Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
14 #include "ocean/math/AnyCamera.h"
17 namespace Ocean
18 {
20 namespace Geometry
21 {
23 /**
24  * This class provides functions determining the camera's pose by a set of three 3D object and 2D image point correspondences.
25  * @ingroup geometry
26  */
27 class OCEAN_GEOMETRY_EXPORT P3P : public PerspectivePose
28 {
29  public:
31  /**
32  * Calculates the possible camera poses for three correspondences between 3D object points and 2D image points.
33  * The 3D object points as well as the resulting camera poses are defined in relation to a common world coordinate system.<br>
34  * Each pose is defined using a default camera pointing into the negative z-space of the coordinate system, with x-axis to the right of the camera frame, and y-axis pointing upwards (this coordinate system is often used in Computer Graphics).<br>
35  * The resulting poses can be transformed to an inverted flipped coordinate system e.g., by using PinholeCamera::standard2InvertedFlipped().<br>
36  * An inverted and flipped pose is pointing into the positive z-space of the coordinate system, with x-axis to the right of the camera frame, and y-axis pointing downwards (this coordinate system is often used in Computer Vision).<br>
37  * The provided image points should be defined in the domain of a normal image (with origin in the upper left corner, x pointing to the right, y pointing downwards).<br>
38  * The p3p can result in at most four different poses due to the under-determined system of equations.
39  * @param anyCamera The camera profile defining the projection, must be valid
40  * @param objectPoints Three 3D objects points each corresponding to a different 2D image point, the points must not be collinear
41  * @param imagePoints Three 2D image points each corresponding to a different 3D object point
42  * @param world_T_cameras The resulting transformation matrices receiving the different poses, the buffer must be large enough to store up to four resulting poses
43  * @return Resulting number of different poses, with range [0, 4]
44  * @tparam TCamera The data type of the camera profile, either 'float' or 'double'
45  * @tparam TPoint The data type image and object points, either 'float' or 'double'
46  * @see PinholeCamera::standard2InvertedFlipped(), PinholeCamera::invertedFlipped2Standard(), PinholeCamera::undistort().
47  */
48  template <typename TCamera, typename TPoint>
49  static unsigned int poses(const AnyCameraT<TCamera>& anyCamera, const VectorT3<TPoint>* objectPoints, const VectorT2<TPoint>* imagePoints, HomogenousMatrixT4<TPoint>* world_T_cameras);
51  /**
52  * Calculates the possible camera poses for three correspondences between 3D object points and 3D rays starting at the camera's center of projection and pointing towards the 3D object points.
53  * The 3D object points are defined in relation to a world coordinate system, while the 3D rays are defined in relation to the coordinate system of the camera.<br>
54  * Each pose is defined using a default camera pointing into the negative z-space of the coordinate system, with x-axis to the right of the camera frame and y-axis pointing upwards.<br>
55  * The resulting poses can be transformed to an inverted flipped coordinate system e.g., by using PinholeCamera::standard2InvertedFlipped().<br>
56  * The p3p can result in at most four different poses due to the under-determined system of equations.<br>
57  * @param objectPoints Three 3D objects points each corresponding to a different 2D image point, the points must not be collinear
58  * @param imageRays Three 3D rays with unit length, defined in the coordinate system of the camera, starting at the camera's center of projection (equal to the origin), hitting the image plane at image points corresponding to the 3D object points and pointing towards the object points, each ray corresponds to one 3D object point
59  * @param cameraPoses The resulting transformation matrices receiving the different poses, the buffer must be large enough to store up to four resulting poses
60  * @return Resulting number of different poses, with range [0, 4]
61  * @tparam T Data type of e.g., the vector elements to be used, either 'float' or 'double'
62  * @see PinholeCamera::standard2InvertedFlipped(), PinholeCamera::invertedFlipped2Standard(), PinholeCamera::undistort().
63  */
64  template <typename T>
65  static unsigned int poses(const VectorT3<T>* objectPoints, const VectorT3<T>* imageRays, HomogenousMatrixT4<T>* cameraPoses);
67  protected:
69  /**
70  * Constructs the closest point on the line between two object points and the camera's projection center.
71  * @param objectPoint0 First object point intersecting the line
72  * @param objectPoint1 Second object point intersecting the line
73  * @param objectDistance01 Distance between first and second object point
74  * @param objectDistanceToCP0 Distance between first object point and the camera's projection center
75  * @param objectDistanceToCP1 Distance between second object point and the camera's projection center
76  * @return Resulting closest point
77  * @tparam T Data type of e.g., the vector elements to be used, either 'float' or 'double'
78  */
79  template <typename T>
80  static inline VectorT3<T> constructClosestPointToCP(const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint0, const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint1, const T objectDistance01, const T objectDistanceToCP0, const T objectDistanceToCP1);
82  /**
83  * Constructs the closest point to the camera's projection center lying on the object surface triangle.
84  * @param objectPoint0 First object point intersecting the object surface triangle
85  * @param objectPoint1 Second object point intersecting the object surface triangle
86  * @param objectPoint2 Third object point intersecting the object surface triangle
87  * @param closestPoint01 Closest point to the camera's projection center lying on the line between first and second object point
88  * @param closestPoint02 Closest point to the camera's projection center lying on the line between first and third object point
89  * @param point Resulting closes point
90  * @return True, if succeeded
91  * @tparam T Data type of e.g., the vector elements to be used, either 'float' or 'double'
92  */
93  template <typename T>
94  static inline bool constructClosestPointToCPOnObjectPlane(const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint0, const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint1, const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint2, const VectorT3<T>& closestPoint01, const VectorT3<T>& closestPoint02, VectorT3<T>& point);
96  /**
97  * Returns the square of a value.
98  * @param value The value to square
99  * @return The squared value
100  * @tparam T Data type of e.g., the vector elements to be used, either 'float' or 'double'
101  */
102  template <typename T>
103  static inline T sqr(const T value);
104 };
106 template <typename T>
107 inline VectorT3<T> P3P::constructClosestPointToCP(const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint0, const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint1, const T objectDistance01, const T objectDistanceToCP0, const T objectDistanceToCP1)
108 {
109  ocean_assert(NumericT<T>::isNotEqualEps(objectDistance01));
111  /**
112  * We combine the following steps:
113  * const Scalar cos_ObjectPoint0 = (objectDistanceToCP1 * objectDistanceToCP1 - objectDistanceToCP0 * objectDistanceToCP0 - objectDistance01 * objectDistance01) / (-2 * objectDistanceToCP0 * objectDistance01);
114  * const Scalar distanceToClosesPoint = cos_ObjectPoint0 * objectDistanceToCP0;
115  * const Vector3 directionObjectPoint0To1 = (objectPoint1 - objectPoint0) / objectDistance01;
116  * return objectPoint0 + directionObjectPoint0To1 * distanceToClosesPoint;
117  */
119  const T factor = T(-0.5) * (objectDistanceToCP1 * objectDistanceToCP1 - objectDistanceToCP0 * objectDistanceToCP0 - objectDistance01 * objectDistance01) / (objectDistance01 * objectDistance01);
121  return objectPoint0 * (T(1) - factor) + objectPoint1 * factor;
122 }
124 template <typename T>
125 inline bool P3P::constructClosestPointToCPOnObjectPlane(const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint0, const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint1, const VectorT3<T>& objectPoint2, const VectorT3<T>& closestPoint01, const VectorT3<T>& closestPoint02, VectorT3<T>& point)
126 {
127  const VectorT3<T> objectDirection01 = objectPoint1 - objectPoint0;
128  const VectorT3<T> objectDirection02 = objectPoint2 - objectPoint0;
129  ocean_assert(NumericT<T>::isNotEqualEps(objectDirection01.length()));
130  ocean_assert(NumericT<T>::isNotEqualEps(objectDirection02.length()));
132  const VectorT3<T> objectPlaneNormal = objectDirection01.cross(objectDirection02); // normal not having unit length
134  VectorT3<T> d01 = objectPlaneNormal.cross(objectDirection01);
135  VectorT3<T> d02 = objectPlaneNormal.cross(objectDirection02);
137  if (!d01.normalize() || !d02.normalize())
138  return false;
140  ocean_assert_accuracy(NumericT<T>::isWeakEqualEps(d01 * objectPlaneNormal.normalizedOrZero()));
141  ocean_assert_accuracy(NumericT<T>::isWeakEqualEps(d02 * objectPlaneNormal.normalizedOrZero()));
143  ocean_assert_accuracy(NumericT<T>::isWeakEqualEps(d01 * objectDirection01));
144  ocean_assert_accuracy(NumericT<T>::isWeakEqualEps(d02 * objectDirection02));
146  const LineT3<T> line01(closestPoint01, d01);
147  const LineT3<T> line02(closestPoint02, d02);
150  {
151  // we ensure that both lines are located in the plane (and respect that a line point may be very far away from our object points
152  const PlaneT3<T> debugPlane(objectPoint0, objectPoint1, objectPoint2);
154  const VectorT3<T> debugDirection0(line01.point() - objectPoint0);
155  ocean_assert(NumericT<T>::isEqualEps(debugDirection0.length()) || NumericT<T>::angleIsEqual(debugPlane.normal().angle(debugDirection0), NumericT<T>::pi_2(), NumericT<T>::deg2rad(T(0.1))));
157  const VectorT3<T> debugDirection1(line01.point(1) - objectPoint0);
158  ocean_assert(NumericT<T>::isEqualEps(debugDirection1.length()) || NumericT<T>::angleIsEqual(debugPlane.normal().angle(debugDirection1), NumericT<T>::pi_2(), NumericT<T>::deg2rad(T(0.1))));
160  const VectorT3<T> debugDirection2(line02.point(0) - objectPoint0);
161  ocean_assert(NumericT<T>::isEqualEps(debugDirection2.length()) || NumericT<T>::angleIsEqual(debugPlane.normal().angle(debugDirection2), NumericT<T>::pi_2(), NumericT<T>::deg2rad(T(0.1))));
163  const VectorT3<T> debugDirection3(line02.point(1) - objectPoint0);
164  ocean_assert(NumericT<T>::isEqualEps(debugDirection3.length()) || NumericT<T>::angleIsEqual(debugPlane.normal().angle(debugDirection3), NumericT<T>::pi_2(), NumericT<T>::deg2rad(T(0.1))));
165  }
166 #endif
168  VectorT3<T> first, second;
170  if (!line01.nearestPoints(line02, first, second))
171  return false;
173  point = (first + second) * T(0.5);
174  return true;
175 }
177 template <typename T>
178 inline T P3P::sqr(const T value)
179 {
180  return value * value;
181 }
183 }
185 }
This class implements the abstract base class for all AnyCamera objects.
Definition: AnyCamera.h:130
This class provides functions determining the camera's pose by a set of three 3D object and 2D image ...
Definition: P3P.h:28
static T sqr(const T value)
Returns the square of a value.
Definition: P3P.h:178
static unsigned int poses(const VectorT3< T > *objectPoints, const VectorT3< T > *imageRays, HomogenousMatrixT4< T > *cameraPoses)
Calculates the possible camera poses for three correspondences between 3D object points and 3D rays s...
static bool constructClosestPointToCPOnObjectPlane(const VectorT3< T > &objectPoint0, const VectorT3< T > &objectPoint1, const VectorT3< T > &objectPoint2, const VectorT3< T > &closestPoint01, const VectorT3< T > &closestPoint02, VectorT3< T > &point)
Constructs the closest point to the camera's projection center lying on the object surface triangle.
Definition: P3P.h:125
static unsigned int poses(const AnyCameraT< TCamera > &anyCamera, const VectorT3< TPoint > *objectPoints, const VectorT2< TPoint > *imagePoints, HomogenousMatrixT4< TPoint > *world_T_cameras)
Calculates the possible camera poses for three correspondences between 3D object points and 2D image ...
static VectorT3< T > constructClosestPointToCP(const VectorT3< T > &objectPoint0, const VectorT3< T > &objectPoint1, const T objectDistance01, const T objectDistanceToCP0, const T objectDistanceToCP1)
Constructs the closest point on the line between two object points and the camera's projection center...
Definition: P3P.h:107
This class is the base class for all perspective pose classes.
Definition: PerspectivePose.h:27
This class implements a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix using floating point values with the pr...
Definition: HomogenousMatrix4.h:110
This class implements an infinite line in 3D space.
Definition: Line3.h:70
bool nearestPoints(const LineT3< T > &line, VectorT3< T > &first, VectorT3< T > &second) const
Returns the two nearest points for two crossing lines.
Definition: Line3.h:484
const VectorT3< T > & point() const
Returns a point on the line.
Definition: Line3.h:271
This class provides basic numeric functionalities.
Definition: Numeric.h:57
This class implements a plane in 3D space.
Definition: Plane3.h:73
const VectorT3< T > & normal() const
Returns the normal of the plane.
Definition: Plane3.h:340
This class implements a vector with two elements.
Definition: Vector2.h:96
This class implements a vector with three elements.
Definition: Vector3.h:97
bool normalize()
Normalizes this vector.
Definition: Vector3.h:647
VectorT3< T > cross(const VectorT3< T > &vector) const
Returns the cross product of two vectors.
Definition: Vector3.h:597
VectorT3< T > normalizedOrZero() const
Returns the normalized vector.
Definition: Vector3.h:619
T length() const
Returns the length of the vector.
Definition: Vector3.h:664
unsigned int sqr(const char value)
Returns the square value of a given value.
Definition: base/Utilities.h:1029
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15