Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
22 #include <unordered_map>
24 namespace Ocean
25 {
27 namespace Devices
28 {
30 namespace Pattern
31 {
33 /**
34  * This class implements a static Pattern feature-based tracker.
35  * @ingroup devicespattern
36  */
37 class OCEAN_DEVICES_PATTERN_EXPORT StaticPatternTracker6DOF :
38  virtual public PatternDevice,
39  virtual public Tracker6DOF,
40  virtual public ObjectTracker,
41  virtual public VisualTracker
42 {
43  friend class PatternFactory;
45  protected:
47  /**
48  * Definition of a sorted map combining timestamp with transformations.
49  */
50  typedef std::map<Timestamp, HomogenousMatrix4> TransformationMap;
52  /**
53  * This class stores necessary information for one pattern.
54  */
56  {
57  public:
59  /**
60  * Creates a new object.
61  * @param maximalDistance The distance between pattern and camera in which the Pattern tracker can be trusted, in meter, with range (0, infinity)
62  */
63  explicit inline PatternTransformations(const Scalar maximalDistance);
65  /**
66  * Adds a new transformation between camera and pattern.
67  * @param pattern_T_camera The new transformation to be added, must be valid
68  * @param timestamp The timestamp of the transformation
69  * @param maximalNumberForAlignment The maximal number of transformations that kept stored to determine the aligned transformation between world and pattern, with range [1, infinity)
70  * @param maximalIntervalForAlignment The maximal time interval of transformations that kept stored to determine the aligned transformation between world and pattern, in seconds, with range (0, infinity)
71  * @return True, if the transformation has been added; False, if the transformation was not trusted
72  */
73  bool addTransformation(const HomogenousMatrix4& pattern_T_camera, const Timestamp& timestamp, const size_t maximalNumberForAlignment, const double maximalIntervalForAlignment);
75  /**
76  * Returns the current transformation between world and pattern, may be invalid.
77  * @return Current transformation
78  */
79  inline HomogenousMatrix4& pattern_T_world();
81  /**
82  * Returns the transformations associated with this pattern.
83  * @return The transformations
84  */
85  inline TransformationMap& transformations();
87  protected:
89  /// The distance between pattern and camera in which the Pattern tracker can be trusted, in meter, with range (0, infinity).
92  /// The most current transformation between world and pattern, invalid if unknown.
95  /// The recent transformations associated with this pattern.
97  };
99  /**
100  * Definition of an unsorted map combining object ids with pattern transformations.
101  */
102  typedef std::unordered_map<ObjectId, PatternTransformations> PatternTransformationsMap;
104  public:
106  /**
107  * Sets the multi-view visual input of this tracker.
108  * @see VisualTracker::setInput().
109  */
110  void setInput(Media::FrameMediumRefs&& frameMediums) override;
112  /**
113  * Adds a new tracking pattern.
114  * For this pattern feature based tracker the pattern must be the url of an image.
115  * @see ObjectTracker::registerObject().
116  */
117  ObjectId registerObject(const std::string& description, const Vector3& dimension) override;
119  /**
120  * Returns whether this device is active.
121  * @see Devices::isStarted().
122  */
123  bool isStarted() const override;
125  /**
126  * Starts the device.
127  * @see Device::start().
128  */
129  bool start() override;
131  /**
132  * Stops the device.
133  * @see Device::stop().
134  */
135  bool stop() override;
137  /**
138  * Returns the name of this tracker.
139  * @return Tracker name
140  */
141  static inline std::string deviceNameStaticPatternTracker6DOF();
143  /**
144  * Returns the type of this tracker.
145  * @return Tracker type
146  */
147  static inline DeviceType deviceTypeStaticPatternTracker6DOF();
149  private:
151  /**
152  * Creates a new Static Pattern feature based 6DOF tracker object.
153  */
156  /**
157  * Destructs an Static Pattern feature based 6DOF tracker object.
158  */
161  /**
162  * Event function for new tracking samples from the pattern tracker.
163  * @param measurement The measurement object sending the sample
164  * @param sample The new samples with resulting from pattern tracker
165  */
166  void onPatternTrackerSample(const Measurement* measurement, const SampleRef& sample);
168  /**
169  * Event function for new tracking samples from the world tracker.
170  * @param measurement The measurement object sending the sample
171  * @param sample The new samples with resulting from world tracker
172  */
173  void onWorldTrackerSample(const Measurement* measurement, const SampleRef& sample);
175  /**
176  * Event function for new tracking object event from the pattern tracker.
177  * @param tracker The sender of the event, must be valid
178  * @param found True, if the object ids were found; False if the object ids were lost
179  * @param objectIds The ids of the object which are found or lost, at least one
180  * @param timestamp The timestamp of the event
181  */
182  void onPatternTrackerObject(const Tracker* tracker, const bool found, const ObjectIdSet& objectIds, const Timestamp& timestamp);
184  /**
185  * Event function for new tracking object event from the world tracker.
186  * @param tracker The sender of the event, must be valid
187  * @param found True, if the object ids were found; False if the object ids were lost
188  * @param objectIds The ids of the object which are found or lost, at least one
189  * @param timestamp The timestamp of the event
190  */
191  void onWorldTrackerObject(const Tracker* tracker, const bool found, const ObjectIdSet& objectIds, const Timestamp& timestamp);
193  /**
194  * Reports all pattern poses without aligning the poses with the world tracker.
195  * @param timestamp The current timestamp
196  */
197  void reportNotAlignedPoses(const Timestamp& timestamp);
199  /**
200  * Reports all pattern poses by aligning them with the world tracker.
201  * @param timestamp The current timestamp
202  */
203  void reportAlignedPoses(const Timestamp& timestamp);
205  private:
207  /// The 6-DOF pattern tracker.
210  /// The 6-DOF world tracker.
213  /// The subscription object for samples events from the pattern tracker.
216  /// The subscription object for samples events from the world tracker.
219  /// The subscription object for tracker object events from the pattern tracker.
222  /// The subscription object for tracker object events from the world tracker.
225  /// The ids of all objects currently connected with a world pose.
228  /// The ids of all objects detected and currently actively tracked.
231  /// The ids of all objects currently not actively tracked.
234  /// Individual transformations (the history of recent poses) of all (pattern) objects.
237  /// The transformation map (the history of recent poses) of the world tracker.
240  /// The look for all transformation maps.
243  /// The maximal number of transformations that kept stored to determine the aligned transformation between world and pattern, with range [1, infinity)
244  size_t maximalNumberForAlignment_ = 5;
246  /// The maximal time interval of transformations that kept stored to determine the aligned transformation between world and pattern, in seconds, with range (0, infinity)
247  double maximalIntervalForAlignment_ = 10.0;
249  /// The mapper between internal and external object ids.
251 };
254  maximalDistance_(maximalDistance),
255  pattern_T_world_(false)
256 {
257  ocean_assert(maximalDistance_ > Numeric::eps());
258 }
261 {
262  return pattern_T_world_;
263 }
266 {
267  return transformationMap_;
268 }
271 {
272  return std::string("Static Pattern 6DOF Tracker");
273 }
276 {
278 }
280 }
282 }
284 }
Definition of a class holding the major and minor device type.
Definition: devices/Device.h:62
This class implements a helper class to simplify the mapping between internal object ids (of the actu...
Definition: Measurement.h:239
This class manages the lifetime of an event subscription for sample events.
Definition: Measurement.h:154
This class implements the base class for all devices providing measurement samples.
Definition: Measurement.h:40
unsigned int ObjectId
Definition of an object id.
Definition: Measurement.h:46
std::unordered_set< ObjectId > ObjectIdSet
Definition of an unordered set holding object ids.
Definition: Measurement.h:56
This class is the base class for all tracker allowing to track an object or location.
Definition: ObjectTracker.h:38
This class implements a base class for all devices of the Pattern library.
Definition: PatternDevice.h:29
This class implements a device factory for the Pattern feature based tracking system.
Definition: PatternFactory.h:29
This class stores necessary information for one pattern.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:56
PatternTransformations(const Scalar maximalDistance)
Creates a new object.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:253
Scalar maximalDistance_
The distance between pattern and camera in which the Pattern tracker can be trusted,...
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:90
bool addTransformation(const HomogenousMatrix4 &pattern_T_camera, const Timestamp &timestamp, const size_t maximalNumberForAlignment, const double maximalIntervalForAlignment)
Adds a new transformation between camera and pattern.
TransformationMap transformationMap_
The recent transformations associated with this pattern.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:96
HomogenousMatrix4 pattern_T_world_
The most current transformation between world and pattern, invalid if unknown.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:93
HomogenousMatrix4 & pattern_T_world()
Returns the current transformation between world and pattern, may be invalid.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:260
TransformationMap & transformations()
Returns the transformations associated with this pattern.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:265
This class implements a static Pattern feature-based tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:42
ObjectMapper< ObjectId > objectIdMapper_
The mapper between internal and external object ids.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:250
SampleEventSubscription worldTrackerSampleEventSubscription_
The subscription object for samples events from the world tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:217
bool isStarted() const override
Returns whether this device is active.
ObjectId registerObject(const std::string &description, const Vector3 &dimension) override
Adds a new tracking pattern.
static std::string deviceNameStaticPatternTracker6DOF()
Returns the name of this tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:270
bool start() override
Starts the device.
static DeviceType deviceTypeStaticPatternTracker6DOF()
Returns the type of this tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:275
void reportNotAlignedPoses(const Timestamp &timestamp)
Reports all pattern poses without aligning the poses with the world tracker.
Lock sampleMapLock_
The look for all transformation maps.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:241
TrackerObjectEventSubscription worldTrackerObjectSubscription_
The subscription object for tracker object events from the world tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:223
void setInput(Media::FrameMediumRefs &&frameMediums) override
Sets the multi-view visual input of this tracker.
void reportAlignedPoses(const Timestamp &timestamp)
Reports all pattern poses by aligning them with the world tracker.
Tracker6DOFRef worldTracker_
The 6-DOF world tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:211
ObjectIdSet lostPatternTrackerObjects_
The ids of all objects currently not actively tracked.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:232
std::map< Timestamp, HomogenousMatrix4 > TransformationMap
Definition of a sorted map combining timestamp with transformations.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:50
bool stop() override
Stops the device.
ObjectIdSet worldTrackedPatternObjects_
The ids of all objects currently connected with a world pose.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:226
Tracker6DOFRef patternTracker_
The 6-DOF pattern tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:208
Creates a new Static Pattern feature based 6DOF tracker object.
void onPatternTrackerObject(const Tracker *tracker, const bool found, const ObjectIdSet &objectIds, const Timestamp &timestamp)
Event function for new tracking object event from the pattern tracker.
void onWorldTrackerSample(const Measurement *measurement, const SampleRef &sample)
Event function for new tracking samples from the world tracker.
~StaticPatternTracker6DOF() override
Destructs an Static Pattern feature based 6DOF tracker object.
SampleEventSubscription patternTrackerSampleEventSubscription_
The subscription object for samples events from the pattern tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:214
void onWorldTrackerObject(const Tracker *tracker, const bool found, const ObjectIdSet &objectIds, const Timestamp &timestamp)
Event function for new tracking object event from the world tracker.
std::unordered_map< ObjectId, PatternTransformations > PatternTransformationsMap
Definition of an unsorted map combining object ids with pattern transformations.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:102
ObjectIdSet foundPatternTrackerObjects_
The ids of all objects detected and currently actively tracked.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:229
PatternTransformationsMap patternTrackerTransformationsMap_
Individual transformations (the history of recent poses) of all (pattern) objects.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:235
void onPatternTrackerSample(const Measurement *measurement, const SampleRef &sample)
Event function for new tracking samples from the pattern tracker.
TrackerObjectEventSubscription patternTrackerObjectSubscription_
The subscription object for tracker object events from the pattern tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:220
TransformationMap worldTrackerTransformationMap_
The transformation map (the history of recent poses) of the world tracker.
Definition: StaticPatternTracker6DOF.h:238
This class implements the base for all 6DOF trackers.
Definition: Tracker6DOF.h:39
static DeviceType deviceTypeTracker6DOF()
Definition of this device type.
Definition: Tracker6DOF.h:100
This class manages the lifetime of an event subscription for tracker object events.
Definition: devices/Tracker.h:141
This class implements the base class for all tracker devices.
Definition: devices/Tracker.h:39
Tracker using a visual input for their measurements.
Definition: devices/Tracker.h:62
Tracker allowing to register tracking objects at runtime.
Definition: devices/Tracker.h:64
This class is the base class for all tracker using visual input to create the tracking results.
Definition: devices/VisualTracker.h:41
This class implements a recursive lock object.
Definition: Lock.h:31
static constexpr T eps()
Returns a small epsilon.
This template class implements a object reference with an internal reference counter.
Definition: base/ObjectRef.h:58
This class implements a timestamp.
Definition: Timestamp.h:36
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition: Math.h:128
std::vector< FrameMediumRef > FrameMediumRefs
Definition of a vector holding frame medium reference objects.
Definition: FrameMedium.h:46
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15