Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
3  *
4  * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
5  * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
6  */
18 #include "ocean/rendering/Engine.h"
19 #include "ocean/rendering/Node.h"
24 namespace Ocean
25 {
27 namespace Rendering
28 {
30 namespace GLESceneGraph
31 {
33 /**
34  * This class implements a traverser for renderables.
35  * Each renderable which is supposed to be renderd in the next frame is managed inside this traverser.
36  * @ingroup renderinggles
37  */
39 {
40  protected:
42  /**
43  * This class stores the data which is necessary to render one renderable.
44  */
46  {
47  public:
49  /**
50  * Creates a new traverser object.
51  * @param renderable The renderable to be added, must be valid
52  * @param attributeSet The attribute set which is connected with the renderable, must be valid
53  * @param camera_T_renderable The transformation between the renderable and the camera, must be valid
54  * @param normalMatrix The normal transformation matrix with is the transposed inverse of the upper 3x3 model view matrix
55  * @param lights The lights used the render this renderable, can be empty
56  */
57  inline TraverserObject(const RenderableRef& renderable, const AttributeSetRef& attributeSet, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_renderable, const SquareMatrix3& normalMatrix, const Lights& lights);
59  /**
60  * Renders all elements which have been gathered.
61  * @param framebuffer The framebuffer in which the objects are rendered
62  * @param projection The projection matrix to be used, must be valid
63  * @param camera_T_world The transformation between world and camera, must be valid
64  */
65  inline void render(const GLESFramebuffer& framebuffer, const SquareMatrix4& projection, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_world) const;
67  /**
68  * Renders all elements which have been gathered.
69  * @param projection The projection matrix to be used, must be valid
70  * @param camera_T_world The transformation between world and camera, must be valid
71  * @param shaderProgram The shader program to use for all objects
72  */
73  inline void render(const SquareMatrix4& projection, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_world, GLESShaderProgram& shaderProgram) const;
75  /**
76  * Returns the renderable of this traverser object.
77  * @return The object's renderable
78  */
79  inline const SmartObjectRef<GLESRenderable>& renderable() const;
81  /**
82  * Returns whether the distance of the left object is closer to the camera than the right object.
83  * @param left The left traverser object to compare
84  * @param right The right traverser object to compare
85  * @return True, if so
86  */
87  static inline bool compareDistance(const TraverserObject& left, const TraverserObject& right);
89  protected:
91  /// The renderable object.
94  /// The attribute set which is connected with the renderable.
97  /// The transformation between the renderable and the camera.
100  /// The normal transformation matrix with is the transposed inverse of the upper 3x3 model view matrix.
103  /// The lights used the render this renderable.
105  };
107  /**
108  * Definition of a vector holding traverser objects.
109  */
110  typedef std::vector<TraverserObject> TraverserObjects;
112  public:
114  /**
115  * Creates a traverser object.
116  */
117  GLESTraverser() = default;
119  /**
120  * Renders all gathered elements.
121  * @param framebuffer The framebuffer in which the objects are rendered
122  * @param projection The projection matrix to be used, must be valid
123  * @param camera_T_world The transformation between world and camera, must be valid
124  */
125  void render(const GLESFramebuffer& framebuffer, const SquareMatrix4& projection, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_world);
127  /**
128  * Renders all gathered elements with an individual color id.
129  * @param engine The rendering object to be used
130  * @param projection The projection matrix to be used, must be valid
131  * @param camera_T_world The transformation between world and camera, must be valid
132  */
133  void renderColorIds(const Engine& engine, const SquareMatrix4& projection, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_world);
135  /**
136  * Adds a new renderable to this traverser.
137  * @param renderable The renderable to be added, must be valid
138  * @param attributeSet The attribute set which is connected with the renderable, must be valid
139  * @param camera_T_renderable The transformation between the renderable and the camera, must be valid
140  * @param normalMatrix The normal transformation matrix with is the transposed inverse of the upper 3x3 model view matrix
141  * @param lights The lights used the render this renderable, can be empty
142  */
143  void addRenderable(const RenderableRef& renderable, const AttributeSetRef& attributeSet, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_renderable, const SquareMatrix3& normalMatrix, const Lights& lights);
145  /**
146  * Lookups the renderable which has been rendered with a given color id.
147  * This function needs to be called after renderColorIds().
148  * @param colorId The id for which the renderable will be returned
149  * @return The renderable, invalid if not corresponding renderable exists
150  */
151  RenderableRef renderableFromColorId(const uint32_t colorId) const;
153  /**
154  * Removes all gathered renderables from this traverser.
155  */
156  void clear();
158  protected:
160  /// The renderable object with depth attribute.
163  /// The renderable object with depth and blend attributes.
166  /// The renderable object with blend attribute.
169  /// The shader able to render objects with individual color ids.
171 };
173 inline GLESTraverser::TraverserObject::TraverserObject(const RenderableRef& renderable, const AttributeSetRef& attributeSet, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_renderable, const SquareMatrix3& normalMatrix, const Lights& lights) :
174  renderable_(renderable),
175  attributeSet_(attributeSet),
176  camera_T_renderable_(camera_T_renderable),
177  normalMatrix_(normalMatrix),
178  lights_(lights)
179 {
180  // nothing to do here
181 }
183 inline void GLESTraverser::TraverserObject::render(const GLESFramebuffer& framebuffer, const SquareMatrix4& projection, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_world) const
184 {
185  ocean_assert(!projection.isSingular());
186  ocean_assert(renderable_ && attributeSet_);
188  renderable_->render(framebuffer, projection, camera_T_renderable_, camera_T_world, normalMatrix_, *attributeSet_, lights_);
189 }
191 inline void GLESTraverser::TraverserObject::render(const SquareMatrix4& projection, const HomogenousMatrix4& camera_T_world, GLESShaderProgram& shaderProgram) const
192 {
193  ocean_assert(!projection.isSingular());
194  ocean_assert(renderable_);
196  renderable_->render(projection, camera_T_renderable_, camera_T_world, normalMatrix_, shaderProgram);
197 }
200 {
201  return renderable_;
202 }
205 {
207 }
209 }
211 }
213 }
VectorT3< T > translation() const
Returns the translation of the transformation.
Definition: HomogenousMatrix4.h:1381
This class is the base class for all rendering engines like.
Definition: Engine.h:46
This class implements a base for all GLESceneGraph framebuffers.
Definition: rendering/glescenegraph/GLESFramebuffer.h:34
This class implements a container for an OpenGL ES shader program.
Definition: GLESShaderProgram.h:53
This class stores the data which is necessary to render one renderable.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:46
HomogenousMatrix4 camera_T_renderable_
The transformation between the renderable and the camera.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:98
void render(const GLESFramebuffer &framebuffer, const SquareMatrix4 &projection, const HomogenousMatrix4 &camera_T_world) const
Renders all elements which have been gathered.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:183
const SmartObjectRef< GLESRenderable > & renderable() const
Returns the renderable of this traverser object.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:199
static bool compareDistance(const TraverserObject &left, const TraverserObject &right)
Returns whether the distance of the left object is closer to the camera than the right object.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:204
Lights lights_
The lights used the render this renderable.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:104
TraverserObject(const RenderableRef &renderable, const AttributeSetRef &attributeSet, const HomogenousMatrix4 &camera_T_renderable, const SquareMatrix3 &normalMatrix, const Lights &lights)
Creates a new traverser object.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:173
SmartObjectRef< GLESAttributeSet > attributeSet_
The attribute set which is connected with the renderable.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:95
SquareMatrix3 normalMatrix_
The normal transformation matrix with is the transposed inverse of the upper 3x3 model view matrix.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:101
SmartObjectRef< GLESRenderable > renderable_
The renderable object.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:92
This class implements a traverser for renderables.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:39
TraverserObjects depthTraverserObjects_
The renderable object with depth attribute.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:161
void render(const GLESFramebuffer &framebuffer, const SquareMatrix4 &projection, const HomogenousMatrix4 &camera_T_world)
Renders all gathered elements.
std::vector< TraverserObject > TraverserObjects
Definition of a vector holding traverser objects.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:110
void clear()
Removes all gathered renderables from this traverser.
void addRenderable(const RenderableRef &renderable, const AttributeSetRef &attributeSet, const HomogenousMatrix4 &camera_T_renderable, const SquareMatrix3 &normalMatrix, const Lights &lights)
Adds a new renderable to this traverser.
TraverserObjects blendTraverserObjects_
The renderable object with blend attribute.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:167
TraverserObjects defaultTraverserObjects_
The renderable object with depth and blend attributes.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:164
Creates a traverser object.
GLESShaderProgramRef shaderProgramColorId_
The shader able to render objects with individual color ids.
Definition: GLESTraverser.h:170
RenderableRef renderableFromColorId(const uint32_t colorId) const
Lookups the renderable which has been rendered with a given color id.
void renderColorIds(const Engine &engine, const SquareMatrix4 &projection, const HomogenousMatrix4 &camera_T_world)
Renders all gathered elements with an individual color id.
This class implements a smart rendering object reference.
Definition: rendering/ObjectRef.h:34
bool isSingular() const
Returns whether this matrix is singular (and thus cannot be inverted).
Definition: SquareMatrix4.h:1040
T sqr() const
Returns the square of the vector length.
Definition: Vector3.h:670
std::vector< LightPair > Lights
Definition of a set holding light sources.
Definition: GLESLightSource.h:44
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition: Accessor.h:15