FinderPatternDetector.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ocean::CV::Detector::QRCodes::FinderPattern
 Definition of a class for finder patterns of QR codes (squares in the top-left, top-right and bottom-left corners) More...
class  Ocean::CV::Detector::QRCodes::FinderPatternDetector
 This class implements a detector for finder patterns which are part of QR Codes. More...
class  Ocean::CV::Detector::QRCodes::FinderPatternDetector::TransitionHistory
 This class implements a simple history for previous pixel transitions (a sliding window of pixel transitions). More...


 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
 Namespace of the CV library.
 Namespace of the CV Detector library.


typedef std::array< unsigned int, 3 > Ocean::CV::Detector::QRCodes::IndexTriplet
 Definition of a triplet of indices. More...
typedef std::vector< IndexTriplet > Ocean::CV::Detector::QRCodes::IndexTriplets
 Definition of a vector index triplets. More...
typedef std::vector< FinderPattern > Ocean::CV::Detector::QRCodes::FinderPatterns
 Definition of a vector holding finder pattern. More...
typedef std::array< FinderPattern, 3 > Ocean::CV::Detector::QRCodes::FinderPatternTriplet
 Definition of a 3-tuple of finder patterns. More...