PatternTracker.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker
 This class implements an offline tracker able to detect and track a previously known 2D pattern. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker::RoughPoseBaseComponent
 This class implements the base class for all tracking components providing a rough pose. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker::RoughCameraFovComponent
 This class implements a tracking component that determines a rough guess of the horizontal field of view of the camera. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker::RoughPoseComponent
 This class implements a tracking component that determines rough camera poses by application of 2D / 3D point correspondences. More...
class  Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTracker::FineTrackingComponent
 This class implements a tracking component that allows to determine an accurate pose and that further allows to optimized the camera parameters. More...


 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
 Namespace of the Offline Tracker library.


typedef SmartObjectRef< PatternTracker, OfflineTracker > Ocean::Tracking::Offline::PatternTrackerRef
 Definition of a smart object reference holding a PatternTracker object. More...