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Field0D.h File Reference

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Data Structures

class  Ocean::SceneDescription::Field0D< T >
 This class implements all 0D fields (fields holding a single value only). More...


namespace  Ocean
 The namespace covering the entire Ocean framework.
namespace  Ocean::SceneDescription
 Namespace of the SceneDescription library.


typedef Field0D< bool > Ocean::SceneDescription::SingleBool
 Definition of a single field with boolean value.
typedef Field0D< RGBAColorOcean::SceneDescription::SingleColor
 Definition of a single field with color value.
typedef Field0D< ScalarOcean::SceneDescription::SingleFloat
 Definition of a single field with float value.
typedef Field0D< int > Ocean::SceneDescription::SingleInt
 Definition of a single field with integer value.
typedef Field0D< NodeRefOcean::SceneDescription::SingleNode
 Definition of a single field with node value.
typedef Field0D< SquareMatrix3Ocean::SceneDescription::SingleMatrix3
 Definition of a single field with 3x3 matrix value.
typedef Field0D< SquareMatrix4Ocean::SceneDescription::SingleMatrix4
 Definition of a single field with 4x4 matrix value.
typedef Field0D< RotationOcean::SceneDescription::SingleRotation
 Definition of a single field with rotation value.
typedef Field0D< std::string > Ocean::SceneDescription::SingleString
 Definition of a single field with string value.
typedef Field0D< TimestampOcean::SceneDescription::SingleTime
 Definition of a single field with time value.
typedef Field0D< Vector2Ocean::SceneDescription::SingleVector2
 Definition of a single field with 2D vector value.
typedef Field0D< Vector3Ocean::SceneDescription::SingleVector3
 Definition of a single field with 3D vector value.
typedef Field0D< Vector4Ocean::SceneDescription::SingleVector4
 Definition of a single field with 4D vector value.