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PatternTracker.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker
 This class implements an offline tracker able to detect and track a previously known 2D pattern. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker::RoughPoseBaseComponent
 This class implements the base class for all tracking components providing a rough pose. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker::RoughCameraFovComponent
 This class implements a tracking component that determines a rough guess of the horizontal field of view of the camera. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker::RoughPoseComponent
 This class implements a tracking component that determines rough camera poses by application of 2D / 3D point correspondences. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker::FineTrackingComponent
 This class implements a tracking component that allows to determine an accurate pose and that further allows to optimized the camera parameters. More...


namespace  Ocean
 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
namespace  Ocean::Tracking
 Namespace of the Tracker library.
namespace  Ocean::Tracking::Offline
 Namespace of the Offline Tracker library.


typedef SmartObjectRef< PatternTracker, OfflineTrackerOcean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTrackerRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a PatternTracker object.