No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3 *
4 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6 */
8#pragma once
16#include "ocean/base/Frame.h"
17#include "ocean/base/Memory.h"
19#include "ocean/cv/Bresenham.h"
23#include "ocean/math/Box2.h"
25#include "ocean/math/Vector2.h"
27#include <array>
28#include <cstdint>
30namespace Ocean
33namespace CV
36namespace Detector
39namespace QRCodes
43 * Deprecated: use QRCodeDetector2D instead
44 *
45 * This class implements a detector for QR Codes.
46 * @ingroup cvdetectorqrcodes
47 */
48class OCEAN_CV_DETECTOR_QRCODES_EXPORT LegacyQRCodeDetector2D : public QRCodeDetector
50 public:
52 /**
53 * Definition of different detection modes
54 */
55 enum DetectionMode : uint32_t
56 {
57 /// Uses the standard array of checks to detect QR codes
58 DM_STANDARD = 1u << 0u,
59 /// Will add a small border around each image, e.g., if the QR code occupies the entire image leaving too little space to the border
60 DM_EXTRA_BORDER = 1u << 1u,
61 /// Will enable blurring of the input image as an additional measure to detect QR codes
62 DM_BLUR = 2u << 1u,
63 /// Uses a minimum of detection tests for fast detections
65 /// Enables all additional checks for best detection results
67 };
69 /**
70 * Definition of an observation of QR code in 2D
71 */
73 {
74 public:
76 /**
77 * Creates an invalid observation
78 */
79 Observation() = default;
81 /**
82 * Creates an valid observation
83 * @param frame_H_code The homography that maps coordinates in the QR code grid to image coordinates, i.e., `frameLocation = frame_H_code_ * (codeX + 0.5, codeY + 0.5)^T`
84 * @param finderPatterns The three finder patterns of the QR Codes, elements must be in the order: top-left, bottom-left, top-right
85 */
86 inline explicit Observation(const SquareMatrix3& frame_H_code, FinderPatternTriplet&& finderPatterns);
88 /**
89 * Returns if the observation is valid
90 * @return True if the observation is valid, otherwise false
91 */
92 inline bool isValid() const;
94 /**
95 * Returns the homography that maps coordinates in the QR code grid to image coordinates
96 * @return The homography
97 */
98 inline const SquareMatrix3& frame_H_code() const;
100 /**
101 * Returns a pointer to the finder patterns
102 * @return The finder patterns
103 */
104 inline const FinderPatternTriplet& finderPatterns() const;
106 protected:
108 /// The homography that maps coordinates in the QR code grid to image coordinates, i.e., `frameLocation = frame_H_code_ * (codeX + 0.5, codeY + 0.5)^T`
109 SquareMatrix3 frame_H_code_ = SquareMatrix3(false);
111 /// The finder patterns of the QR code, order: top-left, bottom-left, top-right
113 };
115 /// Definition of a vector of observations
116 typedef std::vector<Observation> Observations;
118 public:
120 /**
121 * Detects QR codes in a given 8 bit grayscale image.
122 * @param frame The frame in which the QR codes will be detected, must be an 8 bit grayscale image and must be valid
123 * @param worker Optional worker to distribute the computation
124 * @param detectionMode The detection mode that should be used
125 * @param observations If specified, will return the observations of the detected QR codes; the order matches the elements of the return value
126 * @return An array of detected QR codes
127 */
128 static inline QRCodes detectQRCodes(const Frame& frame, Worker* worker = nullptr, const DetectionMode detectionMode = DM_STANDARD, Observations* observations = nullptr);
130 /**
131 * Detects QR codes in a given 8 bit grayscale image.
132 * @param yFrame The 8 bit grayscale frame in which the QR codes will be detected, must be valid
133 * @param width The width of the given grayscale frame in pixel, with range [29, infinity)
134 * @param height The height of the given grayscale frame in pixel, with range [29, infinity)
135 * @param paddingElements Optional number of padding elements at the end of each image row, in elements, with range [0, infinity)
136 * @param worker Optional worker to distribute the computation
137 * @param detectionMode The detection mode that should be used
138 * @param observations If specified, will return the observations of the detected QR codes; the order matches the elements of the return value
139 * @return An array of detected QR codes
140 */
141 static QRCodes detectQRCodes(const uint8_t* const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int paddingElements = 0u, Worker* worker = nullptr, const DetectionMode detectionMode = DM_STANDARD, Observations* observations = nullptr);
143 protected:
145 /**
146 * Determines the three outer corners of a finder pattern triplet in a QR code
147 * Given a (valid) triplet of finder patterns, their corners can be used to determine three (out of four) corners of the QR code, i.e., the top-left corner `(0, 0)`, the bottom-left corner `(0, qrcodesize)`, and the top-right corner `(qrcodesize, 0)`
148 * @note Make sure that the triplet is valid, otherwise the result will be undefined.
149 * @param topLeft The finder pattern in the top-left corner
150 * @param bottomLeft The finder pattern in the bottom-left corner
151 * @param topRight The finder pattern in the top-right corner
152 * @param cornerIndexTopLeft The resulting index of the corner of the top-left finder pattern that is also the top-left corner of the entire QR code symbol, will be in the range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`)
153 * @param cornerIndexBottomLeft The resulting index of the corner of the bottom-left finder pattern that is also the bottom-left corner of the entire QR code symbol, will be in the range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`)
154 * @param cornerIndexTopRight The resulting index of the corner of the top-right finder pattern that is also the top-right corner of the entire QR code symbol, will be in the range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`)
155 * @return True if the three corners were successfully determined, otherwise false
156 */
157 static bool determineOuterMostCorners(const FinderPattern& topLeft, const FinderPattern& bottomLeft, const FinderPattern& topRight, unsigned int& cornerIndexTopLeft, unsigned int& cornerIndexBottomLeft, unsigned int& cornerIndexTopRight);
159 /**
160 * Extracts the version of a QR code from an image given its known location
161 * @param yFrame Pointer to the input grayscale image, must be valid
162 * @param width The width of the input grayscale image, range: [1, infinity)
163 * @param height The height of the input grayscale image, range:[1, infinity)
164 * @param yFramePaddingElements The number of padding elements of the input grayscale image, range: [0, infinity)
165 * @param topLeft The finder pattern in the top-left corner of the QR code, must be valid
166 * @param bottomLeft The finder pattern in the bottom-left corner of the QR code, must be valid
167 * @param topRight The finder pattern in the top-right corner of the QR code, must be valid
168 * @param estimatedVersion The version number that was estimated from the module size of the finder patterns, range: [7u, 40u]
169 * @param homography A transformation which is used to extract the modules (bits) of the version information, maps QR code location `q = (u, v)` to image coordinates `p = (x, y)`: `p = affineTransform * (u + 0.5, v + 0.5)`
170 * @param version Will hold the resulting version number that is extracted from the image of QR code
171 * @return True if the version was successfully extracted, otherwise false
172 * @sa computeInitialHomography()
173 */
174 static bool determineSymbolVersionFromImage(const uint8_t* const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const FinderPattern& topLeft, const FinderPattern& bottomLeft, const FinderPattern& topRight, const unsigned int estimatedVersion, const SquareMatrix3& homography, unsigned int& version);
176 /**
177 * Detects the timer pattern between (1) the top-left and top-right or (2) the top-left and bottom-left finder patterns
178 * @param yFrame Pointer to the input grayscale image, must be valid
179 * @param width The width of the input grayscale image, range: [1, infinity)
180 * @param height The height of the input grayscale image, range:[1, infinity)
181 * @param yFramePaddingElements The number of padding elements of the input grayscale image, range: [0, infinity)
182 * @param version The version number that was determined for this QR code, range: [1u, 40u]
183 * @param homography Homography transformation that describes the location of the QR code for which the detection of the timing pattern will be run, must be valid
184 * @param topLeft The finder pattern in the top-left corner of the QR code, must be valid
185 * @param bottomLeft The finder pattern in the bottom-left corner of the QR code, must be valid
186 * @param topRight The finder pattern in the top-right corner of the QR code, must be valid
187 * @return True if 1) at least one timer pattern has been detected 100%, or 2) both timer patterns have been detected 80% each, otherwise false
188 */
189 static bool detectTimerPatterns(const uint8_t* const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int version, const SquareMatrix3& homography, const FinderPattern& topLeft, const FinderPattern& bottomLeft, const FinderPattern& topRight);
191 /**
192 * Extracts the format information of a QR code from an image given its known location
193 * @param yFrame Pointer to the input grayscale image, must be valid
194 * @param width The width of the input grayscale image, range: [1, infinity)
195 * @param height The height of the input grayscale image, range:[1, infinity)
196 * @param yFramePaddingElements The number of padding elements of the input grayscale image, range: [0, infinity)
197 * @param topLeft The finder pattern in the top-left corner of the QR code, must be valid
198 * @param bottomLeft The finder pattern in the bottom-left corner of the QR code, must be valid
199 * @param topRight The finder pattern in the top-right corner of the QR code, must be valid
200 * @param version The version number that was determined for this QR code, range: [1u, 40u]
201 * @param homography A transformation which is used to extract the modules (bits) of the version information, maps QR code location `q = (u, v)` to image coordinates `p = (x, y)`: `p = affineTransform * (u + 0.5, v + 0.5)`
202 * @param errorCorrectionCapacity The resulting error correction capacity that the QR code in the image was created with
203 * @param maskingPattern The resulting masking pattern that was used to XOR the modules of the QR code in the image at its creation time
204 * @return True if the format information was successfully read from image and could be decoded
205 */
206 static bool determineSymbolFormat(const uint8_t* const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const FinderPattern& topLeft, const FinderPattern& bottomLeft, const FinderPattern& topRight, const unsigned int version, const SquareMatrix3& homography, QRCode::ErrorCorrectionCapacity& errorCorrectionCapacity, QRCodeEncoder::MaskingPattern& maskingPattern);
208 /**
209 * Computes an initial transformation to map QR code coordinates to image locations
210 * @note Make sure that the triplet is valid, otherwise the result will be undefined.
211 * @param topLeft The finder pattern in the top-left corner
212 * @param bottomLeft The finder pattern in the bottom-left corner
213 * @param topRight The finder pattern in the top-right corner
214 * @param version The version of the QR code defined by the above triplet of finder patterns, range: [1, 40]
215 * @param cornerIndexTopLeft The index of the corner of the top-left finder pattern that is also the top-left corner of the entire QR code symbol, range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`), set this to a value outside the range if this index isn't known
216 * @param cornerIndexBottomLeft The index of the corner of the bottom-left finder pattern that is also the bottom-left corner of the entire QR code symbol, range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`), set this to a value outside the range if this index isn't known
217 * @param cornerIndexTopRight The index of the corner of the top-right finder pattern that is also the top-right corner of the entire QR code symbol, range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`), set this to a value outside the range if this index isn't known
218 * @param homography The resulting homography that is computed from the triplet of finder patterns. In case not all corners of the finder patterns are known, this transformation will be an affine transformation, not a full homography. The transformation maps QR code coordinates `(u, v)` to image locations, `p = (x, y)`: `p = homography * (u + 0.5, v + 0.5)`
219 * @return True if the computation of the homography was successful, otherwise false
220 */
221 static inline bool computeInitialHomography(const FinderPattern& topLeft, const FinderPattern& bottomLeft, const FinderPattern& topRight, const unsigned int& version, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexBottomLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopRight, SquareMatrix3& homography);
223 /**
224 * Computes the homography for a valid triplet finder patterns and known version of the underlying QR code
225 * Locates the alignment patterns of the QR code and uses them in order to refine the estimate of the initial homography
226 * @param yFrame Pointer to a grayscale image of size `width x height` pixels, must be valid
227 * @param width The width of the input frame, range: [1, infinity)
228 * @param height The height of the input frame, range: [1, infinity)
229 * @param yFramePaddingElements Number of padding elements of this frame, range: [0, infinity)
230 * @param topLeft The finder pattern in the top-left corner of the QR code, must be valid
231 * @param bottomLeft The finder pattern in bottom-left corner of the QR code, must be valid
232 * @param topRight The finder pattern in the top-right corner of the QR code, must be valid
233 * @param cornerIndexTopLeft The index of the corner of the top-left finder pattern that is also the top-left corner of the entire QR code symbol, range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`)
234 * @param cornerIndexBottomLeft The index of the corner of the bottom-left finder pattern that is also the bottom-left corner of the entire QR code symbol, range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`)
235 * @param cornerIndexTopRight The index of the corner of the top-right finder pattern that is also the top-right corner of the entire QR code symbol, range: [0, 4) (cf. `QRCode::corner()`)
236 * @param version The version number of the QR code, range: [1, 40]
237 * @param initialHomography An initial transformation to map QR code coordinates to image locations that will be refined
238 * @param homography The resulting transformation mapping coordinates in the QR code, `q = (u, v)`, into image coordinate, `p = (x, y)`: `p = homography * q`
239 * @return True if the homography was computed successfully, otherwise false
240 */
241 static bool computeRefinedHomography(const uint8_t* const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const FinderPattern& topLeft, const FinderPattern& bottomLeft, const FinderPattern& topRight, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexBottomLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopRight, unsigned int& version, const SquareMatrix3& initialHomography, SquareMatrix3& homography);
243 /**
244 * Read the modules of a QR code with known location (homography) from an image
245 * @param yFrame Pointer to a grayscale image of size `width x height` pixels, must be valid
246 * @param width The width of the input frame, range: [1, infinity)
247 * @param height The height of the input frame, range: [1, infinity)
248 * @param yFramePaddingElements Number of padding elements of this frame, range: [0, infinity)
249 * @param grayThreshold The threshold that was used during the detection of this QR code, range: [0, 255]
250 * @param version The version number of the QR code, range: [1, 40]
251 * @param homography The transformation mapping coordinates in the QR code, `q = (u, v)`, into image coordinate, `p = (x, y)`: `p = homography * q`
252 * @param modules The resulting modules (bits) of the QR code that have been identified in the image, `yFrame`. Memory will be allocated inside this function, if necessary
253 * @return True, if the modules were read successfully, otherwise false
254 */
255 static bool extractModules(const uint8_t* const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int grayThreshold, const unsigned int version, const SquareMatrix3& homography, std::vector<uint8_t>& modules);
259 frame_H_code_(frame_H_code),
260 finderPatterns_(std::move(finderPatterns))
262 // Nothing else to do.
267 return frame_H_code_.isHomography();
272 return frame_H_code_;
277 return finderPatterns_;
280inline QRCodes LegacyQRCodeDetector2D::detectQRCodes(const Frame& frame, Worker* worker, const DetectionMode detectionMode, Observations* observations)
283 {
284 ocean_assert(false && "Frame must be valid and an 8 bit grayscale image and the pixel origin must be the upper left corner");
285 QRCodes();
286 }
288 return detectQRCodes(frame.constdata<uint8_t>(), frame.width(), frame.height(), frame.paddingElements(), worker, detectionMode, observations);
291inline bool LegacyQRCodeDetector2D::computeInitialHomography(const FinderPattern& topLeft, const FinderPattern& bottomLeft, const FinderPattern& topRight, const unsigned int& version, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexBottomLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopRight, SquareMatrix3& homography)
293 ocean_assert(version >= 1u && version <= 40u);
295 const unsigned int modules = QRCode::modulesPerSide(std::min(40u, version));
297 if (topLeft.cornersKnown() && bottomLeft.cornersKnown() && topRight.cornersKnown() && cornerIndexTopLeft < 4u && cornerIndexBottomLeft < 4u && cornerIndexTopRight < 4u)
298 {
299 // Compute a homography from the corners of the finder patterns (3 x 4 points)
300 //
301 // Define the initial set of point correspondences. Here, use the four corners of the three finder patterns
302 // (top-left, bottom-left, and top-right):
303 //
304 // TL TR
305 // *0--3 9--8*
306 // | | | |
307 // 1--2 10--11
308 //
309 // 7--6
310 // | |
311 // *4--5
312 // BL
313 //
314 // The numbers indicate the index in the list of points below. The asterik (*) denotes the outer-most corners
315 // that were determined above. Because the corners of the finder patterns are in counter-clockwise order, they
316 // can easily be enumerated using `i & 0b0011u` as cheaper equivalent to `i % 4`.
318 const Vector2 imagePoints[12] =
319 {
320 // Corners of the top-left finder pattern
321 topLeft.corners()[(cornerIndexTopLeft + 0u) & 0b0011u], // (cornerIndexTopLeft + x) & 0b0011u == (cornerIndexTopLeft + x) % 4
322 topLeft.corners()[(cornerIndexTopLeft + 1u) & 0b0011u],
323 topLeft.corners()[(cornerIndexTopLeft + 2u) & 0b0011u],
324 topLeft.corners()[(cornerIndexTopLeft + 3u) & 0b0011u],
326 // Corners of the bottom-left finder pattern
327 bottomLeft.corners()[(cornerIndexBottomLeft + 0u) & 0b0011u],
328 bottomLeft.corners()[(cornerIndexBottomLeft + 1u) & 0b0011u],
329 bottomLeft.corners()[(cornerIndexBottomLeft + 2u) & 0b0011u],
330 bottomLeft.corners()[(cornerIndexBottomLeft + 3u) & 0b0011u],
332 // Corners of the top-right finder pattern
333 topRight.corners()[(cornerIndexTopRight + 0u) & 0b0011u],
334 topRight.corners()[(cornerIndexTopRight + 1u) & 0b0011u],
335 topRight.corners()[(cornerIndexTopRight + 2u) & 0b0011u],
336 topRight.corners()[(cornerIndexTopRight + 3u) & 0b0011u],
337 };
339 const Vector2 qrcodePoints[12] =
340 {
341 // Corners of the top-left finder pattern
342 Vector2(Scalar(0), Scalar(0)),
343 Vector2(Scalar(0), Scalar(7)),
344 Vector2(Scalar(7), Scalar(7)),
345 Vector2(Scalar(7), Scalar(0)),
347 // Corners of the bottom-left finder pattern
348 Vector2(Scalar(0), Scalar(modules)),
349 Vector2(Scalar(7), Scalar(modules)),
350 Vector2(Scalar(7), Scalar(modules - 7u)),
351 Vector2(Scalar(0), Scalar(modules - 7u)),
353 // Corners of the top-right finder pattern
354 Vector2(Scalar(modules), Scalar(0)),
355 Vector2(Scalar(modules - 7u), Scalar(0)),
356 Vector2(Scalar(modules - 7u), Scalar(7)),
357 Vector2(Scalar(modules), Scalar(7)),
358 };
360 if (Geometry::Homography::homographyMatrixLinearWithOptimizations(qrcodePoints, imagePoints, 12u, homography))
361 {
362 return true;
363 }
364 }
366 // If the above didn't work, compute an affine transformation from the centers of the finder patterns (3 x 1 points, affine transformations are a special case of homographies)
367 const Vector2 imagePoints[3] =
368 {
369 topLeft.position(),
370 bottomLeft.position(),
371 topRight.position()
372 };
374 const Vector2 rectifiedPoints[3] =
375 {
376 Vector2(Scalar(3.5), Scalar(3.5)),
377 Vector2(Scalar(3.5), Scalar(modules) - Scalar(3.5)),
378 Vector2(Scalar(modules) - Scalar(3.5), Scalar(3.5))
379 };
381 return Geometry::Homography::affineMatrix(rectifiedPoints, imagePoints, 3u, homography);
384} // namespace QRCodes
386} // namespace Detector
388} // namespace CV
390} // namespace Ocean
Definition of a class for finder patterns of QR codes (squares in the top-left, top-right and bottom-...
Definition FinderPatternDetector.h:58
const Vector2 * corners() const
Returns a pointer to the four corners of this finder pattern.
Definition FinderPatternDetector.h:530
bool cornersKnown() const
Returns true if the four corners of this finder pattern are known, otherwise false.
Definition FinderPatternDetector.h:525
const Vector2 & position() const
Returns the (center) position of the finder pattern.
Definition FinderPatternDetector.h:495
Definition of an observation of QR code in 2D.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:73
Creates an invalid observation.
bool isValid() const
Returns if the observation is valid.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:265
FinderPatternTriplet finderPatterns_
The finder patterns of the QR code, order: top-left, bottom-left, top-right.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:112
const FinderPatternTriplet & finderPatterns() const
Returns a pointer to the finder patterns.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:275
const SquareMatrix3 & frame_H_code() const
Returns the homography that maps coordinates in the QR code grid to image coordinates.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:270
Deprecated: use QRCodeDetector2D instead.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:49
static QRCodes detectQRCodes(const uint8_t *const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int paddingElements=0u, Worker *worker=nullptr, const DetectionMode detectionMode=DM_STANDARD, Observations *observations=nullptr)
Detects QR codes in a given 8 bit grayscale image.
static bool determineOuterMostCorners(const FinderPattern &topLeft, const FinderPattern &bottomLeft, const FinderPattern &topRight, unsigned int &cornerIndexTopLeft, unsigned int &cornerIndexBottomLeft, unsigned int &cornerIndexTopRight)
Determines the three outer corners of a finder pattern triplet in a QR code Given a (valid) triplet o...
static bool detectTimerPatterns(const uint8_t *const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int version, const SquareMatrix3 &homography, const FinderPattern &topLeft, const FinderPattern &bottomLeft, const FinderPattern &topRight)
Detects the timer pattern between (1) the top-left and top-right or (2) the top-left and bottom-left ...
static bool determineSymbolFormat(const uint8_t *const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const FinderPattern &topLeft, const FinderPattern &bottomLeft, const FinderPattern &topRight, const unsigned int version, const SquareMatrix3 &homography, QRCode::ErrorCorrectionCapacity &errorCorrectionCapacity, QRCodeEncoder::MaskingPattern &maskingPattern)
Extracts the format information of a QR code from an image given its known location.
static bool extractModules(const uint8_t *const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const unsigned int grayThreshold, const unsigned int version, const SquareMatrix3 &homography, std::vector< uint8_t > &modules)
Read the modules of a QR code with known location (homography) from an image.
static QRCodes detectQRCodes(const Frame &frame, Worker *worker=nullptr, const DetectionMode detectionMode=DM_STANDARD, Observations *observations=nullptr)
Detects QR codes in a given 8 bit grayscale image.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:280
static bool computeInitialHomography(const FinderPattern &topLeft, const FinderPattern &bottomLeft, const FinderPattern &topRight, const unsigned int &version, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexBottomLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopRight, SquareMatrix3 &homography)
Computes an initial transformation to map QR code coordinates to image locations.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:291
Definition of different detection modes.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:56
std::vector< Observation > Observations
Definition of a vector of observations.
Definition LegacyQRCodeDetector2D.h:116
static bool determineSymbolVersionFromImage(const uint8_t *const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const FinderPattern &topLeft, const FinderPattern &bottomLeft, const FinderPattern &topRight, const unsigned int estimatedVersion, const SquareMatrix3 &homography, unsigned int &version)
Extracts the version of a QR code from an image given its known location.
static bool computeRefinedHomography(const uint8_t *const yFrame, const unsigned int width, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int yFramePaddingElements, const FinderPattern &topLeft, const FinderPattern &bottomLeft, const FinderPattern &topRight, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexBottomLeft, const unsigned int cornerIndexTopRight, unsigned int &version, const SquareMatrix3 &initialHomography, SquareMatrix3 &homography)
Computes the homography for a valid triplet finder patterns and known version of the underlying QR co...
Enumeration of the levels of error correction The value of the enums correspond to the standard-defin...
Definition QRCodeBase.h:53
This class implements common functionality of QR code detectors but is not a stand-alone detector.
Definition QRCodeDetector.h:33
Enum for the mask patterns used to shuffle modules of a QR code.
Definition QRCodeEncoder.h:45
unsigned int modulesPerSide() const override
Returns the number of modules per side of the QR code.
Definition QRCode.h:129
This class implements Ocean's image class.
Definition Frame.h:1808
const T * constdata(const unsigned int planeIndex=0u) const
Returns a pointer to the read-only pixel data of a specific plane.
Definition Frame.h:4248
bool isValid() const
Returns whether this frame is valid.
Definition Frame.h:4528
unsigned int paddingElements(const unsigned int planeIndex=0u) const
Returns the optional number of padding elements at the end of each row for a specific plane.
Definition Frame.h:4122
Pixel format for grayscale images with byte order Y and 8 bits per pixel.
Definition Frame.h:594
unsigned int width() const
Returns the width of the frame format in pixel.
Definition Frame.h:3170
PixelOrigin pixelOrigin() const
Returns the pixel origin of the frame.
Definition Frame.h:3215
static bool arePixelFormatsCompatible(const PixelFormat pixelFormatA, const PixelFormat pixelFormatB)
Returns whether two given pixel formats are compatible.
PixelFormat pixelFormat() const
Returns the pixel format of the frame.
Definition Frame.h:3180
The first pixel lies in the upper left corner, the last pixel in the lower right corner.
Definition Frame.h:1050
unsigned int height() const
Returns the height of the frame in pixel.
Definition Frame.h:3175
static bool homographyMatrixLinearWithOptimizations(const Vector2 *leftPoints, const Vector2 *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_H_left)
Calculates the homography (8DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio, shear,...
Definition Homography.h:452
static bool affineMatrix(const ImagePoint *leftPoints, const ImagePoint *rightPoints, const size_t correspondences, SquareMatrix3 &right_A_left)
Calculates the affine transformation (6DOF - translation, rotation, scale, aspect ratio,...
This class implements a worker able to distribute function calls over different threads.
Definition Worker.h:33
std::array< FinderPattern, 3 > FinderPatternTriplet
Definition of a 3-tuple of finder patterns.
Definition FinderPatternDetector.h:198
float Scalar
Definition of a scalar type.
Definition Math.h:129
VectorT2< Scalar > Vector2
Definition of a 2D vector.
Definition Vector2.h:28
std::vector< QRCode > QRCodes
Definition of a vector of QR codes.
Definition QRCode.h:28
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition Accessor.h:15