Open Optimization Competition 2020

The Nevergrad and IOHprofiler teams are happy to announce that we have paired up for the Open Optimization Competition 2020.


All kind of contributions (under the form of pull requests) to Nevergrad and IOHprofiler are eligible. For example, we distinguish two (non exclusive) categories for submission.

Performance: Improvements for any of the following performance tracks

(classic competition, with existing baselines that are meant to be outperformed)

  • One-shot optimization

  • Low budget optimization

  • Multi-objective optimization

  • Discrete optimization

  • Structured optimization

  • Constrained optimization

We explicitly allow portfolio-based algorithms such as landscape-aware algorithm selection techniques, etc.

New ideas & others: contributions to the experimental routines, including

  • suggestions for performance measures and statistics,

  • good benchmark problems,

  • modular algorithm frameworks,

  • visualization of data,

  • parallelization,

  • reproducibility,

  • etc.


All contributions are directly made to either one of the tools, Nevergrad or IOHprofiler, via pull requests on our GitHub pages. You do not have to do anything else than a pull request:

All supporting material should be uploaded together with the pull request. Links to arXiv papers etc are possible and welcome, but by no means mandatory. Keep in mind that a good description of your contribution increases the chance that jury members will understand and value your contribution. All pull requests not yet merged on December 1 2019 and opened before September 30, 2020 are eligible for the competition

Nevergrad requires a CLA for contributors (see in the “Contributing to Nevergad” section of the documentation).

Key principles

  • Open source: no matter how good the results are, if they can not be reproduced or the code can not be checked, this is not in the scope.

  • Reproducibility: if the code can not be run easily, it is also not in the scope.

Papers in the ACM GECCO Proceedings Companion

Documentations of your submissions can also be submitted for publication in the GECCO companion materials. For all details, please check Note that the page limit is 2 pages in ACM format, including references Submission deadline: April 17, 2020 Make sure to select the Open Optimization Competition 2020 as track when you submit your paper.


Submission deadline is Sept. 30, 2020, AoE All pull requests active between December 1st 2019 and Sept 30, 2020 are eligible.


The winning entries of the Open Optimization Competition 2020 are (ordered by pull request ID):

Second Prize (ordered by pull request ID):

Honorable mention (in no particular order):

  • thomasWeise Support for string-based function IDs in IOHanalyzer and bug fixing in uploading zip files containing multiple algorithms

  • Ljialin Variations around NGOpt, an algorithm for algorithm selection implemented in Nevergrad. Led to a paper published with the Nevergrad team.

  • Dvermetten Adding experiments from IOHexperimenter.

  • Dietermarwo add support for alternative cmaes implementation (fcmaes)

  • Fmder Cooperative Coevolution Optimization with DEAP

List of winners:

About Nevergrad and IOHprofiler


Nevergrad is an open source platform for derivative-free optimization: it contains a wide range of optimizers, test cases, supports multiobjective optimization and handles constraints. It automatically updates results of all experiments merged in the codebase, hence users do not need computational power for participating and getting results.


IOHprofiler is a tool for benchmarking iterative optimization heuristics such as local search variants, evolutionary algorithms, model-based algorithms, and other sequential optimization techniques. IOHprofiler has two components:

  • IOHexperimenter for running empirical evaluations

  • IOHanalyzer for the statistical analysis and visualization of the experiment data. A documentation is available here:


We want to build open-source, user-friendly, and community-driven platforms for comparing different optimization techniques. Our key principles are reproducibility, open source, and ease of access. While we have set some first steps towards such platforms, we believe that the tools can greatly benefit from the contributions of the various communities for whom they are built.

Award Committee Members

The award committee members are:

  • Enrique Alba (University of Málaga, Spain)

  • Maxim Buzdalov (ITMO University, Russia)

  • Josu Cerebio (University of the Basque country, Spain)

  • Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique, France)

  • Tobias Glasmachers (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany)

  • Manuel Lopez-Ibanez (University of Manchester, UK)

  • Katherine Mary Malan (University of South Africa)

  • Luís Paquete (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

  • Jan van Rijn (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

  • Marc Schoenauer (Inria Saclay, France)

  • Thomas Weise (Hefei University, China)

Our policy re. possible conflict of interest: Award committee members can not propose as winner a person with whom they worked directly during the previous 12 months. There is no restriction for coworkers of other committee members than oneself. Submissions made by members of the organizing committee or by employees of Facebook can not be awarded. Their coworkers can be rewarded (but only for work that does not involve organizers nor Facebook employees).

Details about the Submissions

All submissions are based on pull request, which are directly made to either one of the tools, via


In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact the organizers of the competition. Please send all inquiries to Carola ( and Olivier (, who will coordinate your request.

  • Thomas Bäck (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

  • Carola Doerr (CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France)

  • Antoine Moreau (Université Clermont Auvergne)

  • Jeremy Rapin (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research, Paris, France)

  • Baptiste Roziere (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research, Paris, France)

  • Ofer M. Shir (Tel-Hai College and Migal Institute, Israel)

  • Olivier Teytaud (Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research, Paris, France)