRef menuGroup_
The group holding the menu.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:284
bool show(const HomogenousMatrix4 &base_T_menu, const HomogenousMatrix4 &world_T_device=HomogenousMatrix4(false))
Shows the menu at a specified location.
VRTableMenuBase(VRTableMenuBase &&)=default
Default move constructor.
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this menu is valid (whether it has been initialized with a engine and framebuffer).
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:371
std::vector< Entry > Entries
Definition of a vector holding entries.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:76
std::vector< MenuEntry > MenuEntries
Definition of a vector holding menu entries.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:159
bool isShown() const
Returns whether the menu is shown.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:361
Creates a new invalid menu object.
std::vector< Group > Groups
Definition of a vector holding groups.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:86
Rendering::TransformRef transformSelectionEntry_
The transformation for the selection entry (the entry highlighting).
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:290
Rendering::TransformRef transformSelectionPointer_
The transformation for the selection pointer.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:287
Rendering::EngineRef engine_
The rendering engine.
Definition: VRTableMenuBase.h:275
void reset()
Explicitly resets the entire menu without releasing any resources.
bool setMenuEntries(const Groups &groups, const RGBAColor &menuBackgroundColor=RGBAColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), const RGBAColor &entryBackgroundColor=RGBAColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), const Scalar entryHeight=Scalar(0.04), const Scalar minWidth=Scalar(1), const Scalar minHeight=Scalar(0.5))
Sets all menu items.
This class implements a color defined by red, green, blue and alpha parameters.
Definition: RGBAColor.h:41
This class is the base class for all rendering engines like.
Definition: Engine.h:46
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition: Math.h:128
HomogenousMatrixT4< Scalar > HomogenousMatrix4
Definition of the HomogenousMatrix4 object, depending on the OCEAN_MATH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION flag eit...
Definition: HomogenousMatrix4.h:37
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15