26namespace GlobalIllumination
129 std::string textureName_ = std::string(
This class is the base class for all Global Illumination objects.
Definition GIObject.h:29
This class is the base class for all Global Illumination texture objects.
Definition GITexture.h:36
EnvironmentMode textureEnvironmentMode
Texture environment mode.
Definition GITexture.h:117
MagFilterMode textureMagnificationFilterMode
Texture magnification filter mode.
Definition GITexture.h:123
MinFilterMode textureMinificationFilterMode
Texture minification filter mode.
Definition GITexture.h:120
~GITexture() override
Destructs a Global Illumination texture object.
void setMagnificationFilterMode(const MagFilterMode mode) override
Sets the magnification filter mode for this texture.
HomogenousMatrix4 transformation() const override
Returns the texture transformation matrix.
HomogenousMatrix4 textureTransformation
Homogeneous texture transformation matrix.
Definition GITexture.h:114
void setEnvironmentMode(const EnvironmentMode mode) override
Sets the environment mode for this texture.
bool setTextureName(const std::string &name) override
Sets the name of the texture e.g., in a shader.
EnvironmentMode environmentMode() const override
Returns the environment mode for this texture.
MagFilterMode magnificationFilterMode() const override
Returns the magnification filter mode for this texture.
bool textureShouldUseMipmaps
Flag determining whether the texture should be a mipmap texture.
Definition GITexture.h:126
void setTransformation(const HomogenousMatrix4 &transformation) override
Sets the texture transformation matrix.
std::string textureName() const override
Returns the name of the texture e.g., in a shader.
Creates a new Global Illumination texture object.
MinFilterMode minificationFilterMode() const override
Returns the minification filter mode for this texture.
void setMinificationFilterMode(const MinFilterMode mode) override
Sets the minification filter mode for this texture.
This class is the base class for all textures.
Definition rendering/Texture.h:38
Definition of possible magnification filter modes.
Definition rendering/Texture.h:83
Definition of possible texture environment modes.
Definition rendering/Texture.h:45
Definition of possible minification filter modes.
Definition rendering/Texture.h:61
The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
Definition Accessor.h:15