kats.detectors.prophet_detector module¶
This module contains code to implement the Prophet algorithm as a Detector Model.
- class kats.detectors.prophet_detector.ProphetDetectorModel(strictness_factor: float = 0.8, uncertainty_samples: float = 50, serialized_model: Optional[bytes] = None, remove_outliers=False, score_func: kats.detectors.prophet_detector.ProphetScoreFunction = 'deviation_from_predicted_val')[source]¶
Prophet based anomaly detection model.
A Detector Model that does anomaly detection, buy first using the Prophet library to forecast the interval for the next point, and comparing this to the actually observed data point.
- strictness_factor¶
interval_width as required by Prophet.
- uncertainty_samples¶
Number of samples required by Prophet to calculate uncertainty.
- serialized_model¶
json, representing data from a previously serialized model.
- fit(data: kats.consts.TimeSeriesData, historical_data: Optional[kats.consts.TimeSeriesData] = None) → None[source]¶
Used to train a model.
fit can be called during priming. We train a model using all the data passed in.
- Parameters
data – TimeSeriesData on which detection is run.
historical_data – TimeSeriesData corresponding to history. History ends exactly where the data begins.
- Returns
- fit_predict(data: kats.consts.TimeSeriesData, historical_data: Optional[kats.consts.TimeSeriesData] = None) → kats.detectors.detector_consts.AnomalyResponse[source]¶
Trains a model, and returns the anomaly scores.
Returns the AnomalyResponse, when data is passed to it.
- Parameters
data – TimeSeriesData on which detection is run.
historical_data – TimeSeriesData corresponding to history. History ends exactly where the data begins.
- Returns
AnomalyResponse object. The length of this object is same as data. The score property gives the score for anomaly.
- predict(data: kats.consts.TimeSeriesData, historical_data: Optional[kats.consts.TimeSeriesData] = None) → kats.detectors.detector_consts.AnomalyResponse[source]¶
Predicts anomaly score for future data.
Predict only expects anomaly score for data. Prophet doesn’t need historical_data.
- Parameters
data – TimeSeriesData on which detection is run
historical_data – TimeSeriesData corresponding to history. History ends exactly where the data begins.
- Returns
AnomalyResponse object. The length of this obj.ect is same as data. The score property gives the score for anomaly.
- class kats.detectors.prophet_detector.ProphetScoreFunction(value)[source]¶
An enumeration.
- kats.detectors.prophet_detector.timeseries_to_prophet_df(ts_data: kats.consts.TimeSeriesData) → pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]¶
Converts a object of TimeSeriesData to a dataframe, as expected by Prophet.
- Parameters
ts_data – object of class TimeSeriesData.
- Returns
pandas DataFrame expected by Prophet.